Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 3 - Ch Extra

It has been some time since Master purchased the mansion. Some of the nobles have questioned the fact that Master is still using the mansion he bought when he was a semi-baron even though he is now a Count, but I think the reason will make sense once you see the inside.

Unlike other nobleman's mansions, there are magical tools set up everywhere. Normally, even Dukes use candles to light their houses, water from wells, fireplaces to heat their houses, damp cloths to wipe their bodies, and perfume to cover up some of the smell.

Not only that, but Master even allows his maids and servants to use the magic tools. Thanks to the tools made by the master, the work efficiency of laundry and cleaning, in particular, has dramatically increased.

Normally, purchasing such a large amount of magical tools would be enough to destroy the house of an ordinary nobleman, and even for a high-class nobleman, it would be enough to bring the house down. To be able to make this by yourself, including preparing the spirit stones, is a skill that alone can build a fortune.

I tried to suggest to Master several times to sell the magic tools, but the response was not very positive. He said that he would rather prevent the spread of his own magic tools than make more money than he could live without.

He also created a place called the bath and opened it to the people of the mansion during certain hours. At first, everyone was confused as to its purpose, but now it is crowded with maids during their breaks. Because of this immense value of the mansion, they don't seem to be interested in moving the mansion to a more advanced noble town. None of the other servants or maids are proposing to move elsewhere, as they might lose this facility.

Furthermore, the treatment of the servants has been quite good.

While some of the maids working in the nobleman's mansions have only enough time to take a break and sleep, in this mansion, they have their own breaks. Not only that but they are also served proper food and paid more than the maids in other mansions. Of course, the servants get the same treatment.

Master said that the better the working environment, the more motivated people would be to work, and I think he's absolutely right. In fact, none of the maids here want to quit, and some of them even feel threatened by new maids coming in.

When the master rose to the position of the count, there were two vacancies, so we recruited a few additional people, and we received far more applicants than we had the capacity for. Among the servants and maids, the treatment here at the mansion has become quite a rumor. Everyone in the mansion is working very hard to make sure that they don't miss out on this good treatment. This is exactly what the master wants.

Because the master intends to provide this kind of treatment, the people who are chosen to be servants are those who can do their jobs better than others, but even among them, some are not very good.

The most useless person working in this mansion is Lucia. She is one of the people who have been working in this mansion since the beginning, but she was not chosen by me, but recommended by master.

When I first met her, I knew that I had seen her face somewhere before. I could tell from her behavior that she was the daughter of a nobleman, but I could also tell from her commoner's clothes that her family had either fallen or she had been kicked out of her home.

I had thought that the master had brought her here to be a concubine or something, but I couldn't hide my surprise when he asked me to hire her as a maid. Of course, it was not a matter of status, but simply a surprise based on the difference in skills related to the job.

My true intention was to disagree, but I had no choice but to hire her as one of the maids because I didn't want to go against my master's wishes if he said so. Soon after, I saw that she had a tattoo on her face, and I knew that he had a purpose to play with her.

I assigned her some work to do, but it was hard because she didn't even grasp the bare minimum as a maid. I wondered why she was often summoned by master and treated almost the same as Elle-sama.

Maybe I was jealous of her at that time. By the time I understood why she was so valued, she had learned her job and could somehow behave as a full-fledged maid, and my jealous feelings for her had disappeared.

Even though Master married Sophie-sama, Master still says that he loves me, so I won't have that kind of jealousy anymore.

As the cold weather eased up and winter was almost over, I found something interesting while going into town for some business. It was my former junior, Rosalie. She had disappeared soon after the fall of the Dukes of Dian, so I had no idea what had happened to her after that, but it seems that she was able to avoid dying in the wild.

Perhaps she noticed my gaze, but she also spotted me and approached me. She wasn't wearing a maid's uniform, so she must be working at another job right now.

Senpai, it's been a while.

...... You've been calling me a traitor, but you seem to have a very straightforward attitude. Did you eat something bad?

N-No, I'm not. After that, I got excited when I disobeyed people. ...... In a city like this, that's a bit ......

Master had put such hypnosis on her. It seems that Master's magic was quite powerful, seeing that the effect of the magic has not been broken yet.

When I saw her so quiet, I wanted to wonder what had he done to educate her, but I decided that it was inevitable since it was Master who had made her this way.

I see. ...... That being said, what are you doing now?

She looked troubled at my question and turned her head. I wondered if she had gotten a job that she didn't want to be asked about. With her skills, there was no way she could be a secret agent, so she must have been working as a prostitute or something like that.

Well, it's not a job I'm very proud of. ......

It seems that my prediction was correct. When I looked at her again, I noticed that she was wearing clothes that showed a little too much skin for a town girl, and there was a faint smell of perfume in the air. Unless she was from a wealthy family, a town girl would never wear perfume, so I guessed that she was a prostitute.

I thought that even if it was only for a short time, a person who used to work for the duke's family had fallen into a state of despondency, but this was all the fault of the former duke's side. If she had stayed with us as a faithful maid to master, she could have avoided this kind of situation.

I understand. I'm sorry for stalling you.

In the past, I was in charge of her education as her senior, but now we have a relationship that I wouldn't have remembered if we hadn't met like this, so I no longer have anything to ask. As I said my goodbyes and were about to part, she grabbed my arm.

What is it?

Um, is senpai still working as a maid at that hero's place?

Yes, of course. However, what is wrong with that?

She had a troubled look on her face as if she wanted to say something, but when she heard my reply, she seemed to have made up her mind and raised her face, which had been downcast.

Senpai! Can you help me get a job at the hero's place?

No can do

She slumped her shoulders at my quick answer, but since she was someone who is quickly give up, she immediately straightened her posture and came to me.

Please, I am really reflecting on what I did to the hero! I will never harm the hero again!

It's a problem before that. You were not able to work as a maid at all.

Wha, th-that's true, but ......

She choked on her words when I gave her a blunt response. I looked at her and tried to shake my head and walk away, but she wouldn't let go of my arm, so I made a slightly unhappy expression.

Let go of me. Even though I used to be your educator, I'm not anymore. I don't have any obligation to help you get a job now, you know?

Please, I don't want to spend my days pandering to men anymore!

It's the end you deserve. I resisted the urge to say it back and turned to her. She had a serious look on her face, but if she was ready to go that far now, she should have done it a long time ago.

I still seem to have a soft spot for her, so as her former senpai, I'll give her one last piece of advice.

No matter how many times I said, the answer is no. As a former servant to a Duke, it's unlikely that you would be hired at a nobleman's mansion, but if it was a wealthy merchant's house, you would have found work as a maid. And yet, the fact that you can't get a decent job is a reward for the self-defeating life you've been living.

No way. ......

It's not too late to start. You can work as a waiter, caterer, or anything else to gain more skills. We already have people like you in the mansion who are useless, so we can't add more burden any further.


Is that enough? I don't have time to talk about it for too long.

I shook off her arm and walked off to buy what I wanted. I could feel her resentful gaze following me from behind, but I walked away without looking back.

After I finished shopping, I returned to the mansion and handed over the items Master had asked me. Master seemed to be studying magic as usual and was still at his desk writing complicated letters.

I'm sorry I made you go all the way to town to buy it.

If that's what Master wants, there's no reason to bother. I'm always at your service.

I replied as usual, but master sensed that I was acting differently and stopped working and turned to look at me.

You seem to be in a bad mood, what's wrong?

No, it's nothing. ......

Is that so?

The master looked unconvinced, but he seemed to believe my reply for the time being. Rosalie's attitude towards me at the time of our parting was just something that got on my nerves, but it seemed to have come out in my attitude to the point that Master noticed it.

However, I suddenly had a feeling that what if master remembered her and was worried about her, and I wanted to confirm the master's intentions.

...... Um, do you have any idea who this Rosalie person is?

Hmm? Rosalie ...... who was it?

Master seemed to have forgotten about her and was desperately trying to remember what she looked like. After all, she was insignificant to him. I had thought that Master might be concerned about her since he could feel sympathy for someone in unexpected places, but it seems that my fears were unfounded.

No, it was a misunderstanding on my part.

I see, that's fine then.

Master made a dubious expression on his face, but went to his desk and was about to resume his research. However, he suddenly stopped and began to look for something on his desk, and pulled out a box.

Just in time, there's something I wanted to give you.

For me? What is it?

I took the box and opened it to find a single ring inside. Instead of a gemstone, it was fitted with a spirit stone, but the overall design was very nice.

Um, is this ......?

I've been given permission by Sophie to do so. I can't go public with it yet, but it's an engagement ring.

When I heard Master's words, my heart was filled with joy. Master took the ring in his hand and placed it on my finger. It was a perfect fit for my finger, and I could tell that it was made for me.

I hugged Master unconsciously, but he gently hugged me back, though a little flustered.

Th-thank you very much ......

When I said this in a voice that sounded like it was about to burst into tears, Master laughed gently and patted my head. I was so happy that I couldn't help but burst into tears, but my heart was filled with joy.

Don't show off too much, okay? Wait until Sophie is pregnant.


I gave Master a smile as best I could, and he looked surprised, then smiled and kissed me. I forgot about work for a while and enjoyed the sweet moment with Master.I am going to give my all to Master this evening.

A few days have passed since Elmaire-san was defeated by Yard-sama.

Master had gone on a trip with Sophia-sama and some of his companions to commemorate the completion of all his duties as a hero. I remember that Master said it was his honeymoon.

Natalia-sama and I were also invited to go, but Natalia refused because her belly was getting bigger and she didn't want to go on a very long trip, and I also refused because of my work at the mansion.

Sighh~ ......

I can't help but sigh when I remember the scene where master getting along before they left. Now I had a secret that I couldn't tell master. Yes, I was pregnant with a child before Sophia-sama was. This was an act of betrayal to her.

When Natalia-sama was pregnant, Sophia-sama congratulated her on the surface, but I had seen her sighing when no one was around. I will never forget the sad expression on her face.

Fortunately, I am the only one who knows about this. However, if I let it go on like this, my belly will eventually grow so big that I won't be able to hide it. Now is the time to do something about it while the two of them are on honeymoon. I have to do something during this time.

I tried to find out if there was any way to delay the birth of the baby, but there was a limit to the amount of information I could gather since I was trying not to arouse suspicion among the people in the house. In the meantime, the time was ticking away, and I was in a hurry, so I decided to ask Melvina-san, who seemed to have the most knowledge.

The way to delay childbirth?

Yes, I was wondering if you knew anything about that. ......

She had a strange look on her face when she heard the question. It's not unusual to hasten the birth of a baby, but not to delay it, so her reaction was understandable. But I need that information now.

Well, I've heard of such magic before, but I don't remember what kind of magic it is. It may have been some kind of contraindication.

She seemed unsure of her words, but I could still see a ray of light in her words. I'm a little hesitant to touch the taboo, but considering Sophia-sama's heartache, I'm not afraid of being punished by the church for breaking the taboo.

By the way, Tia-sama. Why did you ask me such a thing?

Well, it's ......

If you are going to do something to Natalia-sama, I suggest you don't do it.I'm sure Yard-sama would not want to see you hurt anyone.

Y-You're wrong. I would never want to hurt anyone.

The question was a question, and Melvina looked at me with suspicion. I knew that if I talked to her any longer, I might slip up at some point, so I decided to end the conversation early and leave.

After that, I snuck into the mansion of a nobleman who was famous for collecting books, and I also snuck into the forbidden library of the church and the treasury of the royal palace to look for the book that contained the magic I was looking for, but I couldn't find anything at all, and the days went by rapidly. If I didn't do something, master would come back.

So, as a last resort, I visited an apothecary in a back street and obtained an abortion potion. This is a drug used by prostitutes to shed unwanted children, and while it is effective, it also has serious side effects, so its possession and sale are prohibited by kingdom law.

This should allow me to abort the child before the master's return.

However, the moment I was about to drink it, my resolve faltered and I just couldn't bring myself to take it. At that moment, I suddenly became aware that the child in my belly was my husband's child, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not take the abortion pill anymore.

While I was lost in thought, time passed again, and finally master returned to the mansion.

Did anything happen while I was gone?

No, sir. Um, what happened to Sophia-sama?

Oh, she got a little sick, so I sent her back to her room first. More importantly, Tia, I'm sorry for leaving you in charge while I was gone.

No, that's too kind of you to say. ......

Master looked at me with the same kind eyes as always, but I had no right to look at him like that since I had tried to do something that amounted to betrayal to him.

Tia, did something happen to you while I was away?

N-no, it's nothing. ......

Tia, don't hide things from me. My nerves aren't brazen enough to sit by and watch you suffer.

Feeling Master's kindness, I couldn't help but burst into tears. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and told him that I was pregnant with his child, leaving Sophia-sama behind. Master hugged me the whole time, and I felt full of regrets.

After I finished telling him everything, he gently stroked my head and smiled at me. I didn't know why he looked at me like that, but he told me the reason.

Actually, Sophie got sick during the trip. I rushed to show her to the doctor, but it seems she was pregnant too. I didn't think you were too, now you don't have to worry about Sophie anymore.

With those words, all the heartache I'd been through washed over me, and my whole body relaxed, but Master carried me to his bed.

Rest a little for now. I'll go tell Sophie later.

Sitting on the bed, I was glad to see Master's thoughtfulness in holding my hand to reassure me, and I fell into a dream with peace of mind.


For those of you who suddenly started reading volume three from the web version, it's been a really long time.

If you've been reading since volume 2, thank you very much.

If this is your first time reading this volume, please be aware that this volume is not designed for new readers. I'm sorry.

This volume contains episodes 39 through 41 of the web version, and one extra chapter, but the main story is very different from the web version, so even those who already know the story from the web version can still enjoy it.

But still, it's volume three. I thought I was going to finish it in two volumes, but when I was asked if I wanted to make it three, I was licking my lips at the idea of writing almost the entire book. By the time you read this, I'm sure it will be a funny story, but it was really tough while I was writing it.

Some of the book versions of "Shosetsuka ni Narou" had more new writing than the web version, and I was reminded once again of how great they are. I'm a small guy, and I was burned out even with one volume's worth.

Now, "Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai", which has grown to three volumes, is now complete.

I'd like to thank the person in charge for all the help he's given me, and 218-sensei who drew the wonderful illustrations for the third volume, for sticking with this work until now.

I would also like to thank everyone who has picked up this book and is reading it. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for reading and supporting this work.


TLN: It's oveeeeeerrrr, thanks to all of you who read this till the end, and I want to thank you who give me ko-fi and thank you for TAMA-Mii for Proofreading my translation. Thank you very much to all of you!!

Well, after this I won't take another, for now, I want to complete my game backlog a bit, I'll translate another series in late February or early March.

Oh yeah, I'll update the TOC later.

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