Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 3 - Ch 7.1

R-18 Chapter

The battle against the Northern Alliance was over, and I was finally able to return to the capital. After an audience that I don't even know how many times I've had, I finally received my usual reward and was able to return to my residence.

This means that all the remnants of the Demon Empire that have become a threat are gone. In other words, this was the end of my work as a hero. It took a rather long time, but considering that we were originally outnumbered, it was a good thing.

And Melvina, who supported Alec in his negotiations with the Northern Alliance, was seen by many soldiers as being on good terms with the hero, and was looked upon favorably by most of the nobles who participated in the battle. Thanks to this, other people from the Demon Empire were no longer discriminated against to such an extent.

I'm satisfied with the way things turned out, as it was almost exactly what I was aiming for, except that Olympia turned out to be a more useless child than I expected.

It was decided to let Margarete stay in my mansion for a while. The reason for this was that it would be bad for her mental health if she stayed in the palace, since there were rumors among the nobles that the fortress had been occupied and eventually destroyed. Since I was the one who destroyed the fortress, I had no objection to her taking refuge at my mansion.

Lastly, I still haven't found Elle yet. I don't even know where she ran off to in the first place, so there's no way to find her. The only saving grace is that now that she has lost Orvan, so she can't do anything as big as she did the other day.

The next few days were uneventful. There were four more people from the former Demon Empire in the mansion, but the commoners knew that the people from the Demon Empire had revered the kingdom, so it was not a big problem.

Sophie, how is Margarete-dono doing?

I asked her while relaxing in Sophie's room, and she seemed to be searching for the right words with her eyebrows raised in annoyance. It seems that Margarete was completely traumatized by the incident.

On the surface she seems to be okay, but she still freezes a little when she sees a man. Father also met her once, but it seems to be no good. Also, she seem to be having dreams that remind her of what happened at the fortress, and she keep jumping up and down in the middle of the night. That's why she hasn't been able to sleep much. ......

Fumu... I guess she's still not healed.

Margarete has developed a phobia of men due to the incident at the fortress. She can't seem to handle her relatives or even the doctor, and it was terrible when I first brought her here.

I brought her to my mansion because I knew she wouldn't be able to rest comfortably in the royal palace where she would have to meet a lot of men. Unlike the Royal Palace where there are many men, the people she meets in my mansion are mostly women, so Sophie took her in, saying that she wouldn't have much problem walking around the mansion.

Honestly, I didn't think that Marie would be so distrustful of men. I don't know much about what happened at the fortress, but was it really that bad?

Well, it was so terrible that a person with common sense and sensibility might never recover from it. It's just luck that Margarete-dono only suffering from male phobia.

I see. ......

Sophie is depressed because she can't do anything about it. If Margarete's condition remains unchanged, I will have to think about erasing her memories of the fortress.

As we were both sighing and wondering what to do, there was a knock at the door.

Sophia-sama, I brought you some tea.

Sure, you can come in.

The owner of the voice seemed to be Tia. When Sophie called out to her, the door opened and she came in. Normally, this would have been an uneventful exchange, but this time, the timing was bad.

Ah ......

Margarete happened to be passing by and saw what was going on inside through the open door. Normally, I would make sure that the male servants were out of her sight, and I would be careful not to see her.

When she spotted the man, she froze for a moment with a look of surprise on her face, but when she realized that it was me in there, she managed to hold her chest with her hand and not get upset.

Oh my, so Yard-sama was also in Onee-sama's room.

Ah, yeah. I heard that you are still mentally unstable, are you okay?

There's nothing to worry about. I have to take care of the missing fortress, so I can't afford to rest for a moment.

She answered my question in a curt manner. Her words didn't sound very friendly, but there was nothing strange about her attitude, as it was the one she always took towards me.

I had heard that she had a phobia of men, so it was disconcerting to see her reacting so calmly, but when I saw Sophie looking at her sister with a surprised expression, I knew that this reaction was unusual.

Marie, would you like to join us for tea?

Sure, if Onee-sama would like to invite me, I would be happy to accept.

Margarete, who was invited by her sister, came into the room and sat next to her sister with a very happy expression on her face. She seemed to be as fond of Sophie as ever.

Sophie blinked in surprise at her sister's appearance, but quickly regained her composure and asked Tia to prepare tea for another person. It seems that Margarete doesn't care about me, so she's going to behave as usual without doing anything unnecessary.

Yard-sama, since it's been a while since I've had tea with Onee-sama, wouldn't it be fine if she paid a little more attention to me?

She still seems to have a harsh attitude towards me, but unlike usual, she doesn't seem to hate me that much. In fact, I can feel the ease with which she is teasing me.

Marie, since Yard-sama is your brother-in-law, you should be more friendly with him.

Okay, I may have said a little too much.

Geez, don't bother Yard-sama too much, okay?

Sophie must have sensed that her sister seemed to be in a friendly mood with me. After restraining her words to a light rebuke, she looked at her sister and smiled.

I was relieved to see that she was behaving more normally than I had expected. I'm glad to see that the two sisters seem to be getting along well. It seems to me that this can be managed with the passage of time without the need for rough treatment like erasing memories.

For a while, I become an air, watching the sisters talking and enjoying their tea, when Margarete's eyelids gradually began to droop. It was probably due to her recent lack of sleep.

Marie, you look sleepy. I think you should go to your room to rest, and we can talk later.

No, Onee-sama. You don't have to be so considerate of me.

Even though she was in such a state, she still wanted to talk with her sister, and she was trying to stay awake, but finally she couldn't overcome her sleepiness and fell asleep leaning against her sister. She is usually a strong-willed girl, but when she is asleep, her expression is cute and appropriate for her age.

Seeing her sister's childlike behavior, Sophie couldn't help but giggle.

Oh my, Marie. I can't help it.

Fumu, it must be hard to sleep in such a position. Would you like me to carry her to her room?

Yes, please.

Sophie agreed, so I walked up to Margarete, who was asleep in her chair, and tried to pick her up, but at that moment she started to tremble in pain. She was sleeping comfortably, but when I noticed that her condition had changed, Sophie and I both stopped smiling and paid attention to her condition.

Noo.......I'm, sorry.......

She was breathing unevenly, sweat trickling down her forehead, and she was wriggling her body as if she was running away from something. It seems that the events of the fortress are flashing back in her dream. I didn't think the her trauma was this bad, but it seems that was just her bluff.

NOO ...... ah ...... ah, AAaAAhhhHHhhhHhh!

While we were looking at her, Margarete's condition was getting worse and worse. Sophie hugged her sister's body and held her down so that she wouldn't fall, but as she was about to shake free, I also her body and restrained her from going wild.


I held her down for a little while, but the nightmare was too much for her and she quickly regained consciousness. She breathed out roughly and looked around, then froze when she saw Sophie and me holding her body.

Seeing this, I realized that I might be digging up some trauma by touching her, so I hurriedly moved away from her. I quickly checked on her and saw that she had frozen while staring at the part of her body that had been touched, and I regretted having done it.

Sophie was also watching her sister's expression with concern, but the person in question seemed to have generally understood the situation now that we were hugging her, and let out a big sigh.

It seems that I had that dream again. I'm sorry to have caused you both so much worry. I think I'll go to my room to rest before I cause any more trouble.

Marie, that ......

It's okay, Onee-sama. This is my fault, too.

With that, she got up from her seat and left the room. As she walked past me on the way out, she looked at me and seemed to be thinking about something for a moment, but I wondered what it was.

Yard-sama, is Marie gonna be all right ......?

It's hard to say, because whether or not she can overcome the trauma depends on her own will. If it's gotten to the point where it's life-threatening, I'm sorry to say but I have no choice to erase her memory.

I see. ......

I put my hand on Sophie's shoulder to comfort her as she looked down with sadness in her eyes. Unfortunately, there is no magic that can cure mental illness other than erasing memories or changing personality. I will pray that Margarete can at least overcome her trauma.

It was night, and I was lying in bed as usual, asleep, when the door to my room slowly opened.

In such cases, it is usually Celia or Claire. If it's Natalia or Olympia, they would usually open the door without worrying about whether I was asleep or not, and the others rarely crawled in the night in the first place.

Even though I'm no longer busy, I don't have enough time to sleep if they keep crawling on me at night.

Yard-sama, are you awake?

To my surprise, there was Margarete, in her underwear covered only by her jacket. My eyes definitely caught her figure, but my head didn't recognize her as Margarete herself.

In the first place, she and I were not on the best of terms. Although our conversations were less prickly than before because of the fortress, I can assure you that we were never close enough to meet alone. So there was no way she would be crawling in the night like this.

I was a little distraught, but if I think about it calmly, it's possible that she just came to consult with me about the fortress. The incendiary outfit was probably her bedtime attire. I told myself that and kept my reason calm.

Margarete-dono, what's happened for you to visit me this time of night?

Umm, I have something to talk to you about.

I knew it, the reason she came to visit me was not to crawl in the night, but to ask for advice. If I had been wrong, she would have been hurt, but I'm glad I realized the possibility at the last minute. I let out a slight sigh of relief and waited for her to continue.

I said such things during the day so that Onee-sama wouldn't worry, but I still can't sleep because closing my eyes brings back the scene on the forstress.

Indeed that if she has all the love she can muster for Sophie, it would be impossible for her to ask her sister for advice that would worry her. In that respect, I guess she decided that I wasn't that much of a favorite for her and that it would be easier for her to consult with me since I knew the situation.

It's true that I don't get enough sleep either, but it's nothing compared to her who hardly gets any sleep. And even though she's my sister-in-law, she's seriously troubled, so I'll at least give her advice.

All right, I'll cooperate in any way I can.

I see. Then, um, ...... will you sleep with me, please?

...... Ahhh, if you're afraid to sleep alone, I don't mind sleeping with you.

No, umm, I mean that ...... I want you to embrace me.

I was going to respond to a certain amount of recklessness, but suddenly the words came out from her mouth was far beyond my expectations, and I was at a loss for words. Her expression was serious, and she didn't seem to be joking. I could tell that she was trying to shake off the trauma, but I wondered why she had come to that conclusion.

Margarete-dono, I am Sophie's husband and your brother-in-law, you know?

I know that, but I still have no choice but to ask you. When you held me, I did not feel fear. I'm sure that if you touch me more, my current symptoms will improve.

Without waiting for my response, she walked up to the bed and told me why she wanted to be embraced by me. She didn't show any of the shame that I had felt earlier. I felt like a fool for imagining that she might be a night crawler.

Well, I got her point. I guess she's trying to overwrite the feeling of the fortress with some more memorable stimulation to forget what it felt like. If she thinks it's okay to be touched, it means that her affection to me is not that bad.

Well then, please do.

But even if she just give me her body as if it were a task, I don't feel like I can hold her. I'm sure she's trying to act cool so as not to be embarrassed, but I'd like her to at least show a little more shame.

Well, if she's not in the mood, then I'll just have to make her feel like it. I pulled her into my arms and gently stroked her skin, first I put my hand through the gap between her clothes. Her skin had been rough when she was held captive, but it had regained its original freshness over the past few days, and I could feel my fingers gliding over it without resistance as I gently stroked it.


She stiffened a little when I touched her, but she soon relaxed and and closed her eyes so that she could feel the exact touch of my hand. I was relieved to see that she didn't mind, so I decided to enjoy the feel of her skin as much as I could without removing her underwear.

In particular, I focused on the area around her abdomen where I had once cut her in half. My pride as a magician would not allow me to leave even the slightest scar.

Umm, Yard-sama, it tickles me when you keep touching my side.

Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to check something.

I touched her a little too long, and she poked me, but she didn't mind my touching her skin, so I decided to move on.

I made her take off her clothes and underwear, exposing her naked body. She was so embarrassed that she covered her breasts and crotch with her hands, but this only served to motivate me. After all, it's better for a woman to be a little shy.

I laid her down on her back and put my hand on her breast, which had very little self-assertion. Looking at her almost undulating breasts, it was hard to believe that Sophie and she were sisters. She seemed to understand this, and when I put my hand on her breast, her face, which had not changed much, became redder and redder.

Yard-sama, you don't have to be too touchy about that, but,'s notfun, is it?

What are you saying? It is true that larger breasts are more comfortable to touch, but there is nothing to be ashamed of because they are small. I'm sure there are some charms that only Margarete-dono has.

I-I'm not happy to hear you say that.

She is trying to be tough with her mouth, but her voice has become slightly higher, and I can tell that she is trying to hide her embarrassment. It's a reaction that's worth playing with.

Even so, Margarete-dono's skin is so beautiful. I can't help but want lick it.

Yard-sama is a man who cares about women. ...... If-if you're so curious, I can at least let you try a little.

I see, then let me do that.

Ehh, ahh! Nnhhghh!

I buried my face in her neck and caressed her with my tongue, while I slowly moved my hand around her chest, stroking them without touching her nipples, which gradually made her out of breath. She's not used to this yet, so her reaction is subtle, but she's certainly feeling my caresses. At this rate, I think I'll be able to achieve her goal.

As I lick her skin, I can taste a little of her sweat. People in this world use perfume after wiping their bodies, so if I get close enough to her that my nose touches her, I can tell that her body odor is still there. The people in the mansion who mimic me and take a bath don't have such a strong body odor, which also excites me.

I ran my tongue down her neck, past her collarbone to her gently sloping breasts, then took her still-pink nipples in my mouth and rolled them with my tongue. I licked the nipple, which seemed slightly sweet, to my heart's content, and the girl who was being played with shook her body while she's trying not to let out a sound.

Do you feel it here, Margarete-dono?

Th-th-That's not true! You don't have to worry about me, so please continue quickly!

No, it's important to know if you can feel it. It's easier to override the feeling of being touched if it's accompanied by pleasure rather than just touch, right? It's easier for me to understand too if you're honest about whether you feel it or not.

...... I have no choice. I'll take your suggestion.

She nodded honestly, as if she could relate to the opinion I had just made up. As for me, I just thought it would be better to let a strong girl like her express her feelings of shame, but if she was convinced, so be it.

Then I'll ask again, how did it feel to be played with here?

It was a little ticklish, but being rubbed by a coarse tongue was nice and pleasant. Being licked around the area also made me feel warm in my chest.

I see, so keep it up and say it out loud. If there's anything else you want me to do, just say it out loud and I'll do my best.

After asking her what she thought, I went back to working with my tongue. She seemed to feel not only her nipples, but also the area around them, so I moved my tongue more than before to stimulate the area, and then she put her hand on my head and pressed it lightly.It's easy for me to serve her when I know she's feeling it

I left her breasts alone and moved my tongue further down, savoring the feel of her slippery abdomen and focusing on the area around her navel.

Her breasts are far below average, but her overall style is not bad. Her abdomen, in particular, is slender with very little fat on it, but she also has a nice neckline that makes her look feminine enough. I thought she would have a well-developed stomach due to her martial arts training, but I was wrong.

Wh-Why does it feel so good to be licked on the stomach? I-if you lick me that much, I'm going to get hot in the pit of my stomach.

The stimulation seems to be different from that of her breasts, but it seems to be enough to make her feel good here. It's hard to know where to stimulate her unlike her breasts, though.

Once I was done with her belly, I moved my face further down and reached her crotch.

Y-you don't have to go that far!

But didn't he touch you here too? There's no point in finishing halfway, is there?

That's, ugh, uuhhh ......

She seemed to have some resistance to exposing her private parts, but there was no way I was going to stop her from coming this far. She was holding my head and resisting as much as she could, but I didn't care, I opened her legs and stuck my face between her legs and reached out my tongue to her clit, thinking I would attack the easy part first.

Ah, there! Aaahhhhh, I feel so weird!

Just by lightly crushing the still-skin-covered bud with my tongue, she showed a very sensitive reaction. The fact that she was so easily aroused suggested that she had some experience with masturbation. If that was the case, it would not be a problem to attack her a little harder.

While stimulating her in various ways, such as flicking and rubbing up with my tongue, I stroked the inside of her thighs with my hand. Some women can get a lot of pleasure from just stroking here, but her reaction was normal. Well, that happens often, so I changed my mind and concentrated on attacking her clitoris.

Ahh! Don't bite there! Ah, aaaahhhhh!

The sweet bite seemed to make her feel good, so I took her clit my mouth and sucked as hard as I could. My mouth was stained with her love juice and my saliva, so I wiped it with a sheet. I hoped this would help with her trauma.

Now that I've done what I asked, I lie down next to her on my back, breathing hard. If I stay awake too long, I'll lose sleep again.

But a little while later, Margarete got up, took off my pants, pulled out a meat stick, and straddled me. I tried to stop her, but she swatted my hand away.

Now that Yard-sama has done me a favor, I'm going to serve you this time.

Wait, it's not good to put it in there.

There's no way I'm letting you in. I would never go that far with someone who is not my husband, no matter how much I appreciate it. But it must be hard for you to hold a woman and not make you cum, isn't it? So I thought I'd help you.

She closed her legs and placed my hard-on between her thighs and crotch. I felt an indescribable pressure between the soft texture of her thighs and the smooth, hairless secret flesh. It's not a vagina or a mouth, but it's a fresh feeling.

Oh, it's harder than I thought. ......

She holds the meat stick between her thighs, touching it with her fingers and rubbing it by moving her thighs, as if to check the hardness of the meat stick. It feels better that I imagined because the meat stick rubs against the flesh of her thighs with just the right amount of force.

After checking the hardness of the meat stick for a moment, she started to move her hips slowly. Unlike the tightness of her vagina, the softness of her thighs and secret flesh against my meat stick made me want to ejaculate even more.

Ahh, Yard-sama's thing is hitting my comfortable spot, nnghhh!

Perhaps it was because of her slightly bent forward position, but my meat stick seemed to be rubbing up against her bud as well. I guess that's why I feel the hard part hitting the tip from time to time.

The fact that I could also make her feel good made her more eager to serve me. Her thighs were stained with her love juices and she was handling the meat stick with a lewd sound. Her hips were moving faster and faster, and my meat stick was rubbing her slit so hard that I thought my cock might accidentally enter her vagina.

Kuhh, I'm almost out!

Eh!? Umm, what should I do!?

Confused by my words, she grabbed the meat stick that was sticking out of her thigh with both hands. But the stimulus was the final trigger, and I ejaculated while she held onto the meat stick.

The spurting semen splashed onto her thighs and lower abdomen, and the white cloud clung to her hand as she held it.

Is-Is this what you call semen?

She smelled the semen on her hands and gave me an indescribable look, then licked it off and frowned. Normally, I don't think she would think of licking it, but she's not a normal person, so maybe she can't help it.

Yard-sama, are you satisfied with this?

Yes, of course. I'm sorry for making you go through all this trouble.

Y-you don't have anything to apologize for, Yard-sama, because it was my idea.

After wiping the semen from her body, she lay down next to me. If I look closely, I can see that her eyelids look like they're about to fall off. It was only natural, since she hadn't slept well and had done something that required a lot of energy.

As she lay down, I was about to go to sleep, when she came up to me again and asked.

Would you mind hugging me while you sleep? I think I can sleep better that way.

Yeah, sure.

I gave her a hug, and she rubbed against me, looking a little embarrassed and blushed.

Um, I have one more favor to ask ......

Sure, this is a good time to say it.

Well then, if it's just the two of us, can you please call me Marie from now on?

Okay, I'll call you Marie from now on.

I replied as I stroked her head, and she happily rubbed her face against my chest. I continued stroking her head for a while, and before I knew it, she fell asleep.

I watched her for a while, and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so she didn't seem to be having nightmares like she did during the day. Sleeping with me must have relieved some of her trauma.

I had never imagined that we would be this close so much in the past. I thought to myself as I stared at her sleeping face.

A little while later, I also felt the urge to sleep, so this time I closed my eyes without defying it.

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