Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 3 - Ch 3.1

It's been a few days since I returned to the capital, and other than the events of the first day, my days have passed without any particular incident, but I finally received a summon from the royal palace. It was probably to discuss the defeat of the Northern Alliance.

It seemed that all the heroes had received the summon, and when I arrived at the meeting room where the king was waiting, the same faces and stern-looking nobles were already there. Apparently, I was the last one to arrive this time as well.

The king took a glance at all of us to make sure that we were all present, and after a light cough, he began to speak.

I would like to thank everyone for gathering here on such short notice. The reason I've asked you all to gather here this time is none other than to ask your thoughts on what we should do about the remnants of the Demon Empire.

Not only was the capital taken over, but the heads of the major noble families were also eliminated by Olympia. The noble families with territories in the south near the kingdom and around the imperial capital, as well as the weaker noble families with little or no military power of their own, have mostly shown their obedience to the kingdom for their own protection.

However, some of the nobles in the north, far from the kingdom, still have the will to rebel against the kingdom.

In particular, many of the nobles who had not suffered much damage in this battle, such as the Naylor Frontier Counts, from whom the emperor was likely to have fled, were concentrated in the north, and an alliance called the Northern Alliance was even formed.

They probably don't have the troops to wage an all-out war, but even so, if the Northern Alliance were to counterattack without regard for the damage, our side would suffer some damage as well. But we can't just leave them alone.

So you're saying that we should surrender the Northern Alliance while limiting the damage to our side?

Of course, if you put the lives of your people first and accept the rule of the Kingdom, there is no need to force a battle. This time, our goal is not to defeat the enemy, but to defeat the remnants of the Demon Empire.

That's what the king said, but considering that there was almost no chance that they could maintain their original position even if they went down to the kingdom side now, there was no way that the weak nobles, or even the nobles who had considerable positions such as Frontier Count, would obey the king.

He is saying petty thing, but deep down he knows there is no way they can surrender, as evidenced by the fact that there are more military personnel than civilian mediators at this conference.

Then let me take on that role! I will surely dispel the king's worries and end this long war with a complete victory for the kingdom!

Ohhh! Count Gilflea, I am pleased with your loyalty.

In response to the king's statement, Alec stood up with vigor. His eyes seemed to be full of motivation. It was probably because he hadn't achieved much in the last battle.

Following Alec's lead, other nobles began to nominate themselves for the army one after another. In the past, the kingdom had only been defeated by the Demon Empire in terms of strength, but this time, it seemed that our strength was superior to theirs, so many of them wanted to take credit for the victory.

Since we don't know the details of the local situation, we may need to investigate. I would like to join you.

Sagami, who had been watching the situation for a while, seemed to have decided to join in. Alec's leadership had seemed rather unreliable, but with Sagami following him, it feels relieved. As soon as he made his decision, I made up my mind not to join.

I had already gained a good position since I came to this world, and I didn't want anything more than that. In addition, I can't cross a dangerous bridge if I don't know what the other side is up to, and more importantly, I don't want to get involved in any trouble.

Fortunately, there are many nobles who are willing to do so, and there will not be a shortage of people. That's why I was watching the meeting as if it were someone else's business, but suddenly Alec, who had been quietly watching what was going on around him after his initial candidacy, started to make an unexpected statement.

His Majesty the King, the purpose of this campaign is to force the other side to surrender without bloodshed. For that reason, I think it would be better to appoint a general who has overwhelmed the opponents in the previous battles so as to reduce their will to rebel even a little, what do you think?

I see, the Count has a good point. So, who do you recommend?

Yes, I would definitely like to recommend Count Werner.

I had a bad feeling when he looked at me, but after getting the king's consent, he asked me to join the army. It was a simple but most effective way to move me, who currently had no desire to join.You don't need to use your wits in unnecessary places.

What do you think of what Count Gilflea says, Count Werner?

...... I have no particular objection.

If I refused at this point, I would be shunned by the surrounding nobles as someone who defied the royal order. I wouldn't have minded that at all, but I had to consider Sophie's position, so I couldn't refuse.

That's how I ended up joining the suppression army. I've been played right into Alec's hands. At the very least, I'll try not to take the brunt of it.

Next, does anyone have any ideas on how to handle the prisoners of war who surrendered to the kingdom in the last battle?

Most of the nobles resisted the army and were killed, but many of the noblemen's wives, children before adulthood, and others who were noble but did not have the strength to fight surrendered to the kingdom's army and were taken prisoner.

Because of a secret agreement with the Duke Gran, their family was released from captivity when they arrived at the royal capital, but the other nobles are under house arrest under strict surveillance to prevent them from escaping.

Now that the Demon Empire has fallen, taking them prisoner won't be worth the money. How about beheading some of them as an example to the remnants who have yet to show their reverence for the kingdom?

I think that would be a good idea. They are nothing but an evil to our country.

One of the nobles made a suggestion to the king, and the other nobles around him agreed with the idea. The others didn't outwardly agree with the idea, but they didn't oppose it either, so I guess they were all on the same page. To put it bluntly, it was a foolish plan.

If you kill a prisoner of war who has surrendered, you will be condemned not only by the Demon Empire but also by most other countries. In addition, the Northern Alliance, realizing that surrender would be pointless, would be willing to fight to the last man as a dead soldier.

Why should we go to the trouble of antagonizing them when there is still a chance that we can talk it out? I don't understand their thinking.

But I don't want to deny their opinions outright, express my own opposition, and get into trouble for it. As I was wondering if someone could speak up on my behalf, Sagami, who had been watching the situation as before, raised his hand.

Your Majesty the King, may I express my thoughts?

Of course, you may.

Then I think it would be better to forgive the sins of those who are currently being held as prisoners of war and welcome them as the people of the kingdom, if they are willing to obey the kingdom.

That's ......

What kind of nonsense are you saying? It's impossible to welcome as citizens the people of an enemy nation that may turn on the kingdom at any moment!If you're a hero, think a little more about what you say!

Before the king began to speak, the nobleman who had made the radical comment earlier took a bite out of Sagami. But he didn't respond as if he didn't hear what the nobleman said, and waited patiently for the king's words.

The nobleman who was ignored turned red and was shouting something, but Sagami, who was getting impatient, glared at him with a stern expression, and he had stopped ranting immediately.

They were a nobleman of an enemy country, though they had surrendered. It would be a disaster for the nobles if they were welcomed back without punishment. I must say, it is difficult to treat them as citizens.

The king exhaled a sigh and said so in a small voice as if muttering to himself. From his slurred speech, it seemed that he did not agree with the opinions of the nobles. It seems that he is following the will of the majority in order to proceed peacefully without causing any trouble.

I certainly understand Your Majesty's concerns. However, it seems to be a little different from what I have in mind.

Fumu, let me hear your thoughts then.

It is true that you hold a deep grudge against the nobles of the enemy country with whom you have fought for a long time. However, by daring to show generous warmth here, we may be able to give the nobles in the Northern Alliance the hesitation that they may be saved even if they surrender, causing a drop in morale and discord.

I see. So you want to demoralize the enemy through hesitation rather than fear.

Indeed, on the contrary, if you show ruthlessness, the enemy will be prepared to die and abandon their hesitation. Those who don't care about their lives may show strength beyond their expectations. This can lead to unexpected damage. It would be wise not to take any measures that would make the enemy feel unprepared.

The king looked at me when he heard what Sagami had said, and I nodded lightly so that the people around me wouldn't think it was unnatural. Now you understand that I'm of the same opinion.

When I looked to the side, I saw a nobleman whose face had turned red and was trembling with anger, as if he had been told that his proposal was a foolish idea. He was glaring at Sagami as if he was looking at an enemy of his parents, but the fact that he was not shouting as he had done earlier was probably because the king understood Sagami's plan.

I agree with that idea! We need to eliminate as many obstacles to negotiations as possible!

Alec also stood up and declared. Is it my imagination or does he seem to be in a hurry?

After he agreed, the nobles who wanted to join the general of the defeating army also began to agree as if they had flipped their hands.

Umu, Count Gilflea was of the same opinion. Then, so as not to interfere with the objective, I will adopt Baron Sagami's opinion.

Thank you very much, sir.

Now that we can finally release the prisoners of war as citizens, I have one less thing to worry about. Sagami had done a far more capable job than Alec, and I thanked him in my heart.

After that, the meeting was over and I was ready to go back to the mansion, but when I left the room and walked a bit, Alec stopped me.

I was in a bad mood because the person who forced me to join the army was talking to me, but he looked like he was having a hard time and didn't seem to have time to pay attention to me.

Alec, is there something I can do for you?

Yes, I have a favor to ask of you. I want me to have some flowers on my next mission.(TLN: sorry this flowers is achivement?)

...... What?

I'm not sure how to say this, but I'm seen by people as the central figure among the heroes. And yet, I have the same or inferior merits as the others, which makes people feel uneasy, doesn't it?

He had a serious expression on his face, and I wondered what was going on, but it was nothing. Alec hadn't had any notable achievement lately, and he seemed to be frustrated that I'd made a few good ones. I don't know how he feels about that, but I don't think it's right to tell the person he's comparing it to.

Of course, I can understand Yard-dono desire to take credit for the victory, but if I let this slip away, my chances of getting another big victory will surely decrease. So, I would like you to make sure that I get the credit for this campaign.

...... If I were to cooperate with you, what good would it do me?

I'd like to make sure that if I do get his Majesty's blessing, I'll be able to put you to good use. How about this?I'm sure it's the best choice for both of us.(TLN: sorry bit hard to translate -)

It doesn't sound like it would benefit me in any way, but in Alec's mind, it was the best idea he could come up with. When he assures me with such a confident look on his face that it will be great, I feel as if I'm being deprived of the energy to even think about it.

You think that's profit?

Hmm? Are you still not convinced by the current conditions? Let me know if you have any complaints.

With the conditions he just mentioned, I can only be dissatisfied, but saying that will only put this guy in a bad mood. He unconsciously places me and Sagami at the bottom of the pecking order, so he thinks that his own interests must come first before the interests of others. He's a pain in the ass.

But it's also true that his prominence reduces the amount of attention people pay to me. I convinced myself that he was easier to deal with than Sagami because he was simpler, and if I could ingratiate myself with him here, I might be able to use him later on.

No, I'm not complaining. I'll accept the request you just made.

Great! No, forgive me. You and I are both heroes, let's work together!

When I agreed to do as he wished before he bent his navel, his expression instantly brightened and he began to take on a familiar attitude. He's so easy to understand. I didn't listen to a word he said as he slapped me on the back and began to engage me like a drunk.

Alec-dono, there's one thing I want to do for the success of the mission.

Hmm? Say whatever you want.

If you're going to urge the enemy to surrender, don't you think it would be more persuasive if you took someone who was once a noble of the Demon Empire but is now a fortunate beneficiary of the kingdom?

Hmm, I see. You may be right, I suppose. But I don't know of anyone who might be able to do that, do you have someone in mind?

Yes, of course since I'm making a suggestion, I have an idea of what to do..You can leave it to me there.

I see, that's a relief.

I don't know if it's his personality that doesn't think things through too deeply, but Alec accepted my proposal even though I hadn't decided on anything specific. He's as easy to deal with as Fairis, but it's funny that he wants to be the leader of the heroes.

At any rate, even though it was a verbal agreement, I had gotten permission for my companion, so there was no longer a problem no matter who I took with me when I went to the Northern Alliance. I have to thank Alec for his simplicity.

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