Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 2 - Ch 7.2

Eventually, in the evening, Olympia's father seems to have returned.

I'll send a messenger ahead to ask for permission to see him. I'll just tell him that I'm the one who helped Olympia escape from the fort, and that she can keep my identity a secret until we meet. The permission to see him was immediately granted, and I followed her to his room.

When I entered the room, there was a man with red hair. From the stern look and the eyes glaring sharply at me, there was enough power to guess that this man was a soldier. He didn't look much like her, but from the color of his hair and the seriousness of his mood, it was almost certain that he was Olympia's father.

He put down the material he was reading and turned his head toward us.

Olympia, is this the man you've been talking about?

Yes, that's right.

It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Yard Werner.

This is Cyrus Leah Gran Daro. I want to thank you for saving my daughter. Is it just my imagination, or do I know your name from somewhere?

Despite the fact that people said his name, he didn't even get up from his chair, but kept his eyes on his papers. I was a little pissed off at his attitude, as if he was no longer interested in me.

Yes, I suppose that's true. I'm one of the heroes of the Kingdom of Henrient.


He raised his face, which had been turned towards his papers, and glared at me. A look of mixed surprise and doubt appeared on his face. It's only natural that I would suddenly call myself a hero.

Olympia, please explain to me what this is all about.

It is as you have just heard. This one is one of the heroes in the kingdom.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying why have you brought these people here? Are you planning to raise a rebellion against the Demon Empire and stain the name of the Gran family?

He didn't yell like Rand, but I could tell that his whole body was emitting a quiet anger. Just a few moments ago, he had an expression that would make a child cry if they saw it, but now he's radiating a deadly and intimidating presence that would make a weak-minded person run away.

Don't look so grim. She was just doing me a favor.

A favor?Do you really think I would accept a request from a nobleman of an enemy country?

You'll have to wait until you hear what I have to say before you judge.

...... Fine.

I took the liberty of sitting down at the visitor's table, and he sat down across from me. He was not wearing the flamboyant clothes that aristocrats wear, but a uniform similar to that worn by soldiers of the Demon Empire. The fact that he dressed like that in his own mansion was proof that he was proud of being a soldier.

If he was more of a nobleman, he might have agreed to our terms, but if he was more of a soldier, he would not have turned to us no matter what the terms were.

Let's get straight to the point. Get some of the other nobles on your side and turn to the kingdom. If you join our side, we will give you new territories when we conquer the Demon Empire, and we can even encourage you to take the throne. I heard that this family used to be a royal family.

The Gran family is said to be a venerable family that once produced an Emperor, but now that they have become Dukes, their relationship with the royal family is said to be tenuous.

It seems that the current Emperor and the Gran family are not closely related in terms of bloodline, and the Emperor, who is trying to consolidate his immediate family, sees the Gran family as a troublesome aristocracy that is difficult to destroy because of their excellence, and they are being treated poorly.

Gran family had originally produced the Emperor, but now they were treated no better or worse than any other noble family in the area. There is no other family that is more suitable for setting up a separation.

However, this man, Cyrus, is extremely loyal to the Demon Empire and is more capable of commanding the army than most nobles. I don't think he's the kind of man who would betray me if I gave him the right conditions.

I refuse. I have no intention of ascending to the throne. No matter how inhumanly my family is treated, it is the will of the Emperor, and we will obey it. For a mere nobleman of the kingdom to taunt the Emperor's authority is a sign that he does not know his place.

As expected, I was rejected so quickly that there was nothing I could do. It's not as if he's going to bite the bait when you throw it at him. Well, I had half-expected this to happen, so I decided to change my mind and move on.

Is this really a bad idea? Considering the current situation, the conditions don't look so bad.

In the first place, it is impossible for us to go down to an inferior kingdom. It is true that we lost the Istrian fortress, but even without that fortress, we have the means to cross the mountains and attack the kingdom. When the winter is over and we can lay waste to the kingdom, it would be better for us if we didn't talk so much.

No, not really. Thanks to the emergence of the heroes, the strength of the kingdom has improved dramatically, and in recent battles, the kingdom's army has overwhelmed the forces of the Demon Empire. The era of the Demon Empire's dominance is over.

That's silly. Although we suffered defeats at the Gurta Fortress and the Istrian Fortress, the damage to our country was minor, I would say. A kingdom that is fighting with a small army will not be able to make up for the overwhelming difference in quantity.

So you're saying that you don't want to cooperate with us no matter what?

That's right. I'm not sure who would make such a foolish suggestion, even coming into the enemy's territory. It's nice to know that I can capture one of the heroes without much effort.

Oh, you're going to capture me?

Of course. Whatever your reason for coming here, the fact that a nobleman from a hostile country has come here unannounced is a golden opportunity. Hey, is anyone there!?

As he shouted this, the door of the room opened vigorously and several fully armed men entered. He had a fierce smile on his face, as if he was proud of his victory, but when he saw that I was completely unfazed and that the men who came in didn't try to catch me, his expression turned suspicious.

What are you guys doing? Take that man into custody.

Father, I think it's admirable that you put your country first, but if you're so focused on that that you don't take care of your family, you're going to get your foot in the door.

Olympia? What are you ......?

Take Cyrus into custody.

Right away!

When Olympia gave the order, interrupting his words, the men immediately pulled Cyrus down to the floor.

The people in the mansion, except for Cyrus, have already been brainwashed by Olympia. If you look closely, you'll see that they all have the same bracelet on their arms, but it's the one with the brainwashing formula that I gave them for this mission.

Wh-What the hell are you doing!? Olympia!

Father, I'm sorry, but I've already taken control of the people in this mansion. It's fine for you to work hard on your official duties, but if you don't even know what's going on with the people in this house like this, I doubt you're qualified to be the head of this family.

You ungrateful son of a bitch! You're a disgrace to the Gran family, selling out the country to the enemy!

Please say whatever you like. My allegiance is now solely to my master.

Olympia came close to me and leaned down, twining her arms around me. I don't think she is doing this to the person she calls her master, but I guess she is doing it to show him off.

His eyes widened in astonishment at his daughter's words and actions, and then he turned and glared at me with a murderous look on his face.

What have you done to my daughter!

Everything. The girl you loved is nowhere to be found. She is already my loyal subordinate. The girl who used to be loyal to the Demon Empire is now dead.

I said this while looking down at the man crawling on the floor, his teeth chattering so hard that you could hear them chattering in humiliation. It's fun to break the pride of someone who has been so arrogant.

However, he still had the will to resist, so I held Olympia close with one hand and rubbed her breasts as if to show him. She doesn't mind, in fact, she leans into me and presses her body against me as if she wants me to squeeze her more. The look on his face turned pale as he watched her face go wild with pleasure.

Did you think that would make me concede? If that's the case, you're mistaken. Even if she's my daughter, you're not so far gone that you'd change your mind over a woman's life.

Father, what are you misunderstand about? I don't know what father thinks, but my master doesn't care about your intentions at all.

Are you trying to brainwash me like those people? I'm sorry, but brainwashing or any similar magic will trigger the magic for self destruct. I think it's impossible to control me, like you control my daughter.

He grinned wryly, as if he thought he had gotten a little revenge. Olympia gave me a worried look, and I snickered at his attitude to reassure her.

Don't worry about what he said, Olympia. Put the bracelet on him, too.

Yes, I understand.

You fool. Even if I die, the military power of the Demon Empire will not be shaken. You'll regret it as much as you can!

Olympia, who had been listening to his cries, looked at me hesitantly several times, but since he didn't seem the least bit shaken by my attitude, she decided to put the bracelet on him.

The moment the formula in the bracelet was triggered, another one was triggered from the part close to his heart, and in a short while, he vomited blood and stopped moving. Judging from the composition of the formula, it was probably the heart crushing formula that was activated.

M-master, what should I do ......

Don't panic, it's within my expectations.

I used by the side of the dead man, not caring about Olympia who was upset to see Cyrus who had committed suicide as he said. His heart immediately started beating again, and he came back to life, spitting out the blood that was still in his mouth. Seeing this, the people around me were astonished.

Wh-what the hell happened.......?

Cyrus, who quickly regained consciousness, was looking around, unsure of what had happened.

There's nothing to it. You were dead, so I brought you back to life, that's all.

Th-That's ridiculous!?

Did you think you could escape me just because you chose to die? If that's the case, you're mistaken. From the looks of it, the self-destruction magic you just used only activates once, so what's next?

You're a monster, stepping over people's life and death. ......

When the fear has weakened his will to resist and his resistance to the magic has loosened, I activates the brainwashing bracelet again. This time, the effect was definitely activated, and the expression of anger and despair instantly disappeared from his face, becoming expressionless.

Olympia, continue.


She had been watching the series of events with a dumbfounded expression, but my words brought her back to herself and she resumed her work.

Father, I'm going to ask you to retire. Please leave this house to me.

Yes, I understand.

I will pretend that you are recuperating from an illness, so you will return to your estate. I will take care of the military affairs on your behalf, so please rest in peace.

Yes, I understand.

Now, you two, take my father home.

Cyrus is carried out of the room by the men. By the way, the people in the territory have already been dealt with, so this means that all the people in the Gran family have been seized. He won't be coming back here anymore. It was a pity that his daughter betrayed him, but if he had been able to notice the change in her, he might still have been able to manage.

Now there is no one to get in our way. Master may use this mansion as you sees fit.

Ah, that was good work. Keep up the good work and serve me well.

Thank you very much.

With this, I was able to create a base of operations in the Demon Empire. The sudden retirement of the head of the family may raise a few suspicions, but she's a person who's very resourceful in such situations, so I don't have to worry about leaving everything to her. Even if everything that happened this time had been leaked, I wouldn't be harmed if I escaped back to the kingdom.

I've heard that she's already made arrangements to move on to the next plan, so for now I'll just deal with her clinging to me in a rut for a reward.

When I came to Olympia's bedroom, she was looking at me with an expression of impatience. She wasn't wearing any underwear, so even through her clothes I could clearly see her nipples standing out.

The fact that she doesn't jump at me even though she's so excited is probably because there is a clear master-servant relationship between her and me. If it had been Elle or Natalia, they would have jumped on me, pushing me down.

As I was taking off my clothes, I noticed that she was looking at me with an expression as if she wanted to say something.

What's the matter? If you have something to say, say it.

Um, I just have one request.

What is it?

She took a box from the shelf and brought it to me. It was of a reasonable size. Judging from the multiple locks on it, it must contain something important or something that would be bad to be seen. I opened the box with some doubt, and found handcuffs and leather restraints.

Uhm, if you don't mind, you can use them for ......

...... Well, I don't mind.

It's not like there was any particular magic given to it, it was completely for sexual use. The more vigilant I was about what she was going to get, the more intense her weaknesses were. I've heard that many of the great aristocrats have distorted sexual habits due to their upbringing, and she seemed to be no exception.

At any rate, I put the restraints on her as I had declared. The restraints are made of leather, and the restraints are weak. They are used to create a tortured look rather than to restrict her movements, so the only things that actually restrict her movements are the handcuffs and blindfold.

I finished putting on all the things she gave me, but I had no experience in this kind of play, so I wasn't sure what to do. I decided to leave it to her for now.

I got up on the bed and she groped her way over to me. Then she put her face close to my crotch.

I can smell Master's scent ...... huff ......

Olympia brought her face close enough to touch mine, smelled it, and let out an enraptured sigh. Then she extended her tongue and began to slowly run it over the cock.

Master's things .....Nnhh, is magnificent, chu.......

You're still a virgin, but you're very aggressive.

Do you hate lewd girls?

I think it's fine as long as it's not too much.

I'd prefer not to have her crawl into my house at night, but I think it's nice to have a woman who is usually ladylike but can be wild at night. I have both types of women in my family, but I still prefer the latter, I truly believe so.

Olympia can't use her hands, so she actively moves her face to serve my things, which is very exciting because there is a gap between her normal calm atmosphere and her face. The woman who was so strong when we were enemies is now burying her face in my crotch and servicing my cock. I'd be lying if I didn't get a kick out of it.

Even now, she is drooling and making obscene noises as she deliciously sucks on my cock. The combination of this and her full-body restraints created a very immoral atmosphere. I was so excited that my cock began to stiff hard.

...... Puha, master, what do you think about my service?

Oh, that's good. You're a good woman after all.

Master ......

I think it's time for a blow job to stop around here. If she does any more, I might have to cum.

She was so impressed that I pulled her hand away and laid her on her back on the bed. This way, I could see her large breasts, which were so firm that they didn't sag even when she was lying down, as well as her private parts, which were wet with estrus.

Next, I'll make you happy.

Ah, haaa!

As I said this, I stroked the inside of her thigh with a gentle hand. The blind girl was more sensitive than usual, and her thighs trembled as if the stimulation was enough to give her pleasure.

One after another, I gently caressed her body, increasing her sexuality and excitement. The anxiety of not knowing where she was going to be touched must have increased the sense of torment she was getting.

Auhhh! Oh, huff...... haah......

Good, show me more of your disordered form.


She no longer needed me to whisper in her ear to make her feel it, and when I blew into her breathless ear, she climaxed lightly with that. I didn't stop caressing her, and by the end she was so sensitive that she came no matter where I touched.

By the time a second had passed, Olympia's energy was gone, so we decided to take a break and resume when her breathing a little better.

Open your legs.

Yes ......

She spread her legs wide to expose her crotch, as if she knew what was going to be done next. She put her hands on her secret parts, which were flooding with love juice in anticipation, and opened them herself so that I could see inside.

I can't believe that you spread it yourself. You're a virgin and you want me to put it in you so badly?

Go ahead, Master.

Even though she was a lewd, she was still nervous about losing her virginity, and the hand that was opening her crack was trembling a little. Placing my hands on her thighs, I penetrated her hole with my cock, which was fully wet.

...... Eh?

Hmmm, this place is a little tight for your first time.

M-Master, that place is....

She felt pressure in a different part of her body than she had expected and made a strange noise. It was her asshole that I had inserted myself into.

As I had thought with Sophie, her first time behind was quite tight. Even Sophie, who had taken the time to loosen up, was so tight that it was hard to move. And yet, Olympia's hole, suddenly inserted, was so tight that it sucked mine into its mouth and wouldn't let go.

Ah, fuhh, Master, you can't go in there yet. ......

I can't take away the duchess's virginity, so instead, I'm going to put it inside this hole.

When I forcefully moved it against her asshole, which was tightening up, there was so much resistance that I thought it might be torn off, but I'm sure she was having a harder time than I was, having a cock forcibly thrust into a hole she hadn't gotten used to.

However, when I saw her sweat on her forehead as she let out a painful sound, I felt the urge to make her squeal even more. There may be a problem with the way she is encouraging my torment.

Anyway, I ignored her resistance and thrust inside her as hard as I could. As I did so, she, who at first had a pained expression on her face, gradually started to make sweet moans.

I was sure that she would get used to anal sex, but she adapted much faster than I expected. It would have been nice if she had gotten used to it sooner.

Ah, haaaa! When you pulled it out, Mmhhh, AAaAaahhhhhh!

The discomfort of being poked inside seemed to be outweighed by the defecation-like pleasure of pulling out, and she was hooked on anal sex for the first time.

I had to protect her virginity until we conquered the Demon Empire, but I was getting close to my limit, thinking that at this rate I wouldn't have much trouble.

It feels so good inside you! I'm about to cumming now!

Nnhh, Mmmmnnhhh!

I slammed my hips into her as hard as I could while kissing her on the mouth, and spewed my semen all over her. She seemed to climax at the same time and clamped down on me so hard that I thought for a moment that the semen would be stopped.

I held her in my arms and enjoyed the aftermath of our ejaculation with our tongues intertwined, and then fell asleep with her as I collapsed from exhaustion.

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