Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 1 - Ch 8.2

She and I were transported into a space that was all white. There was nothing else, only me and Adriana existing in this place.

Is this ......? What the hell did you do!

This is a world that is slightly out of phase with the original world. I call it the spirit world. The body is left in the original world, and only the spirit and magic are brought here. There is no physical death here, but there is a spiritual death. So if you die here, you'll be a cripple in the original world.

That's nonsense, spatial leaping should have been proven impossible even if it was limited to the mental body!

I don't need your common sense to tell me what to do. But since it's actually possible, I think you need to face reality a little bit. You can use the same magics here as in the original world, so don't worry about that.

!! You're making a fool me! Wind, cut through it!

Wind blades flew at me, but since the magic barrier was the same as in the original world, I nullified all of them without any problem. I'm sure she's beginning to see the difference in our abilities, but she's dripping with sweat and glaring at me with a serious expression.

Don't be so rude. I like you rather a lot. I'm going to let you try a few things, but if you win all of them, I'll let you out of here and I promise not to attack you.

Is that true?

Yes, it's a promise a magician makes. You know that, don't you?

All right. So, what are the rules?

Since she took my suggestion, I first heal her with an . She was wondering what I was going to do, but she responded honestly to the recovery.

I did this because I don't enjoy it much when she is in a bad condition. There's no fun in defeating a weakened opponent.

Now, what I'm going to ask you to do is simple. Defeat all the demons I summon. I'll summon them twice in total, but I'll also heal you between the first and second summonings. The only condition for defeat is that you die.

Fine. Let's get started.

Now that she seems to be ready, I'll use a magic that is limited to the spiritual world. The Eighth Type of Material Creation Magic, . With its activation, more than a dozen black wolves appear.

She can't hide her surprise at the summoning of the black wolves. Normally, summoning requires a contract to be signed with the target of the summoning, but this magic is not called summoning at all, but rather a magic to create rather than summon, so there is no problem.

The moment it was summoned, she immediately reacted to the black wolves that jumped towards Adriana and sent it wind blades flying.

If you are an ordinary magician, even one of them should be a difficult enemy, but even against a dozen of them, she has not backed down. The dragon slayers are the real deal.

While applying the wind blade to the black wolves that attacked from all sides, when in danger, she would blow up a gust of wind around herself, allowing the black wolves to approach only rarely.

She took them down one by one with precision, and finally the last one was defeated. She seemed to have used a good amount of magic and physical strength, so I used Restoration to fully recover her lost magic and physical strength. Seeing that my magic power has hardly decreased at all, it seems that her magic power is not too bad either.

I guess you're cleared the first part. Should I congratulate you?

Enough with the talk, let's get the next one out of here!

Don't panic, I'll give you your favorite dragon for the next.

Hah, dragons for me. I don't care how many come, they're no better than the black wolf from earlier! I think you know I'm going to win, don't you?

That's a lot of confidence. Then let's see what you can do.

I draw a magic circle almost identical to the one I just used, and activate it. The is activated, and two dragons appear. Both of them are identical, but when Adriana saw them, her expression tightened with fear.

The dragon I brought out is the "Red Scale" I've seen before. I've heard that one of these dragons is different from the others, but two of them. It was no wonder that her expression was drawn out.

The two dragons, like the black wolf, attacked her from the moment they appeared. She hurriedly fought back with her wind blades, but even though they could cut through the scales of ordinary dragons, they could not cut through the scales of the Red Scales.

Two of them were spitting flames at her and attacking her with their claws and tails, trying to tear her apart and knock her down, and she could only avoid them desperately in vain.

This is impossible! No matter how much I try, I can't win against two "Red Scales"! I admit defeat, so please forgive me!

You can't be so pathetic. The hero defeated this guy with one blow. If you try a little harder, you might be able to give them a scratch or two.

Please, I'll do anything. Please forgive me!I'm really going to die if it continue like this!

Don't talk too lightly about a magician will do anything. I'm telling you to fight these guys to the death.

Damn you, you demon! You're dead!

Adriana dexterously flies at me while avoiding the attacks of the two dragons.

Do you really think that I, who created these two dragons, am weaker than them? All of her attacks are nullified, and she can't even give me a scratch.

The situation was so desperate that her face was a mess of various fluids.

If I hadn't been so vain, I would have just taken one of them, but after hearing her talk like that, I couldn't help but take two. It was her own fault.

I was expecting her to try a little harder, given her strong attitude at first.

I was instantly turned off by her attitude, crying and screaming like a child. Enough is enough.

......! Cra-!

After a reasonably long fight, she loosened up for a moment. The two dragons could not miss that, and her body was torn apart and scattered by their claws. Her original world body didn't die, but her spirit disappeared and she became a cripple.

Even she, who seemed to be the strongest person I had ever met in this world, was no match for the two "Red Scales". It seems that the inhabitants of this world are still weak. I'm going to try to get Elle to be able to kill these guys instantly.

With victory or defeat decided, I canceled the and returned to my original world. There, the traces of the battle from earlier are still there, and Elle's body is still intact.

I approach Elle and activate . Apparently her head had been properly protected, and she got up, moaning.

..........I'm sorry, Master.

Yeah, I'll lecture you later. Be prepared for it.

She seemed to be okay, so I headed over to Adriana, who was drooling with a dumbfounded expression on her face. Elves are generally more beautiful than humans, but when they look like this, it's quite a shame because she was originally beautiful.

I waved my hand in front of her, but she still didn't respond. Unfortunately, it seems that she has become a complete cripple. I guess this is the end of the bandits here. I used the to see if there were any other bandits, but it seems that this was all of them.

In order to bring her back as proof of my defeat, I activate the 7th type of Telepathy, Artificial Personality, and implant a pseudo-personality in her. She can only respond almost mechanically, but it's better than being a cripple.

Now, can you hear what I'm saying?

Yes, sir.

What's your name?

Name has not been set yet. Set it up, please.

Adriana. Your name is Adriana.

Adriana, I memorized it. My name is Adriana.

It's a hassle, because it's usually like this. I leave Adriana to Elle, and I decide to check out the cave.

Inside the cave, the ceiling and floor were crumbling all over the place, rattled by the magic Elle had activated. According to her memory, there were some people who had been captured, so I headed in that direction.

When I arrived at the jail-like place, I found a group of naked humans in chains and an elf passed out. The humans were mostly women, and there was only one man. Their bodies showed signs of having been assaulted. The men must have been killed or sold.

I noticed that I hit the only man. At first, he glared at me, but the moment I told him I was here to help, his attitude changed dramatically.

You've come to save us! Thank you!

The women are in a terrible state, but you're safe, aren't you?

No, I'm not. ......

When I saw the man holding his back with his chained hands, I realized what he meant. Let's not bring up this topic any further.

I removed the chains with the key I found outside the room, and the man was able to move freely and stretch his body for the first time in a long time.

Okay, you can help me remove the chains too.

Yes, sir!

I also remove the chains on the women. They didn't wake up for a while, but I guess that means they weren't as sturdy as this guy.

I could hear some of them moaning as they regained consciousness, and as I approached to explain the situation, some of the women jumped on me. Some of them were trying to get their hands on me to take off my clothes, while others couldn't resist and were trying to lick my clothes off.

Mess of my pussy!

No! I'm going to make you cum first!

Mmmm... ...... Please hurry up and let me clean up Master Penis. ......

The girls seem to have already lost their minds. I forcefully pull them away from me. When I looked next to me, I saw that the guy had gone through the same thing, but he was playing with the women who were attacking him with a happy expression on his face.

I looked around to see if there were any women who were still sane, but it seemed that all but the elves were dead. Even the elves looked lifeless, probably dazed from the narcotic poison.

It would be impossible to make them lose their senses to this extent without using a very strong drug.

Unfortunately, I only have enough antidote for one person, so I can't cure all of them. In the meantime, I used the on the only elf I could talk to.

The effect of the formula made the drug's ingredients disappear, and she regained her senses. The semen stuck here and there speaks eloquently of what was done to her here, but it's admirable that she doesn't even scream.

She stands up on wobbly legs, though she hasn't regained her strength, and stands back, wary of me. Her face, staring at me with strong-willed blue eyes, is stained with semen, but I can see her original beauty at a glance.

The fact that she hasn't lost her will to resist even though she's been raped to this extent shows the strength of the elf's mind.

It must have felt so good to bring her to her knees. I don't think I'd feel that way if I was covered in semen.

Don't worry. I've defeated all the bandits here. I am here who came to save you.

You're human, but you can speak elvish. ......?

I don't speak Elvish, but you can expect me to understand Elvish.

Is that some kind of magic? How convenient. ......

Now that she understands my language, she speaks to me with caution. Apparently, she doesn't speak much of the kingdom language. That means she might be an elf from Leshiana.

After letting the semen on her body drain away, she began to unravel her body, which had hardened due to her captivity.

As I faced her, I could see that she had a nice figure, but she didn't seem to mind.

Elle is also wearing revealing clothes, and I wonder if it's the nature of elves that they don't show any shame.

I didn't expect to be rescued by a human, but...... I'mgrateful.

Don't worry about it, it was just a coincidence that I helped you. Are you the elves of Leshiana?

Yes, my husband was supposed to be there. Do you know where he is?

There were other elves? Unfortunately, there are no other captives in this cave.

I see ......

According to Adriana's memory, all the elves except her had been sold off or killed. If there were any possessions left of those who were sold, there would still be a way to find them, but with nothing, there was nothing we could do.

She was trying to act tough, but if you looked closely, I could see her shoulders shaking. She didn't know what had happened to her husband after her tragedy. It must be very frustrating for her, but it would be wrong to offer words of comfort to her as she tries to bear her grief.

At any rate, I want to get out of here as soon as possible. If you can't go home alone, I'll take you back to Leshiana, what do you say?

Why are you being so accommodating to me?

I'm just asking because I was originally planning to go to Leshiana, and I was wondering if you'd like to join me.

...... Well, if you don't mind, I want you to take me with you.

She seemed to have a lot on her mind, but decided that it would be dangerous to return alone. She was afraid to go back to the forest alone because she had been captured by bandits. Her words were strong, but her expression showed that she was relieved.

Well, then, it's a pleasure to meet you for a short time. My name is Yard Al Werner.

I'm Natalia. Nice to meet you.

Come to think of it, I've heard that the elves of Leshiana are hate humans very much misanthropes, but Natalia's reaction doesn't seem to be that she hates humans. I wonder if she is different.

I handed her the robe I was wearing, kicked the man who was still being raped to the ground, and led the women out. Adriana seemed to have finished setting things up, and she and Elle were waiting for me to come out.

! This guy is still here!?

As soon as Natalia saw Adriana's figure, she moved away from us and took a fighting stance. By the way, I forgot to explain to her.

There's no need to be so cautious. Adriana there has become a cripple. Right now, she's just a temporary persona in her body that I'm manipulating.

! You've defeated that Adriana? I thought you had come here to help us, but I had no idea that you had defeated her. ......

You Wood Elf, comparing my master to a small fish like this is beyond rude.

Elle, don't get into a fight. They've just been saved and they're exhausted.

I understand, Master.

Natalia looks at me with a surprised expression when she sees Elle's attitude. I see, she's surprised that a dark elf is treating a human as a master.

I turned around to see if the others were okay, but the man seemed to be too busy being embraced by the women to do anything about it. He was at the mercy of the women, his face contorted in a disheveled manner. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to us.

I was a little annoyed by the situation, so I kicked his butt. When I saw him holding his buttocks in agony, I felt a sense of relief.

Now, it is quite dangerous to walk through the forest with this many people, so I'll just use a straightforward magic here. Since Natalia was the only one who seemed to be a sorceress, I could cheat as much as I wanted.

I drew a magic circle on the ground, put everyone inside the magic circle, and activated it. Due to the effect of the , we arrived at the town in an instant.

The others seemed to be surprised by this and were looking around in awe. I could see the people of the town rushing towards us when they realized we were back. Apparently, one of them knew one of us.

I left Natalia to Elle and asked her to go to the inn first. I guess we can handle one more guest.

I took Adriana to look for the old man, who was apparently the mayor of this town. I had a hunch that he was, but in return for going to the trouble of asking me to do such a theatrical thing, He must gave me an extra amount of reward.

Currently, Adriana is tied hand and foot in the middle of the town. What is about to take place is a private execution. The families of the people killed by her and the bandits are gathering around and throwing stones at her. She can't avoid them, and she's bleeding from the stones hitting her in various places.

Most of the people throwing stones at her are children and old people whose families have been killed, mostly women. The men were glaring at her hatefully, but besides the ones throwing stones at her, there were others who were looking at her with an ulterior motive.

From the looks of it, she's going to be raped by the men after this. She is also an elf, so she has a much more beautiful face than a normal human woman, and she has a glamorous body that doesn't match the rather slender elf, so I do understand how the men feel.

In the end, I didn't even want to see what people were doing, so I left the mayor in charge of the other people I brought back, and I left as quickly as I could.

It was almost night when I got back to the inn. I was already feeling sleepy, so after eating dinner, I went back to my room and collapsed into bed.

But just as I was about to fall asleep, there was an unexpected knock on the door of my room. I opened the door, wondering who was disturbing someone who was trying to sleep, and found Natalia there.

She had a troubled expression on her face. She was looking away from my face, but she occasionally glanced at my expression.

What do you want?

.........I'm sorry for waking you up when you were asleep, but I have a favor to ask you. ......

Hmm? If it's just a quick errand, I'm happy to listen. ......

Before I could finish my sentence, she hugged me. She was breathing hot air as she rubbed herself against me. The way she rubs against me with flushed cheeks, it looks like she's in heat.

I had completely removed the drug from her system earlier, so it must be the habit of the elf in heat. When I looked at her with a dumbfounded look, thinking that I had seen this situation before, she noticed my gaze and looked back at me with a passionate gaze.

What I'm asking is for you to hold me. Please, my body is aching. ......

I'm sorry, but I'm pretty tired today. I'm going to have to ask you to leave for the day.

I pull her off and close the door and lock it. She's still talking to me outside, but I'm too sleep-deprived to deal with her.

I had completely forgotten about the elves' infatuation with the strong opposite sex, but I had no idea that Natalia, who was supposed to have a husband, would be infatuated as well. I'm sure there are many adulterers out there, but don't they ever feel a little bad for their husbands?

After a while, Elle, who had come to pick up Natalia, started arguing with her. I put up a soundproof barrier to keep out the noise, and when it became quiet, I went to sleep.

The next morning, I went to check on Adriana before I left and found her dead, her body stained with blood and semen.

She probably should have joined the army as a sorceress instead of a bandit, but this was the result of her getting carried away by doing something that people would hate her for. She looked so miserable, but I didn't feel sorry for her because she deserved everything she got.

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