Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 1 - Ch 1

Oh, the fourth summoning of the hero has succeeded, too!

The one who screamed right before me is a beautiful woman just like a princess from medieval era, her gold hair extends into her waist with a transparent blue eyes and wearing a a beautifully embroidered dress.

Right now, im somewhere in a different world. Its an unexpected story but i dont think its impossible when i think about the method that transferred me here.

I was immersed in developing new formula of strategy rank technique when suddenly magic formation of force summoning magic was suddenly expanded in the lab and i was already surrounded by people dressed in armors when i noticed it. When i was about to grasp the situation, in front one female who has a unique dress uttered her words just a moment ago.

basing it from the example of reports which matches my original world several times, perhaps this is a world of medieval times where the early refinement of magic is being built, i seem to be summoned as a hero, it is a force summoning method where a person with the ability greater than or equal to the specification that was set will be force to be summoned by summoning magic.

As i observe the flashy outdated armors of those fellows who seems to be soldiers, my guess shouldnt be wrong.

Hero-sama, is there something wrong?

I intended to remain silent until i roughly understand the situation, but the female wearing a dress began to talk to me wondering why im silent. A gorgeous embroidered was applied in the dress , to think about its not something thats not something for a human servant. Id say shes probably a princess or a nobles daughter.

Oh, sorry. I understand that i was summoned but where on earth am i?

Oh, you know about the summoning. If thats the case then it will be a quick discussion. This is the royal palace of Anrient Kingdom and i am the first princess Sofia Ru Anrient. I want to request the cooperation of the hero that was summoned. Umm, may i ask your name?

Thats very polite of you. My name is Yard Werner. May I to hear the reason why I was summoned a little more in detail?

Because there are also other Hero-sama that was summoned aside from Yard-sama, i want to talk to everybody with the king. Please come here.

There are also others that was summoned aside from me. A human from the same world of mine? There should be a world of human where the sorcery technique is more advance.

We seemed to have an audience with the king and shes walking in front of me as a guide. Expensive furniture are placed in the hallway, it looks gorgeous, it seems it has not much practical structures.

After walking in the long hallway and endless stairs we have finally arrived in a room.

The soldier whos in a guard role opened the door, there were already many people inside. At the edge of the room a man and a woman are sitting, perhaps they are the King and Queen of this country.

Young knights are standing on the side, guards and people wearing expensive clothes that seems to cost an excessive amount of money are standing in the surrounding.

A lone woman in her late teens and two man in their mid twenties are standing near the entrance, I guess these fellows are the other summoned heroes.

They gave me sidelong glances when i move forward and stand next to the three, One of the man wears a camouflage colored clothes made from synthetic fiber which clearly cannot be made in this country. The other man is in an armor figure and you can tell that his a knight or something at first glance. The woman dressed in a simple priest-like clothes.

Verifying the we lined up, the princess has gone near to the king. I seem to do an audience with the king without any particular explanation, I wonder if such manners are alright.

Heroes, You properly came in Anrient Kingdom. Im the king of Anrient Kingdom, Vergil Ru Anrient. We think that youre confused of all the sudden things, but well explain it again and again until you understand it sufficiently. But first of all, i wish to tell me your names

As expected of a king, The dignity in his voice can be felt. When we stared at each other, the man who looks like a knight who was on the edge pointed at himself. I looked at him and i understand that he was a handsome man with a red hair. His height is also taller than me. It seems like hell go ahead and speak first.

I am Alec Gilfreit of Nagia Empire a member of Chivalry of azure sky. When i defeated a large spirit demon and recued the people, I received an divine oracle and was called in this place.

The good looking Alec seems to have come from a world where a deity and spirits exist. The forced summoning magic which is called hero summoning, in general it extend to the world who has matched their cultural style.

Something like a divine messages from god is often taken from a world where god exist. In that guys world large spirit are probably taking the place of the god. There isnt big difference between a the spirits and a god.

Spirit beliefs exist as a culture, believing in the spirits to receive an oracle, the world of this guy doesnt have much difference in this world in the level of civilization. There maybe some small difference but the civilization level is almost at the same degree. As for sorcery technique and the standard of life, magic cant develop that much in the world of that guy too.

When Alec finished introducing his self, the priest-like woman who was next to that to him has stepped forward. Their height is tall to the extent that you cant see that woman was also lining up in our side. Her face is slightly childish, the atmosphere of a pretty girl suits better than a beautiful woman. She seems to be the youngest summoned person.

Nice to meet you. My name is Faris, I am a priest rank in holy light church. I had received the oracle, Although i have a poor ability, the people of this world must be helped, the summoning formation has led me here.

Faris has spoken while beautifully bowing. Apparently a god seems to also exist in her world, also the world of this fellow doesnt have much difference in this world.

If the level of science, technology and sorcery technique becomes more constant, the belief and faith in the existence of something like the spirits and the god will sure to disappear. I virtually shout that their world that received an oracle from god is a low level world. I would definitely die in shame. The ignorance is great.

When Faris finished speaking another man has stepped forward . Black short hair and the height is in the same degree as me, but his body is properly trained. He might have received battle training in his former world. Judging from his clothes that made from synthetic fiber, its obvious that this man came from modern civilization.

I am Sagami Ryouhei of Kyowa National Armed Forces of the fifth special maneuvering division. There was nothing like an oracle when i was transferred, a magic formation suddenly appeared during military maneuver and when i noticed i had come to this world.

As expected Sagami belongs to the armed forces. Having teleported only by the summoning formation, It means that he came from a world where the existence and concept of magic is known universally. In other words, its a world with modern civilization something like my world. I may find this fellow easy to talk to.

But to be summon during a campaign this fellow is quite unfortunate. Surely his military unit is a matter of concern, but i cant see any uneasiness from this guys attitude at all. When you observe his poker face, you cant help but feel admiration as expected from an officer.

Now, next is my turn. Honestly im not good at speaking in front of many people. The other guys may be used to such situation, I who only meet fellow colleagues in a laboratory dont have much experience to attract attention of such situation. I have straightened my back and have stepped forward, it may look normal but my heart is throbbing.

Im from Ginochou Magic Empire of magic laboratory, I am Yard Werner member of Strategic class technique development group. I was caught by the summoning magic in the laboratory and was summoned here.

I noticed that the surrounding eyes gathers on me. Eyes sending the look of expectation to the existence of a hero, a look which is clearly unusual. Just like Sagami, there are also lot of guys who pay attention to my appearance. I think its unexpected to call a hero, but a magician comes, but i want you to stop directing me gazes of doubt. I come back to the line while not minding the eyes of people.

Umu, i understand the process that brought you here. Then, from here on ill speak about the reason that you were called in this country

When the self introductions of heroes ended, The king began to speak again.

Our country and the Demon Empire are currently at war, intense battle has developed many times in the border of the region. Though our country has few elites, there wasnt any difference with the war potential of the demon empire until now. But being in a stalemate with demon empire for a long time they became impatient, they broke the law and unleashed mighty demon in the battlefield. The elites in our country were being defeated one after another, a lot of soldiers lives were lost by the time the demon was repelled . In this situation the collapse of the front is inevitable. Then, as the last resort, I could not help calling Heroes as a last resort. By all means, we want you to defeat the army of the demon empire

.I see, we were summoned because the war potential wasnt sufficient to maintain the front line In other words, a role of convenient flesh wall. This isnt a joke. However, it is not a wise plan to suddenly take a defiant attitude here. Because i dont have any ally in this world.

I want to ask one question.

Very well, say it.

For example after repelling the Demon Empire, can i return to my original world?

This is a fairly important issue. I can make a deportation formation by myself, but it will be troublesome and would take several years in that case. I would certainly fired from the research institute if I set aside work that much.

It is. Very regrettable but its not possible. It is only possible to call heroes.

Unrest ran through other Heroes when they heard the words of the king.

Well, The ratio of existence rate of deportation magic in the world where the hero summoning was done is about 40 percent. I have already reached the bottom of realization that i suddenly became unemployed. Goodbye, My work.

Though I, who asked the question remained calm, it was probably unexpected to the other heroes. Among the heroes particularly Sagami is terribly trembling. The calm attitude until a while ago collapses and makes a steepened expression. If you look carefully, his eyes are unsettled. Though it was not reflected much in his attitude, but his probably so much worried about the things he left in his original world.

looking at the unrest of the heroes, the surrounding people began to whisper something to each other. Sofia is somehow anxiously staring at me. Probably because I was the calmest, I want you to acquire the control of the This place.

When Im wondering whether i respond to her expectation, before I began to talk, the king made his move first.

I apologize to all of you. Ill provide convenience as much as possible, so please i want you to forgive us. Its a pathetic story, youre the only reliance of this country

From me as well, please, Heroes are the only hope of this country. Please save this country.

Because I didnt intend to undertake it proactively, When I thought that it was good to begin to talk to the king, Alec and Faris stepped forward with the expression that has determined something.

Please entrust this to us, your Majesty the King. I promised by on the great spirit and my sword to save this country from crisis by all means

Errr, its natural to lend a hand to a person that seeks help. Though I cannot fight because I am weak, but its possible for me to heal injured people. Please use our power.

From the speech of the two people, cheers of joy arises from the surrounding. It may have become hard to decline it by the result of the two people that jump ahead. It is nice to help people but for me, I want you to stop having such a remark.

When i glanced at Sagami his face has became subtle, It seems apparently not only I have negative thoughts.

Even the people of this country is nothing, thinking about the matter of course and not wanting the fight is natural. In Sagamis case, he is still recovering from the shock that he cant return home.

Is that so! Im delighted by your intention. Glory to the heroes who came to rescue our country!

The surrounding people matches the Kings voice and shouts glory.

Though it was halfway decided, they made a very unnecessary thing. it was necessary first to discuss about the reward, salary and fully knowing the about the treatment and duty. No, It is not too late now. The beginning is essential.

I glanced toward Sagami to obtain consent, The guy leaked out a sigh with a face that made breakthrough on something and went to the King and gave a beautiful salute. No, thats not what I mean. I compromised to you because the atmosphere is something that can still be declined.

When treatment and reward are entirely unclear, do you participate in a war? My heart grieves in this kind of punishment game while my existence is completely ignored by the surrounding people, A dry smile that had gave up everything floated in my face.

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