Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!

7 I Can'T Resist That Difference.

That night, in front of the north wing of Camelia, where Astel king Armadiyaus lived, Fermenia stood silently.

(This, the hell...)

All that springs up and out is such a puzzling word. I can't help it. The origin of the word is due to the figurine of armor in front of you.

Armor figurine placed here. Slamus armor that name. It is a self-contained, movable golem that can be called the highest in the country, made by one of its brave wizards in the history of the Kingdom of Astel. Known for his use of earthly magic, the Great Sage also made a great contribution to the construction of Camelia. This is the specialty that such a forerunner supposedly created over his lifetime.

That's why it's in a place like this, because this is what Fermenia did.

She pulled herself out of the corner of the treasure hall to set the moxibustion on the hey" of the wizard Swimey Yakagi, who didn't know it would stop before.

This placement in anticipation of perhaps even coming here today. But when I came to see the fit when the guard's patrol was over, the golem stayed the same and nothing happened at all.

Then I turned my eyes to the room unexpectedly wondering if it didn't come today - and the door was slightly open.

- Why.

So he swung away the words sweeping through his brain and made sure that the golem didn't move, and the best golem in the country had already finished with the shape of the golem.

(This golem is so unbroken...)


I'm pretty sure this golem was activated first. In previous start-up experiments to be placed, it moved without obstacles and had a smooth operation similar to that of new, despite the age objects.

But if it did, the Golem would have had a fight with Swimey. But there are no shards of traces around them that would be engraved when they fought. That's impossible. This golem, supposedly made for local defense, was fought by Fermenia at the time of the start-up experiment, but could not be so easily deactivated.

Then why is it so destroyed by no complete skin? The golem has been devastated by the technique of its contents, but its appearance remains completely unchanged and placed in the same place.

What kind of moves can I use to change this golem indefinitely? Even if you rip it off with force, this can't happen. Even the magical traces that should have been exercised have been beautifully and refreshingly erased, and I can't even see the means by which the Golem was defeated or the skill that created this situation.

The person who did it lights the lights in the room and stares at the summons as usual.

It's like saying you don't have your own thing in mind.


I threw up this nasty evil that I had never used before in my life in such a casual imagination.

I was sexually angry when I thought that this self had not been dealt with at all by Fermenia Stingray, who was called a genius and climbed to the position of court magician earlier than anyone else. I know I'm here and you haven't noticed, but I still can't stop being angry. I can't forgive the magical manipulation that licked the court demon conductor.

And once again, Fermenia thinks on that defenseless back.

It would be good. I'm trying to show you. If you don't skip anything and repeat your foolishness, look at it now. I will make sure that you know the abyss of the magic that you do not know.

A dark flame burns up in a woman called White Flame. There is a flame of overconfidence that attaches itself to profit and brings power only to those who have rightly lost sight of themselves.

- Yes, at this time, the creed of duty, responsibility, etc. that was in Fermenia was torn away before his insistence and chronic heart.

Turn your back on this one and quietly say your confidence to a boy from another world who just immerses himself under his feet.

"... it's a swimey goatee. This white flame is called my power. I'll show you everywhere."

Without knowing that the occurrence of that will will turn into the future's own despair.

A few days later than the night they broke the golem. Fermenia was now tailing after one boy after a quiet night for everyone staying around the royal castle Camelia.

The opportunity I chose to relate to him when I walked in secrecy, today. Wandering through Camelia and pulling, he follows her without leaving, trying to hunt her down like this in order to cast down an iron hammer on a boy who scorns the king's glory.

Naturally, as usual, Swimey hasn't noticed, and she can't even notice. Always use the magic of the wind during the tail to keep your footsteps, heat, and even your slightest breath out of reach. No matter how clever the signs may be with this magic of concealment, you will never realize it. Whoever it is.

The boy in front of him walks without a light and without hesitation down a passage closed in the dark. It seems that where he's going today is a different place than usual. As usual, students' clothes and what they call "shabby" clothes are packed together and walked everywhere. We still don't know where we're headed, but today Fermenia figured out how to handle it.

"- Tz!"

At the end of the day, a shadow appeared.

Unexpectedly, small surprises. Was there someone to walk out on this quiet night? The castle's sleepless turn, because of this aftermath, is getting a lot of sleep today, and they never come out. Then who the hell is it?

... but he just felt that way. Normally, there is no one but a guard, such as a person who walks in the middle of the night like this even sleeping in grass.

And when I turn my gaze to him trying to chase Swimey again.

"... disappeared, you say?

The focus of both eyes can't even be right. In a slightly eyed gap, Suimei had disappeared neglectfully.

With that walking speed, I'm still supposed to be around the corner. Behind the aisle, I don't see him.

But you can look if you can't see what you're saying where you can't see anymore.

Under its will, Fermenia gathers the magic in her body and spins the magical ceremony of the wind.

"- The wind. Become my servant and tell me what I desire. Windsearch"

What I exercised was the magic of exploration with the wind. This makes the information you want to know perceived by the wind.

Soon after, the footsteps of Swimei reached Fermenia's ears by the wind. The sound has not engraved a certain rhythm. Not yet, not so far away. Fermenia hurries to the sounder, without haste.

"This way... hmm?

Listening to the sound, as I ran for a small run, I noticed something.

(First, what's ahead here...)

And then you notice where Swimey headed, and your anger burns up again.

Yes, it is precisely where he is about to go now, the gardens of White Asia. It was one of the gardens inside the royal castle Camelia, the most formatted place.

This is a sanctuary where only a limited number of people can enter, spending the king's few private hours. Trying to get in there without permission is such a disgrace. Seriously, forgive me no longer. Yes. Anger on his chest. Anger on his chest. Hell, he steps on the floor and chases him.

Over the cobblestone aisle, through a small courtyard along the way, ahead.

I'll creep through the last aisle, swearing I'll be sure to slap this wrath on that boy. I followed the light of the stars and the backlight of the moon as I ran through the blinding hour for a moment. I had the magic of my life and stepped on it.

- Then there was one wizard there.

Gardens of White Asia. Next to the obelisk at its center, Swimey Yakagi turns his back and looks up at the gemstone-like stars as soon as it pours down.

Stand at night with a giant moon sitting in the shade of the night against the backdrop of a magnificent middle heaven stretching blue black from the earth to heaven, from heaven to earth and from end to end.

When did he change his clothes, his appearance from the earlier "shabby" turned to one flawless outfit that was so confusing with neat black and his appearance.

"... man, tailing and sniffing around after people doesn't seem like a good hobby though. The only thing you can say that's a pathetic, stupid stray sheep who doesn't know how things work or how to cook, huh?

He then bent his mouth to a niggling and invincible grin and turned to this one as if he had noticed this move from the beginning. It's as if to mock an unidentified stray to go.

"... you didn't realize?

"Sort of. It would be weirder if you didn't notice if you could just look behind you."

When asked, even naturally, Swimei returned it cool. The tail was already known.

No way, it was a surprise to have this perfect technique of hiding out.

Then this time, this will be the one who was eaten full. And the fact that this pursuit was in the hands of an invitation.

The more the roots of the teeth lift, the more they bite their teeth. Being danced is such a regret. To the humiliation I taste for the first time, the flames of anger raised the fever.

I was invited. Without releasing his guard to that unafraid fact, he turns to him.

"... then what are you going to do?

"I mean nothing, nothing. I was just walking. It's not the rule that you shouldn't leave the room at night, is it? So this time, I came to a place I'd never been before."

"Did you think you could roll this me in smoke for that reason? If you knew, you knew you were here, right?

I don't even try to hide my frustration at what you know and what you invite me to do, and I slap you like that.

Then Swimey laughed unwieldily like a bad boy whose prank had been found out.

"I knew it wouldn't work. Right."

"Ask again. Why did you come to such a place?

"Why not? It's..."

The mouth-watering swimey is still laughing as cool as a breeze. As if to foresee what will happen in the future and have fun on it.

And with a glaring look at this one's sincerity.

"That's the same reason you are. Don't you?"

"Oh, shut up? I thought I was gonna be okay, but I don't know if I was."

Swimey says so, in a familiar manner, wearing black gloves.

This one doesn't fit that story. Off-topic so as to deceive me that it was even the prospectus that was found out.

"Where the hell did you bring those clothes from?

Yes, I've never seen any clothes worn by Swimey before. On a black coat with a long hem, the first type you see, inside it is black clothing that you can see as it opens, a decorative cloth and a hard knitted bright white shirt. The same black trousers as the jacket. Such a stand-up.

"Hmm? Oh, suit and coat? I always try to carry my battle dress."

"You want me to carry it with you? I wouldn't have brought any clothes, except those from when I was summoned."

"I was putting it in my bag. You saw that you had one, too, right?

Remind me. Swimey, who spoke that way, acts to lift something. Does the act lead to memory?

Sure enough, all three of them had their personal belongings in hand at that time.


"What kind of clothes would fit in a small storage box like that?"

"You know, I think you're smart enough to say whatever it takes, right?

Swimey looks like she's stuck on her shoulder like she's stunned. He is a wizard, so if you think about it carefully, there is a verse that comes to mind.

"... right, a magic guide"

"If you do something, it's a nasty way of putting it, but you're right. It's my favorite."

and swimey to mouth just a little bragging. A magic guide is an article that exerts an effect that is not normally possible, with some force applied to what is normally present. Sure, that would be a possible story, but I've never heard of an enchant that increases the tolerance of the contents. I don't think it applies to any of the eight attributes, but if you have such an excellent magic guide, do you even want to brag about it?

As this one roars at the effect of the bag, Swimey, who finished wearing the gloves, trims the collar of his coat and cuts it out invincibly.

"- Well, it's too late for the night. Shall we get started?"

"Don't be silly, you bastard. Where do you think you are? This is a garden in White Asia that His Majesty the King particularly likes. You think you're allowed to fight in a place like this?

This is the garden of White Asia, the king's garden. What a shallow thought, such as roughing up there in battle. Yes, with a sharp stare, I blame the words that are so lame.

But Suimei turned his invincible grin into a mockery just for his mouth, as if he had seen something funny as well.

"Huh? It's a garden in White Asia. Sure, it's a garden with a big name that goes well with the vibrant construction, but - as you say, is this really the garden of that white-air?

"I don't know what that means. This is the garden of White Asia, above all the presence of the white obelisk that showed the center of the garden beside you. The flowers that colour the garden are all kinds of seeds taken from all over the kingdom, and this is the favorite of His Majesty the King because that spire you see on the left hand side - ah...?

No. Momentum shook his left hand, but the tower of the throne, where His Majesty's room was, was not where it was supposed to be. Shadows and shapes.

The contents of his head fall into confusion at once.

Swimey said away, as if she knew such her own perplexity or mocked herself without spinning words.

"What's up? There's nothing on your left hand side, okay? The king's bedroom spire overlooking the gardens of White Ash, as you wish to say, is on your right, isn't it?

Turn again to the point.

"... stupid. Your Majesty's bedroom must be on the left hand side. Why, why is it on the right hand side..."

Turn the other way and there it is, the tower. To the inexplicable phenomenon, there are no words. No reason. And it can't be. The spire I was supposed to point at was on his right hand side, as he put it in his mouth.

Questions and confusion swirling through my head about what the hell happened. Originally, the Tower of Thrones is on the left hand side. Not as many opportunities as I've been called here, but only then I see them. Definitely. But now it's on the right hand side for some reason. Why?

Then Swimey, with her meditating mastery, explains.

"Right. There are two possible answers. Easy. The spire on your right is simply that you were mistaken for it on your left, or that this isn't the garden of White Asia you know."

"Stupid. That can't be..."

"Really? Then why is there a spire on the left? The moon is rising from the right looking at us? The planted areas of the flowers that make up the garden are being reversed from left to right? Tell me the answer."

"Oh, that's..."

They ask me to give them an answer, but I don't know the answer.

Indeed, he was right, the garden of White Asia now was, as its presence mirrored, reversed. Everything I'm even seeing right now, including the moon and constellations, is the opposite.

This was as if all of a sudden, I was lost in another world.

"Phantom road..."

(Divergent inversion)

"Phumm... Ro-do?

The words that Suimei uttered - which have not been converted into this language, and therefore are probably words other than the language they use on a daily basis - are repeated without understanding.

"Yes, this is within the boundaries I've made. A mirrored phantom world where everything has been inverted from this world. It's called a void space, where you braid numbers that don't exist in the world and you create places that don't exist."

"Hey, what's that? The number that doesn't exist? Hey, how's it goin '? What the hell are you talking about? What the hell did you do?

To Suimei's magical exposition, he came out with his mouth shut and was seared and anxious. The same goes for unfamiliar words, but I have never seen or heard such magic. I am the court magician, myself. Totally. One thing.

Magic is a mystery that uses the power of the element to wake up. To harness the power of eight elements: fire, water, wind, earth, thunder, tree, light and darkness, magic always has any attribute and does miracles by the power of its elements. Using magic as the driving force, he calls on the element with chants, puts the element on the path called the surgical ceremony, and asks for results.

But this magic doesn't have it. You don't have the power of an essential element for magic.

"Oh man, from there... I knew it, too. The awkwardness of magic over here and what we call medieval civilization. Though the contents seem to be centuries before that. Well, that's why it's already unknown from language and conceptual relationships, isn't it?

"This is what you think this is magic...? Is there some magic that can transform the world like this? Depending on the attributes, it changes the scene around"

"It's not just the looks that are changing... is it like that confusing? It's a bit of a stupid junction magic, isn't it?

Yes, there's magic using something that I've never heard of in the first place, even suspicious if it's an attribute -.

"Cool...... maho?

"Hey no way from there!? You don't even have a concept of connecting? This place!?

"So what the hell are you..."

"The kingdom! It's kingdom magic! You've never really heard of it!?

"And I don't know! I don't know what you're talking about, but such inexperienced magic exists in this world!

"... seriously. I'm starting to feel like I can do something in this world."

Swimey is greatly surprised by something and then holds his head heavy with one hand. Was the magic of this world so shocking to him?

And he decided he couldn't even explain anymore? I vomited a big big big give up sigh.

"... Fair enough. Let's not have a hard story. The point is, this isn't the White Ya garden you know, it's another place I created based on the White Ya garden with witchcraft. So no one notices if there's a noise or a fight here, or if you leave the magic behind, in your dreams. Okay?"


I don't know half what you're talking about. The magic used is a total mystery. But I understood the situation where it was put. Now I've been lured into his cage.

Swimey opens her mouth when she understands and receives silence.

"I don't think you swallowed it before you figured it out. It is important to take the situation calmly. Now it's time to... Let's get started."

"Let it go. You seem concerned that I can let you get lost in the unexplained, but do you seriously think you can defeat me with your degree of magic? I am Stingray, whose kingdom of Astel is the magician of the court, white flames. It's not like I'm losing to a man who can only face his opponent using such a small craftsman as a coward!

I can yell at a boy who just doesn't break being up there. That's right. You just have to think about it. I am white flame. A wizard who has reached the truth of the flames. Then what can we put behind us? If it is a battle, I am an absolute. We've burned down several warcraft and demons before.

There's not much magic. You can't lose to a boy like this. What do you say is advantageous when you draw into analogy? He didn't pull himself in, he can't even fight without pulling himself into a place like this.

- Yes, there's no reason for me to be afraid of him, or to remember the fear.

"- Hmm. Seems like you wanted to make a mess of things that you don't understand, but the result is known."

"Oh, well, with great confidence. But can you really take me down with you?

"Well said. Then I'll show you. Because I am called White Flame in this Kingdom of Astel. Reached the ultimate truth of the magic guide, my flame!

"Mm-hmm. You think it's the truth?

When he shouted up loudly, a voice with no dangers of witch mountain play from the face to face. When I heard what I said, the color of Swimei changed visibly, like I had ever been in the cold wind.

Naturally. It is the truth of the flames that I deal with. Listen to that, look at that, there's no way the Wizard of Ichii can stay calm.

Therefore, he speaks for himself. To manifest here the magic that I have arrived at.

"- It's flames. Thou, that the flame hath a reason for flame, but that which is out of the reason for flame. Burn down all things, the white that is evil in truth! Truth Flare!"

At the same time as you utter out the key words, a white, shining flame swirls around you. This white flame took in the surrounding wind, something that led to having several times as much heat as a red flame.

It is a flame that burns down all matter.

"Nah - huh?

Surrounded by white flames, Swimey uttered such a poorly understood tonal voice. Her complexion is full of confusion, and she's just stunned on the spot for nothing she can do.

Naturally. A white flame surrounds you that everyone has a vision and doesn't break their awe attitude.

If you're the same wizard, you can't help but give up resistance.

Yes, even though there was no imposition, Suimei looked around once with a puzzled face and then "rang a horrible finger".

It was right after that. The white flame instantly lost its color and turned it into just a red flame.

"Hey, what?!?

And while I was surprised by the phenomenon myself, the flames gradually lost their fierceness around Swimey, and as a result, disappeared as if nothing had happened.

Surprise this one on your ass, take a brief look at where the white flames were burning until earlier, and eventually Swimey slowly opens her turning mouth here.

"... you know what?

It was a clap-out dialogue, like being betrayed with tiny results by expectations that were enough to recruit.

Imagination, impatience, can't dissipate without losing a place to go. It was confusion that cut the weir out of his own mouth and overflowed to cut that word he uttered.

"Hey, why!? Why!? Why does my white flame go out!? Those are the extremes of fire that only those who have reached the truth can handle! Why did you just snap your finger..."

"Wow... what, are you serious? Oh, man. To be honest, I wondered what kind of nasty magic you got yourself into, and you simply mixed oxygen to accelerate the combustion a little bit..."

"Hey, what's that attitude?!? Wow, my flame!

The words do not come out well to the remarkable dismay shown by Swimei. Why did the white flame go out and why did he have a sense of disappointment? Only such an idea precedes me and even interferes with what I say back.

But Suimei complained to herself that it was not enough.

"... there's no curse either. It doesn't even mean I hung it in flames. There is no such thing as pulling from some inheritance, or even the strength of witchcraft. If I were your master, I'd be yelling to start over from the ground up."

"Hey, what! What the hell am I missing in my magic!?

"All of it. All of it! There's no mon at all, and you're just a flamethrower! It's worse than that!


"Oh, that's enough... already..."

Such a swimey who says things like he gave up explaining and saying things. The shaking of merciful eyes through the shadows clap at the exasperation of their magically broken selves.

It was in there. What happened. What did he do?

When he sighed loudly again, suddenly at his feet...


The magic formation appeared.

"What the hell!?

"... Now what?

The tone of reproach is occupied by shuddering. But above all, I was stunned by the unlikely phenomenon that had happened in front of me.

"The magic team was painted on its own... Impossible..."

"... to?

"Heh, bye! Why... why is the magic formation suddenly appearing underfoot!? That's impossible, isn't it? What did you do?

When he yelled at her for doing something, Suimei now lurked his eyebrows at the evil appearance of blood circles, unlike before.

This is the one who wants to look like that.

A magic formation is an auxiliary role in simplifying the itinerary in the exercise of magic by forming part or all of a technique to be constructed when magic is used in a medium capable of writing, not only on the ground, but also on floors, walls, rock skin, paper, etc.

Normally, because of the effort that occurs in writing or drawing a combination of letters or numbers, shapes, during combat, it is only used in rituals, etc., and is not depicted without any act, as it is now.

"No, it's normal."

"Normal stuff! What can I do to interfere with the magic just so that the magic formations are drawn on their own!

Yelling again, Swimey held her head out again.

"Ahhh, there too? Is that where this world comes from? Seriously, are you done? The magic of this world."

I don't care about this one. And when I frequently trouble my head and regress from it, I think of my temples as twirling with my index finger, making a different voice than before.

"Uh, you know. This guy built a predetermined sorcery formula, and he interfered with the world in advance to incorporate the foundation of that sorcery so that a magic formation could be formed automatically. That way, when you use magic, the magic team automatically occurs and you can exercise magic at high speeds. You know?"


"There's no way you can do that. Right now, it's made right in front of you. I'll tell you before I wake you up like that, if you deny not only the magic you just did, but even the mystery that's happening in front of you, I don't recognize you as a mystician. All right?"


This word was sealed by the boy's impending rigour to disagree.

Sometimes his story was legitimate, but the very existence of the technique of automatically generating magic formations was the first ear. Because no one has ever used the magic formations that way before, and the old wizard never talked about them that way.

" simplifying the process for the exercise of magic would be a must during battle. Is this really a fantasy world of swords and magic?

Then it was more fantastic where we were... "

"There's about a simplification of the process until you exercise magic! No chanting is the best of them all!

"Huh? What's that? No chanting is that advanced technology?

"Oh, of course"

"Except for the great magic. Then what? Is this going to be an amazing move, too?

Swimey spoke so easily before playing her pussy and finger. Then to Russia, the sound played - perfectly in sync with the sound of my fingers tapping the base of my thumb - the air in front of me bounced with intense momentum.

There is no time to exhale or drink. The air scattered in all directions becomes a shockwave across the wind, ravaging the surrounding objects.

"Ku, ah... What...? No chanting, no key words on top of that..."

"Awesome, Mizumi! I exercised my magic without chanting, so now I'm one of the great magicians!...... ha, silly"

Tighten your chest and snap right into it. Suimei, who threw up in an instant that her retreat was cold, was even feeling shriveled.


"I'm tired of explaining. I'm not willing to go along with any more of your questions. So."

That's what I said, I said the words.

"Archiatius overload!

(Magic furnace, load activated!

Was it a magical chant? Archiatius, overload. Solo words that are too short to distinguish between spells and keywords, and do not even know what they called upon, but make the magic formations that were beneath them shine once and for all strong.

And a magic formation of white light containing the brilliance of a rainbow unleashed something in the boy.

"- Tz!?

Immediately afterwards, the immense magic that sprays. While closing his eyes for a moment to his dazzling power, when he opened his eyes to the cured running stream, there was a figure of someone who harnessed a quiet magic and hardened himself to powerful intimidation.

"Magic has increased!? What the..."

"What? Did I tell you I'm tired? Don't say anything more. Yeah, I know. You're surprised you amplified (boosted) your magic like you did now. I know. Your question is not enough for me."

Swimey mouths somewhere irritating. The boy who is no longer willing to answer this suspicion will not even temporarily lend himself to the words he uttered aggressively.

And I regained my quiet temper again and cut it out again.

"I've wasted a lot of time already since I told you to start - now, Wizard, is it my turn?

And at the end of the question, Swimei snorted like he was not funny or anything.

... What is happening right now in front of you? How many times have you thought that since you got here? So is the current increase in magic, but in the end, as I said earlier, this man used his magic formations to activate magic.

It is a paradoxical act, such as purposefully creating a magic formation to simplify and use the magic process before exercising magic. I have more time to draw my magic formations and eventually more time until I exercise my magic. Yet even though the man in front of him took the process, he exercised his magic at a rate that ignored even the minimum time necessary to exercise the miracle of magic.

There is no falsehood in that fact, and there is no falsehood in that fact. Then you will no longer be able to treat this boy as an understatement. Because I have done what I cannot and cannot understand without suffering. I'm sure this boy has no hanging. I am nothing more than a wizard with absolute knowledge (from my side), who has walked in a world I do not know.

- I'm sure this boy is stronger than himself.

- I'm sure this boy is stronger than the old wizard he mentored.

- I'm sure this boy is stronger than the brave Reggie.

- I'm sure this boy is better than the demon king who leads the world to ruin...

"... who are you?

"No, you never made a decent name for yourself since you got here. Fine, I'll give you a name."

Yes, Swimey spoke as she remembered, then opened her mouth again.

"- I'm a magician, Mitsumi Eight Keys. He is a modern Japanese mystician who sought mystery in order to reach all the reasons of the world."

Magician, Mitsumi Eight Keys.

It was later the name of a wizard who wanted to soil the best wizard in Astel history for the first time and told her she could never reach it.

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