Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!

42 The Goddess Is Tough On Her.

The Imperial capital Philas Filia, the largest city in the empire and home to the Cathedral of Philas Filia, famous for the presence of busts of goddesses made by digging giant crystals, and the largest library of books in the three kingdoms, as well as the Enchantress House, a place for the training of wizards and magical studies, built jointly with the Kingdom of Astel and the Sardias Union, is a huge enough city in the world to contend for one or two.

The outer edges are occupied by dwellings made of wood or gray bricks, but the city is occupied by dwellings built of red bricks in a generally gentle shade, and the upstream compartments inhabited by the nobility are united by fine, vibrant red bricks.

Red is often used because five generations ago the emperor preferred red red, and.

It is probably an extension of my personal taste, but red is the color of blood shed by saints and has long been cherished in the other world - mainly in Europe. Other than that, it is an image of battle, as the color of a knight's or an army's coat.

Even in different worlds, if this colour is used in the capital of a country that weighs heavily on the military, it can be described as an interesting code inside.

With that in mind, Shuiming shifts her gaze to a higher position. There are many tall buildings in an imperial capital that is large as a city. Due to the high wall protecting the outer circumference, the building's height limit would also be higher than in other cities.

There is a strong impression that even when it is watery, it is a lot different from Metail, the capital of the Kingdom of Astel. Metail also had a lot of people, but it's easier to get the image that this one is more modern. Sure, there were shops, parks, etc. over there, but this one would still be up there in terms of development, as the zoning and sewers were properly maintained.

But seeing such beautiful streets, watching the children playing and shaking in the water, Moya Moya in the heart of Shuiming was not clear. I blurred to exhale tired breaths. Yes, for a reason.

"No way, I didn't expect Trinity and the others to wipe their asses..."

No way. Yeah, I've been alone a couple more times.

What the travellers were talking about in the stall was that Trinity Two, returning from the Empire to Astel territory, led the Royal Army to defeat the Demonic General and his men, 10,000, who would call him Rajas.

For Shuiming, who heard it, the story was surprising that it was naturally water in her bedear, and after she found out about it, the whirlpool of sparkle swirled.

As you are distorting your face in a rugged manner, Refill will hang a voice of care.

"Shui Ming-kun. Still haven't taken off the traveler's rumor range, has it? I don't know for sure if they really knocked it down"

"Right. But I didn't see him disappear. Plus, sometimes the name Rajas flies with Trinity's name. This must have been 89 out of 10, one blow wouldn't have knocked him out..."

Yeah, sigh, and this is why I'm upset. I feel a lot worse for annoying the Trinity Two, but my pride as a magician is a bummer because I couldn't settle for that. Magic for a full release against evil spirits, against demons. Even though there was this wear and tear, I regret that I couldn't get rid of it in one shot, and even though it was only a matter of time because of the residual holy thunder, something bitter still lingers in my mouth.

"Not at all impudent. I didn't know you couldn't finish it with a single blow."

"Stupid. You said you couldn't defeat him, and that would be enough. Perhaps your friend has dealt with a worn out Rajas. Considering that if you didn't fight Rajas and they were fighting Rajas..."

She's right, they probably didn't have a life. But...

"I guess so. That's not the problem... ha."

"Is that what you're trying to say, that it's true that you couldn't defeat him? I know how you feel, but it's not good that you're just sighing. Just wiggle your depressed feelings, and you'll keep people away from you."

"Oh, well, I guess so."

To Refill's embarrassment, that's what Shuiming saves.

I just said, 'Sigh keeps people away'. This would mean the same thing as' sigh escapes happiness'. People's happiness is what people carry. If people don't lean on it, happiness won't lean on it, the story turned.

Sure, she's right. I can't help messing around forever.

"Okay, stop talking about this, stop. Change your mind all the time."

"That's right. I like that."

And he says, "Oh, right," and he shows a calm grin like her and punches up his fist, Refile. At a time like this, it would be just as good to bring it to light.

"- So, Refile. He said he had somewhere he wanted to go, but where are we going?

"Yeah. It's the Salvation Church"

"... seriously?

At the request of Refill, we arrived at a painting close to the outer wall gate. It is the site of the Salvation Church, which also houses several locations within the Empire City.

This is the first time I've ever been to a major faith institution in another world, but when I step in, I get the impression that I'm different from anywhere else. On the way, the road was not bricked, but turned into a round stone buried scattered on the ground, a well-maintained flower bed and a small pond. And the trees that were lined up with the narrow trees became forests, and the greenery was left for this painting alone.

Clear your ears, you'll hear the little bird. It would be exactly the new green sanctuary. Beyond, there are white buildings like that.

And a trail laid as if to invite you behind it. As the two of them walked there, Shuiming found her face gradually becoming something steep.

"Church... Church..."

"You seem to be whining with a weird face if you did it earlier, but is there something?

"No, it doesn't mean there's something.... Well, is that supposed to be, really good here?

Hide that you are unfamiliar with the atmosphere of the church, and Mizumi asks Lephir so.

"I don't know if this is a good place. What is it?

"Surely the Empire didn't have a bigger cathedral, did it? See, people come together from other countries for good sightseeing."

"You're Philus Filia Cathedral. This is where I told you before... I honestly don't really want to go anywhere big."

Refile frowns and spills like that. As if there is certainty that worries will occupy your head if you go there.


"Oh there is always a high priest of virtue in those places. I mean, you're a powerful man blessed by the goddess. I think you know more about the power of those who have been blessed with such things than I do about the strength and weakness of power... but what the hell do you think will happen if that person finds out who I am?

"Yeah......? Nothing. I don't think being spotted saying Spirit in this world is going to be that big of a problem, is it?

I also asked because I had a story from her about this world before. In this world, the Spirit must be familiar, and I've sensed signs of microspirits who have stopped by to see Lephire before. If so, I don't think it's so strange, but what do you think?

Then Refill held his face up as if he had a bump over his eyes.

"I am still the one whose battle and scarlet storm spirit, Ishaktony, divided the blood. Ishaktony is considered to have fought the evil god Zechariah as the right arm of the goddess Arshna in Alsharian holy mythology. The point is, I'm under the direct command of the goddess. I mean..."

"Don't be greatly appreciated if you know that. I'm sure. I mean absolutely, definitely."

"That's right. Not when I was in Nocious. We all understood that I was half spiritual. But in other parts of the world, that too, when the identity is revealed in the strong faith of the Salvation Church, it will probably be uninterrupted."

Did you imagine the scene when that fear actually happened, Refile blued her face and shook her as she fluttered her body? That there is no anticipated rush. That's not going to be comparable with the cult denominations here, and it's not hard to imagine being treated like the gods of the present. Instead, I can easily imagine Lefir being messed up and in trouble.

"Ha, isn't that okay too?

"It's not that funny! Come and worship me every day every day, be appreciated and cry, be with me, and ask me unscrupulous questions about the end of the world! More depressing than easy!

"Yeah. That's well... you don't like it too much, haha..."

I heard a hinged scrubbing sound from the church when Mizuming was only able to laugh funny at the heartfelt appeal that included Refill's anger.

He asked me to look him in the eye, and I turned to him, and a man came out of the entrance.

The man who decided all-back black hair interspersed with gray. Not so much a good physique, but not a casual body. It feels like I'm everywhere, but I don't feel like there's an unusual atmosphere. I'm not sure what you think, but it really makes me feel uncomfortable with the image of the church. The eyes on his stern face are closed, but he proceeds with a firm foothold. Clothed hem, like a courtesy dress, rocked in the wind.

The trail is narrow that it's finally time for the two of them to pass side by side, so when Shuiming and Refile quietly paved the way for easy passage, the man gently met up and left intact.

Eventually, Refill turns his neck slightly behind him and stares at him to clasp the man's back. Towards the back of a man is a sharp gaze that you can't imagine from a young figure.

"Suimei. That man."

"What happened to the guy earlier?

"No, I thought that was a pretty good user..."

Quite a user. But I didn't feel any excessive magic swings, mysterious things, or the inexplicable twists of events due to the current mistakes. With that in mind, if you think that Refile said,

"And - is that a swordsman?

"Yeah... what's up? I guess you have a sword mind, too, huh?

Refile said yes, you'll see, but not to Shuiming.

"No, I do use my sword, too. I'm not a master enough to spot a swordsman's opponent yet. Strong guys have more secrets within than they do around them. It's still too far down the road to read those subtle lines"

"Mm... right"

But I wonder how many users that means. Even if you skip being a spirit, if a refir with unusual powers is reputed and you can't spot someone, that's what I mean.

In that regard, in previous fillings,

"That was Liliana last time, and he seemed pretty good."

A wizard girl named Liliana Zandaik. The magic that surrounded her was something that could not be ignored. I can see a considerable amount of magic just from the standpoint of that time. I wonder how all that magic and control is done without a magic furnace.

"Liliana Zandaik? I don't have a lot of information, but I've participated in a few skirmishes with the countries of the South and it looks like I've made some achievements. So the alias is the Imperial Human Weapon."

"That's a pretty noisy alias."

"He said it came from carrying out the tasks given to him in a pale way, but maybe one of the factors was that he had less emotional ups and downs."

Indeed, as Refill puts it, Liliana in the stuffing also feels like she had less of an emotional ups and downs movement. I wonder what actually happened because I just exchanged two or three words.

"- And not if you're doing this. We have to pray fast."

That's right. No. No. Refile jumped forward earlier and climbed the stairs a little and opened the white door. And then he enters the cathedral. No, he rushes in momentum in front of the statue of the goddess without even shaking his side.

Faithful...... No, the goddess Arshna is something that exists for the people of this world, so a little different? Shuiming also follows him into the cathedral, lifting his gaze high as he looks up at the ceiling.

The Basilica of the Salvation Church. Unlike the popular church in the other world, there is no stained glass or pipe organ. but it creates a quiet atmosphere, the bust is decorated and the fun seems to be it.

A window situated near the ceiling, from which the sunlight emitted falls a fragmented light on the floor, and a magically lit warm light in its invisible location. There are naturally neglected people within the church, little children dressed as less affluent, elderly women who seem serene, and old men who are well acquainted, all praying for their busts.

It was a clean cathedral.


As I praised in my heart about the Church in different worlds, watching, a woman's voice ranged from side to side. Shuiming turns around and returns her greetings.

"Ah, hello...... oh!?

Oh, and Shuiming couldn't stop the surprise that came up after such a greeting. With a shout that seems suspicious, Mizumi accidentally makes her eyes black and white. Seeing him like that, the voiced, elderly woman - Sister tilted her little neck strangely.

"How is it done?

"Mi, you have ears!

Surprisingly, Shuiming is still unable to regress from surprise. I just say the features on my eyes in an up-rubbed voice.

"That would be natural. You have ears, too, don't you?

"It's not, so, uh, it"

"- Oh. Could it be the first time you've seen a beast race?


- The Beast Man. Well, there are diverse races in the empire. Does that mean she's a so-called beast man? A species unique to different worlds with a power stronger than man, born with the characteristics of a beast.

I was finally good at the look of it. If you're a beast race, it wouldn't be strange to have beast ears on it. Is it a monastic garment specific to the Salvation Church, or a flickering blue garment? From the underside of the veil, worn by a sister, is a lightly wavy pink hair. A drooling cat family beast ear is popping out of my head.

When I moved my gaze to my subtle face, I had a tender look. However, I can feel the genius that the quiet atmosphere doesn't even make me feel fine dust.

To Sister like that, Mizumi politely apologizes for the agitation.

"I have ears so I'm surprised... sorry for the disturbance"

"Was I? Then you can't even be surprised. Because if you've never seen an Orc, you're often surprised."

Sister dulls, spilling a modest laugh. When an older woman behaves like that, I'm somewhat embarrassed - but anyway.

Chemomi mister tips his little neck with his index finger on his cheek.

"Aren't you prayed for?

"No, I'm with her."

and gazing at Lefir, who pokes his knee and prays, Sister made another smile with Nicole,

"Oh, he's a very small lover."

What are you doing?

"But you can't. It's not very recommended in the Empire that a man your age and a little girl go out with you."

"Ha - No, it's not!! I said her, but not her in the sense of saying so!!

"Hehe, it's a joke. I know."

And, Sister confesses to being out of the blue. The way you're smiling like you're smiling, you just look like you're smiling at a man who's unnecessarily messed up. It is a diagram that was completely done. My shoulders are heavy.

Then she turns and quietly opens her mouth toward Refile.

"You're an enthusiastic child"

"... Yep. When I arrived in Imperial City and asked where I was going first, the church was mentioned first, and this is how I got here. When I can pray, I need to go to church as much as possible... and they pull my clothes."

"I suppose you care about the goddess' teaching. At that age, it's solid."

"haha...... well don't say it in front of her when it comes to age......"

Hearing Shuiming mention, Sister is making her ears tingle and seem strange.

Lephire is also pitiful if he doesn't get back to normal soon.

Yes, as Shuiming scratches the back of her head in a pompous position, a row formed next to Refill enters her eyes. What the hell are we all waiting for, standing in front of a priest who finished his sermon, looking like he swelled his chest to expectations?

Ask Sister.

"What the hell is that line up after worship?

"Arshna, this is your entrustment. When the prayer is over, the bishop will teach you the Goddess's message. Most of the time if not."


I see. Is that the proclamation that made Lephile do something weird and associate herself with it? I see the priest standing next to his bust, putting the book on his chest and whining about something bumpy. And if you look closely, it does work like that. I can't feel the magical ceremony or the magical movement, but locally, only in that place, the divine work (Teulgia) is working and the mana is darker.

Perhaps that priest, the goddess, is interfering in mediating his own body. It is a genuine trust.

Sister sounds surprised as Shuiming sees the fruit of the trust and raises an exclamation.

"And it's surprising that you don't know the Manifesto. Every diocese should have that format"

"Because where I was, there was no Salvation Church faith and no doings."

"Oh, that's unusual. But there was no goddess faith in my settlement either, so I get a little intimacy."

A sister who slaps her hand and smiles all the time not to say unexpected coincidence. A gentle smile. Animal signs also match and are attracted to a calm atmosphere somewhere.

"Speaking of which,"


"Maybe you're arriving in Philus Filia today?

"Do you understand?

"It seems like this is the first time I've seen a beast race, and then somehow, I thought so."

"Well... did you find out you're not studying"

I guess it had something to do with looking around intriguingly or asking common sense, and even seemed like an old man to Sister. When Shuiming puts aside her own uncertainty, Sister feels a little overwhelmed that she has said something rude.

"Oh, no, nothing like that..."

and to her like that, Mizumi put up a bit of a prank vibe on her refreshing smile,

"- So, can you give me any kind of deafening information on such an unschooled person?

"Ha... Yes, I see. I understand. Well, it's not so much ear information."

"Because there's something?

"About two or three. Can I tell you a lesser story or a better story?

"Then please tell me a bad story. It's better to hear a good story later, 'cause it's easier to feel uncomfortable."

When Shuiming says so, Sister answers "yes," stopping by to change her calm face once and for all and even advise her.

"You said you had just come to Empire City earlier, but then be careful with your night out. There have been many incidents in Imperial City these days."

"Unexpected incident, is it?"

"Yes, for about a month now, in the morning people are often discovered in a coma, fuelling the anxiety of those living in the capital."

"A coma incident is another noise, isn't it? Are you talking about being attacked by a thug or something like that?

"Probably. I know it's going to be after the magic, so it must be considered an artificial crime."

"... I think it's been quite a while since the case started, can't you solve it?

"The gendarmes are doing everything they can about that, but now. Few clues can capture the killer's footsteps, and because the magic used has very little effect or power, he can't determine which attribute of magic he used, so he hasn't been able to capture the killer."

I pity lay my eyes down. I guess it's as sweet as it looks. It's a look like you're speculating about the person who was victimized or the human mood around it.

Even if...

"Sister, are you familiar with this?"

"Yeah, a lot of people come to church, so a lot comes into my ear."

Say, give a peek at your confidence in your hearing, or a sister that moves your ears tingly. The desire to be super touched shakes Shuiming's mind, but I'm patient that I can be so rude.

Then Sister joins hands with Pong, who says she has good news.

"But we're going to solve this case soon, because we're going to join the brave men in investigating it."

"Brave man?"

"Yes, the valiant summoned at the Holy Service El Maiden is currently staying in Philas Filia."

"- Really?

"Yes. The public hasn't been informed yet, but they're also going to reveal it soon by raising the Imperial Government and the Salvation Church. Let's have a good story, shall we?

Is this a good story? It's more like an interest arousing story than a good one this way. Holy See El Mayde is a neutral religious state south of the Empire. There's no way I wouldn't mind with a brave man other than Trinity called there. I'm curious what kind of person came, and I want to know what the trend is to be called.

"Besides, the brave men who were called to the Sardias Coalition the other day were moved."

"With that said, there were four brave men called."

"The brave men called in the Sardias Coalition are remarkably feminine. He seems certain of the sword's arms, as well as amazing enough to embellish the swordsmen of the Allied Corps and the First Prince of the Sovereign Nation called the Sword King."

Is the third brave man a girl? What is the criterion then called? But this would have crushed the option of just a man. Nevertheless.

"... girls are really strong... what the hell is going on...?

"... what did you say?

He heard a blur close to Shuiming's whining. I'll tell Sister, "It's nothing," Shuiming. Perhaps the answer to this mystery will never come out. Thinking about that, Sister says, holding both hands in front of that big chest.

"Wouldn't this also make progress in dealing with demon kings and demons?"

"That's good news."

And, such a fold that Mizuming agreed, the row in front of the priest - when I looked closely, Lefir, who had at some point been entrusted by the priest, unleashed an oppressive voice.

"Hey, what?!? - Oh, yes, no, is that true!?

At some point if you look at it, she's stuck in a priest. He made a face of difficulty for a moment when rushed by a hurried refir, but I guess he's more accustomed to those kinds of responses than he is to partitioning out a courtesy. Soon he squeezes his expression tightly and snorts harshly.


He didn't want me to affirm it, and I can hear a scream similar to the scream of Refill. She turned to Mitsumi as soon as she issued it, like she would tell you in bad news.

"Su, Suimei!! What do we do now? Oh, my God!"

"You're in too much of a hurry, Refile. What the hell is wrong with you?

"There's nothing wrong with you or these things! Wow, what am I supposed to do!

"I don't know what to do... tell me what happened first. We'll talk about it later."

Having said that, Refill calls as he is, losing his peace.

"The Manifesto! I got another announcement!

"Not again... so?

It's not normal enough to disturb her so much. What the hell did the goddess do to her next time?

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