Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!

175 To Save Someone Who Won'T Be Saved.

With a severe earthquake, the magic explodes.

Heidemarie raises the operation of the magic furnace to its limits, and by its force breaks the junction from the inside. Since she had already returned to her original state of mind, there was no greater difficulty than breaking the bond.

When the phantom world disappeared, the sight had turned to the inside of the Church where it had been taken.

It would be because it had made the Church itself the enclosure of the kingdom.

Shortly after the junction disappears, from where the altar should be, the voice of a beautiful boy soprano flies.

"- Oh man, has the other side completely failed? Not as much as my mouth."

Turning to the voice, there stood a beautiful boy in white sacrificial clothing.

I guess this is the blonde boy (homunculus) who was trapping Hydemary. For, many questions remain about not interfering with the repatriation of the divine personality, not in the way of the High Demary rescue, and standing around.

What are you thinking about? Slow movement.

While both Shuiming and Hydemaree are surprised, the blonde boy skips the question as he is increasing his magic without alarm.

"So, who the hell are you?

That's the word for Shuiming.

In response to his question, Shuiming answers without hiding anything in particular.

"Me? I am the Sorcerer of the Order, Mitsumi Hachi."

"- Heh, the Order's Night Fall Beautiful (Evening Fall). Oh, well, you were the substitute executor."

The blonde boy mouths his mundane thoughts, as he was impressed with his cheeks. To such a boy, Mizuming turned his sarcastic grin, as usual, to the bad sauce.

"If you knew there was going to be an execution, you'd be a long shot. Your prospects just crushed, didn't they?

"That's not the right word. It's theirs, not yours. It doesn't include me."

"... I'm sure this one is meant to fulfill Sykes' petition... but didn't you find a purpose in it, too?

"Right. But in the end, it doesn't matter to me."

"What do you mean?

Heidemarie answers the questions Mizumi missed.

"I mean, you don't have to assimilate with divinity, you think you should defeat the man who defeated divinity."

"Exactly. You're right. Even if I can't assimilate myself to divinity, if I can defeat the existence that can defeat it, then my purpose will be fulfilled."

I see, that's where the point goes.

At the time this one defeated the Divine Spirit, the purpose was switched.

The boy had the purpose of 'boasting of his abilities', and divine summons was his tool. But if the one who defeats the divinity appears, it sounds better to defeat the one who defeated the divinity, rather in terms of 'boasting his abilities'.

That's why the boy was passive, both in the way of stopping summonses and in rescuing Hydemaree.

In short, this boy has the same roots as Heidemarie.

He is frustrated by the blanks created by his wealth of knowledge and inexperience and is trapped in the dilemma of Homunculus. And he said he was scratching his feet like this to fill that void somehow.

The blonde boy says out of step as Mizuming's heart is shaken by how much compassion she has.

"Beautiful star at night. I'll take you down. [M] Divine assimilation has failed, but if I defeat a genius called you, that will fill my void."

"Genius, huh. I've never thought of myself as a genius."

"Is that a provocation? Yeah, that sure works. I'm angry enough with that saying. What if you're not a genius when you defeat God from the world, fall into the devil, defeat the two corners of the Ten (Greed of Ten), and defeat the end-described Red Dragon?

To the raving rhetoric of the blonde boy, Shuiming smiles all the time to mock herself somewhere.

"You're miswording the word genius. I'm just a bad student."

"You just have to say that. You're not the one who appreciates it, you're the other."

Sure, that would be the best story. Self-evaluation is entrusted to others. There is no way that what I have evaluated myself can be passed on as it is.


"In the first place. I'm not your opponent, am I?

"First, you want me to take down my apprentice first? Earlier, it took me a long time to call myself the greatest masterpiece there."

"That's what happened. Now try knocking him down with no scratch and a legitimate magic battle. If I can do that, I'll take as many of them as I want."

"You got licked."

That's how the blonde boy gazes at High Demary.

In contrast to him, Heidemarie turned to the tip of the stick.

"You did it, didn't you? I can't believe you're using those hands."

"That's because there was a gap in your heart. I didn't think you could break it and come out. If you were as small as that in the junction, you wouldn't even have to feel painful."

Blonde boy boosts his magic. Then, the surrounding scenery became loosely distorted.

"But you stay alert. The church (here) is my position. That's not the only tie I've been preparing for."

When the blonde boy says so, his dazzling, loose vision increases in intensity, and he begins to hear a noise that squeezes the metal harder.

With the arrival of the magical establishment, the phenomenon will intensify.

A boy, however, utters a word of junction activation.

"- The kingdom! Make it here!

A magic formation unfolds at his feet, as well as a dome formed by magical light envelops the High Demary. White, like powder-covered. That, however, seemed to put up a defensive barrier to protect her.

But it's never meant to protect her.

"This is my restraint line. This isn't the kind of play you just did, is it? Crush it with this technique."

With that word, the blonde boy shows a trick like holding hands. Then the dome of light also begins to contract again so as to interact with the shrinkage of its fingers. I suppose by narrowing the boundaries, we will compress the space itself, compress and consolidate Hydemary, and crush it as it is.

Active contractile junction.

I see he is a diverse user of junctional magic.

Shooting penetrating magic from within and outside would not make much sense with this.

Well, then how does she deal with it?

As Shuiming confined her actions to observation and vigilance only, Heidemarie took something out of her chest pocket. It is the most frequently used piece of magic, Trump and its case, when she exercises witchcraft.

She scattered the cards that had been served there unwrought on the spot.


"- Wirbelwind!"

(- Blow it, whirlwind!

As the junction contracts, Heidemarie blows her cards to four weeks by the magic of the wind.

cards that danced within the junction were sparsely strung against the wall of the junction, and she looked at it and at the same time,

"- Handskar av jrn. Angriff!"

(- Soldiers of cards, attack!

It takes another spell chant.

The cards thrown out by the magic instructor are greatly altered by further magic, and the hands and feet grow properly with shoes and gloves. The figure is as if it were soldiers appearing in Wonderland. To the soldiers of Trump with the sword, to the soldiers with the spear, to the ones with the shield. At the same time, it attaches to the junction (wrinkle) and stops it by standing up to hold the contraction down.

"Ha, is that such a simple hand to stop my junction? That's not funny."

"I don't even think I can stop this."

"What -?"

Hydemary's magic increases so that he writes off the boy's voice. Together, the sound of a bee that can play the current and the deafening noise that scrapes the building and conditioning together fills the area, pressing the junction from within.

The exhaled magic swirled around her with color and light, poking up the ceiling of the junction while Ascension dragon.

"Oh, this magic..."

"If you're surprised by this, it won't take long!

Heidemarie yells back at the boy who shows agitation at the demonic revelation.

And I took one book out of a void with nothing.

"Magic book? No, it's not..."

"Yes. This is not such a superior thing. It's just a picture book."

That's what Heidemarie says, showing a glimpse of the cover of the book she took out. It's an old picture book written in English with illustrations. It is a children's book without deception, which is easy for children to see and has a large shape according to the letters. Other than that, it's nothing special, it's not worth it as a piece of magic, it's just a picture book.

"Alice in Mirror Country?

"Yes, this is the first time my father gave it to me. It's an old English version."

"Hmm. What are you gonna do with that?

"What do you want me to do? I'm a magician, right? There is one thing to do. Right?"

"You don't have to know about magic, you can do something like that."

"I can. Because my magic..."

- Yes, her magic is, Origin Magic.

Typically, magic means the formalization of acts that accompany primitive prayers, wishes, etc. For this reason, one basic operation at a time is determined by its magical system, and it is immutable. Since the behavior has already been determined in the first place, the content of the behavior itself cannot be changed by the individual.

But in her case, it doesn't.

You are free to do whatever you want, with whatever steps you want, even if you need to do what you want.

If I tell you, I'm just saying that the workload should be commensurate.

If the amount of magic consumed and the formula is commensurate with the result, theoretically any result can be triggered.

The magic of Heidemarie Alzbain is - | Klein spielzengkiste, a magic that embodies her dreams using everything classified as a child's toy as a medium.

If you say something to comfort the kids in their boring leisure time is a toy,

Puppet flash.

Stuffed animal.


Magician's tools.

Even a picture book that makes a child read is a toy to her.

Heidemarie spins the picture book with one hand, a taunting spell.

- Taws brillig, and the slithy toves.

(- Blind Moment, Tove the Murderer)

"-Did gyre and gimble in the wabe"

(- It is on all sides of the square, turns in a spiral, cones through)

- All mimsy were the borogoves.

(- All weak and inferior bologoves)

- And the mome raths outgrabe

(- Lost Lars swallows and screams.)

That's a sentence told in a world famous fairy tale. A portrayal of a monster, featuring a girl who visited the world in the mirror and in a sloppy occasional question. The monster beguiles people by calling them to something they cannot understand, but in the end they are defeated by the sword of truth piercing every word of it.

As the page of the picture book turns to pieces, it turns into a medium of sorcery. When the light fades, a flow path is formed. When Hydemary holds his right hand, the grilled magic passes through the picture book, through the streamway of lightning, forming a single sword in its hand.

"-He took his vorpal sword in hand.And through and through.The vorpal blade went snicker-snack"

(- Vorpal's sword. Take it in its hand and pierce the paranoid vanity. Vorpal's sword is truthfully carved, not pruned)

And the name of the sword is Vorpalsword.

Heidemarie sticks it out and turns to the blonde boy.

"Such a sword would break my bond!!

"I think so. Because this sword, as it came from, is a disgrace to witchcraft."

"Nah -!?"

"- vorpal sword, vanity cutter!!

(- O sword of truth, cut off the falsehood!!

Vo - Parsword Vanity Cutter.

This sword also cuts off all sorcery (deception), as it slashed the monster's lined bluffs.

As it shows, the constrictive junction created by the blonde boy is mutilated.

It's magic, but it's because.

"This is the magic killer. All deception, only to be mutilated and disappeared"

The constrictive junction of the blonde boy was pierced and mutilated as such, and he could not make it, and disappeared.

After Heidemarie's True Sword (Vorpal Sword) tore apart the magic of the junction, it was truly unpleasant.

The blonde boy, who didn't think the constriction junction would be broken, was pushed into an army of overflowing cards as it were, defeated with resistance. I fell and lay down in a state of disorientation.

"Surprisingly, you didn't."

"Well, then you're the other guy."

That's how Shuiming returns words like Hydemary's clapped out. Originally, she and he performed differently as artificial life forms (homunculus). Heidemarie is the greatest masterpiece produced by his puppet magician, while the blonde boy, who was teasing his talent, is in fact only powerful enough to be banished by the mage who created him.

In a way, I would say that this result was visible from the beginning. Temporarily capturing Hydemaree is a special medal, but if it is a legitimate sorcery battle, it is natural to lean toward a high-capacity Hydemaree.

Now I look down at the falling blonde boy.

Shuiming also knew about the circumstances of this boy because he had looked through the investigation documents. After being created as part of an experiment by an alchemist, he was banished and wandered. So Sykes Luger made contact and this is the case.

"... don't even feel a little sorry for me. Abandoned, deceived, and the result is this."


"But I do. At the end of the day, why did Homncrus (this guy) want to do something extra like this? If you want to do something, maybe a little bit more."

When Shuiming casually uttered such a question, Hydemary rarely made a smile on his face.

"I'm sure the person who made it recognized me as useful and wanted me to accept it. So, as a daikon, I tried to stand out. And then... yeah."


"This kid didn't have you. So I don't think you could have been like me."

Heidemarie looks down at the blonde boy and says so. The voice did contain a sound of sympathy, and the face that looked down, just a little lonely.

"... Sumiaki-kun. Can I be a little selfish?


"I don't want you to turn this kid over to the Thousand Nights Club."

"I don't mind that, but what are you going to do with it?

Shuiming asks a little harshly. It's a repetition of the same thing if you banish it because of how much you feel sorry for him. If we are to miss it, we must launch a policy for the future. Just as Shuiming protected Liliana, that's the way to take responsibility.

"I want to send it to your father."

"... I see. When Meister educates me."

"Yeah, I thought that would be better."

"I can write you a brush, but will the other side agree? He doesn't know anybody, he's got no edge or itch."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. If you're reluctant, you can have it."

Shuiming casually asks the High Demary who says that.

"Why would you do that?

"Why? Is that what you hear?

That's what Heidemarie says.

"- To save the unsaved."

Well, then surely, that would be a reason to get there.

"... well. Then I need to lend you a hand."

That's what Mizuming says, carrying up a fallen, lying blonde boy. If you're going to be rhetorical about handing it over, you're going to be waiting for a compromise with the Thousand Nights Club. It would be natural as a teacher to break a bone for a disciple who tries to move by the philosophy of the Order, even though he finds it a pain in the ass around it.

I leave church with her while I'm somewhere happy with the growth of High Demary.

Outside awaited the Fermenians and the Thousand Night Club humans who came to pick up the sorcerers who were restrained by them.

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