Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 47: CHAPTER 46 - Interesting.

There are many planets in the vast space unknown to human civilization, and on one such planet—millions of lightyears away from Earth—lived a certain goddess.

The planet was pretty small—no larger than a country on Earth.

But that didn't make it look less attractive.

That planet was filled with lush greenery, and thousands of beasts roamed all around it.

Large, majestic trees that gave off a vitalizing feeling were all over the planet's surface.

One particular tree, however, standing tall with a colossal size, seemed to be the source of all the life on the planet, emanating life energy so potent that if a human were to even stand close to it, they might gain a lifespan so long that it would feel like immortality to them.

Many gracious and dignified beasts were lying around the tree, seemingly enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

It was as if this place was made for a single purpose: relaxing.

"Why can't they just let me kill every single one of them?!"

The beasts, resting under the giant tree's shade, half opened their closed eyes as they heard the grumble.

The voice was tantalizing, enough to cause goosebumps to rise on a male's body, stimulating their body to the extreme—only if they're not strong-willed, though.

Right now, however, the voice, although still alluring, was filled with complaint; it was as if a child were crying over the fact that their candy was stolen by someone.


But with a long sigh, they closed their eyes again—used to this banter.


A loud boom was heard, shaking the whole planet. Even the beasts lying near the tree were elevated a meter above the ground as the whole planet was displaced.


A frustrated groan was heard along with the boom.


The beasts' bodies fell back to the ground, causing the earth below them to tremble as their bodies were huge.

But the eyes of the beasts remained closed, unbothered by what was happening.


They just sighed inwardly, much too familiar with the ongoing events.

'I want something interesting in my life.'

The beasts predicted what their goddess was going to say next; this is how it always goes.

Their goddess would come here to let out her frustration every once in a while, and after some time, she would fall asleep only to wake up when a month or two had passed.

The next second, just like the beasts had predicted….

"I want something interesting-"

The same melodious voice was heard whining about how she wanted something interesting, but her voice paused.


For a few seconds, nothing was heard.

This, however, caused the beasts to frown their brows; their gigantic bodies rose from their spots, revealing their 100-meter-large bodies.

Their eyes were open and alert as they surveyed the area.

They didn't try using their mana to sense the surroundings; that was something they couldn't do on this planet, as this planet had some rules.

But that didn't mean that they were weaker because of that.

They were still as strong as they could possibly get; just their natural senses were stronger than normal beasts' perceptions.

They weren't your average beasts after all.

They were mythical beasts, known as the rulers of their own races.

Yet, they found nothing, causing their frowns to deepen.

They turned to look up at the tree, where their goddess resided.

[Oh, great goddess, is all well with you?]

One of the beasts that looked like a dragon and horse hybrid voiced out.

His or her voice was gender neutral, making it hard for anyone to be able to guess its gender, but the worry was clear in his/her/their voice.

Yet, again, there was no reply, causing the beasts to exchange a glance, a sharp glint passing through their majestic golden eyes.


All of a sudden, clouds started to form over the planet, indicating that the beasts were about to use their mana to check their goddess's well-being.


The beasts saw the clouds crackling in warning—asking them to seize their actions—but the beasts didn't stop, they were more worried about their goddess.

However, just as the situation grew tense with beasts trying to break a law set by the planet, a voice was heard.


It was a surprised voice, as if the owner of that voice was surprised by something, or something they found rather intriguing was happening.

"It's fine, my dears; I was just a bit surprised."

The goddess that the beasts were so worried about finally replied to their inquiry, and the beast finally relaxed.

They were still curious about what could surprise their all-powerful goddess, but they decided not to invade their goddess's personal space and just went back to their slumber.


With a world-shaking boom, the five humongous beasts' rested their bodies under the colossal tree and closed their eyes.


Up in the tree, however, a short chuckle was heard.


Then a low whisper was heard as a small tree house on one of the tree's topmost branches came into view.

"I can finally find something interesting!"

The next second, an excited voice was heard; it was as if the owner of the voice, the goddess that the beasts respected so much, seemed to be experiencing multiple emotions at the same time.

As the view zoomed in toward the treehouse, the goddess spoke once again.

"I guess it's time for me to participate in another one of those selections."

She muttered, her voice turning thoughtful.

But the next moment...

"Hehe, he's interesting enough for all the headaches I'm going to face, so it's fine!"

Her voice again turned jolly, as if amused by something.


The insides of the tree house finally came into view, but a wooshing sound was heard, and a wave of wind blew before things calmed down.

The only thing that was seen about that goddess was her long, flowing silver-white hair, shimmering like stardust and swaying like liquid silk in the air.

The next instant, she was gone, leaving nothing but the fresh, natural fragrance of hers.

The wind calmed down the second she disappeared, leaving the room in disarray, but one thing was still fine, and it was a blue illusionary screen that kept playing a video or something similar.

In the video, one could see a strikingly handsome, blood-red-haired boy with cold golden eyes staring at a man who was trying to crawl away from him as his legs were cut off.

The boy, however, just kept staring at the man with an emotionless look, as if he wasn't in the least bothered by the fact that another human was desperately trying to live as their life hung in his hand.

What caught the attention of the goddess most was the connection she felt with the boy; it was as if he had something that was supposed to be hers.



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