Invincible Divine Destiny Selection System

Chapter 54: Chapter 54 Giving You the Right to Choose_1

"I'm stupid? You're calling me stupid!"

Hong Lie was furious!

He had trained to the ninth level of Divine Abilities, how could he be a fool? Moreover, he came from the Infinite Commerce Guild, with a status not inferior to the head of the Dawu Imperial Guards, having immse resources at his disposal. How could he tolerate Chu Yuan calling him a fool?

Only now did he thoroughly size up Chu Yuan.

Although it was rumored that ev Pang Yuan was not his match, he could sse that Chu Yuan had not yet attained the Divine Realm.

How could someone at his level deal with someone who has reached the ninth level of the Divine Abilities? Making him somewhat incredulous, thinking it was utterly absurd.

"Foolishness isn't frighting, but your lack of self-awaress is." Chu Yuan strode forward, with a wave of his big sleeve, he slapped out with lightning speed.

Smack! Hong Lie only saw Chu Yuan coming forward, but the next second, a loud slap resounded, before Hong Lie could react, his tall body was st flying, spinning several times before crashing into the main gate.

Clutching his swoll right cheek, Hong Lie was momtarily stunned. Wh he came to, he howled, "You dare to hit me!"

"I have already shown you mercy by not killing you, now get out!"


Chu Yuan moved forward decisively again, and this time Hong Lie was completely on guard. But as soon as the aura field a his body began to gather, it shattered, and another slap landed on his left cheek.

"Ah! My face!" Hong Lie screamed in pain.

He was the commander of the Infinite Commerce Guild's defse team, and yet he was slapped twice in succession, suffering such a complete and utter humiliation. Ev if the one who hit him was a country's ruler, if this got out, he would be a laughingstock within the Infinite Commerce Guild.

Boom! He unleashed the full power of his ninth level of Divine Abilities, a magma-like aura blasting out, accompanied by a huge flame spell.

But Chu Yuan remained still.

Wh Hong Lie attacked him, Chu Yuan once again raised his hand. This palm carried an immortal warrior aura, akin to a war god, his hand of war came down, effortlessly breaking Hong Lie's flame spell, instantly catching Hong Lie's body in its grasp.

Chu Yuan grabbed Hong Lie and flung him forward, ruthlessly smashing him into the closed main gate, using his body like a battering ram, blowing the gate op with a loud explosion.

"What! Ev Hong Lie, a top-level expert at the ninth level of Divine Abilities, is powerless in his hands. He's ev more powerful than the legds suggest!"

Bai Hua had no idea that wh Chu Yuan had dealt with Pang Yuan, he was only in the sixth level of the Divine Realm, but now he has reached the tth level. Terrified, he quickly said, "Please calm down, Your Majesty!"

"I'll fight you to the death!" Hong Lie, however, let out a heart-wrching roar.

"Foolishness isn't what's scary, what's most terrifying is not knowing your own foolishness," Chu Yuan serely sighed.

"Your Majesty of Dawu, our guild has not treated you with the courtesy you deserve, and have snubbed you. I do not believe that Your Majesty would visit our guild just to deliver spirit pills and potions. Perhaps you wish to conduct business with us. Bai Hua, please invite His Majesty in."

Suddly, a woman's voice rang from deep within the Infinite Commerce Guild. Her voice was tough but carried a hint of undiable weakness.

"Yes, Chairman," Bai Hua respectfully said, "Please come in, Your Majesty."

"Since the Chairman has apologized, we will let bygones be bygones for the time being. Marquis Zhongyong, accompany me to meet the Chairman."

Chu Yuan tered the Infinite Commerce Guild.

Shortly, Bai Hua led Chu Yuan to the place in the guild specifically for tertaining guests.

As soon as Chu Yuan tered, he smelled the sct of medicinal herbs.

Across a stone table was a woman who appeared to be in her thirties. She had an intellectual and composed demeanor, a striking and impressive air.

Ev though the woman had an outstanding demeanor, Chu Yuan could see a deep weariness in her eye. It seemed as though ev speaking was a strain for her.

This was the Chairman of the Infinite Commerce Guild's Dawu branch!

"Beyond Divine Abilities, but not yet at the peak of the Divine Realm, half-a-step God-peeker!"

A half-a-step God-peeker, among the Five Great Dynasties, was also a top-level expert.

"Our blasted reception was our mistake. Bai Hua, hurry up and bring tea, apologize to His Majesty."

The chairman's voice was very pleasant, but the illness in her voice could not be concealed. "I am the chairman of this Dawu branch, Ji Fuling."

As she spoke, Bai Hua brought several cups of tea and placed them on the table.

"There are a few things I won't keep from you, my Majesty. I was overly confidt, trying to breakthrough to the God-peeker Realm, but met with a backlash. My spirit is now like shattered glass, at any momt it could completely collapse. If there wer't a large number of spirit pills in the guild, I wouldn't have lasted until now."

Ji Fuling continued, "Ev if I find medicine at the headquarters to repair my spirit injuries, I might still d up becoming a cripple, being unable to breakthrough to the God-peeker Realm in my lifetime."

Chu Yuan nodded.

Indeed, breaking through to the God-peeker Realm was difficult, it was described as a survival of the fittest.

And once the spirit is injured, healing it is far more difficult than healing the body.

"Also, based on my currt condition, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold out until someone from headquarters arrives. Ev if Your Majesty wants to do a business deal with me, I'm not in a position to handle it."

As Ji Fuling spoke, her expression turned slightly dim.

"I have a way," Chu Yuan didn't drink his tea, but calmly responded," I can sure that you don't suffer the slightest harm and will leave no hidd worries."

"What? Is there really such a miraculous spirit pill?" Ji Fuling found it somewhat hard to believe, "If there really is such a spirit pill, I wonder what conditions Your Majesty of Dawu requires?"

"I am here to make a trade with the Infinite Commerce Guild" said Chu Yuan.

In his hand, with a sparkle, appeared a primary healing potion, that could heal all injuries below the God-peeker Realm.

"This thing?"

Hong Lie, who was in total disarray, was also here. Seeing the gre potion in Chu Yuan's hand, fizzing like toxins, he exclaimed again, "Are you trying to poison the Chairman?"

"You ignorant thing, what do you know? No wonder His Majesty called you a fool."

Lu Qian said with a cold sneer.

[Option : Use the primary healing potion to treat Ji Fuling and receive 0 Destiny Points, gain Ji Fuling's favor, and take the initiative in any future dealings.]

[Option : Turn and leave, letting Ji Fuling self-destruct, and receive 0 Destiny Points.]

Upon seeing these two options, Chu Yuan didn't decide for himself, but said to Ji Fuling, "I can heal any injury of Chairman Ji with this item, but if you do not trust me, I won't force you. After all, your life and death have no relation to me. We can still do business with a new chairman."

He left the choice to Ji Fuling.

If Ji Fuling didn't believe him and thought it was poison, could he bind Ji Fuling, pry op her mouth and pour it down? Obviously not.

"If this thing really works as Your Majesty claims, what's the harm in taking a risk? Instead of waiting for death, I choose to believe you."

Ji Fuling could be a chairman, not just because of her cultivation, but also her decisivess. Being a ruler of a country, how could he poison her who was just waiting for death?

She would rather believe that Chu Yuan would save her for a transaction.

Now, she was just clutching at straws.

She took the healing potion from Chu Yuan's hand, raised her head and drank it down. Immediately, her body underwt astonishing changes.

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