Invincible Divine Destiny Selection System

Chapter 48: Chapter 48 The Hidden Choice_1

In the thirtieth year of the Great Martial Caldar, on the 3rd day of the ninth month in autumn.

Half a year has passed since the death of the late Emperor, and Chu Yuan has be on the throne for just as long.

According to the customs of Dawu, new Kings were to pay homage to their predecessors at the Imperial Mausoleum half a year and one year into their reign, expressing their reverce for the previous emperor.

On this clear morning, in a street of the eastern city!

The solemn Imperial carriage slowly rolled out of the Royal Palace!

Besides the ceremonial procession, the guards on both sides wer't the Forbidd Army but the three thousand strong, robust soldiers of the Divine Martial Legion. Each one of them exuded a powerful aura, wielding long halberds to clear the way in front.

Nine Primordial Dragons, residing in the Original Spirit realm, pulled the carriage. Above the procession floated a hazy figure— other than Chu Yuan.

From today onwards, the tire Imperial City would be draped in cloth. Ev on some streets, citizs willingly knelt on both sides, respectfully sding off the Emperor's carriage.

Thirty years ago, Dawu was a realm of chaos where vassals waged war and fierce beasts rampaged. Ordinary citizs lived in abject misery until the old Emperor led his great army, sweeping away all foes to bring thirty years of peace and stability to countless people.

Thirty years might seem a blink in a world of martial arts, not ev ough time for a geration to change. Many have se the day Dawu came into being.

Therefore, the death of the old Emperor brought sorrow to the people.

The imperial procession didn't move very quickly. After two full hours, they saw the city wall of the eastern gate guarded by a large contingt of the Forbidd Army in the far distance.

"His majesty leaves the city, op the gates!"

Once Eunuch Wei finished speaking, the tightly closed city gates slowly creaked op.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The momt the city gates oped, an ear-piercing sound resounded. From all sides of the Imperial City, hundreds of divine machine cannons fired off beams of scorching ergy, aiming at the position of Chu Yuan's carriage.

The thunderous sounds shook the heavs and earth, the surging ergy waves threated to flip the tire Imperial City.

"Quick, protect His Majesty!"

"It's the divine machine cannons, there's a traitor causing chaos!"

"Scatter, scatter, don't gather together!"

"Calm down!"


The divine machine cannon was a forbidd weapon controlled by Dawu, possessing immse power.

These several hundred cannons creating a big chaotic sce. With Chu Yuan's position at the cter, shouts were heard everywhere.


In the residces near the east city gate, pairs of eyes stared at this very sight. After hearing a voice, countless shadows, like a bursting flood, charged towards Chu Yuan's carriage.

"There are assassins!"

A voice bellowed, and a large number of rebel soldiers rushed forward, quickly gaging with the Divine Martial Legion.

Under the roar of cannons, chaos prevailed. Everything was in disarray!

"Chu Yuan, your time is up!"

A figure suddly flew out from the sky. Clad in dragon-like armor, with a long knife in his hand, he plummeted down like thunder, boldly slashing through Chu Yuan's procession.

Bang! The procession broke apart, yet the figure sitting atop didn't move at all, steady as mount Tai.

"I hit something!"

The assassin, who had unexpectedly launched the attack, saw his knife harshly hitting something. He oped his eyes wide. Before he could rejoice, he exclaimed in shock, "Chu Yuan, it's not you!"

True, what he struck was the Giant Spirit Guard.

"Minister of War, Pang Yuan." Chu Yuan withdrew the Giant Spirit Guard with a wave of his hand and said coldly, "As expected, you have chos to act today, clearly indicating your treason and rebellion!"

"Pang Yuan!" The Deputy Minister of War, Huang Yong, upon seeing this man, also barked, "As the Chief of Staff, a high-ranking official, how dare you rebel!"

"Hahaha, if you are heartless, do not blame me for being ruthless. Rather than waiting for my execution, I prefer to act first and face the disaster. If you continue your investigation in this manner, sooner or later, it will lead to me. It is always better to take the initiative!"

Pang Yuan declared coldly, "Although you killed the Purple Thunder Leviathan on that day, in my view, that was just with the help of a thirty-thousand-strong army. Today, let me test your real strgth!"

As his voice fell, his long knife again rushed towards Chu Yuan with an indomitable spirit. The knife shone brightly, producing a chilling air wave that spread, causing a massacre on all sides.

The bombardmt of the divine cannon from a distance didn't stop. Although the cannons couldn't harm anyone above the Original Spirit realm, it did create chaos, making the court soldiers unable to calm down.

At the same time, more than t Divine Realm experts led hundreds of m, charging ferociously towards the city gates.

"Minister of Works, Liu Yong, it turns out you are in collusion with Daqian!"

Someone yelled!

Originally, some of them didn't believe that Liu Yong was in collusion. But today both the Minister of Works and the Minister of War were audaciously charging the Emperor's procession revealing their treasonous intt beyond a doubt.

"A man has to fd for himself or he will be condemned by heav and earth. Daqian provides us with more befits. Why should we go down with the weaking Imperial Dynasty of Dawu!"

Liu Yong roared.

Though not as strong as Pang Yuan, he was a Divine Realm Eight-layered expert. Some Forbidd Army soldiers wished to stop him but were no match for his might. The impact of his power tore them apart.

"Stop him!"

Huang Yong's eyes turned red with rage.

"You're looking for death!" Liu Yong retorted furiously.

[Hidd selection activated: Capture or kill Minister of War Pang Yuan and Minister of Works Liu Yong to gain a hundred Destiny Points. War God's Grasp progression will increase by 30% with currt progress at 0%. Failure would result in a complete progression reset. You can also choose not to participate—there will be neither rewards nor palties.]

"A hidd choice?" On seeing the emerging hidd choice, Chu Yuan seemed to forget about the falling blade optical illusions looming over him.

Just as Pang Yuan thought that Chu Yuan was paralyzed with fear, he suddly saw a smile playing on the corners of Chu Yuan's mouth. Feeling a chill run down his spine, he felt as though he was being watched by a predator. The falling blade light mysteriously disappeared all of a sudd.

"Pang Yuan, all of this was part of my plan. I was merely waiting for the traitors to reveal themselves never expecting you being so impatit. It seems I've snagged myself a big fish," declared Chu Yuan.

In the middle of his words, with one punch, the great combat technique, Earth-Shattering was activated exploding with immse power. His cultivation had already reached the sixth layer of Original Spirit realm bearing three Major Laws, embodying unrivaled divine power.


Pang Yuan scoffed, "I suspected something was amiss today. Not only was Mr. Lu not by your side, ev the eight camp leaders of the Forbidd Army were abst. As such, I had detected your tricks. But I didn't just want to leave and was not contted. Therefore, knowing that it may be a ploy, I still wanted to plunge the city into chaos and smear your face, Chu Yuan, you've be too arrogant!"

He vaguely anticipated this but wasn't willing to leave the Imperial City in a humiliated state under Chu Yuan's coercion.

Mana condsed, covering Pang Yuan's left fist in earth yellow mana, transforming it into solid fists. He launched his attack, roared, and shouted, "Fist of the Earth Spirit!"


In that instant, the two forces collided fiercely.

"Sev Forms of Immortality!"

While it appeared Chu Yuan had only thrown one punch, within it were the variations of sev forms. The earth fists, crack crack, exploded suddly, as Pang Yuan himself, a formidable expert, also was hammered in the chest by a terrific storm.

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