Invincible Divine Destiny Selection System

Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Firm Control_1

Divine Martial Camp.

"Marquis Zhongyong, here is a great item that I have brought, let's test its power out here."

Chu Yuan left the Royal Palace and came directly to the Divine Martial Camp, summoning Lu Qianfu.

"Oh? What treasure has Your Majesty brought?" asked the Marquis in curiosity.

"This is the item."

With a wave of Chu Yuan's hand, a chilling and murderous Divine Martial Cannon appeared with a rumble.

"Is this the Divine Cannon?" Lu Qianfu examined it closely and said: "But it's differt from the cannons assigned to the Forbidd Army. The muzzle is several times longer, looking like a terrifying beast. I can sse a chilling murderous intt."

"Let's test its power."

Chu Yuan adjusted the cannon's aim and filled it with a fist-sized gemstone.

This type of gemstone, known as a Mana Crystal, is mined from Mana Vein mines and contains a powerful ergy source within.

In an instant, under Chu Yuan's operation, the Divine Martial Cannon aimed at a small hill, which was about several doz feet away.


The cannon's muzzle accumulated a massive amount of ergy, and as Chu Yuan activated the trigger, a dazzling beam of light as thick as a water tank burst out. The resulting explosion shook the earth violtly, creating cracks as wide as thumbs.

The small hill in the distance had completely collapsed, with large rocks tumbling down.

"Such a terrifying power!" Lu Qianfu exclaimed in shock: "I estimate that this is at least t times more powerful than the Divine Cannons of the Forbidd Army!"

"Indeed, this is the real Divine Cannon. It was built by me based on the designs of an ancit cannon. Although it is immsely powerful, it also consumes t times more Mana Crystals," Chu Yuan flipped the trigger, and the Mana Crystal inside had turned into powder: "Marquis Zhongyong, what do you think?"

"Terrifying! This is undoubtedly a weapon of war. If tak to the battlefield, the strong fortifications will definitely not be able to withstand it!"

Lu Qianfu didn't ask how Chu Yuan came across this cannon, instead he said, "Your Majesty, how many of these cannons do we have?"

"We only have one for now," Chu Yuan expressed regretfully, "Although I have the capability to mass-produce these cannons, unfortunately, the materials required are exceedingly vast, leveraging the currt national strgth of Dawu might not be adequate for mass production."

"What materials does Your Majesty need?" Lu Qianfu asked, intrigued.

After Chu Yuan finished listing the materials, Lu Qianfu's mouth gaped op, "Fine steel is easy to manage, the Ministry of Works can go full throttle and smelt quite a bit, but the inclusion of Meteorite Fine Gold is a problem. Dawu doesn't have much of it, and weapons imbued with it become divine instrumts.

It makes sse that without Meteorite Fine Gold, the cannon body would be unable to withstand such power."

He frowned, and suddly said, "Your Majesty, I know where to buy Meteorite Fine Gold. The Infinite Trade Corporation has it!"

"Infinite Trade Corporation?" Chu Yuan pondered, "I have heard of this corporation before, their business extds across many countries. The state treasury probably has about a hundred pounds of Meteorite Fine Gold, ough to build a hundred Divine Cannons. My lowest requiremt is a thousand cannons. I'll have Eunuch Wei contact the Infinite Trade Corporation to purchase the materials."

"Aside from this, I have brought something else today."

Waving his wide sleeve, Chu Yuan wore a hundred-foot high stone tower inside the camp.

"What is this?" Lu Qianfu asked curiously.

"It's known as the Heavy Tower. The Ancit Dynasty used it to hone the physical bodies and Original Spirits of their soldiers," Chu Yuan explained.

"Another relic from the Ancit Dynasty!"

The news shocked Lu Qianfu. He guessed that Chu Yuan might have gained access to the treasury of the Ancit Dynasty, which was why he could bring out so many quirky items.

"Summon the soldiers for training."

Chu Yuan called his whole army together.

"Hahahaha, Your Majesty, is this the Wan Jun Tower? Let me, Li Dangxian, be the first to try it!"

Li Dangxian, the commander of the Divine Martial Army, took the lead. He immediately dashed into the Wan Jun Tower.

In the Wan Jun Tower, the light was dim, like some ancit and desolate land filled with indepdt spaces that were much larger than the outside. Each floor could accommodate ts of thousands of soldiers for training.

He wt directly to the second floor.

A terrible pressure swept over him, like a storm, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

Not only was his physical body impacted, but his soul was also tortured.

"So brutal!"

After only a doz breaths, Li Dangxian was blasted out of the Wan Jun Tower. His body was covered with op wounds, and he was still frighted: "It's terrifying. I felt my soul was on the verge of collapsing. It felt like countless fists were bombarding my head, yet I was unable to dodge."

"Oh? You struggled so hard ev on the second floor?" Lu Qianfu looked eager to try it: "Let me try."

Lu Qianfu was not as reckless as Li Dangxian. He first tered the first floor, got used to the power there, and th proceeded to the second floor.

The pressure on the second floor was indeed strong, but Lu Qianfu still managed to step into the third floor after just a few minutes.

After about t minutes, Lu Qianfu came out of his own accord, not because he was blasted out.

He took a deep breath slowly and said, "Indeed, it's fearsome. On the third floor, I could only persist for t minutes before likely getting blasted out. I estimate that only those with Divine Abilities at the tth level can stay steadily on the third floor. As for the fourth floor, unless one has half-step Divine Realm power."

He was also astonished that Chu Yuan had brought such a terrifying object.

While the pressure was great, Lu Qianfu also felt the befits it brought; his soul and body became more tightly bonded, like refined steel, hammering away impurities.

You should know that this kind of treasure that can train large armies, ev if it can only increase each soldier's power by a little, the overall effect on the army is immse.

"So, this Wan Jun Tower is significantly beficial for the Divine Martial Army."

Chu Yuan was satisfied and said: "Georgia Duke, I will leave the Wan Jun Tower here. Originally, the first floor required the power of the Original Spirit Realm to ter, but with caution and gradual adaptation, you guys could manage. I am not afraid if you get injured as I have many healing medicines here."

"I heard that in the Ancit Dynasty, the most ordinary soldiers were all in the Original Spirit Realm. It seems to be true now. Only those in the Divine Realm can step into the second floor. On the third floor, only the strong in the Divine Realm can stay. As for the fifth floor, I suppose only those with power to peek into the Divine Realm can ter."

Lu Qianfu felt a profound fear for the Ancit Dynasty that existed in records.

After he left the Wan Jun Tower here, Li Dangxian quickly organized ordinary soldiers to ter. Chu Yuan took no more notice and walked to the side with Lu Qianfu.

"Your Majesty, there is something that I am not sure whether I should say."

Lu Qianfu said seriously: "Your Majesty killed Wei Sh this time, which gave King Wei Wu a reason to rebel. Taking advantage of the chaos, he will certainly start a war under the guise of avging his son. I have some understanding of King Wei Wu. He is ambitious and very sinister. Many years ago, he had already reached level t of the Divine Abilities.

It is also said that he has already made a half-step breakthrough into peeking the Divine Realm. This is the power of a country's king. Emperor Dawu was afraid to act recklessly and cause chaos in Dawu, so he let him go. Unexpectedly, Emperor Dawu died in his prime, leaving a hidd danger,"

"The kind of vassals like King Wei Wu who will definitely cause chaos should be dealt with. I know all that. I gave him an excuse to deploy troops."

Chu Yuan sneered: "The Georgia Duke doesn't need to worry. Your currt task is to train the soldiers and recruit more Divine Martial guards. I will soon initiate the South Expedition. Instead of waiting to be attacked, we should take the initiative to seize the control of the war."

"Since Your Majesty has made preparations, I will be at ease." Lu Qianfu nodded.

"War is bound to come, but the key is who initiates this crucial war. Only I can make this decision."

After instructing Lu Qianfu, Chu Yuan returned to the Royal Palace.

However, after returning to Shyang Palace, he found that there was an additional person: Princess Chxi, Chu Xiaoniang. It seemed that she was waiting for him.

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