Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 225 18

Princess Seira gave up after seeing the scene in front of her. She quickly set up a barrier to protect herself and Prince Viron. Although the Monarch Palace has a protection system in the form of a powerful barrier to withstand attacks from the enemy, Princess Seira feels that the strength of Kalya and Azalia is too strong to be resisted by the barrier.

Just when Princess Seira thought there would be a massive explosion from the clash of the two attacks, a space tear suddenly appeared and sucked in Azalia and Kalya's attacks.

The two girls were surprised for different reasons. They intended to launch another attack, but a man's voice inside Kalya and Azalia's heads made them stop their actions.

(Stop there. Do you want to destroy this palace and hurt the people inside?)

Ziel had been monitoring the situation within the Monarch palace since morning, especially the condition of Clara and the other girls. He also realized when Azalia met Kalya, but he didn't know whether Kalya recognized Azalia or not.

Ziel was about to see Clara in her room, but he suddenly felt a surge of power from two people he knew. He didn't expect that the two people were Kalya and Azalia, facing each other. Ziel didn't understand why they were fighting, but he had to stop them before anything more troublesome happened.


(Ken! You came to this Academy too!)

Kalya and Azalia replied at the same time. Then they looked at each other because both could hear the conversation.

(Leya, Azalia. Please withdraw your strength before the people in this palace gather at that place. Your fight made certain people in this Academy wary. I don't know why you guys are fighting, but I want you to stop it for now. We'll talk about this later)

Ziel warned the two girls seriously and then disconnected the telepathy.

Kalya and Azalia quickly retracted their power according to Ziel's words, and then they looked at each other. Kalya knew from their chat that Azalia seemed to be Ziel's acquaintance and not his enemy. She felt that Ziel had never told her about Azalia. But then Kalya remembered about Ziel's old acquaintance that he had told her about not long ago.

"Are you Azalia?" Kalya asked nonchalantly.

"Hee...has he told you about me yet?" Azalia smiled broadly behind her veil. She was happy that Ziel had not forgotten her after their last meeting and told Kalya about her.

(So she was a woman from the divine race Ziel met before he was reincarnated. But she doesn't seem as beautiful as what Ziel says, especially her nature)

Kalya snorted and ignored Azalia's question. Then Kalya turned her gaze to Princess Seira. Her face looks confused when she looks at Kalya.

"Let's go to class A and meet your uncle." Kalya urged Princess Seira because she felt that many people were heading toward their location. Those people probably felt a surge of power from Kalya and Azalia's brief fight earlier. Princess Seira came back to her senses when she heard Kalya's voice.

<br/>"Oh, yes. Is it possible that you know Aze?" Princess Seira asked curiously. At first, she was shocked when she saw Kalya and Azalia's attacks disappear, and they suddenly stopped their fight. But then Princess Seira was confused because Kalya seemed to know Azalia after that. She was sure that they had not known each other before.

"I don't know her. let's go quickly." Kalya did not want to linger in that place because soon, many people would come. She also didn't want to talk about Azalia. Somehow Kalya felt that Azalia was more annoying than Dryad.

"I'm not her acquaintance. There's no way a woman as beautiful as Princess Cattleya would know me." Azalia said sarcastically to Kalya.

"You… have you forgotten what he said earlier?" Kalya wanted to be angry with Azalia, but then she remembered what Ziel had said. She could only sigh and warn Azalia.

"That is…let's hurry and get out of here!" Azalia recalled Ziel's earlier words and could only click her tongue. She quickly walked in the direction of class A's room.

Princess Seira was confused by Azalia's sudden change in attitude. But then she nodded and followed behind him along with Kalya. Azalia looks very obedient when Ziel's name is mentioned, and it makes Kalya frown.

Finally, Prince Viron caught up with them after getting his senses back. Since coming to the Elven Kingdom's room, he hardly ever said a word. He didn't know what to talk about with the three girls. So he decided to keep quiet and follow them.

Not long after Kalya and the three others left, many people came to the place. They were the kings of the human and demi-human regions. They came because they sensed a wave of great power in that area. But when they arrived at the place, they were confused because they didn't find anything there.


Inside the Arcuz Grand Academy principal's office, Raphael suddenly opened his eyes and frowned. His face became severe after thinking about something.

"The first person has almost the same strength as me, and the other exceeds me. But it turns out there is a third person whose power and whereabouts I do not know. He covered the area with a barrier so I couldn't see who the two people were fighting." Raphael said in annoyance and then sighed heavily.

"Looks like many powerful people sneaked into the Monarch palace before the inauguration day of the Arcuz Grand Academy. I have to find out who those three are and prevent them from making a fuss at tomorrow's event. Don't expect those people to cause trouble while I'm still the principal of this Academy." Raphael said in a low voice, and tremendous power overflowed from his body.

​ The room was shaking then the walls and floor in that place cracked. Raphael's golden eyes gleamed in the direction where Azalia and Kalya had fought before.


"Haa..." Ziel sighed after settling the matter of the quarrel between Azalia and Kalya. Even if it's only temporary, at least they won't make a fuss for now. He doesn't know why they are fighting and will ask Kalya when he meets her later.

Ziel was currently walking down the palace corridor towards Clara's room. He intended to make sure that Clara was awake and remind her of her magic training. But when he met her, Ziel could only sigh a second time after hearing her words.

"Ken, can you give me a day off my magic training schedule today? I already have an appointment with Irene today. She said she had no errands for today and would accompany me on a private tour of Arcuz Grand Academy." Clara looked at Ziel with a hopeful face and teary eyes.

"Okay, my lady. But only for today. Tomorrow you have to do your magic practice twice as hard to make up for your day off from practice today." Ziel warned Clara seriously.

"I understand. As usual, you're too strict with me, Ken. But I'm glad that it shows your concern for me." Clara smiled sweetly at Ziel. Her heart right now was like a flower garden after seeing Ziel's concern for her.

"So, when are we going? Should we wait here, or have you agreed to meet Princess Irene somewhere?" Ziel was currently in front of Clara's room. It was a room for the people of the Piqmentia Grand Academy, Especially for female students.

Ziel didn't want to stay there too long because many female students from the Human Academy passed in and out of the room, and the two of them became the center of attention of those who passed by.

"Irene said she would come here after breakfast. Ah, Lilith also said she would come with us. Is that all right?" Clara suddenly remembered her chat with Lilith at breakfast earlier. When Clara said she would go on a tour of Arcuz Grand Academy with Ziel and Princess Irene, Lilith unexpectedly took the initiative to ask Clara to be allowed to join them, and of course, Clara agreed.

"Of course. That's up to you, my lady." Ziel quickly agreed. At first, he wanted to take Lilith with them to help him take care of Clara. But since it was Lilith herself who wanted to go with them, it became easier.

"Okay! I'm going inside first to call Lilith! Please wait a moment, Ken!" Clara smiled happily and darted into the room. Ziel could only shake his head at Clara's behavior. After Clara entered, a girl's sweet voice was heard behind Ziel.

"I apologize for keeping you guys waiting." Princess Irene said breathlessly to Ziel. At this moment, her cute face was sweaty, and it seemed that Princess Irene had come to the place in a hurry.

Princess Irene had promised to come to Clara's room and show her around the Arcuz Grand Academy after breakfast. Unfortunately, she and her group received a sudden assignment from the Academy to pick up guests who had arrived in the morning. Because of that, Princess Irene was a bit late to Clara's place.

"You don't need to apologize, Princess Irene. After all, I haven't been here long, and my lady has just gone inside to call for Lilith. You can use this handkerchief to wipe the sweat off your forehead." Ziel offered a plain white handkerchief from his trouser pocket to Princess Irene.

"Eh? is it okay for me to use this handkerchief?" Princess Irene was shocked that Ziel suddenly offered her a handkerchief.

"Of course. Aren't you going to guide us around the Academy today? If my lady saw your sweaty face, she'd probably know why you're like that and feel bad for thinking that you forced yourself to be with her today." Ziel gave his reason for giving the handkerchief to Princess Irene.

"Eh? does that mean you know what I did earlier?" Princess Irene felt a little disappointed after hearing Ziel's answer. But she quickly dispelled that thought for fear that Ziel would realize her feelings. Because Princess Irene's emotions would show on her face, she wasn't the type of girl who was good at hiding her expressions.

"I know. You have to wipe your sweat before my lady comes back. Or maybe you don't want to use a butler's handkerchief? You don't have to worry because the handkerchief is new, and I have never used it." Ziel answered Princess Irene honestly but didn't elaborate further.

"Don't get me wrong! That is not what I mean! On the contrary, I'm glad to be able to use this handkerchief even though you've used it before!" Princess Irene replied frantically and quickly took the handkerchief from Ziel's hand. Then she wiped the sweat that had begun to trickle from her forehead. While wiping the sweat off her face, she suddenly remembered what she had said to Ziel, and her face turned bright red.

"Please forget my last sentence." Princess Irene spoke in a low voice while lowering her head.

"I understand, Princess Irene. After you use the handkerchief, you can throw it away immediately." Ziel didn't care about the handkerchief as he had another one in his pocket.

"No! I will wash it and return it to you." Princess Irene replied with a bit of stubbornness.

"Fine, if that is your will." Ziel quickly agreed as he didn't want to argue with Princess Irene.

"Hey, Ken. I don't know if I deserve to say this to you, but can I be your friend?" Princess Irene asked Ziel timidly.

"Hmm? Aren't we already friends?" Ziel asked Princess Irene back.

"Of course! Then, can you call me without honorifics as Clara did?" Princess Irene was ecstatic after hearing Ziel's words and subconsciously answered excitedly. Then she threw another question at Ziel. Princess Irene was nervous because Ziel didn't answer her question right away.

"Okay, Irene." Ziel agreed to Princess Irene's request. He reached out his hand and touched Princess Irene's forehead with the tip of his index finger. Princess Irene was surprised, but she didn't dodge because she knew that if Ziel wanted to hurt her, she wouldn't be able to do anything. Therefore, she could only surrender. A ball of light shot out from Princess Irene's smooth forehead and was absorbed into Ziel's finger.

"Ken, what have you done to me?" Princess Irene was confused as her body became lighter after Ziel did that.

"I retracted the slave seal I planted within you. Now you are free. I'm doing this because I trust you." Ziel said softly and pulled his hand back from Princess Irene's forehead.

When he was in the Cirlus Kingdom, he gave the slave seal to King Redis, Queen Triana, and Princess Irene because she didn't want them to reveal his identity. But after seeing the sincerity on Princess Irene's face, Ziel couldn't help but remove the slave seal within him.

"Ken…" After hearing Ziel's words, Princess Irene felt sweet in her heart. She wanted to say something to Ziel, but a voice from inside the room stopped her.

"Irene! Have you come? Uh? What happened to you guys?" Clara appeared from inside the room along with Lilith. She was confused to see her best friend's blushing face and teary eyes.

"Oh, nothing! Let's go now because it's almost noon! I will be your tour guide for a whole day!" Princess Irene shook her head and smiled broadly. Then she walked ahead to hide her blushing face. Her footsteps were light, and it looked like she was dancing.

Clara didn't know what had happened to her friend, but she nodded and followed Princess Irene from behind. Ziel and Lilith walked beside her, and their tour of the Monarch Palace began.

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