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7 months ago
One day, a timid science teacher, who works in a prestigious high school, for girls, saw a strange... Read more One day, a timid science teacher, who works in a prestigious high school, for girls, saw a strange dream. He dreamed that he made a contract with an incubus and obtained a mysterious power. He woke up from his sleep with a black desire within him, that he will prey down every beauty at this high school. Collapse An*l, Adapted to Game, Antihero Protagonist, Average-looking Protagonist, Brainwashing, C*nnilingus, Evil Protagonist, First-time Interc**rse, F*llatio, Incubus, Loli, Lolicon, Male Protagonist, Mind Control, Modern Day, Naive Protagonist, Netori, Or*y, Paizuri, Personality Changes, R-18, R*pe Victim Becomes Lover, Revenge, R*pe, S*x S*aves, Teachers, Threesome, Twisted Personality Больше 5 глав не смог прочитать MC полный слабак и мусор Is it good? This one is good for r-18. Just translation/writing quality becomes really bad after like 8 or so chapters here and after +-20 chapters on another site. Editing is necessary! Does it get any better later? I can barely understand what’s going on. One of the OG R18 novels Can you recommend novels with good milf