Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 863 863 One More Question

Chapter 863 863 One More Question

"Well, I must say, the process is much less daunting now than it was at Rank Three." Wolfe laughed as he double-checked and finalized the spells on the golem.

The Assistant smiled. "You could have come back earlier and learned the spell. Rank Five is generally plenty to be able to create assistants. Toning them down to more acceptable levels as a Saint is barely a challenge, I would assume.

But for general household staff who don't need a large amount of magic, or much interactive capability, you could probably teach the creation to a Rank Three Magi.

They would be simple things, but if they just need to follow direct orders to perform tasks, I believe it is possible.

They would be less of an automaton and more of a simple golem, though. A moving statue that follows simple orders."

Wolfe shook his head. "Being able to interact with people and take care of villagers' needs is an essential part of the creation of these assistants. Even if I can't pass the work to others, I don't mind. It would be better if I made sure that the ones who will be assigned elsewhere will be able to perform the duties required of them.

It's a shame that I can't teach them to use Witch magic, as that is the majority of what the villages will need, but the Golems should be able to transfer mana to lower ranked witches to enable them to activate larger scale spells."

The assistant nodded. "That is a primary function of many assistants. If you put a core of mana crystal in them, they can serve as a mobile mana battery that others can use to enhance their own skills."

Wolfe hadn't thought of that the first time around, but the golem was hollow, so it wouldn't be difficult to add a core of mana crystal to him.

A short flow of mana added a piece of Rank Four mana crystal in the position where the heart should be, enough to simulate a single Mana Core of a Rank Three magi. That would be enough to keep any village going, except if they were under heavy attack.

But the golems weren't really meant to be a one-person army. They were there to assist and support the locals with more powerful magic. The locals would still have rifles and magic of their own in most cases, so the primary use for the Protectors would be defensive.

"While we're here, I have one more question for you. We have been having troubles with human magic users from other worlds attacking. Either by creating portals to our world or using the Dungeon Spell to create a time looped area that they can attack and loot for experience and gear.

Our supplies are superior to theirs, but they are attacking less developed areas, and not all of them have the ability to defend themselves properly against that sort of incident. Do your records have a method of dealing with that?" Wolfe asked.

The Assistant vanished for a moment, then came back with an armful of crystals.

"Give me a moment, and I believe that I can find the relevant records. I have data indicating that there were incidents like this in the past, but I don't have the data on how they were dealt with. These crystals should contain the records, but my programming doesn't allow me to give them to anyone but the Patriarch of the Lumix family.

I can, however, provide you the information that you require, as long as I can find it." The Assistant explained.

"Of course. We are not here to loot your family archives, we just need to know how to deal with the invasions, without having someone more skilled in time and space magic than our attackers." Wolfe explained.

The assistant spent a few minutes going through the crystals while the maid served them fresh tea and some sort of peanut butter cookies that another maid brought over.

"I take it that the storage spells are functioning as intended?" Wolfe asked as the cookies were brought over.

"Indeed they are, Saint Noxus. Our gardens are doing wonderfully as well, and our stockpile is nearly replenished to the minimum standards that were set in our operational guidelines." The maid agreed.

The Assistant raised his head with a victorious smile. "I have found the wisdom that we need. It appears that the problem is an ancient one, and the information is a bit more of a philosophical statement, but it is accompanied by the spell that was used to accomplish it.

You see, what it says is that denial is the path to difficulty. Do not deny their demands. Instead, you should deflect them and guide them to a path that imposes less upon others."

Wolfe waited for a bit more explanation as the Assistant drew the Inscription from the spell.

"I know that you are not well versed in spatial magic, but with Elemental Affinity, you should be able to use this one. Now, you will either need to have others assist you to get the range large enough, or set up multiple targets for the spell.

However, if you stock an area with monsters and dangerous targets, the dungeon spell will allow itself to be guided to a location that fulfills its needs. You cast this spell over the area, and target a menagerie of dangerous animals and criminals. They can appear there as much as they like to train their people without gaining access to your civilians or any technologies that might be harmful to their own development."

Wolfe examined the spell in wonder.

"This is beautiful. It is precisely what we needed, and if we can guide their attempts to open portals here to a location that we can monitor, it will prevent a great deal of chaos among the people. I have called upon a group of Demonic and Fae Saints this afternoon, and with their help, I think that we can create a dedicated region for the portals to appear." Wolfe informed him with a smile.

"It is always a pleasure to be of assistance to one of the Great Saints." The assistant replied with a polite bow.

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