Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 831 831 Send It Out

Chapter 831 831 Send It Out

Cassie glared at Wolfe as he casually invited her sister to dinner.

"What in the world are you thinking?" She hissed.

"Won't it be fun to see her again? You as a Rank Five witch, and her barely awakening her aura. I've already located her in the city, and even with her aura awakened, she's still on the feeble side of Rank One witches. I think that after she gained enough magic to show off, she stopped working at it." Wolfe whispered back as the three men made their way to the trucks for a photo shoot, and to help load.

You couldn't just fake the effort, the news teams would publicly drag you for that, so they had come prepared to help out for at least an hour or two.

They weren't the only ones with the idea, just the fastest to arrive, and within minutes, there were more business owners and members of influential Families showing up to help load the trucks.

Not all of them were actually useful helpers, but the couriers were well versed in making it look like they cared about their customers, so pretending that their helpers were not actually in the way was no problem at all.

Then the actual Family Heads and the Coven Nobles with the stacks of money to be exchanged started to arrive, and the event went from a feel good story about helping the community to the biggest circus that the Fortress City had ever seen.

They came with entire truckloads of crystals to be exchanged, willing to go along with what the Coven Leader demanded, even if they were still skeptical.

Wolfe had a decent head start on the cards already, and it would take them a while to get the stacks all loaded, so Wolfe made a batch of the cubes and gestured for the Coven Council to come forward with their Family Heads.

"You, reporter child. Now you can interview. What did you want to ask." Wolfe demanded as the Council's Finance Minister came over with her Family Head, a woman well past a hundred years old.

The reporter stammered for a second, caught off guard by the flood of dignitaries, then she finally managed to get back on track.

"These objects that you are making now, what are they?" She began once her cameraman was in place, along with a half dozen others.

"They are storage cubes. Like a bank vault for magical currency. As with the cards, they will display the stored wealth, and they can be linked to a certain group of people. For businesses, large Families and travelling merchants, these cubes are invaluable, as they hold much more than the standard card.

Not that most people will have to worry about the card's limit. A single card can hold more than a year's wages, and you can link more than one of them, so long as the additional cards were empty when you received them.

As the others explained, only the preloaded ones cannot be used until linked, so the empty ones can be used by merchants to verify payment amounts, the same as a digital cash register. In fact, you can simply tap your card and will the transfer, making them more convenient than cash, and nearly impossible to steal."

One of the other reporters stuck her microphone forward to get better audio of the answer to the next question.

"Everyone keeps saying that they're almost impossible to steal. But that means there is still a chance, right?" She demanded.

"Yes, there is still a chance. If you are Rank Six or higher, with an affinity for complex arrays, you can hack the cards and remove the imprinting by deactivating that layer, but not the whole inscription. So, while it is technically possible, it is not easy."

The reporters had to laugh at that. The chances were indeed minimal, but it was theoretically possible, as Wolfe had admitted.

"And how will this process work? Do you just transfer the mana over? Is there a measure to prevent fraud?" The reporter asked.

"Indeed there is. All currency has my aura on it. If you try to force the cards or cubes to accept other people's mana, they will shatter and become inoperative. Now, unless the card is linked to you, you cannot do it by force. It will simply reject the attempt. But if you try to hack your own cards, you will need to overpower a Saint Rank Magi's spell and suppress the safeguards not only while you work, but on every card that you attempt to transfer the fake funds to.

And that is indefinitely because if you stop and the spell realizes that it has been hacked, the card will cease to function."

The reporters smiled in appreciation. After the Rebellion, many were skeptical about the Coven's mana crystals. The rebels had flooded the markets with them in many towns, making them nearly worthless, and then the city was essentially locked down, with rationed food supplies, which drove up prices.

The reporter's voice was hopeful, and her pleading eyes bored into Wolfe as she asked her next question.

"Can you show us the process, or is it a secret?"

"It's not a secret. I will do the transfer right here, so that the Coven Families and others gathered here have their funds available to pay employees and finish business deals as soon as possible. I know that this is a major inconvenience to everyone, and I do hope that the aid payment from Forest Grove to help get the city back on its feet helps.

Within the next few weeks, you will have both an airport and an underground highway connecting you to Sylvan Coven and some of the villages in Morgana Territory, so you can begin trading with the outside world.

The people of Gormana are also eager to begin trade with the city, and that deal is being finalized as we speak, so not only magical goods, but the nonmagical ones will be available as well."

Wolfe's words silenced the news team for a moment.

The Coven Leader had been a bit vague in how things were going, but Wolfe was willing to give explicit details to them, live on the news.

"Now, if I can get our first volunteer to come forward with their funds, I will transfer the currency to one of the new cubes."

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