Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: The Cursed Beast

As the Clan Lords moved through the forest, they suddenly stopped, sensing something dangerous approaching. They quickly dodged to avoid the incoming threat and saw Huno, in his enormous form, crash into the largest tree in the forest. The impact shook the ground, and Huno lay there, stunned.

The Clan Lords turned to see what had caused the disturbance. To their horror, they saw a terrifying figure emerging from the darkness. It was the Curse Beast, a fearsome demon beast once defeated by Nerathiel long ago, now seemingly awakened.

The Curse Beast had six powerful arms, each ending in sharp claws. Its body was covered in dark, jagged armor, and its eyes glowed menacingly. This demon was known as the Demon King's pet, a powerful and dreaded creature.

The Clan Lords were shocked and terrified as they recognized the beast. Its roar echoed through the forest, making the ground tremble. The Curse Beast's presence was overwhelming, and it seemed to be preparing for something dreadful.

The demon held Silla tightly, showing its immense power as it restrained the nine-headed hydra. The Clan Lords were stunned, realizing they faced a danger far beyond anything they had ever encountered.

The forest erupted into chaos as the Curse Beast roared again, shaking the ground and the trees. The Clan Lords, still in shock from the sudden appearance of the demon, scrambled to get their bearings.

Balor, the one-eyed demon, muttered in disbelief, "This can't be real. The Curse Beast... it's impossible! Nerathiel defeated it long ago!"

Kazrak, the bull demon, clenched his fists and looked terrified. "Why is it alive? We must have missed something."

Before they could fully react, Zholga, the half-serpent woman, saw the Curse Beast preparing another attack. "Dodge, fools!" she shouted urgently.

The Curse Beast, with its six massive arms and sharp claws, swung wildly. It threw Silla, the nine-headed hydra, through the air with terrifying strength. The Clan Lords scattered in all directions, narrowly avoiding the beast's sweeping attack. Huno, still reeling from crashing into the tree, managed to move quickly.

He threw his enormous body beneath Silla, breaking the hydra's fall and preventing it from hitting the ground with full force.

As the dust settled, the Clan Lords saw the battle in full swing. Cerberus, the three-headed dog, and Silla, both mighty creatures, fought desperately against the Curse Beast. Cerberus barked and snapped at the demon, his three heads working in unison. Silla's nine heads lashed out with venom and fury.

Despite their strength, the Curse Beast seemed unstoppable, its dark armor deflecting their attacks as if it were made of iron.

Vrok, the bull demon, roared in frustration. "Even the legendary hydra and Cerberus are struggling! How can we defeat this thing?"

Zholga's eyes gleamed with determination. "Then the Golden Earth Elixir is mine!" she hissed, revealing her serpent-like body. She slithered quickly toward the Curse Beast, her movements a blur of agility.

The Curse Beast, noticing Zholga's approach, turned its attention to her. Its six claws lashed out, moving with terrifying speed. Zholga twisted and dodged with impressive skill, narrowly escaping the beast's slashing attacks. She struck back, her claws raking against the Curse Beast's dark armor. Sparks flew, but the armor held firm.

The other Clan Lords joined the fray. Balor, the one-eyed demon, unleashed dark, shadowy projectiles from his hand. He aimed for the gaps in the Curse Beast's armor, hoping to find a weak spot. Kazrak charged in with brute strength, swinging his heavy weapon and trying to break through the demon's defenses.

The battle was fierce and relentless. The Curse Beast roared and swung its massive claws, sending shockwaves through the forest. Trees were uprooted, and the ground trembled with each swing. The Clan Lords were forced to constantly move, dodging the beast's powerful strikes and regrouping to plan their next move.

Balor's shadowy attacks caused some damage, but the Curse Beast quickly adapted, using its claws to swat away the projectiles. Kazrak's powerful strikes made a few dents in the armor, but the demon's dark strength seemed to keep it moving forward.

Zholga continued to dart in and out of range, her serpent-like agility allowing her to avoid the beast's attacks while delivering precise strikes. She aimed for the armor's weak points, hoping to create an opening. Her movements were swift and calculated, but the Curse Beast's relentless assault made it difficult for her to land a decisive blow.

Cerberus and Silla fought with everything they had, their combined efforts pushing the Curse Beast back slightly. Cerberus's heads bit and clawed at the demon's legs, while Silla's heads spat venom and struck with powerful tails. Even with their combined strength, the Curse Beast seemed nearly impervious.

The battle in the forest continued to rage with ferocity. Sorgar, a demon mage, raised his staff high and chanted an incantation. A powerful aura emanated from him, surrounding his allies with a shimmering light. The Clan Lords felt a surge of energy and strength as Sorgar's buffs took effect.

Balor, the one-eyed demon, saw the opportunity and leaped into the fray. He aimed to strike a decisive blow against the Curse Beast. But as he jumped towards the beast, its enormous, clawed hands shot out with lightning speed. Balor was caught mid-air, trapped in the beast's grasp.

The Curse Beast's claws dug into Balor's body, and with a horrifying crunch, the demon's stomach was torn open, causing him to scream in agony. "Balor!" Vrok, the bull demon, shouted in horror as he saw his comrade being attacked. Silla, seeing Balor, acted quickly.

He unleashed a powerful ice beam from his nine heads, striking the Curse Beast's arm. The icy blast froze the arm solid. The Curse Beast roared in pain and anger, and with a sudden, violent throw, it hurled Balor through the air. Zholga, reacting swiftly, leaped into the air and caught Balor before he hit the ground.

With a burst of speed, she landed safely and set Balor down gently. "Heal him, Sorgar!" she shouted urgently as she turned back to the fight. Kazrak, seizing the moment, jumped high and swung his heavy weapon with all his might at the frozen arm.

The blade cut through the ice and the beast's flesh, severing the arm in a spray of dark blood and shards of ice. The Curse Beast howled in rage as the limb fell to the ground. Sorgar hurried over to Balor, his staff glowing with healing magic. He began to cast a powerful spell to mend Balor's grievous wounds. As Sorgar worked,

Zholga rejoined the battle, attacking the Curse Beast with relentless strikes, her serpent-like agility allowing her to dodge the beast's counterattacks. But as Sorgar healed Balor and the Clan Lords tried to press their advantage, their eyes widened in shock. The Curse Beast's severed arm began to regenerate rapidly.

The flesh and dark armor reformed before their eyes, the arm growing back with terrifying speed. The Curse Beast, now even more enraged, roared again and charged at the Clan Lords with renewed vigor. The ground shook with each step it took, and the forest seemed to tremble with its fury.

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