Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Finally Out

As Seojun slowly regained consciousness, he felt something warm and wet brushing against his face, stirring him from his sleep. He opened his eyes, and to his surprise, he was greeted by the sight of a three-headed dog, each head panting and licking his face with boundless energy.

Seojun stared in disbelief. The Cerberus was smaller now, about the size of a normal dog.

"Is this...?" he whispered, his voice trembling with confusion and hope. "How...?"

The dog continued to shower him with affection, its eyes filled with a joyful recognition. Seojun's heart pounded as he muttered a name, almost afraid to believe it was true.


The moment he said the name, the three-headed dog barked, all three heads wagging their tails in excitement. Seojun's eyes widened as the reality of the situation hit him.

"Huno... it's really you," he breathed, his voice thick with emotion. He reached out and hugged the dog tightly, feeling its warmth and presence as a wave of relief and joy washed over him.

Huno responded with even more excited barks, clearly overjoyed to be back with his master. Seojun laughed, tears welling up in his eyes as he held onto the dog he had thought was lost forever.

"I missed you" Seojun whispered, hugging Huno even tighter, feeling the deep bond between them stronger than ever.

Later on, Seojun slowly sat up, still holding Huno close as he tried to make sense of everything. The warmth of the dog's body was comforting, but his surroundings were anything but. He looked around and realized he was no longer in the labyrinth. Instead, he found himself in a dead, desolate place. The ground was cracked and dry, with no signs of life anywhere. The sky above was a dull, lifeless gray.

His mind raced as he tried to figure out how he had ended up here. The last thing he remembered was the battle with the Hydra .

Feeling uneasy, Seojun opened his status screen. The familiar holographic interface appeared before him, and he noticed a small icon blinking in the corner—a message notification. Curious, he tapped it, and a list of unread messages appeared.

The first one immediately caught his attention.

[System Notification]

Congratulations on making a Guardian Contract!

Contractor: Seojun

Guardian: Hydra

The Hydra, now bound by your authority, will serve as a guardian. This powerful ally will protect you, assist in battles, and offer guidance. When not in combat, it will appear in a less intimidating form to facilitate interaction.

He glanced at Huno, who nuzzled closer, as if sensing Seojun's thoughts and offering silent encouragement.

"Guardian Contract?" he muttered, still trying to wrap his head around it. The idea that the Hydra, such a powerful creature, was now bound to protect him and follow his orders was overwhelming.

Huno, sensing his confusion, nuzzled against him, offering silent comfort. Seojun sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. He was no longer in the labyrinth. As he looked around, the reality of his situation began to sink in. There were still many unread messages waiting for him.

Seojun's gaze returned to the blinking messages on his status screen. With a deep breath, he clicked on the next unread notification.

[System Notification]

Congratulations! You have successfully made a contract with the Final Boss.

You have successfully cleared the Labyrinth of Desolation!

You will be transported to the surface in 5 seconds.

Seojun's eyes widened as he read the message. He looked around at the barren, lifeless landscape, then back at the notification.

"So, I'm out…" he muttered to himself. The realization that he had actually cleared the labyrinth washed over him. It felt surreal, like a weight he hadn't fully realized he was carrying had been lifted.

Before he could process everything, he clicked on another unread notification.

[System Notification]

Level Up! You have reached Level 2000.

Your hard work has unlocked incredible rewards:

Volcanic Kraken Loot:

Kraken's Heart: Enhances health regeneration and boosts fire resistance by 50%.

Kraken's Fang: A versatile weapon for crafting high-tier gear.

Kraken's Scale Armor: Provides exceptional defense against physical and magical attacks.

Kraken's Core: Boosts fire-based skills and spells.

New Skills Acquired:

Tidal Wave: Summon a destructive wave of lava.

Inferno Shield: A fiery barrier that reflects damage.

Kraken's Grip: Ethereal tentacles to bind and crush enemies.

Unlocked: Guardian List

A feature that allows you to manage your guardians, view their status, and summon them as needed.

Item Acquired: Ring of Dominion

Description: A mystical ring connected to your guardians. By calling the name of a guardian while wearing this ring, you can summon them instantly to your side. The ring also allows you to communicate telepathically with your guardians, regardless of distance.

Seojun blinked as he scrolled through the list of rewards. The sheer amount of items, skills, and new features was overwhelming. The loot from the Volcanic Kraken alone was incredible, and the new skills added to his arsenal of powers.

But what really caught his attention was the *Ring of Dominion* and the *Guardian List*. He slipped the ring onto his finger, feeling a surge of power as it adjusted to him.

Seojun's eyes scanned the rest of the rewards, and one more notification caught his attention.

[System Notification]

Bonus Reward:

- 100,000,000 Gold Coins: A substantial sum of gold added to your inventory, usable for purchasing items, upgrading equipment, and more.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at seeing the gold added to his total. Seojun lay down on the dry, cracked ground, closing his eyes and breathing out in relief. A small smile appeared on his face as he let himself relax for the first time in a while. The stress of the labyrinth finally seemed to be gone.

But his peace didn't last long. He suddenly felt something strange in the air. As he waved his hand, he felt a sudden impact, as though he had struck something. There was a sharp screech, and whatever it was flew away, disappearing among the dead, twisted trees.

Startled, Seojun sat up quickly. "What was that?" he muttered, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Huno, staying close by, looked at him with confusion. One of the Cerberus heads tilted as if it was trying to understand what had just occurred.

Seojun stood up, brushing off the dirt as he looked around. "Now, now… where are we?" he asked, more to himself than anyone else.

He opened his status screen, noticing another unread notification. Curious, he clicked on it.

[System Notification]

Location: Deadlands of Witherfall

- The Deadlands of Witherfall is a cursed area, long abandoned by life. The land is barren, with twisted, rotting trees and dry, cracked earth. The air is thick with a dark, ominous aura, and remnants of ancient battles still linger.

- The creatures here are often mutated or corrupted, driven mad by the cursed energy in the land.

- Beware of hidden dangers—many have fallen prey to the unseen threats in these lands.

- Objective: Survive and find the path to the nearest safe zone.

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