Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 107: Chapter 107: Altar Guardian 'Gargoyle'

Seojun approached them with a calm expression. "What happened here?" he asked, trying to sound surprised.

Alex looked up from his conversation with the Chairman, his face grim. "An intruder tried to

Assasinate Grandpa,"

Alexa turned to Seojun as she and Alex prepared to leave. "Seojun, could you stay with Grandpa for a while?"

Seojun nodded.

As Alex and Alexa hurried out, Seojun approached Chairman Alexander, who was seated on the sofa. The Chairman looked worn and was using his ancient bo staff for support. His breathing was uneven, and he appeared to be struggling to remain upright.

Seojun took a seat in front of him, trying to offer a reassuring presence. "It's nice seeing you again, Chairman,"

Chairman Alexander managed a weak smile. "It's good to see you too, Seojun. I'm sorry that you had to witness this in your visit."

Seojun observed Chairman Alexander with concern. "You don't look well, Chairman," he said, trying to mask his worry.

The Chairman chuckled softly. "Well, I'm too old now. These things catch up with me eventually."

Seojun recalled the Chairman's strength from before—how he was always there for him and his mother, providing support and guidance. The memory was bittersweet, given the stark contrast to the frail figure before him now.

There was a brief silence between them. Then Chairman Alexander spoke again, his voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and sadness. "Alex and Alexa were really happy to see you. You don't know how much they missed you when you disappeared."

Seojun remained silent, his gaze steady as he listened.

"They've learned so much from you," the Chairman continued. "You changed their perspective on the poor, helping them appreciate the value of every life."

Seojun frowned, troubled by the Chairman's condition. "You should rest, Chairman and saved your strength."

The Chairman settled back on the sofa, his face tired but content. "I'm dying, Seojun. I'm just glad you came back before I go."

Seojun stood on the rooftop, the cold night air stinging his skin. The sky was filled with countless stars, but despite their beauty, Seojun felt lost. The Chairman's words,

"I'm dying, Seojun. I'm just glad you came back before I go," echoed in his mind. He didn't know how to feel. He felt neither sadness nor worry. Instead, he clutched his chest, confused by the emptiness inside him. What's going on?

As he struggled with his emotions, Alex and Alexa arrived. Seojun turned to them, noticing their gloomy expressions. Alexa, in particular, looked as though she had been crying. Seojun wanted to put off this conversation for another day, but Alexa's determined gaze made it clear that she had something important to say.

"Let's break this curse now," Alexa said firmly.

Seojun nodded. Together, they headed to where they could set up an altar. They took a helicopter to the Skylands, a floating landmass high above the ground.

As they landed, Seojun took in the view. The Skylands were a breathtaking sight—floating islands covered in lush greenery and small forests. In the center of one of these islands was a small, abandoned temple. The forest surrounding the temple was dense but not overwhelmingly large, providing an eerie yet serene atmosphere. The place was perfect for setting up an altar.

As Seojun, Alex, and Alexa approached the old temple in the Skylands, Huno barked persistently. The noise echoed through the still night, alerting them to an unseen threat.

Alex spoke up, "These Skylands creatures are usually asleep at night and won't attack unless threatened. We should be safe."

They continued walking, the eerie silence surrounding them. When they finally reached the abandoned temple, a thick white fog suddenly rolled in, quickly engulfing the area.

Alex and Alexa appeared unperturbed. "It's probably just a normal phenomenon," Alex said. But Huno's incessant barking grew more urgent, and Seojun's instincts kicked in.

Before he could react further, both Alex and Alexa inhaled the fog. Their legs gave out, and they collapsed. Seojun rushed forward, catching them before they hit the ground. He could feel their bodies going limp and their breathing becoming shallow.


[Sleep Paralysis Resistance activated.]

Seojun realized the fog was inducing sleep paralysis or hypnotization. He quickly assessed the situation, noticing that Huno's agitation was increasing.

[Congratulations Host! You have Unlock Paralysis Resistance, You can no longer affected by the fog.]

As Seojun carefully laid Alex and Alexa down, trying to shield them from the enveloping fog, he heard a familiar sound.


[You have entered one of the sacred Skylands temple. The ancient guardian of this temple is now aware of your presence.]

Seojun looked around and spotted a gargoyle statue in the corner of the temple. Its eyes seemed to follow him, the stone features meticulously carved and eerily lifelike. He could feel a sense of foreboding emanating from the statue.

As Seojun prepared himself for any potential threats, he noticed that the fog was beginning to clear. Huno continued to bark, and Seojun could sense the growing tension in the air.

[Appraisal Activated]

Name: Gargoyle

Rank A

Type: Demon stone Guardian

The gargoyle's statue eyes suddenly flared, and the stone began to crack. The gargoyle roared to life, its stone skin morphing into a dark, demonic form. Its wings beat furiously, and it lunged toward Seojun with an alarming speed.

"Huno, get Alex and Alexa to safety." Seojun muttered andHuno barked, understanding the urgency, bit Alex and Alexa by their clothes and dragged them to a safer part of the temple, despite them being disoriented from the fog.

The gargoyle's screech was piercing and grating. Seojun tried to dodge its vicious claws but found himself struggling. He reached for his usual weapon, a flaming blue sword, only to remember that he couldn't summon it.

he glanced at his inventory. His eyes landed on the Flame Dagger, the first weapon he had acquired in the Abyss. He quickly retrieved it and prepared for battle.

The gargoyle's powerful wings sent gusts of wind, and its claws slashed through the air, narrowly missing Seojun. He dodged and rolled, trying to get a better angle. The gargoyle's eyes glowed menacingly as it roared, clearly agitated by Seojun's resistance. Seojun gripped the Flame Dagger tightly.

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