Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 437: Ryun

Chapter 437: Ryun

Second Offer

They made their way through the camp quickly, arriving in the center and the main tent. As soon as they stopped before it, two sentinels stepped out from either side and silently drew back the curtain revealing the entrance. They were led through the same way as last time, going in a circle until they reached the room that was in the center.

The large room was still the same, and Ryun allowed his sense to spread, trusting that the effect that had been there last time still held. He was rewarded by his awareness expanding, and he noted everything that was happening in the tent. The Grand Spirit of War sat on her throne, still looking the same, as a female drake wearing armor and weapons.

"Chosen, welcome again," she said.

Ryun inclined his head, and met her eyes. "Grand Spirit."

"I've given some thought to our last conversation," the Grand Spirit said. "I am willing to allow you to join my army in battle against the yeti. I always have need of strong soldiers. Provided you do me a service."

Ryun tilted his head, thinking. "We have come here seeking power, or ways to obtain more of it in order to face our common enemy. Joining your army does not grant us that," Ryun told her.

The Grand Spirit narrowed her eyes. "Do you not wish for the death of Ra'azel?"

Ryun nodded. "We do, but you ask for a service, yet what do we gain by joining your army?"

The Grand Spirit paused, then said slowly. "You get to accomplish your goal, the death of our enemy."

"You will attempt to fight him anyway," Ryun waved his hand. "This army will hunt him with or without us. You are the one that gains from this agreement, you must be able to tell, our power is great, rivaling your own. It is you who will have a greater chance of winning with us by your side."

The Grand Spirit leaned forward in her throne. "You are in the heart of my domain, you should be careful with your words."

Ryun shrugged. "I've fought beings greater than you in the hearts of their domain, they are dead now and here I am," he said. "You need something from us, and you want us in your army, that much is clear. I want something in return."

"What?" She bit through clenched teeth.

"You have gathered a great army of spirits, I wish only the chance to speak with those of them who can offer us insights into our own power. Spirits of Death and Oblivion," Ryun said. He had tried to find the spirits and talked independently. But apparently the spirits of Death were not known for being chatty. And the few he and Nayra had found were not open to any deals or exchanges like the smiths were. Perhaps, if their leader ordered it would be different.

Before the Grand Spirit answered, his sense caught something moving through the tent. A spirit, one that shifted and twisted constantly making it hard to keep track of. He was pretty sure that it was the same spirit that the Grand Spirit of War had been meeting when Ryun and Nayra first arrived. Who Ryun suspected to be the Grand Spirit of Change.

The Grand Spirit of War looked at him for a long moment. "I have Spirits of Death in my army, yes. Spirits of Oblivion are some of the rarest in the Ethereal Realm, there are none in my army."

Ryun resisted the urge to smile, so the spirits of Oblivion did exist, that was good to know.

"Spirits of Death will do," he said, at least Nayra would learn something.

"Before I accept any deals, I want to know what it is that you want from us?"

The shifting spirit got closer, just a room away, probably listening in. Ryun didn't mind, yet.

War glanced to the side at a large table, where the four spirits stood the same as last time, then she looked back at him. "There is a delay in the Real Realm, I need it dealt with."

"I don't know, one of your chosen matters," the Grand Spirit said in a way that oozed frustration. "I've been waiting, gathering this army, for a long time. I am running out of patience. I need us summoned in the Real Realm, time only allows Ra'azel to grow stronger."

"And why do you think that we can help with that?" Ryun asked, wondering how it was that she didn't know what the issue was.

"I don't know your chosen ways, you either can help or you cannot. If not, then you will not get what you want. If yes, you get your conversations and an army at your side against Ra'azel."

That was intriguing enough for him to consider it. "I shall think about it."

"Change," the Grand Spirit of Mysteries said. "I shouldn't be surprised, its nature is to seek imbalance and change, usually the rest of us are a counterbalance to it, but we Grand Spirits have been split as of late, out of touch with each other. Still, a change of this magnitude is..."

"You should accept War's offer," the Grand Spirit of Transition interjected.

They had spent two days in camp, with Ryun staying with the smiths and learning more about their art. It was a very good time for him, not so much for Nayra who was bored out of her mind, but she had endured.

Then they had come back to the glade, at their prearranged meeting.

Ryun looked at the two spirits, thinking about what he should do. He wasn't good at doing politics, he wasn't good and doing things that were in the shadows. Though Anrosh had tried to get him to at least try. The spirits, at least from what Ryun had seen so far, seemed largely ignorant of chosen matters. Which was a benefit to Ryun.

"Or at least pretend to," the Grand Spirit of Mysteries added. "You chosen are always duplicitous in your words."

Their opinion of chosen aside, Ryun was still unsure what to do, or if he could even trust any of the Grand Spirits.

"You want me to convince this Grey Horde not to summon War and the army?" Ryun asked, trying not to give away the fact that he knew who they were talking about. He and Grey Horde weren't great friends and allies, but they had crossed paths in the great faction gatherings. He didn't know much about her, other than what was widely known.

"Yes," Transition answered. "Inform them of what War plans."

"And if she doesn't care?" Ryun asked in return.

The spirits exchanged a look. "What do you mean."

He had the feeling that the spirits would be hard pressed to understand why chosen might not care about what War planned.

"Grey Horde might not have an issue with War remaining in the Real Realm, the consequences of such an act might not be a big issue for us chosen. We do not live in the Ethereal Realm."

Transition blinked. "The Ethereal is intrinsically linked with your Realm! Any changes to it would have consequences that would echo through all realms. Removing one of the pillars of the Ethereal from it would have grand repercussions, that not even us can predict!"

Ryun grimaced. "I'm just trying to prepare you for that possibility."

"We need War's attempts stopped," Transition stressed.

"I don't see how you will achieve that without removing War from the board entirely," Nayra added.

The two Grand Spirits rounded on her.

"What? It's the truth," she shrugged. "Even if we successfully warn Grey Horde and convince her to abandon whatever plan she has, what is to prevent War from just finding someone else and attempting the same thing again?"

Transition glanced at Mysteries, then answered. "We believe that the constant conflicts in your realm have had an effect on War, and that with time those effects will subside. That War would see reason eventually."

"So you are hoping that War gets better?" Nayra said, her tone almost mocking.

"We have other plans, but we are hopeful, yes," Mysteries said.

"None of this accounts for Ra'azel," Ryun interjected. "From where I am standing it seems like supporting War is the best bet for us to deal with him."

The bird spirit took a step forward. "You do not understand the gravity of the threat that War can pose. Conflict makes War stronger, and if this army was in the Real Realm, they could cause a lot of it. Make War stronger than even Ra'azel. And that would allow them to shape your Realm in their image. Do you want a world filled only with conflict and death? A world where only the strong survived?"

That already was the reality of the Infinite Realm, but... they were trying to make it better. He did understand some part of what they were saying.

"As I said," Ryun started. "We still need what we came to you, the Grand Spirits, for; We need power. You wanted to make a deal? Well, give me a way to make sure that War doesn't ever return to the Real Realm, and give me a way to combat Ra'azel," then he decided to give them something more. "I know Grey Horde personally. I have some influence with her. If you can give me what I need, then I will do as you ask."

The two spirits looked at each other, something passing between them, then Transition looked back at Ryun and Nayra.

"I can sense a touch of my nature in both of your power. I can offer my guidance, if power is what you wish. As far as War is concerned... There might be a way of making sure that they are barred from the Real Realm permanently, a way that wouldn't upset the balance of the Ethereal Realm. Something that might even help you against Ra'azel."

That made Ryun raise an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

"Have you ever heard about Felltower, the Prison of Ages?"

Ryun blinked, he had, in fact, heard about it.

"Tell me more."

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