Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix

Chapter 249: Clauses

"You don't look very proud," Branden said when morning came while showing some bags under his eyes.

"... something felt odd. The dragon was strong, but it wasn't something that two or three tribe leaders wouldn't have a hard time taking down," Rain replied.

"It is probably because these dragons were young… they should be around fifty years old," Branden said. "Even if they are dragons, and their potential is insane, they can only become so much stronger in fifty years of life. Dragons are violent, but they are wise and proud as well. Only the young ones would act rashly like that.

Speaking of which, the oldest known dragon is supposed to be three thousand years old."

It started to make sense; if the dragons they had encountered were relatively young, it explained how Rain managed to defeat them. Youth often came with inexperience, even for powerful creatures like dragons.

After the intense battle, they hastily made their way back to the inn. On their return, they couldn't help but notice the curious gazes of the city's residents. Many were likely wondering why their leaders had extended an invitation to someone as formidable as Rain.

The city's inhabitants had witnessed Rain skillfully blocking the devastating attacks of the dragon, showcasing his incredible power. It was clear to them that he possessed the ability to easily topple buildings if he wished. This display of might left a lasting impression on the onlookers.

There was no immediate need to evacuate the city. Still, it appeared likely that the negotiations would be prolonged due to the unfortunate deaths of several council members in the recent dragon attack. Esmeralda, who had spent most of her life sheltered in her hometown and was now exposed to the harsh realities of the outside world, had only managed to fall asleep a short while ago.

The close encounter with a dragon had stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her, making it challenging for her to rest peacefully.

"Should we use the dragon as a bargain to make them give up on their crazy demands, or should we take the body back with us?" Rain asked.

"Is that even possible?" Branden asked.

"I will do something about it. Not like I need the parts of a dragon, but if it can sell for a lot, then it is worth the hassle," Rain replied.

Dragon materials held significant value for those who practiced fire magic or had an affinity for it, as they could harness the inherent properties of these materials to enhance their abilities. However, dragon materials held little relevance for Rain, whose magic was primarily Earth-based.

Fire magic users could forge potent weapons and artifacts from dragon scales and bones, utilizing their fiery attributes to devastating effect.

Nevertheless, Rain couldn't help but imagine how cool it would be of having dragon-based relics. Imagined all kinds of them… Dragonbone Sword: A blade forged from the bones of a fire dragon, it could ignite in flames upon command, delivering fiery strikes in combat.

Dragonhide Armor, crafted from the resilient scales of a dragon, this armor not only provided exceptional protection but also granted the wearer resistance to fire-based attacks.

Dragon's Eye Amulet: This amulet, embedded with a dragon's eye gemstone, grants its wearer the ability to see through illusions and perceive hidden truths. While he only imagined those effects, he began to wonder if he could get an item that would enhance his mana recovery rate… he needed to investigate that.

In the end, it took three long days for the negotiations to be resumed. Although the council members survived the dragon attack, the toll on the city was heavy. Many lives were lost, and the extent of the destruction far exceeded what the city's inhabitants alone could repair.

The scars left by the dragon's rampage would serve as a grim reminder of the perilous times they lived in, and the urgent need for a truce became all the more evident.

Branden raised the possibility of leaving the dragon's body behind to the members of the council, and they liked that since they could study more how to deal with fire dragons. They also began to be more lenient with their unreasonable demands, thanks to it.

Branden approached Rain, offering to craft a special item for him using the core of the fire dragon. After some consideration, Rain decided against it. He understood that possessing such a relic might draw unwanted attention from other dragons. With enough challenges on his plate, he felt it was best not to further entangle himself in dragon-related matters.

Besides, few people could stop the dragons while they were in the air. They basically couldn't care less about physical barriers while flying, so it wouldn't be weird for them to easily track Rain while they travel like that.

As things began to settle down for the group and they became more accepted in the city, Rain couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched by an unseen presence. It wasn't the usual sensation of imminent danger; instead, it felt like a subtle surveillance devoid of any overt hostility.

Rain suspected it might be Leo, but despite his efforts to locate him, the enigmatic figure remained elusive, leaving Rain with an eerie sense of being observed from the shadows.

"Since you showed your generosity and helped protect our city while it was attacked by surprise, we are willing to listen to your points and adjust the clauses of the truce," Josar said. "This is the final document that we all agree."

"The truce must guarantee the cessation of all hostilities, including military actions, skirmishes, and any other form of aggression."

"To prevent future disputes and conflicts, there should be a clear demarcation of borders and territories."

"Economic cooperation and prosperity for both parties will be fostered through outlined trade agreements, including the establishment of trade routes and tariffs."

"Promoting mutual understanding and tolerance, both nations must agree to the exchange of cultural and educational initiatives."

"Ensuring the well-being and rights of all citizens, regardless of their origin, humanitarian clauses should be incorporated."

"To protect our shared natural resources, we shall establish environmental preservation and conservation agreements."

"In the event of future disagreements, there must be a mechanism for dispute resolution, including a neutral mediation process."

"To promote transparency and trust, we shall maintain regular diplomatic exchanges and communication channels."

"Fostering goodwill among our citizens, cultural exchanges, and joint celebrations should be encouraged."

"For collective security, both sides commit to assisting each other in times of external threats or invasion. An army composed of soldiers from both sides will be formed over the next year. However, in emergencies, assistance from small teams can be demanded to aid each other in specific situations."

"The truce shall remain in effect for twenty years, and any breach shall result in dire consequences for the offending party."

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