Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 44: Bout To Bust- Explode!?



[Cultivation Talent: Low-Earth Rank]

"Ahhh, a direct leap past the Common, Mortal, and Sky Ranks—all from one measly source to boot…"

Lucifer was pleased with this result. Not only did this mean that his cultivation talent was leagues above anyone else in this small backwater area, but it also meant that he had plenty of opportunities to ascend through the entire Earth Rank, maybe even reaching the Heaven Rank if he could acquire more than…

"How many would I need, anyway? 20? 50? 5,000?"

Lucifer had no idea as to how many different combinations he could create with all his Elements, but he knew that the number would be astronomical-!



Lucifer's thoughts were interrupted by a meek, squeaking sound coming from his left.

Upon turning around and seeing what the source of the squeaking was, his brows raised slightly. This discovery changed everything…

"A Spirit… and one from a tribe that specializes in all elements… What sort of bullshit protagonist plot armor is this???"

He found himself staring at a small, iridescent, pixie-like creature with delicate wings and an adorable, tiny face. It was about the size of his thumb and floated in the air without even using its wings.

Spirits were usually genderless, but it seemed like this one was a female…

Lucifer broke the fourth wall, giving his readers 'the look', already knowing damn well where their mind went when they heard the word 'female'.

"Bunch of degenerates… Tsk!" He clicked his tongue before refocusing on the matter at hand.

His hands left his back as he gestured for the Spirit to come closer. The Spirit responded with a slight head tilt, swaying gently from side to side, resulting in a slight bounce of its voluptuous breasts-

"Perverts…" Lucifer made one more comment while looking at a random cave wall. Then, he slowly walked toward the Spirit and cupped both his hands together.


The Spirit seemed to weigh its choices for a moment. It was only after it was convinced that the human meant no harm that it floated toward the crimson-eyed human.

"Squeaky!" It landed in Lucifer's hands, quickly catching a whiff of something that smelled delicious.


Without a moment's hesitation, it leapt from his hands and darted into his trousers!

"Ahh…here we go, another pervert?"

Lucifer peered into the inside of his pants, watching as the Spirit played around with something.

"Oh no~! What's happening to me~!?"

He could feel something stirring, and without wasting a single second, he unloaded everything he had!


The newly formed Blazing Crystal Source shot out from Lucifer's groin and rocketed out of his pants before it hovered mid-air, with the female spirit holding it proudly above her bubbly expression.

"It seems like you enjoyed doing that, huh?"

Lucifer dropped the act of euphoria, taking pleasure in the tiny Spirit's aggrieved expressions.

"Squeak! Skueak!"

The Spirit seemed to be slightly irritated that its skilled techniques had no effect on Lucifer. Yet, that didn't stop it from eyeing the Blazing Crystal with a hint of avarice in her gaze.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and chomp away!"

Lucifer uttered a series of words that made no sense to the clueless readers. However, the spirit knew exactly what he meant and eagerly began devouring the large source!

"Nom! Nom!"

The Spirit devoured something over five inches in diameter at a visible rate, absorbing its essence with each bite. And with each bite she took, the grin on Lucifer's face only seemed to grow wider.

'Yes, yes, yes… Eat to your heart's content… stuff your belly with all of my essence. I would like to see just how much you can take in before you explode!'

Lucifer cackled wickedly to himself as he watched the naive and inexperienced spirit devour his Blazing Crystal Source.


After a good 2 minutes of the small female spirit swallowing the Blazing Crystal Source down her throat, a vibrant glow began to emanate from her belly.

"Squeak!?" she exclaimed, completely clueless as to what was happening to her.

"Seems like you finally realized it, huh?"

Lucifer remarked from the side, watching as the glow within her stomach intensified.

As the light grew, it eventually reached a point where Lucifer was ready to make his move and so, he lunged toward the spirit!

"Squeak!!" 'Kyaa! Get away from me, you pervert!'

The Spirit spoke in classic Japanese tongue as she tried to run away. But with her stomach stuffed, she had absolutely no chance of escaping the insatiable 6th Young Master.

"Come! Explode for me! Let it all out on me! I can take it!"

Lucifer deliberately kept a distance of a few inches from the spirit as he chased her around the Crystal Elemental Cave, seemingly trying to provoke a certain reaction out of her; his intentions unknown.

"Squeak!!!" 'Aahhn~ Something's coming~ It's coming!'

"Goddamn finally!!"

Lucifer extended his hands just below the fleeing spirit's buttocks, eagerly waiting for the goodies to flood out of her!

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. The fairy erupted in a blast of iridescent light and shot out dozens of glowing spheres, all nearly identical to the Blazing Crystal Source.

It was a mystery as to how she had managed to fit so many spheres inside her body, but none of that mattered in the least bit to Lucifer. He swiftly gathered all the spheres and transferred them into his Dantian.

*Piang! Piang! Piang!*

He didn't miss even a single one; as soon as a sphere was shot, it was already inside his Dantian Space.


After a few minutes of catching all the Sources being shat out of the Spirit, Lucifer stopped his chase and watched as the Spirit spiraled to the ground.

She appeared lifeless, but Lucifer was too preoccupied to notice. His Divine Sense scanned his Dantian Space, and the first thing he saw was 400 or so Sources, all of which completely covered his Dantian!

They left not even the slightest room for his Dantian to shine…


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