Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 125: Are You H*rny!?


With his luck, Lucifer wouldn't be surprised if there were even beings beyond the Mahayana Realm within the dragon-shaped island.

"Wait… A dragon-shaped assortment of islands, high Qi Density… and presences that are all beyond powerful… Uhmm, err, shit, I didn't bring us to the Human Realm, did I…??"

In a way, Lucifer was correct in this deduction. But at the same time, he was also wrong. After all, they were in one of the few powerful secret realms attached to the Mortal Realm in a spectrum-like spiderweb of realms.

The Dragon Realm!

It was a dimension that sat perpendicular to both the Mortal Realm and the Nightmare Realm. Created and hidden by dragonoids beyond the Mahayana Realm, it was supposed to be impossible to enter or exit!

But somehow, rushing through the gate before it was perfected caused a temporal anomaly, sending Lucifer and the slave gang way off course!

And with the gate demolished by the hands of its creator, there was no longer a way to get back home…

'Building another interdimensional portal in this place is an option, but with the level of space fortitude of this place… It's like a fucking fortress! To get out of here through a space tunnel, at the very minimum, I would need to be at the Absolute Peak of my studies of space! And then Li Yan would also have to be at the peak of the Formation Profession!'

'Might as well just tell me straight up that I'm trapped here, author… You damn stingy bastard…'

Clicking his tongue at an existence that he had no proof actually existed, Lucifer ultimately resigned himself to his fate and sat down on a large bldudket. Looking out at the rising sun, he didn't need anyone to tell him that sh*t was about to get real crazy, real fast…

And just as he expected, two powerful presences in the 6th Stage of Tribulation Transcendance blazed through the open skies, heading right for them!

'It doesn't even seem like these two have a very high status in this world, but they are still of the Tribulation Transcendance Realm. I do wonder exactly what sort of place I found myself in… Ai…'

Putting aside these thoughts for now, Lucifer realized that the main species in this mysterious place was likely something to do with dragons. But without a proper reference, he had to take a second and properly analyze the appearances of the two people nearing his location.

From his keen observations, Lucifer saw that they were a form of dragonoid. Taking their appearances and making near identical copies of them with Heavenly Transfiguration, he then used Heavenly Transfiguration to change the way all four of them looked.


"???" "???" "???"

Seeing their bodies suddenly change before their very eyes, the girl's stopped their sightseeing and went on guard. But upon the source of this strange spell being Lucifer, they lowered their vigilance levels and let him do whatever he was doing.

They had faith that he would do nothing to harm them, at least not if it didn't have to do with extreme benefits…

Luckily, Lucifer had nothing to gain from killing virtually defenseless woman. And before they knew it, Heavenly Transfiguration was done being cast and they emerged form a thin layer of energy, appearing as a species far from human!

"A Dragonoid…?" Shun Wen muttered in confusion. "Hey, Lucifer. What are we cospaplying as dragonoids for…? Oh no… Is this one of your kinks-!?"


"No, it's not, you idiot. We're now in a land populated by dragonoids, so you better learn how to fit in and adapt if you don't want to end up on a spike!"

Giving the idiotic elf a few good silly whacks on the head, Lucifer made sure that Xue Lan and Li Yan heard what he said. From their weird expressions, he could pretty much guess what they were thinking.

"Now, if you all act the part and just stay silent, we should be able to make it out of this in one piece. But if you don't… Well, that's all I have to say. Hope you bunch don't drag me down…"

With a defeated look on his face, Lucifer walked in front of the group and approached the edge of the cliff. He ignored their dangerously serious expressions and put his hands behind his back, looking out into the horizon.

Before long, the two 6th Stage Tribulation Transcendance Realm Dragonoids materialized into view. Holding onto long, sharp tridents and wearing scaly armor, they appeared both imperious and menacing.

"You four! Are you here as support in the Battle of the Northern Cove!?" One of the guards shouted.

"Why yes; yes, we are," Azmodeus answered without hesitation.

Looking at the way they were standing and carrying themselves, he copied everything about them, making it seem like he was one of them. Not long after, Li Yan, Lan Xue, and Shun Wen also did the same exact thing. Though they didn't copy his posture as well as he did with the lizardmen, it was still acceptable enough to fool them.

"If you are here for the Battle at the Northern Cove, then you should have first reported to the 6th Commander! Why have you not done so already!?" The same guard loudly asked.


Further analyzing their mannerisms and speech, Lucifer decided it was time to make a stage

"In case you haven't noticed, soldier, we are in a time of war! And with war, there are many unforseen circumstances! On our way over to the Northern Cove, we were attacked by the opposing forces and had to fight for our lives just to grasp for a chance of escape! Now, if you will please move out of the way, we need to go and fight for our side! Death is but a natural cause, HOORAAHH!!!"

Like an insane warrior maniac, Lucifer passed by the dragonoid guards and charged toward where they originated from!

The three female dragonoids followed his lead and charged right behind him, and in a few seconds, they were already far off into the distance!

"This… Should we report this in?" Asking this question, the first guard looked toward the second guard.

Upon gauging his reaction to this inexplicable situation, he couldn't believe himself when he saw tears drizzling down the second guard's slitted ears!

"What is wrong with you…? Why are you crying?" Asked the first guard.

"T-That is… Those four are the Draconian Warriors!!! Right from the jaw of death, they don't think of taking a break. No, they return to the fray and plan to risk their lives once more!! For the Crimson Draconians!!! Let us, too, go and slaughter those filthy Azure Draconians!!!"

After hearing this speech, the first guard felt himself get pumped up as well, prompting him to shout, "Let's go and make our kind proud!!!"


Within an instant, their crimson-colored figures flashed through the skies, and they too, joined the battle with the Azure Draconians!


"Hmm… I think the coast is clear. Now we just need to figure out what this 'Battle of the Northern Cove' is. And of course, we need to take advantage of any benefits that could be obtained!"

While floating under a low-hanging water mountain, Lucifer had some rather sinister thoughts whirl around inside of his mind.

He had no idea what this Neogrthrjr Cove was, or even who was fighting in the battle of the Neothent Cove. But what he did know was that with battles came immense amounts of loot, and all he ever wanted in this life were loot and benefits!

"Lucifer… Do we really need to stay in these Darconian Forms for the rest of our time here…? They make me feel weird…" Shun Wen said.


Looking over at the elf bimbo, Lucifer saw her sensually rubbing her thighs together. From this observation, he could swear that he saw a suspicious liquid leaking from her middle area.

"Hey, Shun Wen?" He asked.


"Are you horny?"


"I see…"

Floating over to the flustered elf, it almost seemed like Lucifer was going to comfort her and tell her that eveybting was going to be okay. But contrary to the fantasies of the delusional woman, he took a stick out of his storage ring… and whacked it across her head!

Bonk! Bonk!

"Bad, horny elf! Horny bonk! Horny bonk! Got to get that horny out of you!!"


After a few seconds of bonking the horny out of Shun Wen with the Bonking Stick, it was very surprising to see that it had actually worked…

The high levels of innate draconic lust was bonked out of the elf princesse's system!

"That actually… I don't feel the urge to violently ravish you anymore… Only the slight urge that I used to have…" Shun Wen mumbled.

Turning his pricing gaze back toward the elf, Lucifer said, "Maybe you need some more Bonks to get the rest of the horny out!?"

"N-No! I am good, I promise! But I think Xue Lan is struggling over there…"

Shifting the bonking stare toward the squirming busty ghost, Shun Wen had to make the sacrifice.


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