In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 191: The Adventures of Thor (1)

Chapter 191: The Adventures of Thor (1)

"Okay, listen big guy, you can't go smashing those cars honking their horns. There's no rule in Hell's Kitchen that prohibits honking during the day..."

Steve pulled Thor back from rushing out and said sternly, "If you keep this up, you might get arrested and sent to a mental hospital. According to a psychiatrist I know, you'll be in big trouble."

"Why do you Earthlings talk so strangely? I can't understand your accent at all. Why do you have to speak in a high-pitched voice? Can't you be more manly?!" Thor shouted loudly.

Steve took a deep breath. He was fed up with Thor. He held onto Thor's arm to prevent him from wandering around and took out his mobile phone to call Nick.

"Nick, if you insist on me bringing this guy, can you get him a translation device quickly? We can't communicate at all!"

Yes, the first problem Thor encountered after coming to Earth was his strange accent. Thor could speak English, but the last time he came to Earth, the United States didn't speak English yet.

To be precise, the English language spoken in the UK at the time was not the same as it is now.

This meant that his language structure now consisted of Old English words and grammar, plus a heavy Asgardian accent.

However, he was now in the United States, a place that had always intended to remove British English from its nationality.

This made communication between them very difficult. When Nick asked Steve to watch over Thor, Steve didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. He planned to take Thor around the New York City area during his morning run to show him where he would be living in the future.

But in just a few short minutes, Thor acted like an energetic husky, wanting to bite everything he saw. Steve suspected that this might be Thor's way of retaliating for the punch he had given him.

Steve stood at the intersection, one hand on his hip and the other holding onto Thor, helplessly saying, "If you're trying to get back at me for that punch I gave you, then okay, I can apologize to you. But it wasn't my intention, and you have to find a physiotherapy doctor for that. And this is not a reason for you to knock on people's car windows, move roadblocks arbitrarily, and kick paint cans. If you keep this up, you will be more than just punched by me, you'll get beaten up!"

Steve tried his best to persuade Thor, but Thor couldn't understand him very well.

Steve realized he was talking to a brick wall. Just as he was about to continue persuading him, his mobile phone rang. Schiller on the other end said, "Captain, could you come to Stark Tower? We may need you for a strength test."

After hanging up, Steve immediately dialed again and said, "Hello? Is Peter there? Oh, I'm his friend Steve. Can you please let him answer the phone?"

"Hello, Steve, what's up? I'm eating!" Peter answered with some muffled sounds, apparently not having swallowed his food yet.

"Well, Nick gave me a task, which is to take an alien on a tour of New York. But now there are other things, can you come and help me out?"

"Take an alien on a tour?... Where is it?... That's amazing! Oh..." Peter lowered his voice, apparently with family nearby. He paused, swallowing his food, and continued, "Wait for me, I'll be right there."

Soon, Peter ran over from the other end of the street, still wearing Captain America's commemorative T-shirt. When he approached, he pointed to the shield logo on his chest, and Steve smiled at him and patted his shoulder, saying, "If you want, I can give you a shield to print it for you, guaranteeing a 1:1 reproduction."

"Really?" Peter asked in surprise, but then hesitated and said, "But that seems a bit disrespectful, after all, that's the symbol of Captain America's honor."

"It's okay, as long as you help me complete this task, I'll give you one, and I'll even include a personal signature."

Peter was so happy that he almost jumped up. He immediately took Thor's hand and said, "Don't worry, I've got this!"

Steve gave him a thumbs up and watched Peter and Thor walk away. He sighed, feeling a little guilty. He felt like he was deceiving a child.

Thor was even more unhappy when Peter pulled him away. As an Asgardian, he believed that the one with the biggest fist was the boss. Although he was not happy with Steve's sneak attack and punch, he also recognized that Steve was a strong warrior. But what was this kid? Why did he look like a bean sprout?

After walking a few steps, Peter suddenly stopped and Thor looked at him in surprise. Thor's worldview was simple: besides being physically strong, the only other important thing was to help the weak and take care of the elderly, disabled, and sick. In his eyes, Peter was just a kid and one of the weaker ones among Earthlings, so he might need his help.

"Are you tired from walking? Do you want me to carry you?" Thor asked, sizing up Peter.

"No, I'm not tired. Although my house is a bit far from here, it's not too tiring," Peter replied.

"I just suddenly thought of where to take you. We..."

"Never mind me. That annoying guy finally left, and I want to wander around by myself!" Thor interrupted Peter before he could finish. He didn't need a kid to show him the way.

"Hey, wait! My autographed T-shirt..." Peter chased after Thor.

"Don't act like that! Don't cross the road, it's against traffic rules! Wait...don't touch that car, no! Don't kick the door, people will think you're robbing them..." Peter warned, but to no avail.

Steve could have restrained Thor, but Peter could only intercept him and make him change direction.

"I didn't- Hey, stop! Don't go that way! There's construction going on over there, no...don't climb over the barrier and come back...there might be..." Peter gestured with his arms crossed over his chest to indicate "no entry." He explained, "It may be dangerous to go to places where you're not allowed. Fortunately, this time it was just a mud pit. If there were wires or something underneath, it would be worse. You really have to listen to me!"

Thor ignored Peter, and as he walked ahead, Peter followed him. Thor turned his head and said, "You're still a kid. Where are your parents? Do they let you wander around like this?"

"I finished my summer homework, so I can come out and play. Oh, I haven't told you yet. Let me take you to my favorite arcade. You'll definitely like it there," Peter said.

"What's that place?" Thor asked.

"It's a place where you play games. There are many game machines there, and there's a new model out recently. I haven't been there yet. Let's go!"

"Oh, wait. Let me make a call to my friend," Peter said, taking out his mobile phone. He spoke into the phone, "Pikachu, what are you doing? That's right, see you at the usual place..."

Five minutes later, Peter pulled Thor into an arcade on the edge of Hell's Kitchen. Instead of going in, he walked into an alley beside it. After a while, a yellow figure jumped onto the fence and straight into Peter's arms. Peter and Pikachu high-fived and said, "Long time no see, buddy!"

"Haha, I don't know who was blinded by his girlfriend and didn't come to play with his bro for so long!"

"Dr. Schiller went out of town before. Weren't you supposed to help him watch the shop? I thought you were busy. Okay...okay, I'm sorry. Don't shock me!" Peter said to the phone.

Thor was curious about Pikachu. He asked, "Is this your pet? Why is it so yellow?"

As he reached out to touch Pikachu, his hand was immediately electrocuted, and he let out a scream. Peter quickly grabbed Pikachu's tail and said, "Stop it, you shocked someone...Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This is my good buddy Pikachu. We're the best partners!"

"Did we have a team name?" Peter asked Pikachu, who was standing on his shoulder with his short arms crossed. "Spider and Mouse, sewer double trouble. How about that?" Pikachu sneered.

"Of course not, it smells too strong," Peter replied.

Watching Peter and Pikachu playing around, Thor quieted down and even became a bit nostalgic. "I used to have a pet too, a smart and clever hunting dog, but it died in battle."

"You had a dog?" Peter asked Thor. "Do aliens also keep dogs?"

"Of course, Asgard is not far from Earth, and many of our habits are similar."

"Then why do you..." Peter started to ask.

"I just can't stand those cars making noise. Do you know that if someone dares to let their car make noise on the roads in Asgard, they will be whipped?"

"And those barriers didn't do enough to warn people. Even kids can climb over them," Thor complained.

"There are also those people who use strange cans to paint on walls in Asgard."

"Um...actually, it happens here too. It's just that this place is a bit chaotic and no one really cares to stop them."

"If that's the case, then you have a point. You were a prince in Asgard, so it's natural for you to take care of these things. But here on Earth, you're not a prince and you might get into trouble if you just charge in."

"My father is the ruler of the Nine Realms, including Midgard. And I am the future ruler of the Nine Realms. So when I see these things, of course I have to take care of them."

Peter was about to say something, but Thor interrupted him. "Where is that fun thing you mentioned? I don't think it's more interesting than hunting."

"Hunting? That's a medieval thing. Let me take you to see modern amusement parks. You'll find it amazing!"

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