In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 52: Another opportunity?

"What do you want, Alan?" turning to look at Alan who stepped through the crowd of guests like a madman.

He asked. "Like what do I want? You might be the son of the most important family, but that doesn't make you play with all the girls as you please," as he finished passing betwe the crowd he declared, being red with rage.

But such a look only made Theos laugh derisively inside, while on the surface his eyes grew colder and colder.

"Are you implying that I am like those noble Playboys or that they go here and there to have fun?", with a frown, he said in a voice so deep and icy that the guests recoiled by mere instinct.

Each of them understood the meaning of this dispute, at stake was Theos' public image for the next few years, as such a bad first impression, his family's reputation, though gigantic and insurmountable, and though he had a great reputation as a hero, something like being a playboy would be a great damage to his reputation.

Therefore, everyone remained silt. They could help Theos as the one with the highest status, but Alan is a Marquis which is no small thing, and as if that wasn't ough, he is a great talt recognized by all.

"Yes, if I mean that," Alan replied, turning slightly to find Luna standing next to Theos, just looking at such a sce made him ev angrier.

No one had noticed her before; despite being so beautiful, she is like the very shadow of Theos, and in a literal way, her affinity for shadows made her very hard to notice at first glance.

But Alan, being the brother that he is, noticed her immediately, causing him to burst on the spot.

These actions made Luna frown with annoyance. 'I've never bothered him; I don't care about his romantic relationships, we're just siblings, but he barely sees me with a boy a, and he goes crazy...' she couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Out of sheer annoyance, Luna was about to interrupt the conversation, but suddly a melodious voice made everyone prest turn their heads in her direction.

"Stop!" the shout brought both Theos and Alan to a halt, both for tirely differt reasons.

On the one hand, like all the guests, Alan turned his head towards the source of the voice, finding a beautiful woman with completely hair and sapphire blue eyes, making his heart instantly race.

Moving into the crowd, her pretty dress swayed with her movemts, hancing her purity and beauty to unimaginable degrees.

With her expression neutral and indiffert, she passed everyone to stand right in front of Alan and Theos, slightly closer to Theos, her beautiful eyes watching the latter cautiously and curiously.

'I get there pretty fast,' Theos thought with a slight frown directed at Nora, his sister.

Noting Theos' frown, the corners of her lips lifted slightly and she nodded, leaving Theos confused.'What the fuck...'.

But his confusion didn't take long to turn to satisfaction as Nora covered it, her eyes fixed on Alan. "What do you think you're insinuating to my brother?" raising her voice a little higher, she asked.

Over Nora's slightly louder voice, they all managed to hear, their ears perking up at the currt sce.

"Uh... I..." Alan didn't know how to answer, the beauty in front of him was differt from the one he saw at the banquet a week ago.

Possibly because she was in a very bad mood and so was he, he didn't pay much atttion to her, but now, seeing her so tall and majestic made his heart pound harder.

"Speak", seeing how Alan didn't seem to answer her question, this time she decided to use another method... Demanding an answer from him, and as if that wasn't ough, her pure Mana was slightly escaping from her body.

"You see, Luna doesn't normally hang out with m, and I find it very strange that all of a sudd, she disappears and th appears next to him as if nothing," calming down a bit; Alan answered as politely as possible, making Nora nod an approval.

But the frown in her eyes didn't disappear in the slightest, quite the contrary, it deeped. "But, you know, you shouldn't tell my brother Playboy just because you think well of your sister; I could say the same about him; I never see him playing with any girl, nor does he care much about people besides his own family."

Alan didn't know how to react to Nora's response, which was so well structured that it left no room for discussion.

It was as if he had be giv a spoonful of his own medicine.

And as if that wasn't ough, Luna didn't seem to speak at any time, making it more uncomfortable for him, because it only meant that he was with Theos of his own free will.

What Marquis would be a slave to a Duke? He couldn't, it would be impossible, ev for the Fall, to do such a thing is impossible.

"Oh... I see...", feeling that he had made a fool of himself, Alan slowly walked away before they started to mock him.

Instead, Nora smiled sweetly, turning to look Theos straight in his eyes. "See, you can trust your sister!" puffing out her chest with pride, she declared cheekily, causing Theos to roll his eyes.

"Yes... I can trust you," he said with complete nonchalance, causing Nora to shake her head tderly with a smile.

"I don't know what happed to you, I'm not ev going to ask why you're now with another girl or why you treat me coldly, but I just hope that... If I did something to you, you forgive me," she declared, bowing her head to give a curtsy in front of all the guests, who burst into gossip.

"...," Theos fell completely silt, his confusion and shock evidt before everyone. Never in his most impossible dreams would he have imagined that his sister would apologize and bow to him in front of everyone, and as if that wasn't ough, all this for something she didn't know.

Theos' indiffert, icy stare softed significantly. 'I think I misjudged her, ev though because of her I died in the novel, but that was in the future and THE NOVEL, now we're in the real world... What can I change.'

'He's a thinking mortal like anyone else and although I still hold a grudge... I should give him a chance,' he concluded, a faint smile creeping onto his face.


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