In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 25: End of Attack

The barrier slowly disintegrated into small crystals, which th turned into particles of mana and disappeared from the world.

Now the tire suring area was visible and completely free; the nobles began to run in search of their loved ones.




Childr and teagers shouted the names of their loved ones with tears in their eyes. But their footsteps stopped as they saw the sce before them.

"¡!" The screams filled the tire Rasforh mansion. All the childr saw most of their relatives lying dead on the bloody floor. ….

In the distance, a figure once known for his extreme confidce and heroic stance was now reduced to a completely defeated man, barely held upright by the great sword that held him.

The hundreds of corpses suring him, each one with a face full of horror and fear, made the blond man, whose blue eyes were completely blacked, feel ev more pain. In addition to the physical damage, he had also suffered colossal psychological damage.

Duke Sonne had severe wounds on his body, although he was not in danger of dying, as his wounds could lead to irreparable injuries in the future.

"I'm sorry…" was all he could say before he fell to the g, completely unconscious.

Alan put the gun away and was relieved to know that his father had not gone to the meeting of the nobles. The disgust and discomfort of seeing that sce still affected him, but not as much as the possibility of losing his father figure.

Luna felt something similar; from the safety of her shadow wolves, she watched the sce of crying and screaming in front of her.

Still, the two siblings shared one feeling: to grow stronger.

Each of these noble young m could be himself in the future. As brothers, they were not united, but they were warriors who had to protect the honor and life of their family.

As he finished putting away his bow, which had disappeared into his storage ring, Arnold walked nonchalantly to the room where his father's avatar, Duke Whitelock, had be staying.

He felt no fear; after all, it was his father's avatar, not his father himself.

As he oped the door to the room, Arnold's crystal blue eyes wided in amazemt.

The room was as large and spacious as it could be, with dozs of luxurious furnishings, mirrors of the highest quality, and delicious food on silver trays…. But Arnold did not notice any of these things; it was all natural to him.

What he did notice was a beautiful woman sitting on the couch, with two beautiful blue eyes that were shedding tears without stopping. She was in so much pain that her eyes began to turn red.

Her messy pink hair covered most of her face, making her look miserable.

"It's all my fault," she repeated, causing Arnold to wake up. His confidce and indifferce were shattered in an instant.

'If my father isn't here… It means he fought alongside Duke Sun to protect this place. Though they saved most of their lives, many died'.he thought, the albino looking as if his world was crumbling as he understood the great threat they faced.

[Thousands of young nobles feel a deep sadness, depression, disappointmt, guilt.... The Host is rewarded with 000 points of negative ergy].

[The main heroines, Nora, Eleanor, Rusee, and the protagonist's sister Luna, have various negative thoughts, feelings and emotions, despair, sadness, guilt... The Host is Rewarded with ,000 points of negative ergy].

[The protagonist feels discomfort, disgust, inferiority and guilt for the host's actions..... The host is rewarded with 5000 negative ergy].

Theo's rewards had increased his Power to an unimaginable level, but now, although he was proud that his plan wt well, his mood is not the best.

Carefully he lifted Alice. She still wouldn't get off his chest, and he wasn't about to pull her away. For him, these were the momts wh he needed to be most prest.

Witnessing the next announcemt didn't make him feel any better. [Because of the host's actions, Alice, a secondary character, felt fear, anger, disappointmt, helplessness, guilt, hatred… +5000 negative ergy].

"How many negative emotions did she have to feel to get the same rewards as the main character?" He was in total shock, only to feel ashamed of himself afterward.

'I promised to protect her, that's what I'm going to do…. But…', thinking about it, Theos stroked Alice's hair again.

'I promise I will never make you cry again, and if you do, it will be for happiness' he vowed wholeheartedly, hiding his and her presce from everyone else.

His whole plan worked perfectly. He had Eleanor and Nora protect the other nobles, knowing that Duke Sonne had an undisclosed injury that reduced his power and that Duke Whitelock's avatar couldn't do much because it was an incomplete avatar.

Finally, Theos looked a. He saw Eleanor crying for her father, but also desperately searching for her mother.

He also saw Nora and Luna looking for him, but hiding their presce so they couldn't find him.

He didn't want to cause any more trouble than necessary. He also had no problem with who would get the credit for saving all the little nobles; after all, Luna and Arnold were fair ough to give it to him.

'My body still can't handle so much power all of a sudd' Theos concluded, feeling his body much more tired as well, possibly because he hadn't gott used to feeling so much mana.

"Mmm?" Noticing more weight on his body, he turned his atttion down to where Alice was fast asleep on his chest.

Smiling slightly, Theos carried her like a princess, making sure the blade of his weapon did not harm her.

"The Arc of the Gathering of Nobles, the invasion of the Devouring of Death Organization, has ded with me as the most exploited," he declared as he left the Rasforh Mansion, where hundreds upon hundreds of blood-stained bodyguards were waiting for him.

With a cold look in his eyes, Theos gave several orders, such as telling the exact location of Eleanor's mother and helping Duke Sonne recover.

"Also take care of my sister and Luna… And ask for my sister's contact number, tell her Ark will call her later," he said, now turning to the last bodyguard, Thomas, who was drched in blood from the battle.

"Let's go."


For the support you give me. Tomorrow, I will upload three chapters and, I think, also the additional chapter about the power system.

Ev though I'm sick XD I'll try to do all that. I also have some news, like the planning of this story is already done, and I'm already warning you that Theos... He's not as OP as you think, but you'll see by chapter 45 that I have a lot of things planned for this novel hahaha.

From here I say: Thanks for reading!:)


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