In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 21: Attack on the Banquet [II]

After the fight with the masked one, Theos continued to fight with more equal opponts, killing them quickly without being able to touch them.

Theos' strgth grew at an alarming rate as he received all the negative emotions, feelings, and thoughts from the nobles a him. The sound of the system notifications kept repeating.

[Thanks to the external actions of the host, dozs of nobles have fear in their hearts. +0 negative ergy].

[Thanks to the external actions of the host, dozs of nobles have fear in their hearts. +0 negative ergy].

[Thanks to the external actions of the host, dozs of nobles have fear in their hearts. +0 negative ergy].

The constant robotic prompts kept ringing, each beep a melody to Theo's ears.

"Absolutely, who wants a crappy system? I now have infinite power with me, the power that will never stop growing," Theos roared, unleashing his negative mana on all the hooded m who were attacking him.

The power of the mana was so great that it st all the hooded m dozs of meters away, and the mere impact shattered several of their bones and organs.

Theos' left eye glowed more intsely with each passing second, fluttering from side to side. As a result, Theos could see the tire battlefield, and his field of vision wided so much that the only thing he could not see was what was behind him.

As he watched the tire battlefield, he became aware of the countless battles. Several nobles were crying and trying to flee in vain, but others were fighting valiantly for their survival, like …. Arnold Whitelock and Alan Roy.

The two young m were fighting the hooded m, each in his battle.

Alan used his powerful gold sword to dodge and unleash powerful slashes that sliced through the limbs of his emies. Combined with his Path, Electricity, the blond's speed was no joke: of his opponts could see him.

Unlike Alan, who used his Lightning Path, Arnold used his Ice Path. Together with his bow, he shot icy arrows with great precision at any emy that approached him. The arrows would freeze a large part of the emy's body upon contact, and he would th shatter into pieces.

The two young m were fighting for their lives, and anyone observing them would realize they were both of intermediate rank, giv their great mastery in their respective specialties and paths: Alan, an intermediate swordsman, and Arnold, an intermediate archer.

"Tsk, we better find the leader of this attack as soon as possible…" said Theos, his face lighting up as he remembered the reward Alan had received for killing the boss.

Every emy that came near him was st flying by the violt waves of mana Theos unleashed, joying his newfound strgth more and more.

"Huh?" but he suddly stopped wh he saw two ladies fighting the hooded m next to Alan and Arnold. They were the ones who stood out the most…

A gold-eyed beauty held her staff and cast spells that burned the hooded m. Unlike normal flames, the beauty's flames were gold and didn't ev leave ashes.

The other beauty, an albino with blue eyes, used her elegant sword to cut down emies. Her two uncovered angel wings allowed her to fly all over the battlefield.

"Eleanor and Nora…" Theos muttered, stunned. In the original novel, they wer't ev prest at the massacre of the young nobles. 'How and why are they here?'

But he couldn't think about it too much. He had to act and think fast, so he extded his hand in the direction of their confrontation.


A wave of mana was released with great speed against the hooded m. Theos, with his great mastery, made each of the masked m take the attack, and the two ladies were completely unharmed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked coldly as he was only a few feet away from them. His speed caught the two of them off guard.

"We were just passing by on our way here and suddly got trapped," Nora replied matter-of-factly, while Eleanor nodded in confirmation behind her.

Theos frowned. He had a heighted sse of empathy and could feel how tse and nervous their faces were, with a slight blush.

'Maybe they were trying to get close to me, and that's why they got trapped here,' Theos concluded as he remembered the message from the system that revealed the jealousy of the two young wom.

"Anyway, I'll take care of the stronger ones; you can save the nobles who are in danger," Theos ordered as he worked out a plan in his mind.

Theos prepared to leave through the chaotic battlefield, but a cry from behind stopped him. "Wait!" shouted Nora, getting his atttion.

"What?" asked Theos impatitly.

"You had no way… Now you have that strange eye that ev makes cracks in your face, and you just st those bastards flying? What happed to you, what made you change so much?" she asked worriedly, trying to get her warmth into Theos' heart.

"If you want answers, I'll give them to you wh I turn 8. For now is not the time to talk," he explained and turned to leave.

Nora stood there, watching Theos' back as he walked away.

Eleanor, standing next to her, also felt strange and was curious to know what the relationship was betwe the two of them. 'I wanted to get a little closer to him and ded up here, and I think it was the same for her…' Eleanor thought as she remembered how the two of them had met on their way to Theos.

But now they were in this situation. The silce gradually became a silt agreemt: they both knew what they had to do. Follow Theos' orders.

Not because they liked to follow orders. They followed orders because they had already se what he was capable of, destroying dozs of hooded m with a flick of his mana… 'A gius among giuses' they thought in unison as they walked away.


"There it is…" Theos said after turning away from the pair of beauties, stopping all unnecessary thoughts to conctrate on what was in front of him.

Six hooded figures stood out from the intse battle by their sheer calm, sitting in a lotus position and forming a circle as if they wer't in the middle of a slaughter.

Upon seeing them, Theos knew who they were… The most dangerous of this attack!

Theos' speed increased, but as if everything had be planned, a large figure stood betwe him and the last six hooded m.

Theos stopped dead in his tracks as he recognized the man blocking his path – a man four meters tall! Not ev his head was visible due to the steel helmet blocking his tire view. His stocky body contained not only muscle but an exaggerated amount of untrained muscle mass.

He was not ev wearing a shirt, just black pants, and the pointed steel collar a his neck gave him the appearance of someone just released from prison… But ev more inhuman.



Both Theos and the man in front of him fell silt. As if there had be a mutual understanding, Theos drew the sword he had stol; at the same time, the man drew a huge mace the size of his arm.

Like lightning, Theos took a great leap and moved at great speed, controlling his mana so that it did not slow down. On the contrary, it increased.

The burly man raised the sledgehammer as he ssed the impding danger, but despite his size, his speed was not bad and he was able to react in time to stop Theos' attack.

The clash of the sword and the great hammer echoed throughout the battlefield, spreading the shock wave and drawing everyone's atttion to the battle.

Theos' movemts, fast and precise, attacked his emy from all possible sides, while the emy tried to block and counterattack without success.

Theos was so fast that no attack touched him, and he gradually gained the advantage as more and more of his attacks landed, in addition to the waves of mana he occasionally unleashed.

With his crimson eye on the weaked man before him, Theos walked calmly toward him, putting aside the speed and brutality with which the fight had begun.

"Die," he declared coldly. This time, the aura created by his mana was transferred to the sword, giving it more power.

Wh the last blow was struck, the man did not resist, but accepted his fate, knowing that he could not fight his wounds and injuries.


Half of the body fell from the cut and Theos emerged victorious, but he did not celebrate the victory and continued to stare at the body of the man he had cut in two.

His expression of total indifferce and murderous coldness remained on his handsome face, along with great confidce. "It's time for phase two."


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