In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 16: "I Love You Too"

His fiancée, Eleanor Sonne, was Duke Sonne's only daughter.

Her breathtaking, youthful beauty needed no description: perfect; words were inadequate to describe her.

She had the same hair and eye color as her father, but the most youthful figure there was in her mother, a beauty that had no equal. Her extreme self-confidce, her elegance in every step she took, and her figure made all the young nobles call her a goddess.

'Though those bastards have called countless heroines goddesses' Theos thought wryly, but in this case, there was no better word to describe Eleanor.

'And so, as his son-in-law, I can look at my mother-in-law as much as I want, hahaha' Theos laughed mtally, with an amused smile as he imagined differt scarios in his mind, differt possibilities.

'Maybe I should kill the Duke and keep his wife; after all, she is very important in the novel later on,' Theos thought, considering it a halfway mission. He couldn't defeat Duke Sonne now, and as a man of culture, he wouldn't NTR him either... Or if...

'The best option is to kill him' Theos concluded quickly, feeling comforted with this new purpose in mind.

Perhaps ssing a brief murderous thought about him, Duke Sonne turned his atttion to Theos, smiling at him.

According to Theos' recollection, Duke Sonne, as his father-in-law, met him once during the signing of the gagemt papers. It was wh Theos was 5 years old.

'Did he recognize me?' he thought. The whole gagemt was only because Duke Sonne wanted to have relations with the Fall family. …. And that smile…

But Theos didn't pay much atttion to it; he didn't ev smile back, just put on a cold and indiffert expression.

Don't worry, I'll take good care of your wife wh you're dead,' he thought, but his thoughts stopped wh he felt the pressure on his arm.

He turned his head to see Alice squeezing his arms. Maybe it was inttional or accidtal, but she was squeezing his arms with her breasts.

Theos said nothing; he joyed the ssation, after all, Alice's breasts were not small, and as a man, he could not refuse their softness.

"You still have feelings for her, don't you?" asked Alice suddly, her voice barely audible, more like a whisper.

"No, I don't have any feelings for her…. I'm going to break our gagemt contract," Theos declared immediately, without a second thought, not ev considering the consequces of his possible actions.

But that didn't matter to him. The only thing that matters to him now is Alice. The Duke's wife is just an object to be used for the overwhelming advantage she offers him in the original novel. But to Alice, she was not an object, she was his beloved wife.

"And if you want… I can make emies with anyone if you want, I'll prove my sincerity" Theos continued with a crazy look at Alice, who shuddered as she saw his eyes filled with a mad crush.

Scared? A little… But she loved it, her happiness knew no bounds!

Ev her body trembled a little as she listed to him, completely surprised.

"No, you don't have to do that… I completely believe you!" she said with a sweet smile and a blush on her face, after all, the person you're in love with tells you that he would fight against the world for you…. Who doesn't blush?

Theos smiled slightly and reached out to caress Alice's head. "Don't worry about it in the future… I love you, that's all," he said affectionately, stroking her hair.


Alice's heart almost burst out of her chest at Theos' words, and she blushed so much that it spread all over her face, turning her into a tomato, trembling under his words and caresses.

She buried her little face in Theos' chest and hid there. Her answer came sometime later in a low whisper that Theos could barely hear: "I love you too"

He was no differt from her, he was also extremely happy to hear those words again and believed that he might hear them ev more in the future.

Was it sudd? Was it fast? Maybe, but… The memory of seeing his wife die, all the love he'd received from her, everything they'd lived through, he couldn't help but want to experice and live it all over again.

As a new soul, but with the soul of Theos, he had personality complexes; the original Theos couldn't ev imagine Ark killing the Duke to keep his wife just for his befit. But he imagined all that.

It was as if the evil of Theos and Ark combined to give birth to his existtial, without morals, without fear, and although with doubts, what he was more than sure of was that he loved, is loving, and will love Alice.

"I'm sorry for loving someone like her," he could only apologize as he thought of the future and everything they would face together to stay on top and not just live, but become the pinnacle of power…. That was his ambition, to be with her above all else.

"Don't apologize, it was my fault for falling in love with such a wonderful man like you," she replied, still hiding her face in Theos' chest.

He could only shake his head, his smile stretched ev wider than usual unconsciously out of joy. 'It's amazing that this all happed because of his insecurity…'

Thinking about it, Theos could only hold back from bursting into laughter.


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