Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 759: All Beings Suffer

"So, you're still planning to intervene?" the War Princess asked with a hint of surprise.

Yun Xiao took a slow breath and replied, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now, without any real power, talking doesn't make much difference. Let's move forward a bit and see. Perhaps what I wish to do and what must be done won't necessarily conflict."

Her eyes shimmering unusually, the War Princess flicked her tongue playfully and said, "It's just like you, always with a plan. When it comes down to it, it’s just your male ego, unable to stand seeing your brothers mistreated."

Yun Xiao's expression turned stern, his voice calm, "Is it male ego? Then consider this—if this were a man's world and they treated all women slaves as they do those four, with you Yin Devils suffering most from such torment, what would you think?"

The War Princess faltered, her eyes reddening slightly, struggling for breath. She merely thought about it, and that image enraged her.

"So, you see, perspective matters," Yun Xiao said.

"Oh!" The girl was stubborn but clearly persuaded.

And those four young men, they listened dumbfounded to their conversation, clueless about what grand tales were being spun...

This was the Extreme Yin Celestial Realm, a purgatory for men that had lasted in the Samsara Galaxy for countless years! Without experiencing it, no one knew this was a place where tyrannical women ran wild!

There was no change.

"H-hey, can we… may we leave?" they asked tremulously, standing up weakly.

"You can go," Yun Xiao said.

"Thank you!" They bowed repeatedly.

"Don’t tell anyone you saw me," Yun Xiao instructed.

"Understood! If we did, it would cause a sensation, then we'd be put to the flame, best keep quiet and hidden to survive…" the lead youth said.

Indeed, the matter was too significant. And they were too insignificant! After speaking, they habitually bowed and crept backward, young men of fine appearance reduced to cowering shrimps, their backs never to straighten again.

They were but a microcosm of the countless male slaves in the Extreme Yin Celestial Realm. This was a world where being male was a sin!

"Wait!" The lead youth suddenly turned back, his voice trembling, "Please, you must leave quickly. Our former master sent out three flying talismans, revealing your crimes. Once it spreads, this whole area will surely be flattened."

"Is it really so exaggerated?" Yun Xiao said, incredulous.

"It's even more exaggerated than you can imagine," the leading youth explained. "They see it as something evil, unclean. Not only can't they bear to look at it, but even getting close might taint them, corrupt their moral fiber. Whenever they leave the Extreme Yin Celestial Realm, they are protected by an immortal formation..."

Clearly, the four youths must have realized by now that Yun Xiao and the War Princess were not from the Extreme Yin Celestial Realm, but wanderers who had stumbled into this domain.

"Alright. Thank you." Yun Xiao paused, then asked, "Could you guess to whom she might send those three flying talismans?"

The youths exchanged glances and chorused, "It must be her three senior sisters—all Immortals from the Harmony Divine Palace."

Their certainty left no room for doubt. To that goose-yellow dressed girl, Yun Xiao was an unexpected boon. Except for her own family, she would likely share her secret with no one else.

"Do you know their names?" Yun Xiao inquired.

After a moment, they answered, "Yan Xunfeng, Yan Feixue, and Yan Qingyuan."

"Thank you! Should we meet again, I hope it will be in peace," Yun Xiao bowed.

"Until next time..."

The four youths mimicked his gesture. Their dim eyes, filled with envy and unsaid words, gazed at Yun Xiao—like a dream standing before them.

However, they had long since lost the courage to reach out. The cruelty of life had destroyed everything for them, including their ability to touch beauty or dream.

In this life, they wished only to shrink into the abyss, silently awaiting the end of their days, forever hiding, never again raising their heads, never wanting anyone to see their faces...

"Big brother, may I know your name?" The lead youth finally turned back, timidly facing the perfect vision of the youth in white.

"I am Yun Xiao," he responded, looking back at them. "And you?"

"We were kidnapped and sold here at birth; we have no names. My master calls me First Mutt," said the lead youth.

"I'm Second Mutt."

"Third Mutt."

"Fourth Mutt."

"..." Even the War Princess, previously detached, felt a hint of tears in her eyes.

Sometimes, the disparity in life was just too vast. Although the parties stood facing each other, they were worlds apart.

"It's been an honor," Yun Xiao bowed. "Should fate allow us to meet again, I hope you have names of your own choosing."

The four paused, startled. Names of their own choosing? Such a simple thing, yet for them, it seemed impossibly distant.

They offered a shy smile, then silently turned and supported each other, stepping away across the deep, powdery snow.

The air hummed, and the sky filled with dancing snowflakes, quickly obscuring them from view.

"How pitiful..." the War Princess sobbed, her heart aching.

Yun Xiao gazed into the vast, snowy expanse, lost in thought. "All beings suffer, be it in the mortal realms or these supreme celestial realms. There's no righteousness in the paths trodden, chaos reigns everywhere. Who is responsible for all this? Why shouldn't life inherently hold dignity? Who upholds the fundamental laws for these beings?"

"It's because of your death, bro," Blue Star suddenly said.

"Those six ancestral dogs are useless; they have no principles! It must be you; only you truly loved the Dao Realm because it was your favorite creation—your life!" Red Moon clamored.

"Is that so?" Yun Xiao couldn't tell if it was true. But his heart remained steadfast; he couldn't ignore injustices. He accepted a world where competition and death were inevitable—but wasn't there a supreme law to uphold the basics? Like the karma people spoke of? Or the divine presence three feet above one's head?

The All-Life Devouring Gu had existed for so long, yet it took Yun Xiao to bring about real retribution. And where were the divine overseers for everyone in the Extreme Yin Celestial Realm?

Did cultivators still hold any reverence on their path to ascension? Where was the guardian of these ethical boundaries? Was it the Creator Immortal? He didn't know. But he knew this: with his talents and abilities, he had a responsibility. Otherwise, why would heaven have revived him?

There had to be something he was meant to do… And all this might not even conflict with his journey.

"Let's go."

With the flying talismans sent, it was clear they could not linger here any longer.

Yun Xiao and the War Princess sped away, following the path the goose-yellow girl had taken before them. It was clear that the Harmony Divine Palace lay ahead on this very road.

"The world would be better off more harmonious," the War Princess suddenly said, feeling uneasy in the wind. "Too much chaos always makes things unbearable."

"So, have you found a purpose in your life?" Yun Xiao asked, his voice cutting through the howling wind.

"Not really," she replied.

"Then why speak at all?" Yun Xiao retorted.

"But," the War Princess said, puffing up, "Can't I adopt your goals as my own?"

Her words made Yun Xiao pause. To adopt the meaning of someone else's life as one’s own required a deep belief in that person, a willingness to follow them unto death.

Did she really hold him in such high regard? Yun Xiao knew it was easy to kill a person but far harder to earn such deep recognition.

"I guess I'm quite fortunate," Yun Xiao suddenly said with a light chuckle.

"Indeed, you are incredibly lucky to have a celestial maiden like me protecting you," the War Princess quipped.

"Enough with the celestial maiden talk. The term sounds more grating than devil woman right now," Yun Xiao said.

"True." She nodded quietly.

Together, they traversed the snowy woods, drifting through the endless storm.

Suddenly, the War Princess stopped, her gaze shifting to the side, her eyes deepening. "The smell of blood."

"Isn't that normal?" Yun Xiao asked.

Shaking her head with a flicker of excitement, she said, "An intense, heavy blood scent. Enough to fill me up!"

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