I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 989: Mimikyu

Chapter 989: Mimikyu

After searching the area for the missing yellow dumpling without success, Phoebe choose to bid farewell with Yuga. She needed to return quickly to deal with Trevenant.

The destruction of the Pokémon Tower is also a big problem that need to be reported to the Pokémon League. Fortunately, the League's higher-ups were aware of Phoebe's identity as a Ghost World Envoy, So they would surely assist her in resolving this matter.

The Pokémon Tower served as a place for people to bury and pay their respects to beloved Pokémon. Its unexplained destruction would be difficult for the affected parties to be accepted.

Just like Wigglytuff, who still couldn't accept the reality.

Yuga didn't rush to leave the Pokémon Tower but choose to stayed here to help tend the injurred monks. When they were stable enough to move, he transported them to the hospital in Whitecloud Town. He also took the heavily injured Audino to the Pokémon Center.

After a thorough examination and treatment by Nurse Joy from Whitecloud Town, Audino finally woke up.

By the time everything was settled, the sky had turned completely dark. It was impossible to return to Verdanturf Town at this hour, so Yuga and his Pokémon had to stay at the Whitecloud Town Pokémon Center.

That night, Yuga sternly scolded the three Pokémon who had run away from home, especially the instigator, Poliwrath.

He picked up a wooden tray from the room's table and smacked Poliwrath's head, saying, "You're quite daring! Encouraging others to run away from home! Why don't you just fly into the sky? Do you have an extra pair of wings? Do you think you better than Rayquaza?"

After slapping its head, Yuga started hitting Poliwrath's arm with the tray.

Poliwrath, clutching its bruised arm, stepped back, appearing pitiful, and didn't dare to argue.

As Yuga scolded Poliwrath, Audino, with an apologetic expression, silently retreated a few steps, but Yuga still noticed its movement.

"And you! You know how to fear now. Why weren't you afraid when you ran away from home? Come over here!" Yuga said with a stern face.

When Audino heard this, with a conflicted expression, moved closer and said, "Au... Audino..."

I... I won't dare to do it again.

Yuga glared at it and asked, "Again? You still want to have a 'again'? Have you been living too comfortably at home and now you're thinking of a way out?"

Audino immediately shook its head vigorously and said, "Audino! Audino"

I just wanted to break through! Look, look at this!

As Audino spoke, it moved closer to Yuga and made a very cute, flattering expression.

"Are you trying to get away with acting cute? Don't even think about it!" Yuga said, though Audino was indeed cute.

Audino, wanting to show off its breakthrough to the Elite level, muttered to itself: Who wants to get away by acting cute!

Actually, Yuga had noticed Audino's exceptional level a long time ago. But if he praising it now, it would make it difficult to continue scolding, so he chose to ignore it.



Type: Normal

Gender: Female

Ability: Healer

Potential: Blue

Level: 71

Moves: Last Resort, Hyper Voice, Helping Hand, Pound, Misty Terrain, Round Eyes, Refresh, Double Slap, Charm, Disarming Voice, Secret Power, Shadow Ball, Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Dazzling Gleam, Safeguard, Fire Punch, Drain Punch, Play Nice, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Magic Coat.


Audino specialized in moves like Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, and Helping Hand...which were supportive move. It had also learned some offensive moves, but it wasn't particularly powerful compared to other offensive Pokémon.

It simply hadn't been gifted with offensive abilities.

So even though Audino had reached the Elite level, it would still struggle in one-on-one battles against other Pokémon of the same level, especially without the assistance of a well-rounded team.

Its main advantage was its durability, allowing it to withstand attacks from Pokémon like Trevenant.

Yuga spent more than an hour scolding Poliwrath and Audino, not having the heart to blame the Wigglytuff evem though she was also an accomplice.

Once the lecture was over, Yuga introduced his new friend, Cosmoem, to the group.

In truth, everyone had noticed Cosmoem that being held in Yuga's hands early. But they refrained from asking questions, given their situation that still being scolded.

Audino, although well-read, was completely unfamiliar with this tiny Pokémon.

Before, Cosmoem had been obediently resting in Yuga's palm, but when it heard Yuga introduce it, it joyfully floated out of his hand and greeted everyone in a friendly manner.

Cosmoem was small and cute, and Audino instantly liked it, so she reaching out to touch it.

Cosmoem wasn't shy either, and in no time, it became good friends with Audino, naturally finding a place on Audino's head.

At first, Audino didn't mind, but there was a moment when Cosmoem forgot to use its psychic powers to control its weight.

Crack, crack...

Audino: My neck...

After that, Audino decided not to let Cosmoem rest on its head again.

Seeing Cosmoem and Audino having fun, Yuga walked over and summoned Gengar.

Wigglytuff, who had been feeling sad beside him, looked over strangely when Yuga called Gengar: Why are you summoning Gengar at this hour?

Gengar slowly floated out of Yuga's Shadow Space, holding a small, curled-up yellow Pokémon in its hands. The yellow Pokémon appeared incredibly weak, as if it could break at any moment.

Both Yuga and Wigglytuff couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion for this fragile Pokémon.

This yellow Pokémon was the Mimikyu that had been imprisoned by the Trevenant.

Yuga glanced at Mimikyu and asked Gengar, "Has it fallen asleep again?"

Gengar nodded, looking quite helpless.

This Mimikyu was incredibly weak.


Mimikyu (Frail)

Type: Ghost, Fairy

Ability: Disguise

Gender: Male

Potential: Purple

Level: 1

Moves: Wood Hammer, Astonish


Yuga had never seen a Pokémon with such a low level. Aside from the dazzling purple potential, Mimikyu's data was truly underwhelming: a "frail" status, an extremely low level, and meager move slots.

Even newly hatched Pokémon typically reach level 5 and beyond after their frail early stages. But before this frail period ends Yuga's Insighy ability couldn't determine a Pokémon's level.

However, Mimikyu's condition left Yuga with a lot to consider.

Needles to say, this had to be related to Trevenant.

According to Phoebe, Mimikyu had been in Trevenant's custody for several years. If it had done nothing, there was no way it would remain at just level 1.

Furthermore, it had a purple potential, making it even more intriguing.

Upon seeing the striking purple potential, Yuga could guess the reason Trevenant had been interested in capturing it.

Purple potential was a ticket for ordinary Pokémon to reach level 100, at which point their power would be on par with legendary Pokémon. It was no wonder Trevenant had coveted it.

As for why Yuga kept Mimikyu secret from Phoebe, it was because Mimikyu, when it woke up, told Gengar and Mismagius that it had memories from before becoming a Mimikyu and didn't want to return to the Ghost World.

Since the Pokémon itself didn't want to leave, Yuga was more than happy to have another Pokémon join them.

Yuga didn't care about the Ghost World, especially considering Mismagius and Gengar were fugitives from the Ghost World.

They had been in the human world for so long that the distinctive aura of the Ghost World had faded from them, making it nearly impossible for the Ghost World to track them down.

In the Ghost World, all souls, whether they belong to humans or Pokémon, have their previous memories erased, starting fresh in the Ghost World.

It's unclear how Mimikyu managed to retain its memories.

The consciousness of Ghost World is known for its fair and impartial, and it wouldn't typically make exceptions for a Mimikyu.

However, it seemed that keeping Mimikyu was the right choice. No matter how shabby it is, this still a Pokémon with a purple potential.

After checking that Mimikyu was not in danger, Yuga instructed Gengar to return it to his Shadow Space.

With the Ghost World Origin Stone in their possession, it wouldn't be long before Mimikyu made a full recovery.

Early the next day, Yuga was awaken by Gengar after sensed that Mimikyu had awoken. When Yuga saw Mimikyu, he received shocking news.

"You... What did you say? You're our family's Granbull?" Yuga stared wide-eyed, exclaiming in disbelief.

It couldn't be!

How can that happend?

Because Yuga's voice was so loud, it immediately attracted the attention of the other Pokémon. They all turned to look, especially Wigglytuff, whose eyes seemed to be glowing.

"Yes, I am indeed Granbull!"

Although Mimikyu had awakened, its body was still incredibly weak, making its speech lackluster. Yes, Mimikyu had telepathic abilities and could converse even without Yuga's unique power.

When Mimikyu first saw Yuga, it was equally shocked. It hadn't expected Yuga to be the one to rescue it. However, it was too weak when it was saved, and it only had faint sensations of the encounter.

"But how can it be? Granbull has been dead for several years!" Yuga muttered in amazement.

Hearing Yuga's mumble, Mimikyu began recounting its experiences after Granbull's death.

After Granbull's death, the lost soul he became wandered aimlessly through the Mauville Forest.

This place served as the home base by Pokémon Hunter, Motohara. He was notorious for tormenting and killing countless innocent Pokémon. Over time, the forest had gathered a substantial amount of malice.

The negative emotions like malice and fear were beloved by Ghost-type Pokémon. But due to the infamy of the Motohara, wild Ghost-type Pokémon dared not approach. This only allowed the lingering malice to accumulate further.

In its disoriented state, Granbull inadvertently absorbed a significant amount of this malice and, through a twist of fate, directly transformed into a Ghost-type Pokémon in the real world. And his consciousness also gradually became clearer.

Not only did Granbull absorb malice, but his lost soul also assimilated the memories of other Pokémon left in the malice.

Presumably because Granbull possessed a Fairy-type attribute, his lost soul also became a Mimikyu with the same attribute.

The awakening Mimikyu was delighted and wanted to find Wigglytuff. However, at that moment, a Pokémon Guide, who was sent to guide the lost souls, arrived.

It was none other than Trevenant.

The Pokémon Guide who guide lost souls are chosen randomly by the Ghost World's consciousness, so there's a chance the Ghost World itself doesn't remember that Trevenant was the one who guided Mimikyu initially. Otherwise, Trevenant couldn't have enjoyed several years in the human world.

Mimikyu didn't want to leave with Trevenant, but it was no match for it, and It took Mimikyu back to the Ghost World.

The Ghost-type Pokémon in the Ghost World are the souls of Pokémon that was brought back to the Ghost World after death and transformed by the Ghost World's consciousness. However, Mimikyu was already a Ghost-type Pokémon.

The fair and just Ghost World consciousness, regardless of whether Mimikyu was a Ghost-type Pokémon or not, subjected it to a secondary transformation.

Under the influence of the Ghost World's special rules, Mimikyu, after this second transformation, retained its original appearance. However, its potential directly changed from ordinary to the highest purple grade. Mimikyu also discovered that its memories hadn't been erased.

It must be said that Mimikyu's experiences were full of coincidences.

Generally, its impossible for the lost souls to directly become Ghost-type Pokémon by absorbing malice. And it's unknown whether undergoing a secondary transformation while already a Ghost-type Pokémon would improve their potential.

After all, no one dares to interfere with the actions of the Ghost World's consciousness, which also remains oblivious to the creation of an anomaly like Mimikyu.

The Ghost World's consciousness functions like a pre-set program. It executes the designated commands and doesn't need to review them. This is one of the reasons Mimikyu came into existence.

However, the unusual potential of Mimikyu didn't escape the notice of Trevenant, who had brought it back to the Ghost World.

After observing for a long time, Trevenant eventually confirmed Mimikyu's extraordinary potential. As a Pokémon Guide, it held a unique status and knew various esoteric practices, one of which was the ability to take over the bodies of other Pokémon.

So, Trevenant secretly captured Mimikyu with the intention of swapping bodies with it. But to complete this ritual, one of the most crucial components was the original body of Mimikyu before its transformed. By this time, Granbull's body had already been brought to the Pokémon Tower from Mauville Forest by Yuga.

Hence, Trevenant took Mimikyu to the Pokémon Tower.

Mimikyu had no recollection of how it got there, it just that when it regained consciousness it was already imprisoned there. It had also no idea why its original body back when it was Granbull, was buried in the Pokémon Tower. It couldn't be the work of that evil man Motohara.

However, Trevenant didn't account for the fact that Granbull's body was no longer Mimikyu's true original body; it was the one before its secondary transformation. In other words, Mimikyu's current body was its previous form.

Needless to say, Trevenant's ritual failed, which allowed Mimikyu to continue to exist. While Trevenant couldn't fathom why its ritual had failed.

Nonetheless, Trevenant didn't give up on Mimikyu. It discovered that while its secret technique was failed, Mimikyu could still used as an energy transfer. Coupled with the unique environment of the Pokémon Tower, it could directly absorb the energy accumulated by Mimikyu into its own body.

Thus, it secretly kept Mimikyu imprisoned in the Pokémon Tower. Every year, on Granbull's memorial day, Trevenant would visit to drain Mimikyu's energy. This is why Mimikyu's level remained at 1.

By the time Yuga and Phoebe arrived, Trevenant had already drained Mimikyu dry.

After being drained by Trevenant repeatedly over several years, Mimikyu's condition was deteriorating. If Trevenant continued to drain it, there was no guarantee that it could survive.

Listening to Mimikyu's story, Yuga felt a mix of emotions—compassion for what Mimikyu had endured under Trevenant's torment, nostalgia for all the experiences Mimikyu had gone through without Yuga and Wigglytuff's knowledge, and also happiness that it was still alive.

Yuga later shared his own experiences from the past few years with Mimikyu. Of course, he didn't reveal the fact that he was a replacement for the original owner.

Upon learning about Yuga's journey, Mimikyu was equally moved but filled with more happiness. Yuga had matured and grown.

Since Mimikyu was Granbull, it and Wigglytuff are reunited after a long separation, and Yuga finally left the room alone to them.

Two hours later, when Yuga returned to the room with the other Pokémon after breakfast, he found Wigglytuff with a radiant smile, though her eyes were still slightly red from crying. It was evident that they had just shared an emotional reunion.

Yuga couldn't help but feel happy for the couple. Even though they were from different species and couldn't have offspring, they were still in love with each other.

Observing the affectionate moments between Wigglytuff and Mimikyu, Poliwrath couldn't help but comment with a tinge of envy: That's so sweet. I wish I had a sweet love... I don't ask for much, just give me a female partner.

It sighed, reflecting on its past infatuations with male Pokémon, like Melotic and Ludicolo. The idea of it being in love with male Pokémon twice had sent shivers down its spine: Damn it... Don't tell me that Quagsie is also...No! it can't be... Don't overthink it... Don't overthink it...

Yuga was unaware of the inner turmoil in Poliwrath's mind. Meanwhile, as Mimikyu hadn't fully recovered yet, it grew tired after spending some time with Wigglytuff and fell asleep. Yuga instructed Gengar to return it to the shadow space for some rest.

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