I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 908: Anxiety

Chapter 908: Anxiety

Seeing Absol returning to calmness, Yuga finally breathed a sigh of relief, thanks to the presence of the Seed of Unknown.

Rowlet, who had been hiding in Yuga's arms and too afraid to show itself earlier, also let out a long sigh of relief.

Previously, when Yuga had recalled Torterra into its Poké Ball, Rowlet had sensed the danger and seized the opportunity to nestle into Yuga's arms. It had been trembling ever since, not daring to come out.

The battles of the seniors were truly terrifying.

The Seed of Unknown lived up to its reputation as a rare golden item that appeared in the system shop only once every few years. It always seemed to work mysteriously in crucial moments, like a golden finger for Absol.

With the help of the Seed of Unknown, Absol was able to cleanse the chaotic energy within the black crystal. Under the influence of Yuga's Insight ability, Absol's data finally returned to normal.


Type: Dark

Gender: Male

Ability: Pressure

Potential: Purple

Level: 77

Moves: Quick Attack, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Sucker Punch, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw, Throat Chop, Perish Song, Night Slash, Slash, X-Scissor, Giga Impact.


Despite the suffering it had gone through, Absol didn't leave empty-handed. Its potential had reached the highest level, Purple, and its level had skyrocketed from Intermediate Elite to Advanced Elite level, making a substantial leap. It now only one level lower than Yuga's strongest Pokémon, Lapras.

With the assistance of the Seed of Unknown, it was clear that Absol had absorbed the purified Dark-type energy removed from the chaotic crystal, reaping significant benefits.

This development further convinced Yuga that the mysterious Malamar Ancestor Eyes and the colossal blue crystal were undoubtedly linked to the Legendary Pokémon Yveltal. The evolution of ordinary Pokémon into the legendary Purple potential category was closely tied to these Legendary Pokémon.

Yuga was slowly coming to this realization.

His Vivillon, Chingling, and Lapras had experienced this phenomenon. The previous encounters with Melotic and Silgilyph had reinforced this idea, and now, Absol's transformation added another piece to the puzzle.

Purple potential Pokémon, as long as they grow steadily, have the potential to compete with ordinary Legendary Pokémon when they reach their limits, as confirmed by the battles with the giant Melotic and Zapdos before.

No matter how challenging the process may be, Absol's future was looking promising.

Now In Yuga's first team, apart from Vivillon, who was still at the peak pseudo-Elite level, the rest of the team had reached the Elite level.

However, Yuga wasn't too worried about Vivillon, as its potential was Purple, and breaking through to the Elite level would be easy.

Seeing that Absol had only fallen into a temporary unconscious state and had not suffered any further issues, Yuga quickly brought Chimecho to other other Pokémon's injuries.

After using the Psychic Crystal, Chimecho's healing moves became even more potent, and combined with the healing items on Yuga's hand, the other Pokémon who had lost their fighting capability were soon start to recover.

The only concern for Yuga was Torterra, which had been injured by the black crystal at the beginning.

No matter how much Chimecho treated it or how many healing items Yuga gave, there were no signs of it waking up.

Moreover, the large tree on its back was becoming increasingly withered, with most of its leaves fallen. The situation looked very bad.

Without further delay, Yuga recalled his other Pokémon and, along with Torterra, sought out Cynthia. He asked her to contact the Pokémon doctor from Michina to examine Torterra's condition.

This Pokémon doctor is a member of the Temple Clan, was highly skilled in medicine and used the moar advanced equipment, but even with that they couldn't pinpoint the issue with Torterra.

The examination results showed that Torterra's vital signs were normal, but its withered tree and unconscious state indicated that something was seriously wrong.

Cynthia was puzzled by why Yuga's Torterra had suddenly developed such a condition, especially since it had been fine just a few days ago. However, Yuga didn't dwell on it and so she didn't ask too many questions.

Fearing that Torterra might be in real trouble, Yuga contacted his mentor and sent Torterra to him, hoping that his mentor could find a way to treat it.

Yuga explained everything, from the Seed of Unknown to Absol's condition, to Mr. Kuni'o.

Apart from the Seed of Unknown, Yuga even mentioned Absol's situation, fearing that it might hinder Mr. Kuni'o from identifying the cause.

Master level Trainers had vast experience, and perhaps they could find a solution to the problem.

However, things didn't go as planned. Mr. Kuni'o, after examining Torterra, admitted that he couldn't find a way to treat it. While he had heard of the name Yveltal, he had never seen it in person and didn't know more specifics about this God of Destruction.

Still, he reassured Yuga that he would take Torterra to the shrine and have Celebi examine it, giving Yuga some peace of mind.

Celebi's expertise might provide a solution.

Mr. Kuni'o ordinaryly lived a leisurely life, with plenty of time on his hands. He was concerned that the delay might worsen Torterra's condition, so after ending the call with Yuga, he immediately left Mauville City with Ryuichi to head to the shrine where Celebi resided.

Back on Yuga's side, not long after his call with his mentor, Absol slowly woke up. With the assistance of the Seed of Unknown, it had regained consciousness much earlier than Lapras.

Initially, Yuga had no intention of telling Absol about Torterra's situation, fearing it would feel guilty. After all, Absol had no memory of its actions while it was under the crystal's influence.

Although Absol appeared aloof and distant, its personality was genuinely quiet simple, and it cared for its companions quietly.

If it found out that Torterra was in trouble because of its actions, it would undoubtedly feel very uncomfortable.

However, Absol wasn't naive. With its sudden increase in power and Yuga's continuous frowning and the strange behavior of the other Pokémon, it couldn't ignore that something was amiss.

In the end, it learned about the situation from Rowlet. Being young, Rowlet couldn't resist Absol's probing questions.

Knowing that Torterra was in a critical condition due to saving it, Absol fell into self-doubt, believing that its own carelessness and weak will had allowed the black crystal to take advantage.

Yuga didn't know how to comfort it and ended up scolding Rowlet for revealing the truth.

Because he was so worried about Torterra, Yuga decided to resolve Cynthia's matter quickly and so he can return to Hoenn as soon as possible. He couldn't shake off the unease he felt when he wasn't by Torterra's side.

He said to the dejected Absol, "Absol, I'd like to resolve the temple's matter as soon as possible and then go back to check on Torterra. Can you help me with this?"

Absol naturally wanted to return to Hoenn as soon as possible to see Torterra, so it nodded immediately.

Yuga smiled and said, "Then I'll rely on you for the battles that come afterward."

Currently, his strongest Pokémon, Lapras, but it was still asleep, and both Gengar and Mismagius were absent (training in Distortion World). This left Absol, who had just advanced, as his most powerful option.

Absol firmly nodded in response, indicating it would do its best.

After arranging their challenge with Absol, Yuga sought out Cynthia to express his desire to fulfill their agreement as soon as possible. Cynthia readily agreed.

In the past few days, they had taken care of all the temple-related matters, and she finally had some free time.

Following the arrangements made by the elders, Cynthia led Yuga to the base of the towering mountain where the temple was located.

Here, a massive waterfall cascaded down from the mountain, forming a wide lake below. The Pokémon that Yuga and Cynthia were about to challenge lived in this aquatic area.

"Lord Pochy, Cynthia has come to fulfill her agreement with you. Please reveal yourself," shouted Elder Damu, but his loud voice was quickly drowned out by the roaring waters of the waterfall.

At this moment, Elder Sorin, released his Master level Bronzong. With a clear "ding," a resonant bell chime rang out, causing ripples to form on the lake's surface.

As the ripples spread, three Water-type Pokémon emerged from the water. There was the massive Empoleon, the medium-sized Floatzel, and the adorable little Piplup.

Empoleon was the target of Yuga and Cynthia's challenge, while Floatzel was its mate, and Piplup was its child.

Simultaneously, Piplup was the target of Cynthia's challenge.

Empoleon was the Pokémon of Alfred, a highly respected elder of the temple.

All of Alfred's other Pokémon had passed away, leaving only Empoleon as the sole survivor, a powerful Elite level Pokémon.

After the three Pokémon surfaced, Empoleon nodded to Floatzel, who acknowledged the signal and dived back into the lake. Empoleon then rode the waves with Piplup, approaching Yuga and Cynthia.

As Empoleon and Piplup came closer, Yuga couldn't help but activate his Insight ability.


Type: Water, Steel

Ability: Torrent

Gender: Male

Potential: Indigo

Level: 85

Moves: Aqua Jet, Peck, Water Sport, Fury Attack, Aqua Ring, Mist, Drill Peck, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rain Dance, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Roar, Scald, Surf, Waterfall, Hyper Voice, Aqua Ring, Aqua Pledge, Endure, Water Pulse, Signal Beam, Swords Dance, Metal Claw, Flash Cannon, Steel Wing.


Type: Water

Ability: Torrent

Gender: Female

Potential: Indigo

Level: 16

Moves: Peck, Pound, Water Sport, Endure.


After reading the information, Yuga understood why the temple placed such importance on this challenge. Both the father and daughter had Indigo potential.

Apart from the recently acquired unknown egg, Cynthia had only one Indigo potential Pokémon, Garchomp. Obtaining Piplup meant that she had another ace up her sleeve.

Yuga had a bunch of Indigo potential Pokémon, and he even had several Purple potential ones. However, this was mostly due to his numerous encounters and some luck. Indigo potential Pokémon weren't necessarily common.

Indigo potential Pokémon, when in the hands of Trainers like Cynthia, are certainly future Champion level Pokémon. With some luck and special encounters, they might even break through to the Master level, although it's not very common.

Note: Blue potential Pokémon often have the potential to reach Elite level (levels 70-79). Indigo potential Pokémon have a high chance of reaching Champion level (levels 80-89) and a small chance of reaching Master level (levels 90-99). Only Purple potential Pokémon can reach level 100, and they are in a different league altogether. Level 100 Purple potential Pokémon often surpass the strength of ordinary fully matured Level 2 Legendary Pokémon, like when the giant Melotic battled against Zapdos (specific cases may vary).

"Piplup, Piplup!"

As soon as Piplup came ashore, it rushed to Cynthia's feet, then excitedly leaped into her arms, repeatedly rubbing her chest with its small head. This behavior seemed rather unusual, even for a Pokémon.

Yuga was dumbfounded, witnessing Piplup's unexpected behavior.

However, Piplup was a female Pokémon, and Cynthia seemed completely oblivious to any ulterior motives as she gently stroked Piplup's round head, clearly fond of the Water-type Pokémon.

Regardless, it was clear that Cynthia and Piplup had a strong bond, which was likely why Empoleon was willing to give Cynthia a chance. Of course, Cynthia's exceptional talent played a significant role as well.

"Lord Pochy, I apologize for the disturbance," Elder Damu, respectfully said to Empoleon, bowing.

Pochy was the name of this Empoleon, given by its former owner, Elder Alfred.

Despite the fact that Elder Alfred had passed away over a hundred years ago and Empoleon had gone through several mates, it still retained the name given to it by its beloved Trainer.

After Empoleon had come ashore, it nodded in the direction of Elder Damu and then nodded towards Elder Sorin, while ignoring the others.

Elder Damu was usually responsible for managing and caring for the Old Pokémon left behind by the temple ancestors, a fact evident from the fact that his Staraptor was overly fat from being pampered.

So, the relationship between these elder Pokémon and Elder Damu was quite good, including Empoleon. That's why Empoleon acknowledged Elder Damu.

As for the others, the proud Champion level Pokémon had no interest in acknowledging them. Even nodding to Elder Sorin was merely because he was a Master level Trainer.

The elders didn't take offense at Empoleon's arrogant attitude because the Old Pokémon left behind by the temple ancestors generally held high status in the temple. Moreover, Empoleon was the last Pokémon of Elder Alfred, who had made significant contributions to the temple.

Considering that the strengths of both sides were not equal, the battle location was not set at the lakeside. Otherwise, Empoleon, the Water-type Pokémon, would have had the advantage of the terrain, and Yuga and Cynthia would have had a very low chance of winning.

Since Empoleon was willing to accept Cynthia's challenge, it was a genuine acknowledgment of her abilities. It wouldn't let her face a challenge with no chance of winning; that's the nature of Pokémon.

Veteran champions like Empoleon had a lot of experience and knew how to use the terrain and environment to their advantage. If they had battled by the lake, it would have had an endless supply of Water-type energy.

Finally, the battle location was decided on a grassy field far from Lake. After both sides were ready, the temple elders brought out square machines about the size of fists and placed them at the edge of the battlefield.

As these square machines touched the ground, they connected with each other, forming a massive cubic barrier of light that enveloped the entire battlefield. Those who not involved in the challenge were separated from the battle by this barrier.

These cubic machines were protective devices, designed based on Pokémon's Protect moves and Safeguard moves, a kind of biomimetic technology. They were commonly used in various major competitions, especially in battles involving Elite or Champion level Trainers.

"Both sides, please prepare," Elder Sorin, acting as the referee, shouted. The protective barrier didn't affect the transmission of sound. Yuga and Cynthia, upon hearing the signal, released their Pokémon: Absol and Garchomp.

As Absol and Garchomp emerged, Empoleon's expression turned serious. While it had high hopes for Cynthia, it had no intention of going easy. Empoleon was determined to protect Piplup and intended to challenge Yuga and Cynthia with its full strength.

Despite its age and having more than one mate over the years, Piplup was Empoleon's child with the highest potential. Naturally, it wanted to find a qualified Trainer for Piplup's growth.

"Now, let the match begin!!!" With Elder Sorin's command, the battle finally began. However, the faster one to act was the more powerful Empoleon.

It tossed a blue-colored Weather Ball into the sky, and immediately, dark clouds gathered, followed by a light rain. Under the nourishing rain, Empoleon displayed a contented expression, and a faint mist began to rise from its jet-black body.

On Yuga and Cynthia's side, Absol didn't rush into an attack. Instead, it performed a round of Sword Dance, while Garchomp used Dig to burrow underground.

Empoleon, with the Rain Dance in effect, opened its mouth and launched a Hydro Pump directly at Absol, but Absol skillfully divided the water stream with its Psycho Cut, turning it into scattered water droplets.

Although Absol managed to deflect the Hydro Pump, it was still challenging due to the power boost from the Rain Dance, making it far from an easy task.

At this moment, Garchomp emerged from underground and appeared behind Empoleon, raising its Dragon Claw to strike Empoleon's back.

However, it seemed like Empoleon had eyes on its back, as it raised its wings and used Steel Wing to block Garchomp's Dragon Claw attack.

Empoleon wasn't known for its physical prowess, but when it clashed with Garchomp's Dragon Claw using Steel Wing, it merely took a small step back and shrugged off any significant damage.

Now, facing each other at close range, Garchomp wasted no time raising its other Dragon Claw to strike, while Empoleon opened its mouth and fired a blue-white beam - the Ice Beam.

In the face of such a close-quarters attack, Garchomp could only retract its limbs for defense, shielding its vulnerable parts, and swiftly moved away from Empoleon.

If hit by a four-times-effective Ice-type move like this, Garchomp would be in serious trouble, especially considering the move was being used by a Elite level Pokémon.

However, Garchomp was slightly slower. The Ice Beam turned out to be a feint, and while it managed to block it with its limbs, the subsequent Aqua Tail struck its abdomen, sending it flying.

Being hit by the Aqua Tail in the abdomen made Garchomp's stomach churn, almost causing it to regurgitate its lunch.

Simultaneously, Empoleon extended one of its wings, using Steel Wing to swat away the sneakily approaching Stone Edge from behind it.

Multitasking is not something difficult to a Pokémon like Empoleon.

As the clattering sounds of the repelled Stone Edge resonated, hitting the protective barrier formed by the devices, it created ripples of energy on the surface, resembling scattered fish scales.

After the rain of blade-like projectiles vanished, Absol, concealed behind them, appeared next to Empoleon. Its icy claws glinted, slicing towards Empoleon while activating its Pressure ability.

Absol's Pressure ability had a unique aspect, especially when combined with the King's Rock it wore, creating an intimidating royal presence.

Under this unique and overwhelming aura, Empoleon momentarily lost focus. It couldn't react in time to evade or counter the attack. Absol's sneak attack struck it directly in the chest.

The intense pain snapped Empoleon back to its senses, but on the other side, Garchomp's Earthquake hit it right on the mark.

Earthquake, a powerful Ground-type move, not only dealt significant damage but also had a type advantage over Empoleon, despite it being a Champion level Pokémon. The blow left Empoleon visibly injured.

To recover from the injury, Empoleon immediately activated its Aqua Ring move. While this healing move didn't provide instant recovery, its prolonged effects were still beneficial.

Empoleon's condition improved slightly as it focused on healing, but its respite was short-lived. Absol, not far away, roared, and a dark sound beam formed, crashing into the water curtain that covered Empoleon.

The water curtain created by Aqua Ring was shattered by the sonic waves.

Without the recovery effects of Aqua Ring and under the attack of Absol's Snarl, Empoleon's injuries worsened. At this moment, Garchomp's Earthquake struck again.

The saying "one mistake leads to another" held true here. After Absol's Pressure ability activated, Empoleon made a series of mistakes. The wide range of Earthquake made it impossible for the grounded Empoleon to evade, leading to another hit.

Empoleon's health dropped to a critical level as it suffered consecutive blows.

At this point, a blue light radiated from Empoleon's body.

Its aura began to rise, and then, both of its wings moved at lightning speed, sending out Water Pulse attacks that knocked down both Garchomp and Absol.

The light rain created by the Rain Dance gradually ceased, and the sky cleared once again.

However, after witnessing the recent events, both Yuga and Cynthia exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that the battle was about to intensify further.

They understood that the blue light surrounding Empoleon represented its Torrent ability being triggered. At this moment, it was at its peak strength, and only by enduring this phase could they hope to win the battle.

They hoped that by keeping the pressure on, they could eventually overcome Empoleon's formidable power.

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