I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C214 Dragon Slayer

C214 Dragon Slayer

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



The forest quivered as the Krayt dragon lunged, jaws snapping with terrifying precision. Peter leapt aside, his black-bladed lightsaber springing to life with a sharp hiss. 

The obsidian blade carved through the air as Peter flipped backward, narrowly avoiding the beast’s razor-sharp claws that gouged deep furrows into the ground.

The dragon roared, its scaled form shimmering with an unnatural energy drawn from the Celestial Seed. Each step it took shook the forest, roots and vines pulsing in rhythm with the beast’s movements. 

Peter gritted his teeth, focusing his senses. This was no ordinary Krayt dragon—its connection to the seed enhanced it, making it faster, stronger, and more dangerous than any creature he’d ever faced.

The dragon lunged again, its horned head aiming straight for Peter. He dropped low, sliding beneath its bulk just as it swept its massive tail across the ground. The tail slammed into a tree, splintering the wood with a thunderous crack.

Peter sprang to his feet, his lightsaber slashing upward, catching the dragon’s underbelly in a glancing blow. Sparks erupted, but the wound healed almost instantly, as if the forest itself willed the beast to remain whole.

“F*ck…” Peter cursed, dodging another swipe of the dragon’s claws. He enhanced his reflexes with the Force, feeling every muscle in his body sharpen with precision. 

The air around him thrummed with energy as he danced through the creature’s attacks, each movement fluid and calculated.

The dragon roared, frustration evident in its glowing eyes. It stomped forward, jaws snapping again, forcing Peter to dive into a somersault, coming up behind the creature. He lashed out with his saber, slicing through one of its hind legs. 

The dragon roared in pain, but even as the limb fell, tendrils of energy twisted around the stump, rapidly regenerating the lost flesh.

“Of course you regenerate,” Peter muttered, his grip on the lightsaber tightening.

The beast turned with shocking speed, swiping its claws. Peter raised a hand and unleashed a telekinetic wave, slamming the dragon backward. It staggered but didn’t fall, snarling as it dug its claws into the earth to steady itself.

Peter’s breathing was steady, his mind sharp. He tapped into both sides of the Force—drawing strength from the light to remain focused, but allowing his frustration to simmer just beneath the surface. He needed the dark side’s edge without losing himself to it.

The dragon bellowed again, launching itself at him with terrifying force. Peter leapt high, flipping over the beast’s head, but as he landed, the dragon twisted its massive body. Its tail lashed out, catching Peter in mid-air and sending him crashing into a tree.

Pain flared in Peter’s ribs as he hit the ground hard. He gasped, feeling the bruises form beneath his skin, but he forced himself to roll to his feet. The dragon loomed over him, rearing back with a deafening roar that sent waves of heat washing over him.

Peter exhaled slowly, summoning the Force to numb the pain. He raised his lightsaber, preparing for the next onslaught.

The dragon lunged, pinning him to the ground with one of its massive claws. The impact knocked the wind from Peter’s lungs, his lightsaber slipping from his grasp and extinguishing as it hit the dirt. The beast loomed above him, its hot breath washing over his face as it opened its jaws to strike.

Peter struggled beneath the weight, his muscles burning. The dragon’s strength was overwhelming. Panic clawed at the edges of his mind, but he pushed it aside. Fear would only make him weaker.

Instead, he embraced his anger—anger at his father, at all of his problems, and most of all, at the monstrous creature now trying to crush the life out of him.

His eyes turned a bright yellow as he tapped into the dark side of the Force. The air around him seemed to ripple, shadows swirling as his connection to the dark side deepened.

“Not today,” Peter whispered.

With a growl of effort, he unleashed a devastating Force explosion. A shockwave of raw energy erupted from his body, blasting outward in all directions. The ground trembled, trees bent beneath the force of the blast, and the dragon was thrown back with a deafening roar, tumbling across the forest floor.

Peter lay there for a moment, gasping for breath. His vision swam, but he forced himself to sit up, ignoring the ache in his ribs.

The dragon lay in a heap, dazed and struggling to rise, its limbs twitching from the force of the explosion. Peter knew he didn’t have long.

Staggering to his feet, he retrieved his lightsaber and turned toward the Celestial Seed. The dark energy pulsed stronger than ever, calling to him, urging him forward.

Peter approached the seed slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. “I just need a little pick-me-up…” He reached out, placing his hand on the swirling mass of energy at its core.

A surge of power rushed through him, raw and overwhelming. The dark energy poured into his body, flooding his senses with strength. Peter gritted his teeth, feeling the incredible power course through his veins. Every muscle in his body felt stronger, every sense sharper.

But with the power came a terrible temptation. The seed’s energy whispered to him, urging him to take more—all of it. To let the darkness consume him fully, to unleash his true potential without restraint.

He hovered on the edge of that abyss, the power tantalizingly close. His muscles screamed under the pressure, his mind burned with the intensity of it. Yet, instead of pulling away, Peter’s grip tightened.

He couldn’t stop.

The dark energy poured into him, an intoxicating blend of strength and corruption. His senses expanded, each second stretching into an eternity. A voice whispered in the back of his mind—his own voice, urging him to take more. All of it.

He gave in.

The seed pulsed faster, feeding its immense cosmic energy into Peter’s body. His eyes turned a blazing yellow, and his skin tingled with dark power. A violent heat radiated through him, wrapping itself around his mind like a shroud. Reason faded, replaced by hunger—an insatiable need to devour, to conquer.

The oasis trembled as the seed withered, its life force drained to the very last drop. The vibrant plants that had thrived for centuries shriveled and turned to dust, scattering on the wind.

Peter let out a guttural growl, his fists clenched as the last of the seed’s power surged through him. His vision blurred, and for a brief moment, the world faded into black.

Then he heard it—the low rumble of movement.

The Krayt dragon lunged from the shadows, claws stretched wide, ready to tear him apart. But Peter didn’t flinch. His hand shot out, and with terrifying precision, he caught the beast’s massive claw mid-air.

Time seemed to slow. The dragon snarled in fury, thrashing against Peter’s grip, but it was useless. He looked up at the beast, his face shadowed with dark intent. His glowing yellow eyes pierced through the haze, radiating raw power and uncontrollable rage.

All thought, all reason vanished. Only instinct remained.

A twisted grin curled across Peter’s lips. With an effortless flick of his wrist, he yanked the dragon forward and drove his lightsaber deep into its throat. The blade sizzled as it cut through scales and bone, the dragon’s roar of agony echoing across the oasis.

Peter moved like a blur, his lightsaber slashing through the dragon’s limbs, its blood painting the ground beneath them. He felt nothing—no fear, no mercy. Only the need to destroy.

The dragon screamed, a terrible, haunting wail that reverberated through the forest, drawing other creatures to the commotion. But Peter didn’t stop. He tore through them all—vines, beasts, anything that dared approach him. His black blade cut and burned, leaving only carnage in its wake.

And then, everything faded into darkness.



When Peter awoke, the first thing he noticed was the searing brightness of the twin suns overhead. Sand shifted beneath him, and the desert air was dry and suffocating.

He groaned, forcing himself upright. Pain radiated through his body—his muscles aching from the battle, though he barely remembered it. His hands pressed into the scorched earth, and he looked around, his heart sinking at the sight.

He was lying in the center of a vast crater. Where the oasis forest once stood, now there was only desolation—a barren pit, the ground cracked and lifeless.

The remains of the Krayt dragon lay scattered around him—broken limbs, shredded scales, and pools of blood. Mixed in with it were the bodies of other creatures—drawn by the commotion, only to meet a brutal end. The air reeked of death, the ground stained with dark blood.

Peter glanced down at himself, his breath hitching in his throat. His clothes were gone, torn to shreds in the chaos. His body was caked in drying blood—both his own and that of the creatures he had slaughtered.

His hands trembled as he stared at them, covered in gore. He could still feel the lingering high of the dark side, the faint whisper of power that had consumed him entirely.

The memories hit him in fragments—slashing, tearing, roaring in fury. The way the dragon’s life had faded beneath his hands. He had lost control.

Peter exhaled sharply, trying to calm his racing heart. The dark side’s presence still clung to him, but it was fading now, retreating like a tide.

He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the storm inside him to subside.

‘I took too much,’ he thought grimly. The power from the seed had filled him to the brim, and in his arrogance, he hadn’t stopped in time. He’d crossed the line—let the darkness consume him.

For the first time in a long while, Peter lost control…

He clenched his fists, blood oozing between his fingers. “I need to be more careful,” he whispered hoarsely.

Pushing himself to his feet, Peter staggered, his legs weak from exhaustion. The crater around him felt like a graveyard—a testament to the chaos he had unleashed.

He gazed at the horizon, the heat waves blurring the distant dunes. His ship was gone, swallowed by the forest and the fight, but that didn’t matter now. He had absorbed the seed’s power.

And he knew there would be more.

But the question lingered in his mind—how many more seeds could he take before the dark side consumed him completely?

Brushing the blood from his face, Peter took a deep breath. He needed to move—find a way out of this crater and back to his crew before the suns set…

“Huh?” Peter took a single step and stumbled upon a giant shining pearl, covered in blood. “What’s this?”

A/N: 1800 words :)🚨🚨

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