I’m Only a Stepmother, but My Daughter is Just so Cute!

Chapter 16

She hadnt had a single sip of alcohol. None of the food she had consumed contained alcohol, either.So how?Even now, Abigails voice was only getting louder by the second. If I were you, Your Majesty, Id have Blanche on my lap and Id pet her every single day! Princess Blanche! Come over here!

Ah, yes! Blanche shuffled over to her nervously. Abigail put the girl on her lap and hugged her tightly. Still holding her, she started lightly rocking the girl to and fro in excitement, Ahh, Blanche, just how are yousolovely?

Abigail? Abigail completely ignored Sabelian calling out to her.

Blanche Youre the prettiest in the whole wide worldI wish youd like me, but I dont know what Id have to do for that, Blanche looked up in surprise when Abigail said that, her voice suddenly sad, but then Blanche is cute. Cute means bunnies. Bunnies are cute, cute means Blanche

M-Miss Abigail? Are you all right?

Oh dear! Howd a fairy end up in my arms?

Sabelian stood up and took Blanche out of Abigails arms. When he did, Abigail looked like she had lost her entire world in that one second. Ahh, my fairy!

Take Blanche back to her room. Bring a doctor on the way back. The maid exited the room with Blanche in tow. In the meantime, Sabelian took his time observing Abigail. Are you all right?

OfcourseIm all right. Abigails all right. Abigails pretty. Pretty means Blanche She didnt look fine at all, if he had anything to say about it. Abigail stopped speaking all of a sudden and stared at Sabelian; the intensity of her scrutiny was very unsettling. Her purple, almost gem-like eyes had a strange charm to them. Sabelian stared at his reflection in her eyes.

At that moment

Abigail grabbed Sabelian by the cheeks.

Sabelian froze in utter surprise. The woman closed in, looking almost as if she was about to kiss him. Sabelian was in shock. He was stunned in place. He couldnt eventhinkabout getting away if his life depended on it. All he could dowas shut his eyes for the inevitable. But then, instead of closing in any more, Abigails lips parted.

You. You shouldnt live like this! Sabelians eyes flew open. He was greeted with avery angryAbigail.

You think you have it all because youre handsome? You think you can break someone elses doll if youre handsome? Do you know how much time and hard work I put into making that thing? You think youre hot stuff because youre a king? Abigail yanked at Sabelians cheeks. Whereas Sabelianwas just staring at Abigail, still in a state of utter shock at the completely unforeseen turn things had taken. Abigail?

You really shouldnt haveand threatening to lower my budget?! Dude!Youwere the one at fault! And you dont even eat with your daughter! Are you in the wrong or not, you tell me?! Abigail started indiscriminately squishing Sabelians cheeks like they were made of play-doh. Sabelians brows creased in annoyance at her cheek but before he could express it, her next words brought him pause. You two are still familywhy cant you have a decent relationship with each other?

Sabelian swallowed back the words hed been about to say. He couldnt bring himself to say anything mean to her, especially not when she sounded so sad. Right then, Millard entered the room with the doctor following behind. Sabelian put up a hand to stop Millard when he made to step forward to tear Abigail away from him, Im fine. Let the doctor come first.

He noticed that Abigails mumbles had completely stopped by this point.Was she finally starting to get better?Unfortunately for everyone in the room, this couldnt have been further from the truth. Abigail began to wheeze, her face scrunching up in pain.

Your Majesty, are you all right? I think we might need you to Just as the doctor was about to start his diagnosis, Abigail jumped up abruptly. The entire world spun madly around her, IIm going to go.

She wanted nothing more than to lie down in bed. Before anyone could stop her, she ran out of the dining hall. Her vision was getting weirder by the second. The halls were turning completely red and everything around her was melting away like a dripping candle. She was scared. She wanted to run. But she wasnt able to go far. Before long, her vision went completely black.

Abigail didnt even notice that shed fallen onto the floor. She was dizzy, she hurt, and it was getting hard for her to breathe.Im scared, Im scared. I feel like I might die.Her consciousness began to fade. As she lay down on the floor just struggling to breathe, a voice from afar called out to her, Abigail!

Whos this, now? Who was it, looking for Abigail so urgently?She wanted to open her eyes, but her lids were getting far too heavy to lift. She heard her name once more but the next moment, her consciousness had faded away completely.


.not that?

Yes. The queen only a large amount ofshell be fine. I could hear several voices through my splitting headache.Ugh, where am I?My head feels like its getting stabbed by needlesAfter a moment of struggle, I managed to crack open my eyes. Sunlight streamed into my vision andI appear to be in my room.

Why am I here?It felt like I was going through a really bad hangover.Did I drink? No, no I didnt. I was eating with Blanche and Sabelian. And then, and then Oh Lord, I remember now. I remember it too well. Aghhh! Ahhh!I kicked away my sheets in pure shame.Holy heck, I mustve been crazy! What the heck were you thinking, me?!

Are you awake? Sabelian quickly approached my bedside. At the sight of him, I remembered how I had played around like crazy with his cheeks.Oh God, it feels like the blood inside me is going ice-cold Im in so much trouble Am I going to be executed for this? Or am I gonna get thrown out of the castle?I-Im so sorry!

Stay in your bed. Sabelian stopped me from getting out of my bed.Sob, is he implying that hes going to make me lie down forever?I sneaked a tiny glance at Sabelian. He didnt really seem mad or anything.To be precise, he actually looks worried? Why isnt he mad? I said all sorts of stuff to himHe sighed when he noticed my gaze on him. I know you werent in your right mind, so dont worry about me being mad. Even you wouldnt say stuff like that when in possession of all your faculties.

Are you trying to console me, or are you trying to attack me? Why dont you just stick to one, hmm? But thank God he isnt mad.Even so, Im very sorry, Your Majesty. I dont know why

There was something wrong with the food. Sabelian interrupted me.Food? What was wrong with the food? What?Sensing my confusion, the doctor stepped up to explain. There was a lot of nutmeg in your food, Your Highness.

Nutmeg? Isnt that just a normal spice?

Normally, yes. But consuming too much comes with some side effects. It puts a person in a mild state of euphoria, and also has some hallucinogenic properties.Ah. So thats exactly what it was. So the reason I saw Blanche as a fairy was because it was hallucinogenic Well, as weird as this is for me to say, thank God I was high.Unlike me, though, Sabelian had a very worried look on his face. It seemed to be a mistake on the chefs part. Ive decided to punish him after a week.

I didnt like the sound of that, By punishment, you mean?

Endangering the life of a royal is punishable by death. Sabelians voice dripped with ice. He spoke of execution as if it were a mere triviality. I was reminded of just how cold of a person Sabelian was. I raised my body from the bed. Thats too much! He just made a mistake Cant you do something else?

Sabelian looked at me quietly, his gaze one of someone observing a fascinating thing. Even though hes harmed you?

He didnt do it on purpose, andIm fine, arent I? Please change your decision. A life wasnt something so worthless. I couldnt just let him take one away willy-nilly. Sabelian stared at me for a few more seconds before turning away. Fine.

Whoa, really? Thankgoodnesshe agreed just with that. I managed to protect that poor chefs neck

Ill think about the punishment some other time. Aside from that, Blanche wanted to see you. Would you like to see her now?

Ah, Blanche. She mustve been shocked as well.When I gave my assent, Sabelian called the maid outside to enter. In no time at all, Blanche was in the same room as me, her face painted with worry. She approached my bed carefully, and grabbed my hand with her tiny ones. Miss Abigail, are you all right? Are you hurt?

Dont make that face, Blanche. Its just a hangover, so why are you so worried?I pat her hands lightly with my other hand. Im not hurt. But Im a little ashamed that I showed such unsightly behaviour in front of you.

I know I wasnt in the right state of mind, but dear God do I still feel ashamed about it. Ive done all sorts of weird stuff in front of her

Im sorry. I surprised you, didnt I? I apologized and reassured her, Im fine. Im really fine. The girls fingers tightened around my hand. They were warm and soft. Blanche glanced at me for a split second before looking down at the floor. U-um, Miss Abigail Id like to ask you something

What is it?

You said you liked me back there

Ah, I did. Sob, to think Id be outed as a total otaku for Blanche right then and there

Were youtelling the truth?

Yes, I was.Theres no way to hide at this point. I have to confess.I snuck a nervous look at Blanche.What if she looks scared? What will I do then?

Contrary to my doom and gloom thoughts, the girls face took me by surprise. She had on a very happy expression. I dont think Ive ever seen her this blissful before, not even when she was eating the cookies Id given her or the eclair she had for the first time. She looked like she simply couldnt contain the sheer elation she was feeling that it justhadto come out. I felt like I was being cured of all the diseases in the world in the face of that smile.

Um, then Miss Abigail, Id like to ask you for something.

What is it?I can do anything for you, dear. Id even slap the hell out of Sabelians cheeks!Blanche hesitated a little in embarrassment. W-when you recoverw-would you goon a walk with me?

Her ears were turning completely red. She mustve mustered all of her courage just to say thatMan, this isnt a request. This is areward!Ohman, I feel like Im going to cry.I fervently took Blanches hands in mine. Her big eyes were incredibly lovely to me. Of course, Blanche. Ill be up and about as soon as possible.

Blanches face shone with happiness from just that simple sentence. Forget diseasesher smile surely had the power to save the entire world.

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