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7 months ago
After suddenly dying while trying to meet a deadline, Gu Huai transmigrated and became a non-human... Read more After suddenly dying while trying to meet a deadline, Gu Huai transmigrated and became a non-human race. This race is cruel and cold, making them feared and shunned by everyone in the interstellar world.As the new king of the race and facing the group of parents who see him as a baby, Gu Huai said he was under a lot of pressure. Collapse Aliens, Caring Protagonist, Cute Protagonist, Cute Story, Doting Love Interests, Doting Parents, Familial Love, Family, Futuristic Setting, Handsome Male Lead, Heartwarming, Humanoid Protagonist, Kind Love Interests, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Misunderstandings, Modern Knowledge, Outer Space, Power Couple, Race Change, Reincarnated in Another World, Special Abilities, Unconditional Love Отличный роман. It was really good, really liked it I contra expect this, i Love. But is a yaoi, i never imagine so beautiful Love like this Is it good I love it