I’m not a Regressor

Chapter 421

I am not a returner Episode 421:

War of the Stars (12)

Silver waves rising elegantly.

Unlike the ‘galaxy’ used by Ojin, there was no harsh silver tsunami that seemed to be rushing fiercely, nor was there any blue lightning flashing between the silver particles.

Calm like a windless lake.

As quietly as the drizzle falling in the early morning.

The surrounding land is dyed silver.

“…You have truly carried out a ministry.”

Mobius smiled as he looked at the ground where the silver waves settled.

Unlike himself, who was somewhat free from the ‘restrictions’ through the power of the Black Heaven, there was no way for Vega to escape the restrictions of the law.

Although the restrictions of the law are much weaker than they used to be.

Even after deploying the sanctuary, it was not weakened to a level where it would be safe.

“Vega-sama, you probably know what the price is, right?”

[Of course.]

The disappearance of the existence of a ‘constellation’ itself.

It is certain that the restrictions of the law have become weaker than in the past, so it may be possible to avoid extinction, but there is no doubt that its ‘status’ as a constellation will be fundamentally lowered and the stigmata itself will suffer permanent loss.

For a constellation whose body was made up of the magical power of stigmata, the permanent loss of stigmata was equivalent to the disappearance of a body part such as a limb for a human being.


The day when Vega will be called the ‘Constellation of the North Star’ may never return.

“Are you giving up your position as the North Star for a mere human?”

[I don’t think that’s what you should say, having sacrificed everything for that mere human. …No, maybe that’s why you can have doubts.]

Vega smiled bitterly and nodded.

She placed her hand on Ojin’s fallen shoulder with warm eyes.

[If it were for this child, would the position of the North Star be so important?]

Even if existence itself were to disappear.

I was willing to disappear for the sake of misdiagnosis.


Ojin, who was barely able to suppress his seething magic while panting heavily due to the aftereffects of using the Sanctuary, staggered to his feet.

Just by raising my body, the tattered magic circuit screamed and a terrible pain struck my whole body.


I couldn’t let Vega sacrifice herself like this.

When she tried to use ‘Gaecheon’ rather than take the risk of disappearing.

[My child.]

Vega’s warm hand touched Ojin’s forehead.

[I’m sorry for making you carry this burden alone.]

Thinking about the terrible burden and responsibility that Ojin must have felt under the name of the Star of Reverse Heaven, my heart sinks.

“Bullshit… don’t…”

[Take a break.]


Vega’s fingertips lightly hit Ojin’s forehead.

Ojin, who had been struggling to get up, fell to the floor like a doll whose strings had been cut.

Vega, who was looking down at the unconscious Ojin with eyes full of love, slowly turned around.

[My wife will share the burden you are carrying.] It is

the duty and responsibility of the Constellation, so I have no intention of talking about grandiose goals.

I just couldn’t stand watching Oh Jin suffer alone any longer.

Decisions made based on emotion, not reason, and impulse rather than logic.

If my past self saw me now, I would click my tongue and say it was foolish.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

Compared to when I spent time alone like a stone statue in a vast temple, I am so happy now that even comparisons are meaningless.

Because I met someone who taught me this feeling of happiness.

If only for him.

I am willing to take any cost.

[Come, snake.]

A blue electric charge burned among the quietly rising silver waves.

“ha ha ha.”

A dry laugh flowed from between Moebius’s lips.


What would it have been like if Eve had been by her side the day she lost her?

Maybe his and Eve’s fates could have changed.

“These are all… meaningless assumptions.”


The black clouds spread fiercely, cutting through the silver waves.

“Eventually you will feel it too.”

The pain of losing your child right in front of your eyes.

That miserable helplessness of not being able to do anything.

“Just like I did.”


Mobius stamped his feet roughly and shot forward.

Pure white snakes climbed up the arms raised high.

A dazzling white sword created by snakes coming together.

A sword that was just over a hundred meters long was held in Mobius’ hand.

Grumble, rumble.

A cloud of black sky appeared around the pure white sword raised high enough to pierce the sky.

A sword blade of white light shining elegantly between dark clouds as thick as fog.

The white blade of the sword, emitting light like moonlight in the night sky, fell, cutting through the silver waves.

[What a beautiful sword strike.]

Vega smiled slightly as he looked at the sword of white light approaching, cutting through the silver waves.


I snap my fingers lightly.

The blue charge burning between the silver waves instantly burned the sword of white light.

Even the dark clouds that had been covering the sword of white light turned into fog and dispersed due to the blue electric charge.

[It would have been more beautiful if there were no dark clouds.]


The thunderbolt transmitted through the sword struck Moebius’ body.

He laughed with an absurd expression on his face.

It’s obviously a condition where he can’t use his full power due to ‘restrictions’, but he can’t believe it’s like this.

‘Is this really the constellation of the North Star?’


That doesn’t mean it couldn’t have been left behind.

“Dark Month of Sanctuary Development.”

The sanctuary, once torn apart by misdiagnosis, is being developed again.

The shadow beneath my feet spread out like a curtain, covering the silver waves.


Grumble, rumble, rumble!

Black storm clouds poured out from within the shadow that hung like a curtain.

The clouds of the black sky devoured Vega’s sanctuary, devouring the silver waves like hungry beasts.

A combination of Sanctuary and Black Heaven.

Just as Ojin contained the energy of the Black Sky in his thunderbolt, Moebius also mixed his sanctuary with the Black Heaven to put pressure on Vega’s sanctuary.

“No matter how much you are the constellation of the North Star, this will be difficult to stop.”

From the beginning, the black sky cloud, which had the property of absorbing the magical power of stigmata, was like a fatal poison to the constellations.

Since that power is mixed into the ‘Sanctuary’ that changes the surrounding space itself, its power must be beyond imagination.

This space, now covered in shadows, was no different from a blazing fire pit for the constellations.

“Your child disappears in front of you… big!”

of course.

Containing the dark clouds in the sanctuary could not be accomplished without any cost.

The Black Sky Cloud, which eats up the magic power of stigmata like a hungry beast, even ate up the user’s own sanctuary.


Something crazy like using your own body as firewood to start a fire.


However, as the price was great, one thing was certain: its power.

The black clouds that poured out of the shadows ate up the silver waves and arrived in front of Vega.



Brilliantly burning silver waves.

The silver wave, which was quickly disappearing due to the dark clouds, soared through the black clouds as if burning.

It is not about performing special tricks or using outstanding techniques.

With just a release of pure power, Vega burned down all the dark clouds consuming her sanctuary.


A hollow laugh escaped Moebius’ mouth as he watched the scene.

I already knew that the North Star constellation was absurd, but to this extent?

“You’re crazy.”

Pushing away the dark clouds with the magical power of the stigmata, which could be said to be its polar opposite, was the same as extinguishing a blazing fire by crushing it with a haystack.

If you’re not careful, you can do something crazy that will only lead to the clouds of darkness growing.

It was an overwhelming sight that even the burning desire for revenge could die down in one go. [


Although he succeeded in driving out the clouds of the dark sky with overwhelming magical power, it was difficult to withstand the restrictions of the law that followed like a tag.

“Vega, you’re at your limit too, aren’t you?”

A fight between Vega, who is restricted by the law, and Moebius, who is free from the restrictions.

When the battle between the two dragged on, there was no need to think about which side would be at a disadvantage.

“Your noble sacrifice… I will trample on it cruelly.”

He had just used too much force, so he couldn’t continue his attacks right away.

He had a ‘companion’.

A reliable colleague who will carry out the mission even if it means burning the stigmata if it is his order.

“Now, please bring rest to the suffering goddess.”

Moebius snapped his fingers.

The eyes of the black star constellations that were pushing the awakened people turned to Vega.


The black clouds flowing from their bodies attacked Vega.


As other constellations joined in, the brilliantly burning silver waves gradually began to lose their shine.

‘As it is…’

Even though she was the constellation of the North Star, she could not prevent the merger of the Black Star constellations on her own while being restricted by the law.

[My… child.]

Vega’s gaze turned to Ojin.

I chewed my lips as I looked at Ojin, who had fallen unconscious.

‘I’m sorry.’

Vega took a step forward and raised the stigmata’s magical power even further.

When the incoming clouds of black sky were about to completely swallow her up.

[Sanctuary unfolds in a snowy field.]

A fierce snowstorm swept away black storm clouds.


[Hmph, I can master all the forms by myself.]

The constellation of Cygnus steps forward.

[Sorry, sister! I’m a little late because I had to evacuate the other children!]

The constellation Virgo flew in with a lively smile.

[Woohyuk. That’s enough.]

[Hahaha! It was a manly fight, Sakaki!]

The constellation of Leo and the constellation of Taurus walked with shining stigmata.

Following in their footsteps.

[It is just as Vega said.]

[Just as we have changed, the law must also change.]

[Like before, we cannot just sit back and watch this time.]

One by one, the constellations that had lowered their heads and were avoiding gaze stood around Vega.

[You guys…]

Vega looked at the constellations around her with trembling eyes.

[Why did you think you were the only one who could sacrifice for your child?]

Deneb burst into laughter and tapped Vega on the shoulder.

[‘If you value your relationship with children, please come out’? No, what will our children think of the constellations if we keep quiet after hearing those words?]

Even as I grimaced in pain, as if the restrictions of the law had begun.

Deneb expanded the ‘sanctuary’ that had been developed to its fullest extent even further.

[Now, let’s show this clearly to our children.]

Brilliant starlight rose from the bodies of the lined up constellations.

[Why we are called ‘constellations’.]

The rising starlight split the black sky.

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