I’m not a Regressor

Chapter 392

I am not a returner Episode 392:

Star in the sky (5)

The awkward silence flowed like the Milky Way.

Ohjin looked at the constellation made of starlight and asked in a confused voice.

“Just… what did you say?”

I want you to eat yourself.

What kind of nonsense is that?

‘for a moment.’

Asking to eat may not mean a meal to be chewed and swallowed.

Much less can it be a sexual metaphor.


Isn’t there only one possibility left?

[You know what that means, right?]



There’s no way you wouldn’t know.

[With your black sky… swallow up this miserable constellation.]

Polaris spoke in a different tone, as if her personality had been reversed.


Oh Jin’s expression hardened.

Oh Jin, who had been thinking with his lips tightly closed, slowly tried to open his mouth.

[For Polaris!]

Vega hurriedly flew in and blocked Polaris’ path.

[The main woman will explain everything! The Black Heaven that the original woman’s child possesses is different from that of the Heavenly Demon…!]

“Wait a minute, Vega.”

He pulled Vega’s shoulder and shook his head.

Vega looked back at Ojin with an excited expression.

[What do you mean it’s okay? The main lady will talk directly to Polaris, so you…]

“No, it’s okay. “I think Polaris already knows anyway.”

If he really thought he was a heavenly demon who would destroy the world, he wouldn’t have asked for his constellation to be eaten.


He probably wouldn’t have called himself ‘Star of the Reverse Sky’ in the first place.


Only then, as if her head had cooled down a bit, did a low exclamation flow from between Vega’s lips.

“How did you know… No need to ask this.”

The ability of the Stigmata of Ursa Minor is to see into the future.

There was no need to ask how Polaris found out his identity.

The important thing is not ‘how’.

“Since when did you know I had the Black Heaven?”

Starlight was captured in eyes as dark as the black sky.

The constellation made of starlight answered in a calm voice.

[From the time I first met you. No, to be precise… even before that.]


So, you mean to say that you made a futile attempt to hide it in a situation where everything was already discovered?


A laugh escaped me and a deep hyung-tae struck me.

Ohjin asked as he lifted the ‘darkness’ spread around his body.

“You know that I am the master of the dark sky, but why do you call me the star of the dark sky?”

[Isn’t it simple?]

The starlight that made up Polaris’ body gave off a soft light.

The gaze, made up of countless starlight, twinkled as if piercing my soul.

[Because you are the ‘star of the reverse sky’ who will change the fate that has been decided.]

The star of the reverse sky.

A being of salvation who goes back in time and rewrites the fate of the world.

Vega once said something like that.

‘The star in the sky may not necessarily indicate a returner.’

But there remained one unresolved question.

“I’ve never been back in time?”

The decisive reason for thinking that actual constellations were ‘stars in the sky = returners’ was because of the saying that they came back in time.

And the only beings that Oh Jin knew of that ‘defended time’ were Lee Shin-hyuk and Cheonma, and he was not one of them.

in other words.

In the first place, it means that there is a logical contradiction in saying that you are a star in the sky.

[But you went back in time and embraced the entire constellation in the dark sky.]

“…So, now I have absorbed Lee Shin-hyuk’s stigmata and become a star in the dark sky?”

Oh Jin laughed with a helpless expression.


There is no logical contradiction if it is said that he became a star of the reverse heaven because he absorbed Lee Shin-hyuk’s stigmata.

‘But anyway, does that make sense?’

There’s no way the star in the sky is so simple that you can just pick it and say it’s mine.

I looked at Polaris with questioning eyes, but the answer that came out of his mouth was different from what I expected.

[What do you think about fate?]


What do you mean, fate suddenly dictates?

“Aren’t you talking about a certain future?”

As someone who didn’t really believe in fate in the first place, the answer that could be given was extremely poor.

[I am not asking about the definition of fate. What I want to ask is about the nature of fate.]

“…What do you mean?”

You’re saying something dirty.

I cursed internally and frowned.

[Change the question. Do you think you can change fate?]

“If you can’t change it, there wouldn’t be an existence called a star in the first place.”

[Then what do you think we need to do to change our fate?]

I was slowly getting irritated.

“Did you call me because you wanted to answer a Zen question like this?”

Ojin glared at Polaris sharply.

Polaris shook her head softly and continued speaking.

[Someone says this about fate. Just as the slightest flapping of a butterfly’s wings can cause a typhoon, fate can change with just one small action.]

“Well… I guess that’s right?”

Oh Jin also agreed with this.

Unless the future has been decided in the first place, isn’t it natural for it to change with every small action?

For example, let’s say a person who always took the right road took the left road that day and got into a car accident and died.

What that person did was simply a very small action that led them to take a different path than the one they usually took.

Didn’t that completely change the fate of him and the people around him?

‘Yeah… like.’

Just as he did not become the Heavenly Demon because Lee Shin-hyuk died.

[No, fate is not something that can be changed that easily.]

Polaris shook her head and continued.

[Didn’t you say it with your own mouth? Destiny is a ‘predetermined future.’]

He raised his hand made of starlight and slowly moved his arm from left to right.

Starlight was drawn in a straight line along the tip of the finger.

[Fate is not a straight line.]

This time, I lowered my hand from top to bottom.

Streams of starlight poured down like a waterfall.

[Fate is like a torrent that pours down violently.]

“…What did you want to say earlier?”

[Do you think that throwing a small stone into the rushing torrent will change the flow?]


Now I think I know what Polaris wants to say.

“Do you want to say that fate is not something that can be easily changed?”


“Why are you twisting such a simple word like that?”

What Socrates?

[Sometimes an appropriate metaphor is needed to understand an accurate concept.]

“To me, it only sounds superficial.”

What is it?

I know what you want to say.


“At least my fate is completely different from my previous life?”

It’s not just his fate.

Ha-eun’s fate, Vega’s fate, Isabella’s fate, and Cassia’s fate.


Perhaps even the fate of the world.

Didn’t his every action lead to a completely different trajectory from his previous life?

[That’s why I called you ‘Star of the Reverse Sky’.]


Now the question and answer he had asked for the first time were continued.

The reason why Polaris called itself ‘the star of the heavens’.

“So… it means that I am a star in reverse because I changed fate, right?”

[That’s right.]

In the first place, it wasn’t important other than going back in time.

Because I changed something that couldn’t be changed.

Because it twisted the pouring torrent.

It is said that it has earned the right to be called a star of the reverse sky, a being that goes against the laws and laws of heaven.

‘The order was reversed.’

Because it is a star in reverse, it does not change its fate.

Because he changed a fate that could not have been changed, he became a star in reverse.

“So… are you saying we should absorb Polaris-sama’s constellation into the Black Sky?”

[Are you trying to be polite by coming now?]

“I confirmed that there is no hostility.”

[There is no need to be polite to me.]

Polaris continued speaking in a gloomy, subdued voice.

[After all, I am… a miserable constellation who can only watch the passing of fate.]


Did you describe yourself earlier as being tied to the torrent of fate?

“…are you bound by the restrictions of the law?”

[no. What I am tied to is even worse than that.]

Polaris shook her head with bitter eyes.

[God gave me the eyes to see the future, but took away the limbs that could change them.]

A voice full of deep self-destruction and guilt.

Although his face could not be seen because of the starlight, it was not difficult to imagine what his expression would be like now.

[Even back then, I just… had no choice but to stay tied up here and watch fate unfold.]

“… At that time?”

[Don’t you know that the world was already destroyed once by the Dark Sky in the distant past?]

The Star Tomb that went with Vega.

A destruction that occurred in the distant past that even the current constellations cannot remember.

From Ohjin’s perspective, it only seemed like a statement about dinosaurs becoming extinct in the past.

“Could it be… you’ve been trapped in this spring since then?”


How much distant emotion must be contained in that calm answer of ‘Yes.’

[Watching the process of the world’s destruction and new birth… I have continued to wait.]

In the eons of time that we cannot dare to count.

Like Prometheus chained to a rocky mountain.

Pleading desperately, longing desperately, cursing myself for being helpless.



I waited.

[I hope someone will change this future.]

Someone who will prevent the endless despair and pain unfolding before my eyes.

[Even if you split your collapsing mind into several pieces and keep waiting for someone to change your fate.]

No one.

No one.

[No being has appeared that can change the predetermined fate.]



[I saw you…]

A ray of starlight shining brightly in the black sky.

A star in the sky that will defy fate.

[Now is the time to put an end to this endless waiting.]

As she said that, Polaris let out a low laugh.


Knowing everything but not being able to change anything.

There is no choice but to watch in silence the coming destruction.

It was difficult for Ojin to imagine how much despair that would have caused Polaris.

“All right.”

I raised my voice again.

Although I said there was no need to be polite, I couldn’t help but express awe at the weight of the distant life Polaris had endured so far.

“I want you… “We will put an end to the story of the Ursa Minor star.”

When I first heard about it, I thought it was a random suggestion.

I couldn’t help but feel that way.

Because all Ojin saw was Polaris, worn and worn over countless periods of time.

He even asked me to kill him.

I didn’t dare imagine how far-off despair he must have endured.

Not only do we not know, but even if we knew, we wouldn’t be able to comfort him.

‘That’s all I can do now.’

Of his long story.

All it does is put an end to a life full of despair, regret, sighing, and self-reproach.

[…Thank you.]

The tone of voice changed again.

Ohjin doesn’t know whether Polaris’s originally quiet tone of speech was Polaris’s tone of voice or the solemn tone of voice was Polaris’s tone of voice.

We probably won’t know in the future.

The real ‘Polaris’ would have already been worn out and crumbled in a distant time.

“Then let’s begin.”

The black clouds that flowed from Ojin’s body enveloped the constellation of Ursa Minor.

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