I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 363: 294 Level Surge! New Realm Breaking Task!_1

Chapter 363: Chapter 294 Level Surge! New Realm Breaking Task!_1
In the darkness of night, the slaughter continued!

The Hyena Men infected and the normal Jackal Werewolves were still fighting fiercely together, and the battlefield was rapidly expanding in other directions.


“Hold them off! Hold them off quickly!”

“Priests! Where are the priests? Damn it, heal me now!”

“Dammit, everyone hold on! The distress signal has been sent! Other scouting camps will come to support us soon…”


At Camp 69, the battle raged on.

More than two hours earlier, a large force of Jackal Werewolves had suddenly surrounded them and launched an attack.

The teams that were wandering outside the camp were instantly wiped out, and the rest retreated inside the camp.

Almost everyone knew the ferocity of the Jackal Werewolves, so each person fought desperately for their life, without daring to slack off.

With the assistance of the military forces guarding the camp, they held on with great difficulty.

Even if the walls were breached, they hid in the streets and alleys, engaging in close quarter battles with the Jackal Werewolves!

As long as the camp was not completely overrun, no one dared to flee.

In the wilderness, ordinary Professionists couldn’t possibly escape the siege and pursuit of the Jackal Werewolf cavalry!

As night fell and everyone was in despair, the assault of the Jackal Werewolves unexpectedly slowed.

Many Jackal Werewolves actually retreated from the camp and disappeared without a trace.

Only those that had charged too deeply into the fray and were locked in combat with the human Professionists couldn’t withdraw.

“What’s going on? The Jackal Werewolves are retreating?”

“Did we win? Did the reinforcements arrive?”

“HAHAHA… We won…”

“Quickly come save me, my arm’s broken…”

Inside the scout camp, all the human Professionists felt like they had survived a disaster. As long as they killed off the Jackal Werewolves within the camp, they could hold Camp 69.

A few thieves jumped onto the roofs and looked out over the camp.

“The Jackal Werewolves have all pulled back! They’re gathering together!”

“Huh? Who are they fighting with? Is it the reinforcements?”

“No, it’s not the reinforcements! It looks like… Hyena Men and Seat Wolves?”

“What do you mean? Aren’t the Jackal Werewolves and the Hyena Men allies, both part of the Cave Beastmen Tribe?”

“I don’t know! A bunch of Hyena Men charged out from the Splendid Forest, killing like madmen as they came!”

“What on earth are the Jackal Werewolves doing? Killing each other?”

More and more human Professionists climbed onto roofs to see what was happening outside.

And indeed,

outside the camp, there were two groups of Jackal Werewolves furiously fighting each other.

One side had more numbers but did not dare to charge. Instead, they kept shooting arrows.

The other group of Jackal Werewolves charged blindly, as if mad, not even retreating in the face of a hail of arrows.

“What’s going on? Are all these Hyena Men crazy?”

“Berserk War Song? Have they all lost consciousness?”

“Impossible… Shit! Look! The Jackal Werewolves are charging!”

“Hundreds of Jackal Werewolves are rushing forward!”

“The main force of the Jackal Werewolves has fully retreated! HAHAHA…”

“No matter what, we’ve won!”

Inside Camp 69, the military leader and several leaders of the big Professionist teams stood together, looking haggard.

“This time, thanks to everyone’s vigorous assistance, I will report to the Military Department to commend all of you.”

“No need for politeness, we were also fighting for our own survival. Damn, those Jackal Werewolves were like mad!”

“I previously got information that other scouting camps were also attacked by the Jackal Werewolves and the Wolf Tribe Werewolves. What are they planning to do?”

“Damn… Isn’t the main battlefield over by Camp 7? Why did it move here to Splendid Forest? This is hundreds of kilometers away from the main battlefield…”

“Sigh, no matter what, it’s good to be alive! It seems we can no longer stay in Camp 69; we must return to Ruin City as soon as possible…”

As the few men were discussing this, the thieves still on scouting duty atop the roofs suddenly started shouting:

“Leader, it’s bad! Those Hyena Men are charging at us! And, and there are Jackal Werewolves too…”

“What Hyena Men?”

“Those Hyena Men who are acting like madmen!”

“They’ve broken through the blockade of the normal Jackal Werewolves and are rushing towards us!”

“Dammit! Those normal Jackal Werewolves have also gone mad! They’re… just like Zombies…”

“They’re coming in!”


Accompanied by a series of piercing screams, the Jackal Werewolves infected by the Rabies Virus, like crazed demons, burst in.

The Werewolves this time were exactly like rabid dogs, running on all fours on the ground and rooftops, their sharp fangs and claws becoming tools of massacre.

The entire professionists’ community of Camp 69, already exhausted, collapsed at the touch, and in a very short time, more than a dozen were slaughtered internally.

Ten minutes later, the professionists of Camp 69 finally couldn’t hold on any longer, and they all fled in panic out of Camp 69, looking disheveled as they escaped towards Ruin City.

But behind them followed the crazed Jackal Werewolves and Hyena Men.

In the vast, flat expanse of the Wilderness, humans had a hard time escaping the pursuit of the Hyena Men, Jackal Werewolves, and other races.

Only a very few with the ability to fly or possess special burrowing abilities had a chance to get away.

In midair.

The shocked overseer of Camp 69, Prince Jun, watched the catastrophe on the ground with horror and disbelief in his eyes.

“What, what is this situation? Why are these Hyena Men and Jackal Werewolves acting like mad… Rabies?”

He patted the head of his flying steed and, with a fierce turn of his head, flew at high speed toward Ruin City.

“A major incident has occurred in Splendid Forest. The Rabies Virus is spreading among the Cave Beastmen Tribe. This must be reported to Ruin City with utmost urgency!”


In the Splendid Forest, Yakcha led several of his tribal Professionists in a swift sprint through the forest.

Under the influence of the ancestral spirits, their speed, strength, sense of smell, and even their mental reactions were multiples of what they had been before.

The stench of blood in the air now seemed so clear and perfect.

He had already locked onto the position of that human.

After passing several large trees, a human shadow appeared before his eyes.


He roared, a terrifying ripple emanating from his body, surging in all directions.

With a fierce push against the ground, he lunged toward Zheng Cheng like an arrow.

At the same time, two other members of his tribe did the same.

Yakcha’s eyes had taken on a layer of blood-red luminescence.

Beside him, two others from his tribe attacked from different directions.

Midair, Yakcha suddenly opened his mouth wide, as sticky saliva spewed out.

The next moment, he violently turned his head and bit down hard on the neck of the tribesman closest to him on the left.




A deep, growling sound came from Yakcha’s throat as he gripped the body of his tribesman and furiously tore at him with his teeth and claws.

This tribesman didn’t even have the chance to react before being severely wounded; all he could do was struggle and scream in agony.

But with Yakcha’s bite firmly on his neck, the frantic struggling only resulted in a large chunk of flesh being torn from his neck, from which thick blood gushed out relentlessly.

“Yakcha! What are you doing!”

Another of his tribal Professionists’ eyes bulged, unable to believe what he was seeing.

What was happening?

Yakcha was the strongest among them; why would he suddenly turn on his own people?

His roar seemed to interrupt Yakcha, who fiercely turned and charged at a second tribesman!


Not far away, Zheng Cheng’s expression was a bit odd.

These Jackal Werewolves… why are they killing each other?


His eyes suddenly lit up, Rabies Eruption Technique!

These Jackal Werewolves were infected with the Rabies Virus!

As expected.

Seconds later, the first Jackal Werewolf Professionist that Yakcha had bitten struggled to his feet.

Although his neck was nearly bitten through, there was no sign of him fading away.

Instead, under the influence of the Rabies Virus, he stood up disregarding his own safety, more active, more ferocious, baring his fangs at his tribesmen!

Soon, these few Jackal Werewolves started killing each other, resulting in the death of two more.

The remaining two crazed werewolves still attempted to pounce on Zheng Cheng, but he easily dispatched them!

“The Rabies Virus… it has such a strong effect on Jackal Werewolves and Hyena People?”

Zheng Cheng’s eyes suddenly shone, and his heartbeat accelerated, “If that’s the case, then…”

Suddenly, his expression changed again.

In the distance, countless soul power presences appeared, rushing toward him at high speed.

And inside him, his soul power and level were soaring at an incredibly fast pace.

In an instant, he broke through the level barrier and reached Level 37!

“This is… the soul power of all the Jackal Werewolves and Hyena People killed by the Rabies Virus is being credited to me!”

Zheng Cheng’s face showed a hint of surprise.

He had encountered this situation before.

Ethereal Fire Incinerates Body against Water Spirits!

“I wonder how many Jackal Werewolves, Hyena People, and Dogmen have died from the Rabies Virus. If I could poison all of the Cave Beastmen Tribe’s Hyena People, Jackal Werewolves, and Dogmen, I can’t even imagine how much my level would surge!”

Zheng Cheng excitedly thought, but he also knew that it was a pipe dream to expect to breakthrough to Level 40, Level 50, or Level 60 in a short time.

Simply put, the mortality rate was extremely high for a deadly epidemic, which arrived fiercely but spread very slowly.

It might disappear in a very short time.

Those infected with the virus might not have gotten far before dying from it, naturally preventing it from spreading too far.

There was also the constraint of the Realm Breaking Task.

However, this was still a great surprise for Zheng Cheng.

If only he could break through to Level 40…

With that thought in mind, Zheng Cheng reactivated the Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique, enveloping a three-kilometer radius.

More than a dozen crimson points of light were still heading his way.

Upon contact with their minds, he quickly learned the identities of this group.

“Wolv Flareya and… the Fallen Ones of the Beast Desire Organization!”

He flickered, charging at high speed towards this group of people.

With the Rabies Virus on his side, these people were doomed!

In the void, a great amount of soul power continued to rush towards him, being absorbed.

In just a few short minutes, his level surged again.

Level 38!

When he was only three to four hundred meters from Flereya and the Beast Desire Organization, his level rose by one more.

Level 39!

Soul power continued to flow toward him like a tide.

Damn, how many Jackal Werewolves and Hyena People were infected with the Rabies Virus?

[Your level has been raised to Level 39, and you have received a new Realm Breaking Task!]

The Level 39 Realm Breaking Task arrived as expected.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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