I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City

Chapter 23: Eris’ Hospital.

Im in front of the door to Eris room.

I managed to place the winning bid on Eris hospital for 1,500,000 Zeni, which was nearly everything I had. That being said, it was considerably lower than the market value. Eris hospital was originally the home of Eris family of four, so its a rather large house.

If the location werent so bad, I probably wouldnt have been able to afford it.

But now I hold the deed for that very hospital in my hands.

The deed is currently under my name, but I plan to transfer it back over to Eris as soon as I can. Its not like there would be any problem with leaving it like this, but if Eris hospital became no-longer-Eris hospital it would leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.

While Im mulling it over, I knock softly on the cheap, splintered wooden door.

But theres no response. Is she not there?

I try knocking again. Still no response.

Apparently Eris is out. Well, its not like Im dying to tell her that I bought the hospital right away or anything. Ill wait patiently.

As Im waiting in the inn room for Eris to return, I notice that Yuel has fallen asleep. Spending all day yesterday hunting the boss must have really tuckered her out. Shes sleeping soundly, taking soft breaths. She probably wont wake up for a while.

I have a sudden thought.

How is Eris going to react when she sees the hospital deed?

Eris was living in that hospital for many years. It must hold a ton of family memories for her. And she probably wanted to wait for her sisters return in that house. From Eris perspective, it must have been something she really didnt want to let go of.

And thats where I gallantly swoop in, holding the title deed.

Ill hand her the deed without asking for anything in return. Shell be so moved, of course. Hell, maybe shell be so impressed that she goes all my hero, take me! on me.

The problem is what comes after that. If by some chance Eris and Yuel start to bicker over me, things could get bloody. Up until now Ive just been absent-mindedly thinking I wanna make a harem, but if I actually try to do it I bet that some difficulties will arise.

If I hook up with Eris then Yuel will cry, but if I hook up with Yuel then Eris will hand me over to the authorities. Nah, since shes a slave and all it probably doesnt work like that in this world.

As these thoughts are running through my head, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs from the hallway. I stick my head out the doorway to find Eris just about to enter her room next door.

What do you want?

When Eris spots me come out into the hallway she calls out in a low, tired voice. Theres almost no light in her eyes. She looks exhausted.

And she seems pretty moody. Is it her time of the month?

Nah, thats probably not it.

Her outfit is the habit she used to wear at her hospital. I bet shes been going around to other hospitals trying to find a job.

Have you figured out where youre going to work yet?

Not yet, but Im fine. Ill work it out soon. Besides, today the hospital was sold, so I have a bit of savings now.

Her attitude is curt. I bet she hates making other people worry. Shes the kind of person who wants to solve her problems on her own. Living by herself from a young age probably gave her a strong sense of independence.

Be that as it may, she hasnt found a new workplace yet after all. Since I bought back her hospital, that works out better for me. But I had a feeling thats how it would turn out.

Eris abilities as a healer arent especially amazing, but she does have an average level of skill. Besides, shes a blonde bombshell with magnificently ripe melons. Im sure she could get hired just about anywhere, but other hospitals dont think very highly of her.

Because Eris set her hospitals treatment fees a lot lower than market price.

Its not like this city has a union that establishes uniform treatment costs or anything, but theres a general market price of 400 Zeni per Heal. The fact that Eris attracted customers by slashing that price in half likely didnt sit well with the nearby hospitals.

For her hospital to go bankrupt while operating like that, and then for her as the manager to come around looking for a job, they all probably either told her she got what she deserved, or approached her with obvious ulterior motives. Id be fully in the second camp by the way.

But once Eris sees the deed Im holding, her haggard face should perk right up.

Shes built up a lot of fatigue from not being able to find a job. Maybe the other hospitals said some awful things to her, and its wearing down her emotions. If I show her this deed at a time like that

Something like Y-You bought back the hospital for me! So dreamy, take me! is sure to happen. Eris will start calling me dear, maybe even with a "Heart ?" attached to it.

So what is it you want?

Eris worn-out face is giving me a look that says, state your business already. In front of those tired eyes, I dangle the hospital deed.

Eris, take a look at this.

What is this? Some official document?

Eris makes a suspicious face, but she takes a look at the deed. Then her expression turns to shock.

W-Why do you have this!? Even though today it was sold off

Eris keeps reading the deed over and over in astonishment.

Yeah, I bought it.

Once Eris realizes what Im saying

You did? B-But how that much money!

I wait for her to come leaping into my arms but nothing happens.

But but you three months ago you werent you broke!?

H-Huh? Thats not quite the reaction I was expecting.

Far from rejoicing, its more like her whole body is shaking out of frustration. Shes choking back her trembling voice and clenching her clothes with her head hung low.

Whats with this reaction? That hospital deed that was so important to her is right here, isnt it? So why

Im sorry, I, I cant deal with this right now

Then Eris disappears into her room as if to run away, with tears trickling down her cheeks.

What just happened? Does Eris hate me so much that even the hospital doesnt make up for it? Since her hospital ended up in the hands of a man like me

Nah, probably not. More likely its because she couldnt hang on to the hospital no matter how hard she tried, and then I bought it like it was no big deal. It was so important to Eris that she was willing to incur the ire of the surrounding hospitals by lowering her prices, just to protect it.

I easily acquired the hospital that she desperately tried and failed to protect. That must be why she seemed so frustrated.

No doubt Eris just needs some time to sort out her feelings right now.

Yuel is sleeping softly on the bed in the room. I ought to give Eris more time before trying to talk to her again but without someone to talk to, theres nothing for me to do.

Wait, that reminds me, my item box is getting full. During yesterdays Huge Slime farming, along with the rare drops, I also got a huge amount of Slime Jelly. Adding in the amount I had already saved up, theres easily enough to last me a year.

I could spend some money at the adventurers guild to expand the size of my item box, but since I just bought the hospital I dont have much money left. Alright, Ill organize my item box.

As I dig through my item box, more and more trash comes out. Street food skewers, fruit cores, a gravure photo taken by a magical projection tool that last ones not trash. A frayed toothbrush made from some sort of animal hair that I never got around to tossing out, a chipped wooden cup

And a bloodstained, tattered habit.

Its the one from that time I went into the labyrinth to search for Yuel. I kept thinking about throwing it out, but it always slipped my mind.

Before I forget again, I should hand it over to the inns poster girl and have her throw it out with the rest of the trash.

Then, as I leave the room with the habit in my hands

Sorry about earlier, I!?

I bump into Eris in the hallway.

Shes staring at my arm no, at the bloody, ripped habit. Her expression shifts back and forth between surprise and sadness a few times while she looks at me.

Hey, is t-that

Eris covers her mouth with shaking hands, and gawks at my habit in shock. The very same habit that I was wearing when I went to look for Yuel.

Dont tell me for me? Did you really go looking for an expensive magic item in the labyrinth for my sake, and because of that?


Looks like Eris is jumping to conclusions.

No, this is

Actually, wait.

Eris definitely thinks that I recklessly risked my life to scour the depths of the labyrinth for the sake of her hospital, or something along those lines.

Maybe I shouldnt go out of my way to correct her misunderstanding.

As far as I can tell, now that Eris thinks I bet my life to earn the money to pay for her hospital, it feels like her mood is much better than before. And shed likely be more willing to accept that I bought her hospital if the story was that I risked life and limb for it.

Sorry, I must have made a mistake. But how, how did it get like that?

Eris strokes the bloodstained habit as her eyes start to water. I can clearly feel the compassion in her tender gesture.

This is my chance.

For Eris sake, I risked my life to earn enough money, and bought back her hospital. Why dont I go with that? It makes me look cooler that way too.

Besides, it will improve Eris mood. Right, this is for Eris sake as well.

So I smile at Eris and casually explain.

Of course, I had to pay you back for the kindness you showed me, right?

Upon hearing that, an expression floats up on Eris face thats somehow simultaneously happy and sad.

You dummy, going that far. Besides, a hospital isnt something worth risking your life over.

I totally agree. I would never risk my life for the sake of a building.

Eris is still looking at me with that sad-yet-happy expression. I take the opportunity to retrieve the deed from my item box and

Eris, I want to set things right with you. Back then, even though it bothered you, I just thoughtlessly did whatever I wanted. And I didnt see any problem with it. But thats not how it felt for you.

Im sorry for not realizing it. I was in the wrong. But Id like to atone for that by returning the goodwill you showed me. So wont you accept this?

I kneel down at Eris feet as I speak.

I must look like such a stud right now. Risking my life to raise the money to purchase my benefactors hospital, and then returning it to her with no strings attached.

What a moving story.

I feel like I pulled it off flawlessly.

! Im so sorry, I even kicked you out, and yet you still

Eris takes my hand thats holding the title deed and softly wraps both of hers around it. A single tear spills down her cheek.

I dont blame you for that.

Since it was clearly my fault for sexually harassing you.

But we have a tender mood going right now. I shouldnt mention something so vulgar. Ill gently use my finger to wipe away her tear.

When you showed up, it felt almost like my father had come back. Your healing magic skill that could make up for the deficit, and how you would show kindness in one way or another. It felt almost nostalgic, somehow. But you know, thats exactly why I hated the sexual harassment so much.

That was wrong though, youre not my father. Youre your own person

Sexual harassment is bad even if Im not your father you know. But Eris is completely caught up in the atmosphere.

Its a good mood.

But dont ever do something that dangerous again. Look, the debt is gone, so Im sure we can live off of the hospital alone. Why dont you stop being an adventurer, okay?

Its a good mood, and yet.

And yet Im feeling a little guilty.

The way this is headed should be the best outcome for both Eris and myself. But my chest feels like its getting jabbed by needles. Yet its for Eris sake that Im letting this misunderstanding continue.

Even so, I shouldnt earn her favor by taking advantage of the situation. I feel guiltier and guiltier every time she says something nice to me.

Yeah, even if its this late, I should tell her that its a misunderst

It was too embarrassing, so I never told you this, but you saved me just as much as I saved you. It was lonely running the hospital all by myself. and business was terrible. When you showed up at a time like that, I was sure that together we could get the hospital back on its feet.

While Im still processing that, Eris continues talking.

And, in a voice thats barely a whisper, Eris mutters.

Thank you.

Then she lets her head thump onto my chest.

Since shes bending forward, I can feel her bountiful breasts. Along with her softly fluttering blonde hair. A sweet scent tickles my nose.

I decide to take this lie to the grave.

Afterwards, we head to the property broker near the center of town. For now, I left Yuel a note saying that I went out with Eris.

There are no issues with the title transfer, and its finished in an unexpectedly short time. Then, as we stroll down the main street on our way back, I try casually putting my arm around Eris waist.

! Honestly

Eris flinches and throws a questioning glance at me. But, she doesnt resist. She has an attitude like I suppose it cant be helped.

I think Ill have Yuel go work a shift at the tavern tonight.

Eris opinion of me has seemingly skyrocketed. If it was before, shed slap my hand away from her waist and scowl at me.

We continue walking like that, and as we pass in front of the tavern

Yo, Shiki! Your farmin with the venturers really paid off, huh! Come buy us a round!

Whats with the gal on your arm? Whatta hottie. Hoho, I get it, you went right to a brothel as soon as you got some money huh? Way to go, Shiki!

We run into Eight and Geyser, whose faces are flushed bright red from drunkenness.

Uh oh. This development is not good.

You comin with us next time? Just havin you there is crazy profitable! Whaaat, sfine if you hang back like last time n jusss heal! Let us take care of stoppin the attacks, its allll goood!

Yeah, leave the fighting to us! Hahahahaha!

H-Hang on! Lets talk about it later! Nows not a good time!

Not good. Whats not good, you ask? The fact that Eris-san is right here. I look to my side

Why might it not be a good time, I wonder?

And Eris is glaring at me with eyes sharp enough to shoot me to death.

I really didnt think this through.

I confess. I confess everything.

About how the bloodstained habit had nothing to do with earning money for the hospital. About how I just decided to go along with Eris misunderstanding. And that I mainly did it to improve Eris image of me.

I-Im sorry

I prostrate myself. Without a doubt, its a perfect-form dogeza. With my head against the pavement stones of the main street, I beg for nothing but her forgiveness.

Eight and Geyser, perhaps sensing the turbulent atmosphere, flee the scene.

Hahhh, you really know how to spoil things. Its fine. You dont really need to apologize.

She must just be fed up with me at this point. I want nothing to do with you anymore, so dont bother, that kind of feeling.

I timidly raise my head and there is Eriss outstretched hand.

Seeing me in that state, you were worried about me, right? I get it, okay.

I take Eris hand and rise as she gives me a smile. The feel of her soft hand somehow makes me very happy.

It doesnt really matter how you did it. The fact is, you raised a huge amount of money to buy the hospital for me. Right?

Then Eris mutters But lying is bad, got it? while giggling.

Look, now your knees are all dirty.


I brush the dust off my knees and look at Eris. Framed by the sun, her smile has an all-enveloping tender feel to it. It reminds me of the days when I used to work at her hospital.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I speak while trying my best to stay calm.

Shall we go back?

And Eris replies

Yes, lets go back. To the inn where Yuel-chan is waiting. Then we can all go home to our hospital.

She says with a smile.

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