I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 141

I will live as an actor Episode 141


Actors usually change their mood depending on the role they play. Even before the method technique was established, famous actors often assimilated their inner self into the roles in the script.

For example, an actor who played the role of a murderer would even change his gait and speech patterns as if he were a real murderer, even during normal times other than filming.

A representative example is the case of Hollywood actor Marlon Brando. In his case, known as the pioneer of the method, it is said that when he was in charge of a work, he would act as if he were the character in the role.

In particular, there is a famous anecdote about the Italian mafia who misunderstood Marlon Brando’s appearance during the filming of The Godfather and came to the filming set to wreak havoc, but bowed their heads and retreated. Just like now.

“I’m sorry!”

The face of the staff member who spilled water on England turned red. Jeong Hae-seok in The Outlaw (無法者) is hysterical and has the personality of a man.

Moreover, the changeable nature of London’s weather naturally makes those who encounter it feel nervous. Maybe that’s why the staff at the filming site had a hard time with England.

Those who have been in Baek Jang-hoon’s division for a long time have seen him since he made a cameo appearance when he was young and know his personality well, but newcomers who have only a little experience in the company are scared when they see Jeong Hae-seok’s personality in the script.

As England raises his hand, the staff member closes his eyes. If it is Jeong Hae-seok, it is clear that he will slap him without hesitation. but.

“are you okay?”

He calms down a staff member who is shaking like an aspen by placing his hand on his shoulder. England’s eyes are full of worry as he looks at the staff. Since I was in the middle of getting my hair styled, I had no choice but to ask for a glass of water.

“Aren’t you hurt somewhere?”

The staff hiccups and nods their heads repeatedly. England doesn’t stop there, but raises his hand and touches his forehead just in case. I wonder if I have a cold or something.

“How about clothes?”

“It’s okay. I have to change anyway. It was hot, but it’s okay. It’s cool.”

“I’m sorry—!”

The British joke seemed to sound sarcastic. After the hair styling was over, the youngest staff member, who had been repeatedly lowering his head, also left. A person who was watching the whole situation sneakily approaches.

“Lee Yeol and Jang Young-guk are also in great spirits.”

Son Hwa-won claps her hands and raises her thumb.

“Don’t you know that on set these days, the staff pays more attention to England than the director?”

This is the first time. Because the role he was in charge of had a sharp personality, he spoke less than usual on set, but he never got hysterical. Son Hwa-won elaborates as if reading England’s thoughts.

“You don’t seem to know. Among the staff, everyone who doesn’t know you seems to think that your personality is similar to yours.”

“What nonsense is that?”

“This is why acting too well is a problem. I know there have been a few times when England was surprised or scared when he saw you acting on set. If someone who doesn’t know you sees it, it’s like, ‘Oh, that actor is always like that, so he acts like a natural person. “It’s almost like you think you’re doing it.”

“He’s a tough guy, too. Since he took on the role of Lee Howon, he’s as sly as that character.”

It was true. If you think about Son Hwa-won’s usually shy appearance, isn’t it something you can’t imagine? At that time, Son Hwa-won pauses and speaks.

“It’s because you’re comfortable in England…”


, why are you scratching the floor with your fingers?

* * *

“Scene number 31: The meeting between Jeong Hae-seok and Lee Howon—!”

Judicial Research and Training Institute. A place where talented people from all over the country gather. The faces of those who have passed the bar exam, which is known to be the most difficult of all civil service examinations in Korea, are diverse.

While there are people who have taken elite courses since they were young and have a brilliant mind and passed the first exam, there are also people who become long-time students and pass the exam after waiting with no promise.

-Would you like to become a Lee Howon scholarship student?

Secret suggestions and figurative expressions.

Howon Lee doesn’t even have time to think about Professor Noh’s question. The reason he passed the bar exam and wanted to become a lawyer was only for his own success, not for the simple role of protecting society’s laws. That’s why I slept in a private room in a gosi village, hugging a law book while the bell rang.

It was after the two-year Judicial Research and Training Institute period went beyond probation.

Lawyers who graduated from the Judicial Research and Training Institute now go their separate ways, some as judges and prosecutors, others as lawyers. However, beyond the legal profession, those gathered here are all of the same type. It was because he was a scholarship student from Jeongil Group.

‘In a good way, I’m a scholarship student.’

in other words.

‘Nothing more or less than a servant.’

A man enters a restaurant where new lawyers are gathered. The room, which was noisy just moments ago, becomes dead quiet. There is a sense of tension as if the head of the Judicial Research and Training Institute has appeared. Men naturally sit at the head of the table.

He adorns himself with expensive luxury goods, and despite his youthful appearance, his behavior is reminiscent of a tycoon. Everyone sitting here knows who he is. It was Jeong Hae-seok, the successor to the Jeong-il Group, who held their fate in check.

“I’m eating this without any taste.”

It was the most famous fairy in Cheongdam, but it didn’t seem to suit his taste. As I throw the chopsticks on the table, tension comes over me once again. Jeong Hae-seok moves forward and scans the faces of the legal professionals with an interesting gaze.

“Chicks, they said you were the scholarship recipients this year.”

Although he is a first-time judge, prosecutor, and lawyer who just graduated from the Judicial Research and Training Institute, he is not a lawyer in name but a lawyer. Everyone swallows their sleep at the sight of Jeong Hae-seok calling himself a chick.

They are angry, but no one shows it outwardly. This would be consistent with the fact that a servant does not express his feelings to his master.

“Didn’t you all get a scholarship because you wanted to succeed and try to catch a hold of the Jeongil Group? Why is there no answer from everyone? They think I came here because I had too much time. The last question is, are you really the scholarship recipients of the Jeongil Group or not? .”

It was then.

“you’re right-!”

A loud voice is heard. Jeong Hae-seok looks at him with interest. He is a lawyer who boasts white skin like a high school student. Following his shout, other lawyers shout along.

The reason why all high-ranking lawyers want to become scholarship students at Jeongil Group does not require legal interpretation from various perspectives. Rather, it is simple enough that even a student can understand it. It was to gain power and success. At that moment, Jeong Hae-seok stands up holding a bottle of alcohol.

“Take a drink, chick. What’s your name?”

“This is Lee Howon, a first-time employee assigned to the Western District Prosecutor’s Office.”

“Ah, are you the chief? He’s a funny guy. Most people try to hit the judge’s baton, but he’s a prosecutor.”

Alcohol is poured into Howon Lee’s glass. The water has already poured to the point where it is just slushy, but the tilted liquor bottle shows no sign of stopping. Soon, the alcohol flowing over the clinking glass overflows to the point where it wets my thighs.

Despite this, Howon Lee does not stop pretending to receive a drink. Only then does Jeong Hae-seok return the tilted liquor bottle to its original position and speak.


“thank you!”

Jeong Hae-seok’s unique smirk brings out a bitter look at the corner of his mouth. Howon Lee drinks his full glass of alcohol in one go and looks down. Seeing this, Jeong Hae-seok looks at the lawyers and gets lucky.

“You are not servants. You are nothing but bastards guarding the mansion called Jeongil Group. I don’t think you will regret putting yourself on a leash and coming out here. If you regret it, tell me at any time because I will do whatever it takes to block your path. I mean.”

The pupils of the legal profession tremble as if an earthquake has occurred. Someone is holding back their anger and clenching their fists below the table. Isn’t it that they are seen as being worse than servants by a man named Jeong Hae-seok?

“Hey chick, what do you think law is?”

“I think it is a rule that is equal for everyone and based on common sense.”

One legal expert answered that way. This is an answer I don’t like. As proof, doesn’t the corner of Jeong Hae-seok’s eyes become sharper in an instant? He looks straight at Howon Lee.

“You are the people who should be closest to the law and yet furthest away from it. The reason is simple: to protect those who stand on the law that is known to be equal for all.”

Jeong Hae-seok takes off the watch on his wrist. What are you trying to do?

“You are not lawyers. As the dogs that protect the Jeongil Group, all you have to do is do your duty, be loyal to your owner, wag your tail, and accept expensive food. If a dog is not worthy of its value, it would be natural for it to be sold on Dog Day. Obviously. “Some people may be wondering what it means to be above the law.”

At that moment, Jeong Hae-seok raises his hand. With the sound of a steep wind, Jeong Hae-seok’s palm hits Howon Lee’s face mercilessly.

* * *

“Hyung, are you okay?”

Son Hwa-won slowly rubs her cheeks with a raw egg. I was hit so hard that my cheeks heated up like ripe persimmons.

England, sitting next to me, clearly looks worried that he may get bruised. However, Son Hwa-won, whether aware of such feelings or not, just smiles like a heartless person.

“That’s why I told you during rehearsals, turn your face at an angle like when you’re putting together. Is there anyone in the world who greets a slap so authentically?”

“I don’t think it will look as vibrant if I do that…”

“But what if I end up with a bruise on my face?”

“It’s okay, but the picture was good.”

I couldn’t deny it. Thanks to Son Hwa-won’s bold approach to filming, even sacrificing her own balls, director Baek Jang-hoon also shouted cut at once.

I watched the footage again through monitoring, and it would be right to say that I was hit so hard that it gave me a chill. At that time, Son Hwa-won shakes her head and says to England, who is worried.

“Actually, England, I really enjoy coming to the filming set these days.”

This is nonsense. Director Baek Jang-hoon’s filming set is famous for being difficult. Moreover, in the case of Son Hwa-won, who undergoes the most reshoots, it is inevitable that he will become exhausted.

“I didn’t have any friends. I thought I started out as a child and worked as an actor for a long time, but when I looked back, I realized that there was no one left by my side. That’s why I was so envious of England when I saw you. Even though you’re around the same age as me, you always have a lot of people around you.”

“I wasn’t like that from the beginning either.”

“Oh, don’t lie. Jeongseok said that Young-Kuk was amazing ever since you were a child. Why, when you are in a broadcasting station or in Chungmuro, you hear rumors from across the country. The staff and actors who worked with you were full of praise. Honestly. “I was secretly envious and jealous. How could you act like an adult when you were obviously just as young as me?”

England smiles bitterly. In fact, wasn’t it the same for me too? In his past life, instead of taking care of the people around him, he was trapped in his own acting world and only focused on success.

“Just as a chrysalis molts and becomes a butterfly, so does acting. Don’t try to be too bound by the limits you set for yourself. One day, you will be able to break that shell. Hwa-won is an actor who is more valuable than the limits you set for yourself. Those words are my heart. I was struck by it. Maybe that’s why I’m acting here. These days, it feels like I’m just dreaming. That’s why.”

Son Hwa-won suddenly grabs England’s hand.

“England, thank you so much for being my friend.”

Son Hwa-won’s country puppy-like eyes are sparkling. How lonely was it? But even with that serious look, you can’t help but burst into laughter.

Isn’t the cheek swollen red after being slapped? Like a squirrel with one side of his mouth full of acorns. Instead of answering, England picks up a raw egg and rubs it against his cheek.

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