I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 139

I Will Live as an Actor Episode 139:

Shock spreads rapidly. The eyes of the actors watching England’s performance grow as big as a flower lantern. Isn’t that why England’s long fingers are holding actor Kim Hyuk’s chin? The appearance is like that of a nobleman working as a servant.

A glance passes by so disdainfully that one wonders if he is playing a character in a script or if he is real. but.

“It looks like you have something to do with a prosecutor’s business card. At the end of the day, you are just an expendable item. You are just a cog that makes this huge comet group run. Do you understand?”

The following dialogue tells us that he is playing a character in the script. Eventually, the hand that was holding Kim Hyuk’s chin let go.

“네까짓게 아무리 발버둥 쳐봤자 내 아래라고 이 개새끼야.”

England’s lips rise slightly with a distinctive squeak, as if clicking his tongue. He appears to be in agony, shaking his head from side to side, as if he is lost in thought, as if he is considering killing the laborer in front of him. At that moment, director Baek Jang-hoon raises his hand.

After the audition is over.

“Actor Kim Hyuk has really solid fundamentals. I thought he would have forgotten all screen techniques because he was so focused on filming the drama, but seeing him act today, the saying that old people are good people comes to mind. And.”

The cinematographer said while reflecting on actor Kim Hyuk’s acting. Before we know it, all the actors have left the audition room and only three judges are sitting there.

Director Baek Jang-hoon appeared to be contemplating something with his arms crossed, and writer Go Gwang-tae still seemed unable to believe that his script was played by famous actors.

“Actor Jang Young-guk was truly surprising. I had seen Confessions of a Priest before, so I knew that the spectrum was wide, but I never thought it would be like this. How about guts? Actor Kim Hyuk was the first to provoke, but I couldn’t believe it, so I was in the middle of the audition. “I didn’t know he would touch Actor Kim’s chin. And you know that expression.”

The cinematographer let out an exclamation and continued speaking.

“I didn’t expect Actor Jang to be an actor who could make such facial expressions. I looked at all of Actor Jang’s filmography, but he was different from the roles he had played so far. In fact, when Actor Jang first applied for the role of Jeong Hae-seok, this I wondered if I could pull off the cocky and arrogant character of Ahn Ha-mu well, but looking at it today, I realized I was wrong. Not to mention, I looked like a person wearing clothes that fit my body. What did writer Goh think of it?”

Only then does Go Gwang-tae wake up from his thoughts.

“I’m still shocked to see so many actors playing the roles in the script. However, the most memorable actors among them are Kim Hyuk and Jang Young-guk. They really look like Jeong Hae-seok from the script came out into reality. Because it was what it looked like.”

Director Baek Jang-hoon’s eyes are still focused on the empty audition hall. The images of the actors who performed there linger in my mind and never leave.

Aren’t they the ones who gave such excellent performances that no one could find fault with them? Who will take on the villain role in Outlaw?

* * *

“Aren’t you crazy Jang Young-guk?”

Actors who have just finished auditions are whispering. The topic is none other than England. Of all the actors who visited Baek Jang-hoon Production, Kim Hyuk was the most senior. What’s more, isn’t he a successful person who has worked both in Chungmuro and on the cathode ray tube?

“These days, you don’t seem to be doing well. It was the same when I came to the meeting room earlier. A distant junior came up to the seniors where they were sitting, and even bowing ninety degrees to say hello wasn’t enough, so he was flirting with a guy named Son Hwa-won.”

They were the ones who didn’t accept the greeting, but they seem to have already forgotten. Eventually, the actors who were whispering lowered their heads in unison. Kim Hyuk is there. Just like at the audition site, the irritating expression is still excellent.

He ignores the greetings of his juniors and walks straight towards the person walking ahead of him.

“Jang Young-guk.”

When he calls his name, the actor in front stops walking. It is none other than England. England turns his head and bows towards him.

“Sir, I was rude earlier.”

As soon as the audition was over, Kim Hyuk had already apologized once, but he did not accept it. But now, because there are so many people watching, they seem to accept it.

“No, I tested Actor Jang first. There’s no need to be so humble. After all, I’m a different person from the small people over there.”

What’s the difference if the way is different?

England still remembers his eyes widening in his face. No matter how you look at it, it was too lively to be considered acting, and the eyes were also full of immersion, as if they were imitating the real situation. The reason was obvious even without looking. It may have been because it broke the previous record for the highest appearance fee for a drama.

“Why don’t we have a drink today instead?”

Kim Hyuk continues speaking with a troubled expression.

“As a senior, I will teach you how this world works and tell you what mistakes actor Jang can make while working as an actor. Looking at his acting at the audition today, he is talented, but he still has many shortcomings. But “That’s because Actor Jang is young and lacks acting experience, so there’s nothing we can do about it.”

Boy, in terms of acting experience, I’m as old as your father.

“I’m sorry, senior.”

“Yeah, there’s a lounge over there in Cheongdam that I know well. Huh?”

“I have to attend the wedding of a director I know tomorrow, so I think it will be difficult to have drinks. I will contact you separately when the schedule is later. Thank you so much for just saying that you will give me acting guidance.”

England bows his head politely, then turns around and walks away. Of course, the wedding was scheduled for noon, so it was okay to attend the drinking party, but why was there a need to get dragged into a drinking party that you didn’t want and pretend to listen to a young old man’s injections?

Kim Hyuk looks at the back of England moving away and speaks with a characteristic sneer.

“That bastard is so arrogant.”

* * *


A gorgeous chandelier illuminates the ceremony hall and numerous guests are crowding around. A festival that can be said to be the greatest blessing of one’s life. The tension is evident on the face of the groom dressed in formal attire. If you think about the charisma he usually shows at filming sites, it’s something you can never imagine.


Director Shin Seong-hyeon’s Mokuldae shakes loudly. Although I am past my age, have I ever been this busy in my life? After saying hello to the officials in Chungmuro, I had to say hello to my relatives who had come up from the countryside by chartered bus.

The day of the wedding is so hectic that the process of preparing for the wedding seems like a game of house.

‘It’s really nice to see.’

When I see the expression on the face of the old man who came from the countryside, I smile involuntarily. Doesn’t he look like someone who has achieved his dream, thinking that he would never see his son get married in his lifetime? His father holds England’s hand and says:

“Thanks to you, I heard that our Seonghyeon met his daughter-in-law. I am truly grateful. Next time, please come down with Seonghyeon. This time, I will kill a pig and treat you so much that your upper leg is broken.”

The wedding ceremony takes place according to the scheduled sequence. The host raises the mood of the ceremony with witty remarks. As the bride in a bright dress walks under the light of a chandelier, cheers erupt from everywhere.

Director Shin Seong-hyun’s face, standing in front of the officiating pedestal, is a mix of happiness and tension. And it’s not just director Shin Seong-hyeon who feels the tension.

“Yeonsu, are you nervous?”

The same goes for the face of Yeonsu, who sang the congratulatory song together. The girl who usually talks a lot is nodding her head with her lips tightly shut right now. At that moment, the host’s voice is heard.

“Next, there will be a congratulatory song. So many amazing people have come. The bride Lee Soo-kyung’s nephew, actor Yeon-soo, and the groom Shin Seong-hyeon’s muse! This is actor Jang Young-guk!”

Muse is a bit over the top.

England and Yeon-soo go up to the stage to sing a congratulatory song together. First, on behalf of Yeonsoo, who is shaking in the UK, I would like to congratulate the bride and groom.

Only then does Yeonsu seem to have relaxed, and congratulates her aunt and uncle. Soon the accompaniment started playing and the congratulatory song began. The first step is training.



It was difficult from the first verse. It must have been a failure that I didn’t move my mouth to hide my trembling heart. Doesn’t the sound come out immediately? Yeonsu’s face turns red and tired. He seems extremely nervous, fearing that he might make a mistake.

At that moment, England holds the trembling girl’s hand. When the warmth passes through the palms of each other, Yeonsu’s expression brightens.

Despite the lack of sound, England continues singing naturally in harmony. The guests smile at the way they get along together, rather than their singing skills.

* * *

Time flows like running water. From the branches of the trees that were full of cherry blossoms, the sound of cicadas waking up from their slumber can be heard.

In the scorching sun, there are several dragonflies sitting on the crock pot and director Baek Jang-hoon is spraying water on the flowers. It is an unusually hot summer. Even though I was wearing hemp clothes, beads of sweat were already forming down my back.

Gardening is like cultivating your mind. The golden carp swimming in the pond with a graceful appearance exudes elegance that puts even the sweltering heat to shame. At that moment, someone urgently runs in from beyond the garden. At the same time, the dragonfly sitting on the crock pot flies up, flapping its wings in surprise.


Director Baek Jang-hoon scatters carp rice and warns. It was when the golden carp puffed out its mouth above the water. England speaks while taking a deep breath.

“Grandpa, are you sure?”

The carp rice on the surface of the water runs out quickly. When I shake off my wrinkled palm, carp rice like grains of sand fall out. Director Baek Jang-hoon holds up one side of his wide-brimmed straw hat. At the end of the line of sight, England’s face is covered in sweat, as if he had just run a short distance track.

‘Even though you didn’t show it, it looks like you were very upset.’

It was role selection day for the movie Outlaw. When it comes to casting, each film director has different preferred methods. Some are looking for new faces through open auditions, while others are recruiting established actors whose acting skills match the image of the role in the script.

However, in the case of director Baek Jang-hoon, the path was different. Even if he was an actor with a high reputation, he would volunteer to appear on the show. Isn’t that why the same scene as before occurred? In order to get the role of the villain, the most famous actors in Chungmuro gathered together and fought a war of nerves.

“The production did not contact my agency.”

“You didn’t say anything in the morning. So I thought it wasn’t me…”

The scenery shakes in the summer breeze. Director Baek Jang-hoon shows a sly smile along with a clear sound.

“Wouldn’t it be fun if you told me in advance?”

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