I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 130

I will live as an actor Episode 130

: Master.

The greats of Chungmuro gathered together. Reporters can’t believe their eyes when they see them occupying the top seats at the press conference. Aren’t they the ones who usually don’t even respond to interviews with the media? It was then.

“The reason we are gathered here today is because we have a duty to do as filmmakers, seniors, and adults. The dishonesty and corruption of entertainment industry agencies is a chronic disease that has been prevalent since the past.”


No reporter can easily raise his hand to Director Baek Jang-hoon’s solemn voice.

“A young junior tried to solve the problem with his own hands. But in the end, he almost ended up living a miserable life without even being able to bloom properly. The judge will decide in court regarding the corruption and corruption of the agency in question. “It’s work, but there’s something else I want to say today.”

Director Baek Jang-hoon’s eyes changed when he looked at the reporters.

“I didn’t expect so many reporters to come despite the sudden press conference. Does everyone know why this press conference is held?”

“I’m not sure, but I heard it’s related to actress Cha Hye-jin.”

“That’s right. The reporter you just mentioned is reporter Yang Seon-il, right?”

“Yes… that’s right.”

I guess he didn’t know that the master of Chungmuro knew his name. Reporter Yang makes eye contact with director Baek Jang-hoon, and an unknown cold sweat forms on his forehead.

“Reporter Yang Seon-il was the first to post an article with a scoop on the actress’s past.”

“That was unavoidable as a reporter. Because of the nature of my job, which requires me to inform the public of the facts first…”

“That doesn’t even sound like a word!”


“Do you know how many people your three-inch tongue has harmed? It’s not just reporter Yang Seon-il’s problem. There may be some reporters here who don’t. “Rather than focusing on the entertainment agency’s corruption, most people were busy shining a spotlight on the past of an actress who had nothing to do with the incident.”

Director Baek Jang-hoon always gave the impression of a kind-hearted grandfather.

“I would like to ask the reporters: How many deaths will it take to end this gossip?”


“The essence of the incident lies in the injustice and corruption of the entertainment industry agency. However, you forgot your duty as reporters and did not just look for news that could become a scoop. Today, here. “Let me ask you something.”

However, in an instant, his eyes become shiny like a tiger’s.

“Are you reporters? Or are you?”

The firmness of the person holding the microphone can be clearly felt through the cathode ray tube.

“Is it a municipal miscellaneous boat?”

* * *

CEO Seonghwan Kim’s fist is clenched. The same goes for manager Lee Bong-chun, who was watching the press conference on the TV.

“Wow, I feel relieved inside!”

CEO Seonghwan Kim lets out the breath he was holding and speaks loudly. There is red on his face. I watched the press conference being broadcast live so breathlessly that my excitement rose to the brim.

“Young-Guk, Director Baek Jang-hoon is truly an amazing person. He deserves to be called the godfather in Chungmuro. Then, a person like Director Baek Jang-hoon is a true adult.”


It’s not wrong. There were many people in Chungmuro and broadcasting districts who said it was necessary, but there was no one who could hold a press conference like that. Moreover, who in Korea could criticize reporters as harshly as I did at a press conference?


Even reporters like hyenas cannot easily open their mouths to the grandfather’s stern voice. The grandfather shown in the video looked more solemn than ever.

His sturdy figure looked bigger than ever, and his handsome eyes were shining as if they were going to devour reporters at any moment. This is not just a criticism directed at reporters. This is probably a shout out to the people who are currently watching the press conference through a cathode ray tube. It was then.

-It is absurd for Director Baek Jang-hoon to refer to our reporters as municipal government scoundrels. Journalists literally pursue only the truth. As a reporter, you also have the right to report on Cha Hye-jin’s past.

He was a reporter who had just heard harsh words from his grandfather. He is asking a question with his cheeks twitching. His face was also turning red, as if he was about to explode at any moment, as if he thought he had been humiliated at a live press conference. At that moment, another voice is heard.

-What rights are rights! I am saying that it is the people’s right to know about Cha Hye-jin’s past! Let’s see, let’s see. Do you think it’s okay for these noblemen to just say that they have snouts now?

-Actor Ahn Joong-hyun speaks harshly!

-The worst thing is what you did! Even a three-year-old child clearly knows what’s wrong, but he pretends not to know because of his petty pride and money-making! In a situation where it is not enough to protect the victims’ identities, if it is your right as a reporter to dig into the weaknesses of victims who have nothing to do with the incident, how is that any different from being a hyena! Because I’m so dirty!

It was my uncle. He was so angry that his usual sly expression was gone. If the other coach of Chungmuro, who was sitting next to me, hadn’t stopped him, it seemed like he would have cursed right away.

At that time, the grandfather takes the microphone instead of the excited uncle. The grandfather’s gaze towards the reporter is extremely sharp.

-If the reporter still hasn’t come to his senses.


-You must be embarrassed.

* * *

I am sitting on a hospital bed, looking at the endlessly passing clouds. Just as human life is diverse, the shapes of clouds are also diverse. But why is he so ugly? I decided to break the vicious cycle, but I found it difficult to deal with my past. I definitely mustered up courage, but I also deeply regretted it.


Cha Hye-jin stroked her face with her long fingers. The career she had built as an actress was in vain in an instant, and the media is digging into her past like crazy. It is not because of financial losses, including advertising contract penalties, that I regret this much. It was because of people’s gaze.

Entertainment assistant.

Every glance from the people passing by seemed as if they were digging into my past, and my whole body cringed. Colleagues who I used to contact often, such as my sisters and brothers, are not only not answering my phone calls, but no one is coming to visit me. Everyone left.

In that overwhelming loneliness, I decided to commit suicide, but even that didn’t work out. As if an indecisive person like you wouldn’t even be given a chance to die.

“Should I jump?”

If I jump out the window, will this pain end? Is it possible to put an end to this whole vicious cycle? It was a time when bad thoughts were entrapping my head.

“Why should you jump? Cha Hye-jin!”


“I knew it would be like this. Anyone who sees it will think I’m a tragic heroine! Ugh!”

He was a stylist.

“Why are you…?”

Wasn’t he someone who was always bullied and had harsh words towards him at the filming site? I never imagined that she would show up in a hospital room where not even the manager was looking. She says as she cleans up the messy hospital room.

“Did I come to a place I couldn’t come to? I’m now unemployed too! My sister was suddenly fired like that and I was fired too. I tried not to come, but I came just in case, but what? Why did you think I was going to pretend not to know me?”

“I was very mean on set.”

“I’m a stylist, so if I don’t like the actor, I can do that. I feel relieved and relieved because I no longer have to listen to my sister. Why am I suddenly speaking informally? It’s not because I want to get hysterical like before.”


“You may remember, but there was a time when I asked for an advance on my salary. At that time, the CEO said no, but my sister willingly pushed for it and we were able to pay my mother’s hospital bills. I said it was a kind affection that was somewhat hateful. “I’m here. So cheer up! Cha Hye-jin!”

Only after hearing the stylist’s shouting did Cha Hye-jin’s mind clear up. And the stylist turned on the TV. A press conference is in full swing there.

“Look, it’s a press conference about your sister.”

“Press conference…?”

Cha Hye-jin’s voice is trembling. When it comes to press conferences, fear now comes first. However, as if there is no need to worry, the stylist holds Cha Hye-jin’s dry hand tightly, and thanks to her warmth, she musters up the courage to look at the television.

-You are insulting the character of a person. So stop disturbing the essence of the case and do your duty as a reporter!

And when Cha Hye-jin hears the voices of adults comforting her in the TV, she starts crying without realizing it. The stylist hurriedly handed me a handkerchief.

“I thought he was someone who was always sharp at the filming site and didn’t

even know how to cry…” He thought everyone was ignoring him. But no. A friendly voice is heard in Cha Hye-jin’s ears.

“Don’t give up, sister!”

* * *

After the press conference.

“Ah, brother. If I had known, I would have scolded the reporter for being such a sheep!”

At the grandfather’s mansion, the great figures of Chungmuro who attended today’s press conference, including his uncle, are gathered. The uncle continues to elaborate while gulping down glasses of soju.

“Did you see his face at the end when he told him to be ashamed of himself? His face was so red and blue as if he had boiled and ate a train barrel. He was a reporter. He was a snotty guy when we were filming a movie in Chungmuro.”

“Junghyeon, I understand how you feel. I feel the same way, but I also want to punch him.”

“Brother Jeong and Hyung Kim! If it had been a recorded broadcast instead of a live broadcast, I would have run straight to the reporter and grabbed him by the collar. What’s the difference between being a reporter and wearing an armband and showing off?”

England sits alone in the main hall. At that moment, an old man dressed in hemp clothes sits side by side with a clapping sound.

“Did you come out because you were making a lot of noise because of Joonghyeon?”

“No. It’s the first time I’ve seen my uncle this excited in a long time. He always smirks, so I didn’t expect him to get so angry at the press conference. But it was cool.”

“So, what are the expenses?”

“Of course my grandfather was cool too.”

It was true. Even though I had experience in my past life, wasn’t it something I couldn’t do on my own? Just as the grandfather said that it was the adults’ turn to step forward, it was truly something that could not be done unless one was an adult.

“Aren’t you scared, grandfather?”

“When I was young, I was afraid of the reputation of those around me. There were many times when I coldly refused help from those around me, fearing that my hard work would be ruined. I was heartless and cowardly. But as I got older, I realized that everything was futile.”


“I hope England doesn’t make you feel the regrets of your youth that your grandmother had.”

Grandpa holds hands. The warmth felt between wrinkled palms must be a reminiscence of the past. The grandfather looks at me with brightly shining eyes and speaks quietly.

“When you have power, it is important how you use that power. So, when Britain has power in the future, make sure that you use that power for the right things.”

It’s an experience I couldn’t get in my past life. Some new light is seeping into his life, which had previously focused only on life as an actor. The sky, which was full of dark clouds, has now cleared its gray color and the full moon is emitting clear moonlight. Under the moonlight, the top of the crock pot shines brighter than ever.

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