I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 120

I will live as an actor Episode 120

: Child actor.

As with any filming site, the waiting time is a series of boredom. This was especially true in the case of historical dramas. Unlike modern dramas, historical dramas often require makeup and costume changes, and the standby time was more than double the filming time. It was a case where the belly button was bigger than the stomach.

Most of the main actors boarded the vehicle and waited for standby, but there were many cases where supporting actors or minor actors had to sleep on the street.

“Take a good look, Suin.”

England was squatting down and playing with air. Across from him sits a child actor wearing a purple skirt and jade green jeogori. Eventually, England jerks his hand and five pebbles are placed on the back of his hand.


The child actor who plays Apprentice Nine, who must be ten years old now, claps his hands and bursts into cheers. Not to be outdone, the child also tries to play with small hands, but it is not enough to raise five on the back of the hand like in England. England elaborates as he pats the bedside of the sullen child actor.

“Oppa will teach you step by step.”


“I’ll have Suin place all five pebbles on the back of her hand before the end of filming today. If she can’t, you can teach her next time.”

The child actor smiles brightly when he is told that he will teach it again next time. The reason why the UK takes such care of child actors is because they know that the longer the standby, the more difficult it is for child actors than for adults.

There is someone watching the scene from afar. It is none other than actor Park Sang-cheol, who plays the eunuch Kim Cheo-seon.

“Actor Park’s standby is getting longer and I’m getting bored. Just drink this one.”

“Ah, thank you, Director Kim. Then suddenly, for some reason, ginger tea.”

“Ah, it’s because Young-Kuk brought it. The staff at the filming site come out early in the morning and go through a hard time. Don’t they always bring a drink to tell them not to be fooled by their empty stomachs? Anyway, isn’t it really amazing?”

Director of photography Kim Deuk-hyung nods and points to England, who is still playing gonggi while sitting across from the child actor.

“Because he is the lead actor, he must be exhausted because he is filming many times more than other people. Even when he is on standby, he is not so busy. If there is a child actor on set, he plays together and gets along well with the minor actors. Moreover, he takes care of even the youngest staff member. ”

“Is Actor Jang like that all the time? I thought the agency was just taking care of it.”

“Ehehe, I’ve been watching you since I was a little kid, and you’re real. I thought you were old, so I didn’t want to say anything, but these days, the actors and actresses in the UK are different. It’s been like that for a long time. In a way, I was like that too until a few years ago. “I guess he was a child actor. When England saw him for the first time, he was surprised.”


“Kai has a dark face and hair like chestnuts. He brings cold drinks all the time and adapts to the filming set faster than most actors. It’s been over 20 years since I’ve been on camera at my broadcasting station, and I’ve never seen a guy like that. That’s innate. “It’s natural popularity. It’s natural!”

Actor Park Sang-cheol’s perspective on England changes. It is true that after a dispute at the Korean Theater Festival, people’s views of the UK were not good. Didn’t you think that you got the role because of your natural talent?

However, after coming to the filming site, that preconceived notion was shattered in an instant. The script that England always carried around in his hand was even more worn than the director’s script, and he had a proactive attitude to the point where he asked even minor roles that seemed trivial to him about how he performed like this in this situation.

“Director, I don’t have time to fool around here. You should check that all the tracks are done now.”

“Hey. I told you to sit down with Actor Park, but I was wondering why the nag didn’t show up. If Actor Park is here, I’ll go first. I’ll see you on set later. The ginger tea will get cold.”

“Oh yeah.”

The ginger tea in the paper cup still radiates warmth. However, actor Park Sang-cheol wipes his dry lips without even thinking about drinking it. It was a hesitation that stemmed from the thought of whether I was really the kind of person who could receive this warmth. At the end of the line of sight, England is caught stroking the head of a child actor.

* * *

“Scene number 39, Yeonsangun has changed!”

Sang-seon (尙膳) Kim Cheo-seon is feeling puzzled by the recent change in the king’s appearance. This is not just because the contest was abolished for seven days.

Although he has served five kings so far, there were not many who enjoyed competing. After all, isn’t it easy to take entrance exams with your subjects every time? Unless you are a king like King Sejong the Great who is rich in learning and holds contests as if to torment his subjects.

-Are you telling me to eat all of this?

At first, I thought it was just that I didn’t like the side dishes of Seokban (夕飯). but.

-It would be difficult for the people to eat even one meal a day, so what would happen if I, who are called their father, ate so much?

It was because there were too many things. In the past, reducing the number of eggplants on the king’s table had never been implemented except in the aftermath of a large-scale famine or war. Even more so when he found out that the nine people in Suratgan were eating the Surasang that he left behind.

– Leave it as is.

It seemed like they were talking about the food on the table. For Kim Cheo-seon, who had served many kings in the past, this could not help but be strange.

“Your Majesty, I will welcome you to Geunjeongjeon.”

Kim Cheo-seon, a merchant marine, was assisting Yeonsangun for the Sangcham (常參) held every morning. It was just as I was about to walk past the palace yard.

“Let’s go there today.”

Isn’t Yeonsangun suddenly changing direction? As he looks around the palace as if he were taking a walk, the procession following him follows closely behind in confusion.

Unfortunately, due to the heavy rain that fell last night, the dirt floor was soaked with water and became muddy. There was a clear look of worry on the faces of the guards as well as the nine people, wondering if mud might get on their robe.

At that moment, Nine and Saksangsi, who were walking opposite, all stop walking. These were people who were originally impossible to meet.

But even all of this happened because the king suddenly changed direction. Nine, who was moving with Saksaksi, moves urgently. He bowed deeply and tried to slip to the side out of fear of interfering with the king’s journey. at that time.

“Uh uh.”

When Gakksi, unable to shake off his morning sleep, loses his footing and falls down. Even showing disrespect in front of the king’s procession may be considered unclean, but it does not end there.

Isn’t it the muddy water that falls when a thought poem loses its balance? As the muddy water splashes down and bounces towards the king’s path, the faces of Nain, who manages them, as well as Gongsaksi, who fell, turn blue.


Kim Cheo-seon swallows her astonishment. Since ancient times, the king’s attire has been something that no one can damage without permission. If you even brush against the hem of your clothes, you will be severely punished. The hem of the red dragon robe is full of muddy water. At that moment, Yeonsangun strides towards the fallen Saksaksi.

It was when Kim Cheo-seon was about to make a hasty move, wondering if he was planning to punish the guard by taking out his sword.

“Are you okay?”

Yeonsangun holds the hand of Gak Sang-si, who has fallen, and lifts her up. His tiny hands were already full of muddy water, but Yeonsangun didn’t seem to mind that.

On the contrary, I was worried that the child might be surprised, so I comforted him. The eyes of the Nine people and Kim Cheo-seon who were watching the scene widen to the size of a flower lantern. Eventually, it was time for Yeonsangun, who had sent the thought poems, to take his steps again.

“Your Majesty, I will arrange for you to change your uniform as soon as possible.”

“Just leave it as is.”


Merchant Marine Kim Cheo-seon almost asked back without realizing it. However, whether he knew his feelings or not, Yeonsangun continued to walk towards Geunjeongjeon and elaborated.

“Isn’t it amazing that a merchant ship? Even if it’s just an act of reducing the number of things on the table, the officer records the matter as if something bad happened. Also, why did everyone make such a fuss and worry that the hem of the clothes was so dirty that it splashed a little bit of muddy water? “Did you really think that I would cut that young Saengsangsi with a knife? That’s not funny.”


“Isn’t it pitiful? To enter the palace at such a young age and live a life that is not the way one wants to live. If the daughter of a noble family was born, it would be time for her to get up from her bed and say hello to her parents. Isn’t that right? But that child has to live like that for the rest of his life, getting wet with his tiny hands. It seems like being a king really puts a strain on many people.”

“My Highness!”

Because it was something no one should say, Kim Cheo-seon, a merchant marine, shouted in a surprised voice. However, Yeonsangun moves forward, patting Merchant Kim Cheo-seon on the shoulder with an expression that suggests he expected that kind of reaction. He then briefly elaborates on the merchant ship following him.

“I don’t care what the ministers of the Sangcham think in their hearts when they see my behavior. So don’t try to find and reprimand me for the mistake I made just now. How can a father of a nation not get his knees dirty for his children? ”

* * *


England is taking pictures with a child actor. This is a prisoner who played a role in thinking. The child seemed very moved to have a photo taken with his favorite actor. The mother, who was holding a film camera, approaches England and expresses her gratitude.

“Thank you so much, Young-Kuk. Su-in said she was really happy because Young-Kuk always treated her well at the filming site.”

“Really, Suin?”

Suin nods her head briefly as if she is embarrassed. The mother explains how happy she is to see that.

“He even prints a large photo of Mr. England and turns it into a bromide in his room.”

“Oh mom!”

England gives a faint smile. Most child actors do not have aspirations for acting. In fact, there were many cases of the opposite, where most children were surrounded by their parents’ skirts and could not resist pressure to act.

Even if they work so hard, not everyone lives a successful life as an actor. Think about it. There have been many child actors, but how many of them have turned out to be believable adult actors?

“Sooin, are you going to continue acting in the future?”

“You’ll do great!”

On the other hand, Suin was a child who voluntarily wanted to act. If you don’t support a kid like that, how can you call yourself a senior actor?

“Really, Suin. Did you take pictures with everyone else? I heard you said that Minji and Yeonji took pictures of everyone.”

These are the names of other child actors. Since they were child actors who only appeared briefly in the drama, they often took pictures with the actors after they finished filming. Of course, not all actors took pictures with child actors.

“Actually, I want to take a picture with you… but I’m so scared…”

“Are you scared? Who?”

“Mr. Kim Cheo-seon.”

Suin spoke in a low voice. That’s because the appearance of actor Park Sang-cheol, who played the role of Kim Cheo-seon, seemed scary to young children.

Moreover, he is someone who is always focused on the script, except when the food truck comes. We’ve probably never had a conversation like this before. At that time, England held the prisoner’s small hand and spoke.

“Shall we go together?”

Actor Park Sang-cheol’s eyes widened at the sudden appearance of England and a child actor. At that moment, without even a chance to say anything, England bows its head.

“Senior, would you please take a picture with me?”

“Senior Seo. Please!”

Even the child actor bows his head with bunny eyes. Seeing that, Park Sang-cheol burst into laughter without realizing it. Because it was so cute.

It was the child actor who was surprised by Park Sang-cheol’s smile. The child actor, Suin, whispers in England’s ear with surprised rabbit eyes.

“Mr. Kim Cheo-seon laughed.”

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