I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 115

I Will Live as an Actor Episode 115

“Isn’t it special?”

Seo Yeon-woo, a teaching assistant at the Department of Law at Hankuk University, has a puzzled look on her face. It was because of the course schedule for first-year undergraduate students displayed on the monitor. Like most other university departments, Korea University’s Law Department also creates a curriculum for freshmen rather than requiring them to register for classes during the first year.

In the case of freshmen, not only is the process of registering for courses unfamiliar, but they also do not know which courses they should take to meet the required credits. However, the application for course adjustment by a new student on the monitor was so unusual that it was even bizarre.

“Even with course adjustments…”

“Why are you like this, teaching assistant?”

Another teaching assistant who just happened to enter the department office asks. Seo Yeon-woo turns the monitor around and shows it as if it is better to show rather than say a hundred words. Another teaching assistant, who was looking at the timetable on the monitor, narrowed his gaze. And as soon as I see the student number, my eyes widen.

“You’re a freshman, right? Other majors are taken in the second year, so even so, does it make sense to take Professor Shin’s class? It’s a third-year major curriculum, so it would be possible only after taking the prerequisite classes. Even if I applied for the course like this, Professor Shin wouldn’t have approved it anyway. ….”

“You already gave permission.”

“Really? That’s right, I canceled all of my liberal arts classes and only filled in my major. I don’t know when on earth you plan on graduating after taking classes like this. It’s obvious that you’re going to end up in high school.”

“I don’t know. Maybe I want to go to college for 10 years.”

Seo Yeon-woo shrugs his shoulders. Like beans sprouting in a drought, there were new students like this every now and then. Isn’t this a department where only the brightest students from all over the country gather? I only trusted my head and signed up for major classes starting in my first year.

However, most of them took the seasonal semester after receiving academic probation. After all, isn’t this a place where undergraduate students taking major classes are said to be among the brightest students in the country? It didn’t make sense to compete with them since I was a freshman when I knew nothing.

“The president of the institute must have said something during the orientation. That new students should be confident and not to change the course registration form according to the curriculum during the course adjustment period.”

“In the first place, kids who don’t listen come out one by one. Anyway, should I approve this or not?”

“Just do it. It was something he did anyway, but he’s an adult now so he’ll take responsibility for it. By the way, who is the new student? I’ll see you later when you come to the department office.”

Seo Yeon-woo points to the name of the new student on the monitor.

“Jang Young-guk.”

* * *

The classroom is full of students. Even though it was a new semester, everyone seemed to already be familiar with each other, and they were chatting in groups of twos and threes. Because it was a 3rd grade class, everyone probably knew each other. At that moment, when I entered the classroom, everyone’s eyes turned to me as if they were kissing.

It was time to sit down and put my bag on one side of the classroom without paying attention.

“Jang Young-guk?”

This is Shin Jae-hee, the president of the society. Since we had met each other earlier at orientation, I bowed first and said hello. She didn’t even bother receiving the greeting, but then elaborated as if she was puzzled.

“I guess I’m in the wrong classroom?”

“Isn’t this a criminal mock trial course?”

“That’s true, but this is a third-year major subject. Freshmen cannot take it because of the prerequisite subjects.”

At that moment, Professor Noh enters the classroom. Shin Jae-hee gives me a look as if telling me to get out, but I don’t care and take out the book needed for the criminal mock trial from my bag. Shin Jae-hee’s eyes widen as he sees her taking out a major book, and she returns to her original position.

“It’s nice to meet you all. The new semester has started and spring has arrived. It’s refreshing to see everyone’s faces after winter like this. In the case of criminal mock trials, they are similar to the actual trial format, but are conducted in an abbreviated manner.”

Professor Noh is none other than Professor Shin Jeong-gil, the head of the department. His gray hair matches well with his kind-hearted smile. Soon, Professor Shin Jeong-gil reads the attendance register. Since names were called in order of student number, it was inevitable that I would be the last one.

“Jang Young-guk.”

When Professor Shin Jeong-gil called my name, the doubts of the students sitting in the lecture room became tangible. Among them, there were some who talked among themselves as if they did not understand. And Jaehee Shin, the president of the society, raised her hand.

“Professor, can I ask you one question?”

“If you have any questions, ask anything.”

“The only difference is that in the case of criminal mock trial, it is a major subject that requires prior completion of criminal law theory, so how can a freshman take the course?”

Professor Shin Jeong-gil answers that question with a kind smile.

“In the case of student Jang Young-guk, he requested that he really want to take a criminal mock trial lecture. Since he is currently taking the criminal law theory, a second-year major subject, simultaneously, I gave him permission to take the criminal mock trial lecture. ”

“Yes? Professor, is that possible?”

“It is possible at the professor’s discretion. In fact, in the case of the lectures I teach, there are not many students who want to take the course, perhaps because it is rumored that the credits are given at a limited rate. This is the first time that a student has taken the initiative to say that he or she wants to take the lecture first. It was.”

“No matter what, it’s true. Isn’t it something that could cause harm to other students? In the case of the criminal mock trial lecture, I know that the lecture is conducted in a mock trial format like the lecture content, but other students may be harmed because of one student, Jang Young-guk. Doesn’t that happen?”

Is it because he is the president of the academy? It’s bolder than you think. How many students can talk back to a professor or department chair like that? On the one hand, I thought her argument was not wrong. At that time, the old professor looked at me with bright eyes and asked.

“If student Jang Young-guk is unable to keep up with the lecture progress or feels that his knowledge of criminal law is lacking enough to cause harm to other students in the mock trial, he will voluntarily withdraw from the course, right?”

“Yes, Professor.”

Other students’ eyes widen as they hear the answer that it’s okay to lose grades. But isn’t it something that needs to be considered long and short? Nevertheless, the eyes of Shin Jae-hee, the president of the society, are cold when looking at me. Just like the day I said there was red pepper powder in it.

* * *

MBS Drama Department.

It was late, but the lights in the director’s office had no intention of going out. Drama Director Kim Won-seok is sitting alone amidst all the silence, as the saying goes, “the calm before the storm.” The fact that he repeatedly presses and turns on the ballpoint pen button without any meaning clearly shows his nervousness. It was then.


At the sound of a knock coming from beyond the director’s office, I unconsciously drop my pen on the floor. Director Kim Won-seok stands up, picks up a pen, and briefly says, ‘Come in.’ The person who came through the director’s office was none other than the famous PD.

“Director, haven’t you gotten off work yet?”


“Since the director isn’t home from work, everyone is watching so he has to be able to get up from his seat. I took the lead and went on a brief reconnaissance.”

“What kind of reconnaissance are these guys doing that don’t even notice me normally?”

Director Kim Won-seok doesn’t seem to be in a bad mood even though he says that. It was because of a famous producer who came at the right time. I happened to have a lot of things I wanted to ask him, so I was thinking to myself that it was a good thing.

“If you’re here, let’s have a cup of coffee and then go.”

“I will ride.”

“Okay, sit down. If not at a time like this, when would you like to drink the coffee I make for you?”

Yumyeong sits down with a faint smile on his face. The fact that the already worn-out sofa is sinking and sinking seems to indicate the drama director’s concern. Yoo In-myeong doesn’t know why the drama director was so nervous. At that moment, the drama director holds out a coffee cup and elaborates.

“How long has it been since Myunghan sat down with you and drank coffee together?”

“I assisted him as an FD when he was on-site in the past, so I think it’s been a little over a decade.”

“Back then, sitting on set and having a cup of coffee was the only pleasure I had. Now, I’m stuck in the office on a random day, making payments. I don’t feel that way. Indeed, today is the day of the main broadcast, right?”

Drama Director Kim Won-seok quenches his thirst with coffee and finally says what he wanted to ask.

“The tapes were all scanned and the corrections were completed. I checked them again in the editing room. You don’t have to worry.”

“Man, what am I worried about? Will I do well?”

“You’re so worried that you’re not coming home from work even though it’s well past your closing time.”

“Is it obvious?”

“Yes, very much. The hysteria these days has been no joke. You know that everyone is looking at you these days, right? That’s why it’s been like this from the beginning.”

Kim Won-seok smiles. Don’t they tell us to be careful of the leaves that fall in our later years? Kim Won-seok was a man who adhered to such principles very well. Even after my honorary retirement, I would still be running a subcontractor related to the broadcasting station, so I did not want to get in trouble with anyone.

“Are you going to watch the show today and then get off work?”

“So, when you go home, are you going to turn on the TV properly to keep an eye on the kids who are taking the exam? Also, the higher-ups are keeping a special eye on you.”

“Is it because of production costs?”

“Did someone I know go to such lengths to save their backs? Because it’s a historical drama, we can’t get PPL, and if you include the cost of setting up the set, we spent a lot of money on two minis. If the ratings don’t come out, you and I have to pack our bags, right?”

The famous PD smiles.

“Anyway, if the viewership ratings are good, where will you send the reward?”

Only then did Kim Won-seok feel like the tension in his chest was going down. The famous person in front of you is someone who has stood out in the MBS drama department since he was a rookie. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have started with FD and attached the PD epaulettes as quickly as if they were running on the highway, which would take over five years at least. What’s more, the guy who approaches everything with a serious attitude is full of laughter today. that much.

“Are you confident?”

In response to Kim Won-seok’s question, the famous man puts down his coffee cup loudly and answers firmly.


* * *

A stray cat is stretching out on a crock pot. As my grandfather took care of feeding the cats as a hobby, the garden of the mansion soon became a hideout for stray cats. As it happened, my job role changed. Every morning and evening, pour fresh water and place it in a corner of the garden.

“Spot, stop eating. It’s night, why are you eating so much?”

He’s a good guy. Don’t you eat it hungrily, fearing that someone will steal it from you? Anyone who sees me will think I’m starving. The guy who eats three meals a day, morning and evening, in his grandfather’s yard. by the way.

Before I knew it, not only my uncle but also actor Kim Hyeong-seop had arrived in the living room of the mansion. The reason was simple. It was to watch the historical drama ‘The Secret of King Yeonsan’, which will begin airing in a little while, together.

“England, bring me some more corn.”

“Uncle, do you know what kind of movie theater this is?”

“This bastard filmed a historical drama for you today, and all the seniors gathered here to watch it together. Let’s quickly bring a can of beer to the seniors who are like heaven so they don’t get thirsty.”

My uncle went so far as to tease me. The grandfather just smiles kindly and laughs. Actor Kim Hyeong-seop pauses and asks.

“But today is the first room, does England appear?”

“I’m the lead actor, so of course I’ll appear.”

“No, if it’s a historical drama, I’ll start with the child actors.”

He answered my curiosity by setting down a plate of beer cans and corn.

“It appears in the intro.”

By the way, actor Kim Hyeong-seop also began to visit his grandfather’s mansion more and more often, just like his uncle. As my uncle grows more and more like me, doesn’t it feel like my grandfather welcomes me? I didn’t dislike the feeling of the quiet mansion becoming noisy. Eventually, it was time for everyone to sit together and talk a lot. When ‘The Secret of the King of Yeonsan’ started on the cathode ray tube, everyone stopped talking.

The drama was intense from the beginning.

This is the investiture ceremony for Lee Yong, wearing a crown. The crown prince in cotton robes is walking with the crown prince to the center of Injeongjeon (仁政殿), where government ministers are standing on either side. An unknown smile appears on Crown Prince Lee Yong’s face as he walks towards the throne. The coronation ceremony takes place to the tune of court musicians, and the subjects chant “1,000 years of age.” As if to express the changing sky, an unknown bird chirps and circles the sky. And the screen switches to follow the gaze of an unknown bird.

-To the moo.

It shows a butcher reciting Buddhist scriptures with a ghost mask over the eyes of a dying cow. Bongdunanbal’s face is covered in blood, and the butcher holds a large ax in his hand. He looks at the sky shining through the old roof of a slaughterhouse called Cheongung. His face, reflected in a ray of light, is the same as the face of the crown prince facing the throne. The only difference is that the gaze looking at the decapitated cow is filled with blood.

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