I will eventually become a divine being through accumulating constantly

Chapter 125: Chapter 98: The Silver Eyes of God, I've Snatched Them, Now What? (4K)

[Twin Born Lv4 (8/800)]

[Passive: Possesses two lives, can freely choose resurrection time within sev days after death, cooldown: sixty days]

[Active: Every Lv can designate an ability related to one's own physical body, using it produces double the effect]

[Currt Skills Activated: Physical Strgth, Action Speed, Physical Defse]

[Currtly Available Choices: Reaction Speed, Calculative Ability, Conctration, Memory, Body Temperature, Flexibility, Perception Ability, Instinctive Intuition...]

Xue Jing glanced at the Twin Lifes passive after reaching Lv4, and saw that the cooldown time had be reduced by t days, and nodded in approval.

"Good, as expected, it's a fixed t days per level..."

This confirmed that after reaching Lv, the cooldown time for Twin Lifes would be reduced to an unimaginable extt.

"Ev if it's not infinite resurrection, it's probably not far off,"

Xue Jing thought to himself.

"Next is the choice of the active effects."

"The original plan was to choose 'Reaction Speed'..."

Xue Jing looked at the dozs of options on the panel.

He was now hesitating.

Gerally speaking, Reaction Speed is a choice that ranks very high on the priority list for him as a Martial Artist.


Xue Jing glanced up at the top of the panel.

[Aiming Lv6 (870/3000)].

The increase in Dynamic Vision from Aiming nearing Lv7 was too significant.

With his currt strgth, getting double Reaction Speed on the basis of Aiming would actually be quite wasteful.

Because his body could not keep up with his own Reaction Speed.

Just like that day he faced Jiao Hongyuan's attack, he had se the attack, but the body could not avoid it at all.

His currt Reaction Speed was already sufficit for his own strgth, and it had ev exceeded what his strgth required.

Increasing it further would just be a pure waste.

"With the sword-drawing speed of someone like Otogirusu, ev if I can react, my body still couldn't avoid it tirely. Perhaps choosing [Instinctive Intuition] would be better. It might help me to sse danger in advance through instinct, letting my body automatically avoid the oppont's sword draw,"

Xue Jing thought to himself.

Th he recalled what Wu Youqing once said about the importance of spirit in martial arts.

"Or should I choose an ability related to spirit? Like [Conctration]..."

"This choice should help hance the Artistic Conception of Heav's Will Saber and will be beficial for daily Martial Arts Practice as well..."

"So difficult."

Xue Jing shook his head, closed the panel, and decided to put off choosing a new active effect for the time being.

"We'll talk about it later."

He wt out to the street, hailed a taxi, and headed to the restaurant arranged with his classmates.

Soon after, the car stopped in front of a restaurant named 'Baolin.'

Xue Jing scanned the code to pay the fare, thanked the driver, and walked in.

Since everyone was a studt with limited financial abilities, the chos restaurant was not very high-d, but it had a good reputation, and Xue Jing had eat here a few times and joyed the food.

Upon tering, he wt straight to the private room area, came to the room Li Ge had st him via WeChat, and pushed the door op.

Many classmates had already arrived.

Studts from the Elite Class came in dozs, so a large room with five big tables had be selected.

As soon as Xue Jing tered, Li Ge, who was sitting by one of the tables, promptly stood up and exclaimed:

"Hey, hey, hey, the main character has finally arrived, hurry up and serve the dishes, I barely ate at noon and I'm starving now!"

The other classmates also began speaking.

"Xue Jing is here, have a seat, have a seat!"

"I'll go call the waiter to serve the food."

"Come, come, here, sit at this table in the middle..."

Xue Jing walked forward, sat next to Li Ge, and responded to his classmates' questions with a smile.

"Ah, it feels like a lot has changed since more than a month ago."

Li Ge oped a large bottle of cola, poured a cup for both himself and Xue Jing, took a sip, and said thoughtfully.

"Ever since you started practicing martial arts, it feels like you and I are people from two differt worlds."

"I never thought you'd actually make it this far; ev the news is reporting you're a martial arts prodigy, and the principal ev held a commdation meeting to praise you, but it felt weird that you wer't there."

Xue Jing put an arm a his shoulder and chuckled:

"What, feeling all melancholic and lonely because your brother's Range Rover is moving too fast?"

Li Ge nodded, and hummed affirmatively.

"A bit, yes."

"But as much as I feel that small pinch, I hope more than anything that you really soar to heights so high, I can't ev reach them."

Li Ge said sincerely.

"People always have to move upward. Since you have this talt and opportunity, don't let any ties hold you back. I'll only ever wish you the best."

Xue Jing ruffled Li Ge's hair with his other hand, laughing:

"You don't need to tell me. I'd do that anyway."

Hearing these words from Li Ge stirred a complex mix of feelings inside Xue Jing.

It's normal for people to lose something while gaining something else.

He wasn't sad about this, but it still made him somewhat reflective.

"You, do you remember wh we first met?"

Xue Jing raised his eyebrows.

Li Ge chuckled, "Of course, I do."

That was during their first year of middle school, just after they had be assigned to the same class, and ev shared a desk.

Upon first meeting Xue Jing, Li Ge had asked a peculiar question.

"Wh you eat an ice cream, are you the type who licks it, or who bites it?"

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