I Want To Lay the Very Best!

258 – The Dam Busters (18+)

258 – The Dam Busters (18+)

"You're trying to kill meeeeeee!" Sparky's cry echoed around the chamber, and when she finally had to take a break, Brandy was the only one to laugh. Calcine and Morgan were focused on their tasks.

Calcine had taken over for a shoulder massage, and Brandy knew she had given killer massages. Her control of heat meant she could seep it into the muscle with every squeeze, and it was genuinely heavenly once she'd worked out what you liked. She already knew precisely what Sparky liked. Sparky had become fully floppy from the waist up, her head in Calcine's lap as the Carkol turned her bones to jelly.

Morgan was breaking up a chocolate bar with fizzy jelly beans and feeding it to Sparky piece by piece. She wasn't just popping it in Sparky's mouth but sliding it in. Her chocolate-coated fingers teased Sparky's lips and coaxed grumbling moans as the rich, sweet chocolate flowed down her throat.

Sparky was drowning in a flood of luxury. She didn't know how to react, and even if she had the brain power to think about it, she was so overwhelmed she couldn't. All she could do was whimper and twitch. Calcine and Morgan alone would have been enough to have her helpless, but Brandy was her Trainer. She had to go above and beyond, and as she kicked her legs to tread water, her wet hands gripped Sparky's thighs to keep them parted. She teased Sparky's swimsuit aside with her teeth. It wasn't easy, it was very much hooked in there by Sparky's cock, but that just meant it took an excruciatingly long time. Once Brandy finally got a glimpse of the shaft, she licked her lips and pulled back the fabric with a firm tug, letting the massive thing finally slide out and slap her right on her waiting mouth.

It was so hard and heavy there was an audible clap to go with Sparky's strangled gasp. Ziggy's eyes popped in shock at the heaviness of the smack, but Brandy just cradled the cock in one hand and held it to the side of her face like it was a lover's hand. She could see Ziggy chew her bottom lip as Brandy bent her head and pressed her tongue to the base of Sparky's cock. With long licks, she lapped her way right up to the tip, her hands coming up to wrap around the shaft and pump the water-slick skin.

"Evil, evil!" Sparky moaned, but her heart wasn't in it, not even a little bit.

"Evil? You're a fortunate girl, ma'am." Morgan whispered, feeding another square of chocolate past Sparky's lips so she couldn't argue. "Perhaps you're confused. Calcine, lean her up for Brandy."

"Of course," Calcine said, grabbing a handful of Sparky's hair and steering her head up. Holding her there so, she was forced to look at Brandy slobbering all over her cock, no matter how much she squirmed. Brandy kept her stare locked with Sparky the whole time, watching her eyes sparkle, and her tongue hang out as she began to pant. She could feel Sparky's cock throbbing in her mouth, pulsing against her tongue. It hadn't taken much to get Sparky hopelessly worked up.

Brandy gave Sparky's huge cock a big kiss, her tongue sliding over the flared head. When her lips left Sparky's cock it was shiny with her spit, a thick rope of saliva dangling down as she pulled away. "Do you know how much we all love you?"

"This is cruel," Sparky blushed. She actually blushed! It was so hard to get the Bug to do that, but she couldn't handle this level of sincere fawning over her. "How am I meant to answer that!?"

"Honestly," Ziggy said. Finally speaking after her long, leering silence. "I want to know the answer."

"Morgan doesn't," Sparky blushed, "She-"

Morgan cut Sparky off with a hand around her jaw, squeezing it to purse Sparky's lips. She wrenched Sparky's head free of Calcine's grip and turned her to look up at Morgan's baleful red eyes.

"You, my mischievous Bug, are a worthy opponent. I enjoy your antics. I like being annoyed by them and striking back. I enjoy every win I score, and while I hate the losses, the plotting afterward?" Morgan gave a dark chuckle that made even Brandy's spine tingle. "The other two can love you; what we have is a rivalry, and that feeling burns as hot as any love, let me tell you. Today, I will spoil you. Tomorrow, I will go back to working out how to destroy you. Understand?"

Sparky nodded as best as she was allowed to. Before having another square of chocolate pushed into her mouth, Morgan ran her fingers along Sparky's teeth. "Your bite is so orgasmic, too; there's no better."

"Hey now," Ziggy huffed. "Don't be so obvious."

"Oh, I'm not lying to get at you," Morgan grinned. "Her bite really is something else. Also? Fantastic ass. I want it sometime."

Sparky scraped her hips along the pool tile as she looked up at Morgan with wide eyes. "Calcine fucked it better, you don't stand a chance."

"Really? I do love a challenge." Morgan grinned, tipping her hat to the Carkol. "Now, go on, Sparky. Tell us Calcine doesn't love you deeply and hopelessly. I want to hear you lie."

Sparky's head was let go, and she fell back, her fur bristling up as a bolt of electricity surged through her, leaving her twitching and spasming as she looked up at Calcine's glowing white eyes. "I- I can't. Not after last night."

"Good," Calcine said, stroking Sparky's cheek with a thumb. "I hammered that lesson home."

"You did so much for me, way above and beyond." Sparky leaned her head to kiss the thumb, a tender little peck of a kiss. "I don't know if I can be as good as you are."

"You absolutely can," Calcine said, "You're our best fighter, best lover, and second-best jokester."


Calcine grinned. "See? You believe you're the best at that. So why not the rest?"

"It's too much." Sparky mumbled, "But I love you. Even if you're too much."

"You're the one who is too much," Calcine smiled, tenderly kissing Sparky. "Now, let Brandy finish you off. If she can unwrap her lips from your cock."

Brandy couldn't, not after the last two had been teasing Sparky so much. Brandy opened her mouth as everyone stared at her, waiting for her speech, and pressed her tongue against the shaft, flicking it out to lap over the throbbing cock. The sheer size of the thing had Brandy drooling. It was such a fun challenge to tackle. Her tongue was pressed to the bottom of Sparky's cock as her head moved, her mouth bobbing and working its way up, sucking the tip in and then slowly spreading her lips as she popped the head in while the heat of everyone's intent focus radiated off her skin.

The Gym was meant to test their ability to bare their hearts, but Brandy was just having as much fun as possible. Ziggy tried to pretend she was only watching casually, but Brandy liked to think she was good at knowing what Pokémon wanted. The gentle swish of Ziggy's shark tail, the way she gently ground her teeth, even the slight narrowing of her eyes as she watched. Ziggy was enjoying what she was seeing a lot.

Jealousy wasn't usually considered a sexy emotion, but it could be. If you were jealous, you wanted something that another person had. That feeling burned inside you, and it could make you feel weak or angry. It stirred people up and made them stop thinking straight, and that was so close to desire that it was basically holding hands. Like Morgan's rivalry, jealousy could burn hot in the heart and drive people to passion.

It was also really sexy to be the target of it. Ziggy envied Sparky right now, and Brandy would ensure she felt it. Brandy pulled her mouth off Sparky's cock, the colossal thing leaving her lips with a pop and a gasp from Sparky, her fur crackling as another bolt of electricity ran through her. Morgan fluttered irritably, while Calcine just took it without flinching. The crackle over Brandy's skin was pleasant, making the water around her feel like a warm caress, and the plush squish of her thighs felt softer than a cloud. Brandy could have sunk happily into enjoying Sparky's body without slobbering all over her dick. So she did just that, resting her chin on Sparky's tummy as one hand stroked that dick that was so close to orgasm.

"Sparky," Brandy called, the Bug squirming at the attention. "What do you mean to me?"

"Uhhh," Sparky faltered at the question, her brain rapidly trying to readjust. "I uh ... a lot? You love us all."

"I do, but I meant you."

"Me? I'm..."

"Yes?" Brandy pressed.

"A pain in the ass?"

"From behind, maybe," Ziggy muttered, her feet stamping at the tile. She was clearly getting frustrated at being left out.

"I've never sent you away. You tease me. You tell me bad jokes. You get into all kinds of trouble, and here we are. I'm ready to choke myself on your dick until I see stars, and I'll do it happily."

Sparky's cock throbbed. Brandy could feel the pulse against her hand as the Bug-type's breath caught in her chest. "B-but I'm not worth that!"

The words tore out of her, and the lie she'd etched on her heart was finally voiced for everyone to hear. Sparky had leaned back to look up at the ceiling, unable to meet the eyes of her partners, and tears were starting to well in her eyes. "I'm just a Joltik."

"Idiot," Ziggy snapped, "You're not just any Joltik. You're their Joltik."

"Damn right. Mine," Calcine said, grabbing a breast.

"Mine," Morgan nodded, her claws scraping under Sparky's chin.

"Mine," Brandy finished, her hands squeezing Sparky's thighs until her legs kicked, and Brandy delivered a flurry of kisses up and down her cock. "And couldn't be happier."

There was a sniffle. Sparky was crying now, and Morgan was helping mop up the tears with her wing as they both hugged her. The dam had burst, and Sparky was all out of denials.

"I love you all so much," she said, her voice a wobbly sob. I'm not going to let you down. I'll give you my best and just hope so hard it's enough."

"It will be," they all said, soothing her with kisses and little touches. Melting her until they were all in a wet, weepy puddle together on the edge of the pool.

"Well," Ziggy whistled softly. "Quite the show. You know what this means?"

"Hahah, made you join in." Sparky cackled, voice a little snotty from the emotional outpour. Her grin was far too big for such a dumb joke. "Sucker. We passed! We passed!"

"Yeah," Ziggy grinned, her mouth full of sharp, sharp teeth. "And I'm going to make you all pay for that."

Oh, there was a second part to this test, which involved getting bitten by a hot shark lady?

Well. If Brandy had to, she'd just have to endure it. Sparky had poured her guts out. Now the Bug deserved the chance to show why she was too good for them all.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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