I, the Weakest Human, Start with a Hundredfold Bonus Talent!

Chapter 54 - 54-Elves (Part 2)

"How humiliating! In Calia City, when have I ever endured such indignity?"

Exiled Immortal tried to break free from the vines binding his hands, but the green tendrils were exceptionally tough.

After several attempts, he couldn't move them an inch and eventually gave up the thought.

This encounter left him feeling quite disgruntled.

After nearly three months of playing, Exiled Immortal had more or less grasped the uniqueness of this game, including the mutually respectful relationship between players and NPCs, which he had come to accept.

But this unprovoked hostility really irked him.

"Hang in there. We should be there soon. Haven't you noticed the insect noises are getting weaker?"

"Big brother, you even noticed that? No wonder you're number one—such a freak."

"Pay more attention. It's actually quite fascinating. Some settings mirror the real world exactly. In places where people gather, insect sounds diminish, or NPCs' attitudes vary based on your reputation and class. We're here, just up ahead."

After passing through the final barrier of green, their view suddenly opened up!

A cluster of buildings nestled in the Deep Forest came into view.

Unlike the medieval architecture of Calia, the buildings here seamlessly blended with nature.

Wooden structures and bamboo houses were everywhere, with vines used for binding and bamboo nails for fastening.

Everything was crafted from nature, exuding a stunning beauty.

"Wow, it's so beautiful..."

Lily's eyes sparkled with stars, and she was dazzled by the variety of flowers.

"All this greenery, what's so great about it..."

Exiled Immortal muttered under his breath, then turned to Elowen with irritation, "So, when are you going to let us go?"

"Once we confirm you're not a threat."

Elowen's response was equally cold.

It was evident that among the elves, he belonged to the militant faction.

Just as human society has different viewpoints, the elves were also divided into factions.

There were the conservatives who were unwilling to expand and content to stay within the dense forest.

Then there were the militants who wanted to venture out of the forest and secure a larger habitat.

Naturally, there were also some who remained neutral, always observing and thus perpetually undecided.

Elowen, being a highly respected young elf, was naturally unwilling to live only within the dense forest. The sky and rivers, mountains and valleys—everything in the world was a blessing from [The Nature Goddess Nymph]!

As they walked through the elven habitat, John and his group, dressed in their peculiar attire, inevitably attracted the attention of other elves.

Some elves were more curious than hostile, continuously scrutinizing John and his companions.

However, some were extremely angry, as if blaming John and his group for all their misfortunes.

They hurled curses, and some even threw stones.

Fortunately, Elowen stopped them.

To the other elves, these humans might have appeared as prisoners of war, but Elowen knew that John had willingly bound his own hands.

If a conflict had erupted, it was highly likely he would have lost his life.

Despite the situation, John showed no anger. Instead, he kept persuading his companions not to mind, which made Elowen feel a twinge of guilt.

"Sorry, some of my kin hold great hostility towards humans. It was my oversight; I should have had you wear hoods."

"It's alright. A few stones won't hurt. Whether human or elf, judging a person's worth solely based on their race or status is foolish and shallow. I don't mind, of course."

"Elves are not foolish! We are just..."

"That's a stereotype, unchangeable, just like how humans are seen as deceitful and cunning in your eyes, while elves are linked to foolishness. I'm here to break that stereotype, through my actions. Even if it means binding my hands and being pelted with stones, I have no complaints. But I don't see any of your companions making any effort to change."

Showing goodwill does not mean showing weakness.

If John remained completely calm even in such a situation, he wouldn't just be a good person; he would be a pushover.

Hearing John's words, Elowen lowered his head, a hint of shame flashing in his eyes.

John's words left him speechless, because it was the truth.

His kin, without understanding the circumstances, had unjustly directed their anger at John and his companions.


"The ones who should apologize are those who attacked, not you."

"I can't change their minds, but I can change mine. What I mean is, human, please forgive my earlier rudeness. Regardless of race, you are a being worthy of respect."

"Stop calling me 'human'; it sounds awful. My name is John."

"Elowen, Elowen Vis."

After exchanging names, John finally followed Elowen to the palace at the heart of the habitat.

Gazing at the palace enveloped in vines, Elowen frowned in confusion.

This was not the first time he had seen the palace covered in vines.

It was known that only the Queen had the power to do this. But why would she?

Unable to think of a reason, Elowen decided not to dwell on it and approached with utmost respect.

"Your Majesty, Scout Squad Leader Elowen Vis reporting. I have brought back the humans and have restrained them. Please make your decision."

There was only silence; Elowen received no response.

Unwilling to give up, he was about to speak again when the vines covering the palace began to stir, eventually receding back into the ground.

"Elowen, how could you bring humans into the habitat without permission?"

"Your Majesty, earlier today, the Goblins invaded the human territory of Calia City, a matter you are already aware of. These humans... John and his companions, have come from Calia seeking aid.

To show their sincerity, John and his companions willingly bound their hands and offered a suit of armor to mitigate the previous misunderstanding.

...In truth, it was I who attacked John and the others without orders.

They were forced to defend themselves, which resulted in Aeris getting injured. I should bear full responsibility for this incident."

Hearing this, John was genuinely surprised.

He had thought Elowen was merely speaking, but he hadn't expected him to actually admit the truth for their sake.

If it weren't for the long-standing conflicts between their races, he might have become good friends with this somewhat stubborn elf.

"Why didn't you explain the reason before?"

"Before... I was afraid of being punished, so I concealed the truth. But John showed me his sincerity.

On the way to the palace, when some of our kin threw stones at them, John only persuaded his companions not to get angry.

In the dense forest, I repeatedly provoked them, yet they, despite having the ability to kill me, chose to show restraint. Through these actions, I judged on my own that John is a trustworthy person."

After speaking, Elowen lowered his head, biting his lip hard.

According to the laws, causing harm to elven interests due to personal feelings would result in exile to the Whispering Forest.

Elowen was already prepared for exile.

However, after waiting for a long time, the Queen did not pronounce any punishment. Gathering his courage, Elowen looked up and met the Elf Queen's gaze.

"Elowen, do you understand the consequences if your judgment is wrong?"

"I... I understand."

"Yet, despite this, you chose to trust that human. You, who have such deep hatred for humans, were willing to make this change. Perhaps this human named John is indeed different. Therefore, let him enter the palace, but do not lift the restrictions on him and his companions."

"I understand, Your Majesty!"

Elowen's heart filled with joy as he hurried out of the palace, a smile spreading across his face.

"John, the Queen is willing to see you!"

"We heard. Thank you for mediating."

"Consider it an apology for my earlier rudeness. However, I still can't lift the restrictions on you and your companions for now."

"No matter, this is already quite fortunate."

John vividly remembered that in his previous life, his relationship with the elves had always been strained.

He had grinded until nearly level 50 without completing his second class change.

It was only with Lily's help that he managed to improve relations with the elves, barely entering the Whispering Forest to complete his class change quest.

Compared to his previous life, this was already a perfect start. What was there to complain about?

Besides, it was almost time for John's second class, [Trickster], to come into play!

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