I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 6: Constructing the Hive, The Five Venomous Toads!

Approximately half an hour later, Catherine returned to the Zerg bed, quietly settling into Charles's embrace.

Softly, she spoke, "Master, I have successfully extracted the ges from all the invaders. Thanks to the worker bees, our nutritional supply is quite sufficit, and we can start producing troops."

Hearing this, Charles put aside the parchmt and asked with a hint of excitemt, "Tell me, Catherine, which types of units can we mass-produce now?"

As far as he knew, there were already worker bees and zerglings. However, the Bloodthirsty Insect required blood-attribute dark creatures, and for the momt, he couldn't find the necessary materials.

Nodding earnestly, Catherine replied, "At prest, we can mass-produce worker bees, zerglings, worms, and a new ge sequce I created, which I call blade bugs."

"The first three are in our database and familiar to you, Master. I'll explain the blade bug ge sequce."

"The blade bug is an hanced version of our species, combining my Que's Blade ge, rare minerals, and special monster DNA."

"This type of insect is akin to a patchwork creature, with its strgth varying based on the materials used. This time, I estimate it to reach the upper tier of the first level, using the dark gorilla as the base. We can create two gorilla blade bugs."

To put it simply, the original dark gorilla was only a mid-tier rank one, but with Catherine's programming and the addition of the Que's Blade weapon, its combat capabilities were significantly hanced.

Although the weapon's power doesn't quite match the original, it still greatly boosts the blade beetle's combat pottial, bringing it up to high-tier rank one.

Hearing that two upper-tier first-level insects would soon be at his disposal, Charles nodded in satisfaction and leaned in to kiss Catherine's delicate lips.

However, Catherine dodged, not out of rebellion or shyness, but with a hint of embarrassmt, she said, "Master, I've consumed a lot of your sem. I've heard that m are a bit squeamish about this. Why don't I just lick your pis?"

A day never passes without this lustful slave girl craving a good fuck.

Charles, helpless yet amused, tousled her hair and teased, "You say that. But every one of your three holes has be filled with my sem, and your body has be coated in it. What are you worried about?"

"Once these stressful days are behind us, Master will lick your slutty pussy, and th we'll both be equally 'unclean.'"

After a brief momt of flirting, Catherine returned to her task of producing blade bugs and worms. For now, zerglings, which are more suited to ambushes, were not the optimal choice.

The novice villages in the Lord's Contint had only just begun, and lower-tier first-level worker bees sufficed as the main force. High-level combat power was represted by the two blade bugs, while the top-tier strgth came from Charles and Catherine. Hce, infrastructure developmt was currtly more critical.

Many worker bees were still exposed to the elemts because they lacked a proper hive, a situation that required the worm units to construct subterranean nests.

Because Charles had previously discussed the importance of efficicy, Catherine utilized her Que's Clone technique, effectively doubling the speed at which the blade bug ges were programmed.

The process of creating a blade bug from scratch took approximately two hours, and with the night only halfway through, Charles's plan to explore the darkness could still proceed.

Indeed, on his very first day in the Lord's Contint, Charles was already preparing to vture into the night.

This shift in plans was tirely due to Catherine's mtion of the blade bugs. With the addition of these two upper-tier first-level insects and the Que's Clone, the Zerg Mother Hive would remain secure.



[Type: Blade Bug]

[Combat Level: Upper-Tier First Level]

[Skills: Que's Blade (Imitation), Earth-Shattering Slash]

The blade bug, over two meters in lgth, was covered in corrosive fluids. On either side of its insect claws were blades idtical to Catherine's Que's Blades, exuding a macing aura.

Charles nodded in satisfaction. The blade bug had indeed met his expectations. Its combat power and skills sured it was not at the bottom of the upper-tier first-level ranks.

With this formidable force safeguarding the brood nest, he felt at ease.

Subsequtly, he turned his atttion to another species within the swarm.

These were creatures deeply rooted underg, somewhat reminisct of ttacle monsters in appearance. In truth, if fully exposed, they would closely resemble desert worms.


[Type: Worm]

[Combat Level: Non-Ranked]

[Skills: Hive Construction, Burrow]

An excellt and decisively executed skill.

As for the Non-Ranked combat level, Charles dismissed them outright. If there ever came a time wh the worm-like creatures were required to defd the hive, it would likely mean he was already on the losing d of this lordship game.

Charles th commanded Catherine, "Share the construction blueprints for the primary Zerg nest through the information network to the worms. Instruct them to create a hive capable of housing approximately two thousand worker bees."

Worker bees were a Zerg unit that could never be too numerous. Ev in the later stages, they would remain the main force in resource gathering, forming the backbone of the Zerg's agricultural base.

Catherine nodded, her antnae twitching slightly.

Immediately, the worms burrowed into the g and began their work. According to Charles's plan, constructing the basic hive would take about two days.

With these orders giv, the two of them stepped into the unknown night.

While staying within one's comfort zone might keep one ahead, possessing a spirit of exploration ops up limitless possibilities!

In the world of Lords, nighttime was always taboo because the suppression of dark creatures would less to a certain extt.

The night serves as a revelry for the creatures of darkness.

Yet, here came a fearless individual with a cheat-like advantage. While others were still in the novice zone, hunting low-level non-ranked monsters to gather resources and create minions, Charles had already wiped out most of the non-ranked monsters a him.

There's no doubt that it was all done by the worker bees...After all, monsters are also a type of resource.

"Look over there, Catherine, that dark river is actually a corrosive river, inhabited by the Five Vomous Toads." Charles said excitedly, pointing to a black river as they passed by.

If Catherine could extract the ges of these Five Vomous Toads and combine them with the Zerg, it might be possible to create a wide-range AOE vomous insect.

At least for now, the Lord's Contint was still a world where carbon-based lifeforms prevailed, making vom a very effective attribute for wide-area destruction units.

Upon hearing Charles, Catherine directed her gaze towards the dark river. Ev as the Zerg Que, she felt a physiological repulsion towards the deep, filthy waters.

However, it seemed logical for vomous creatures to inhabit such a place. The monster ges in the Lord's Contint were superior to those in the Zerg's initial data banks. If there were truly vomous creatures here, they might compsate for the self-destructing bugs' shortcomings, transforming them into pott, vomous AOE units.

But how could she coax these creatures out willingly?

Tilting her head in thought, she asked, "Master, I sse numerous creatures in this dark river, but the water is not only filthy but also highly toxic. How can we lure them out?"

Charles paused in silce for a momt before shaking his head. "Using convtional methods to bomb the river won't work on the Five Vomous Toads. Each one of them is cunning."

"Hmm... let me think. There must be a way."

He rubbed his head in frustration. Encountering a monster that was both manageable and useful in the dead of night was no easy feat.

Suddly, a black streak darted across the lake. Upon closer inspection, it was a large crow hunting insects.

It was a non-ranked Four-Eyed Crow, a lower-tier monster that fed on carrion and insects.

In the next momt, a crimson tongue shot out towards the crow, and Charles's eyes lit up. "Catherine, one of the Five Vomous Toads has emerged. Kill it and save that Four-Eyed Crow; perhaps we can use it as bait to lure out the rest of those fools!"

[Five Vomous Toad]

[Combat Level: Mid-Tier First Level]

[Skills: Tongue Strike, Vom Spread, Toxic Body]

Nodding in acknowledgmt, Catherine moved with lightning speed. She leaped into the air, swinging her Que's Blade at the crimson tongue.


Unsurprisingly, the vomous tongue was severed, causing the Five Vomous Toad to hop a in pain.

Without losing momtum, Catherine found a foothold mid-air, stepping on the innoct Four-Eyed Crow. As she leaped again, she flung the crow to the shore and continued her assault on the toad.

With a sound akin to a bullfrog's croak, the Five Vomous Toad spewed its internal vom towards Catherine.

But, wh it came to toxins, no creature could surpass the Zerg. The vom had no effect, and Catherine swiftly decapitated the toad with a single slash.

[Ding! Congratulations to the Lord for obtaining a Silver Treasure Chest.]

The Five Vomous Toad met its d in an instant!

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