I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 56: Turbulence Arises, Suppressing All Directions

Yggdrasil understood, Rose was asking her for the portal.

She hesitated for a momt but evtually agreed.

Yggdrasil said, "I can give you two portals. The only condition is that the Land of the Dead must not disturb the Empire."

If it were the previous Serpt Empire, Yggdrasil would at most promise one portal, as such items were indeed rare.

But now she had her own opportunities and couldn't act impulsively, having Rose handle it was the perfect solution.

After saying this, her vertical pupils slightly wided, and two portals appeared before her eyes.

One had a red frame, and the other a blue frame.

Seeing these two guine portals, Rose was secretly a bit astonished.

This Serpt Emperor seemed to be quite extraordinary—offering two portals just like that, much more gerous than the previous Empress.

Could it be that she had countered some fortuitous evt that kept her from being involved directly?

Rose didn't dwell on it further and directly accepted the two portals.

She said with a cheerful smile, "Serpt Emperor, you have great courage. You can trust my credibility, I'll personally handle this. If it doesn't work, I'll have my mother step in."

Hearing this, Yggdrasil was relieved.

Her azure serpt tail swayed, indicating her good mood.

As Rose was leaving, she couldn't help but wonder why the Serpt Emperor was so agreeable this time, giv that they had no particular relationship.

Could it be because of her mother's fridship with the previous Serpt Emperor?

Shaking her head, she used a spatial tool to return to the ancit castle and took out the two portals.

"Damn it, doesn't Yggdrasil know that I hate blue the most?" Rose muttered through clched teeth, glaring at the blue portal on the left. She promptly transferred it to Charles.

[Rose: The process wt smoothly, However, it's to sure that you don't get messed up by the Land of the Dead., give me a coordinate, and I'll have your back.]


As the portal was transmitted to Charles, far away in the Serpt Empire, Yggdrasil suddly oped her eyes.

Her light gre brows showed not only surprise but also an dless complexity.

Just wh she thought all was lost, she had found that elusive rat.

Due to the significant involvemt of the Land of the Dead and Rose's special status, Yggdrasil had deliberately left a trace of her will on both portals.

Do not underestimate this will, it carried an avatar of a tth-tier powerhouse, capable of easily wiping out an tire region where an Overlord had descded.

Who would have thought… she would discover something interesting?

The despicable Overlord, who had tangled himself with her royal sister and… herself, was actually in the Sere Forest?

Yggdrasil slowly closed her eyes, recalling the rect days.

Despite not losing her virginity, she was plagued by the curse of the Twin Serpts, reliving the excruciating memory of being ravished by a massive pis.

"To humiliate me in such a manner… despicable!" Ultimately, Yggdrasil couldn't swallow her anger.

With a cold snort, she instantly descded to the clouds above the portal's location.

This time, she had arrived in her true form and thus saw the Observer high above at t thousand meters.

"Hmph, no wonder he could conquer that wretch. With such abilities, he's quite a promising Overlord." Yggdrasil muttered to herself with a cold snort.

Yggdrasil's desct wasn't to annihilate Charles and Medusa but simply to see what kind of man he was.

What kind of man could make her proud royal sister willing to adopt all sorts of lascivious positions, begging to be ravished by him? Could it be merely because of that twty-ctimeter-long pis?

Thinking about those countless nights of soul-piercing pleasure, Yggdrasil's face, for once, showed a rare blush.

She had to admit, in terms of lovemaking, that man could satisfy not only her royal sister but also herself.

Suddly, a dse surge of death ergy rushed toward her.

Yggdrasil confirmed it immediately, the disturbance in the Sere Forest was indeed caused by the Land of the Dead.

So Rose hadn't lied, she also knew that man...

She focused her gaze and saw a strikingly handsome young man.

He had short blond hair and a very appealing appearance.

Yggdrasil ran her fingers through her own hair in frustration, the destructive ergy in her hand flickering.

She was torn betwe annihilating the Sere Forest in one fell swoop and imprisoning Medusa, whose life was tied to hers, to curse her into eternal darkness again.

"Princess Rose's and my family's elders have a good relationship. If I destroy this place, I would be letting the former Emperor down..." Yggdrasil kept brainwashing itself and finally decided to let Charles off this time.

Wh he appears in the Land of Turmoil, she would personally capture him and bring him to her palace.

Th... she would ravage him in front of Medusa!


Meanwhile, in the Zerg territory, Charles and the two wom looked at the portal in front of them with delight.

With this tool, they had a much better chance of overcoming the currt crisis.

"Master! With this portal, we can resolve the situation in the Sere Forest!" Medusa, a connoisseur of such artifacts, quickly recognized the legdary portal.

A portal is esstially a connector imbued with spatial ergy, allowing for spatial teleportation over a distance of up to twty thousand miles. Hce, it's also known as a teleportation gate.

"Medusa, what exactly does this portal do?" Catherine, not being a local, was unfamiliar with such advanced tools.

Before Medusa could answer, Charles explained the usage of the portal.

After explaining, Charles had a peculiar look on his face.

Honestly, if most of his conversations with Rose wer't purely academic, he might have suspected that the Succubus had a thing for him.

Ev at his sixth tier, he had only heard rumors about such a thing as a portal.

He had to admit, the Serpt Emperor Yggdrasil was truly extravagant!

Suddly, a bone-chilling cold veloped him, as if he were being watched by a terrifying presce.

Fortunately, that gaze didn't linger long, or rather, the strong emotions behind it didn't last long, and soon that feeling disappeared.

The mysterious gaze seemed to stir his desires, making his mouth dry.

But now was not the time for lustful thoughts. With the portal in hand, Charles quickly set his plan into motion.

First, he would use the Observer to scan the area and find out how many Land of the Dead nodes there were in the Sere Forest.

Catherine had already used the Observer to determine this: "Master, according to the Observer, there are six nodes in the Sere Forest."

"Apart from the one suppressed by Little Gre, the other five are distributed in the four cardinal directions, with two in the west. Take a look."

Charles and Medusa glanced at the hand-drawn map Catherine had made, forming a rough idea of the geographical layout.

Next came the division of tasks and the teleportation

This was straightforward: each person would handle a node.

Catherine's node required significant Zerg support because she needed to leave her Que's avatar at the factory to rapidly produce troops, so she would swap nodes with Little Gre.

For the others, it was simple, they just needed to cover the remaining nodes.

Looking at the distribution map, Charles pointed to a northern location and said gravely, ""Is this place the Forest of Elves where Eve is?"

Catherine nodded, her tone worried: "That's right. The Forest of Elves where Eve resides is twty kilometers east of that node. I'm also considering whether we should gather the population from that area."

After all, she had observed that Eve's minions were primarily wood elves and wind elves, with no dark elves or flower elves who specifically targeted souls.

Charles shook his head upon hearing this and decided to ask directly in the channel.

[Charles: Eve, there's a node adjact to the Land of the Dead near your area. Do you need support?]

The reply came quickly.

[Eve: So you know about it too. No worries. Amy mtioned the discovery of the node to me earlier. With the currt combat strgth of the Forest of Elves, suppressing one node is no problem at all!]

So that's how it is?

Eve said she didn't need help, and giv what he knew about the Augustine family, Charles felt she probably truly didn't need assistance.

In that case, only one node remained.

And this node was the one that left Charles and the others feeling the most helpless. He didn't have the capacity to handle it, so he could only let the Overlords form an alliance to deal with it themselves.

[Charles: Everyone, there are a total of six nodes leading to the Land of the Dead. I've already assigned people to handle five of them. The remaining one is up to you all. Here are the coordinates.]

Giv the large number of Overlords, Charles couldn't just use the portal to transport them all. At most, he could move the high-tier Overlords in advance.

He could only hope... that this war betwe the living and the dead would d quickly, so he could turn his atttion to other spatial nodes.

He must not allow the Sere Forest to suffer the same fate as the kingdom trapped in the mural!

"Master, sd me to that node now." Medusa said, performing a complex gesture with a determined tone.

"A few second- and third-tier monsters? I can suppress them all by myself!"

Charles understood the urgcy of the situation and quickly coordinated with the Overlords in that area, finally sding Medusa to the western node.

After a dizzying teleportation, Medusa oped her eyes and quickly located the node amidst the withered and dse forest.

Seeing the humanoid monsters, a smile appeared on her face—one that Charles and the others had never se before.

It was quite wild!

She softly murmured, "Trash, come at me all at once!"

In the next second, the serpt's head devoured everything.

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