I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 49: Rose: I'm Still a Virgin!

In the Forest of Elves, Eve gazed with a sanctified expression at the defiant elves before her.

How should one put it?

Eve perceived that there were indeed distinctions among the elves, and those distinctions were far from trivial.

Take herself, for instance—confidt and poised, undoubtedly a figure of royalty.

But what about the others?

"You, the blasphemous fall elf who desecrates the Mother Tree! You deserve to perish in this calamity! We will watch from the Underworld as you descd step by step into the abyss, ultimately joining us!" The leader of the elves kept hurling abuses.

Whoever said elves were all graceful and incapable of cursing?

Eve was certain that person had never countered an elf before. These pointy-eared creatures could curse quite filthily!

Before she could retort elegantly, a dark cresct slash severed the heads of the cursing elves.

A stern elf, shrouded in darkness, appeared before Eve, her swinging dark blade a testamt to her handiwork.

Seeing this, Eve sighed and pinched her sister Amy's cheek with a look of helplessness: "My dear sister~ this is the tth time you've slain them. They can't be permantly eradicated, they'll merely resurrect!"

Amy shook his head slightly, his expression resolute. "Que Majesty, I am aware."

"These elves have spok insoltly, and causing them some pain is already a success. Whether they can be killed or not is of no consequce."

"After all, there is no better whetstone than this."

Hearing this, Eve thought to herself that he had a point. However, these creatures should not be used for Amy's training.

Her man had warned her that these abominations were extremely dangerous and needed to be dealt with swiftly!

Sure ough, as soon as the group of elves heard what the dark elf said, they immediately fell silt, glaring at them with a look of suppressed anger.

This made Eve marvel at the wonders of these beings. Ah, the otherworld was truly a colorful era~

Unlike the mundane reality of her past, where she could only gage in corporate battles. That was too dull, wasn't it?

With a gtle demeanor, she ruffled Amy's hair and softly said, "These creatures cannot be left alive. Your que has found a way to completely eradicate them."

"Come, Amy, learn this soul-severing technique first. In the future, whever we counter a revant, we'll use this to finish them off!"

Hearing her que speak so, Amy nodded slightly and took the book on the soul-severing technique.

Th, she tilted her head and asked, "Que Majesty, have you already thought of a way to deal with them?"

Eve nodded lightly, her tone relaxed. "Yes, sister managed to get some soul-severing techniques from a frid. These things can only be truly killed by targeting their souls!"

"Hmm... that frid happs to be your brother-in-law, who is also the co-owner of this Forest of Elves."

Upon hearing this, Amy was filled with shock. So, her Majesty had already be wooed by someone else?

It seemed her Majesty was quite satisfied with her currt partner, which piqued Amy's curiosity.

Curiosity aside, Amy began to peruse the soul-severing technique.

The more she read, the more familiar it seemed.

As if... she had used this technique before?

In the next momt, a faint light appeared on Amy's weapon, its sharpness pott ough to annihilate souls!

The elves who were bound ssed the chanted blade and instantly grew tse.

For they could truly feel the threat of death emanating from it.

This time, death would be final—no resurrection.

Desperation set in, and they started begging for mercy, hoping that the bevolt que would forgive their insolce.

After all, they were used to Eve's saintly compassion before their deaths.

But to their despair, Eve was smiling as she watched Amy, dark blade in hand, inch closer to them.

"Anyone who offds Her Majesty shall be slain by me!" Amy muttered coldly to herself, th mercilessly swung her weapon, severing their necks one by one.

Moreover, she did so deliberately slowly, as if taking pleasure in observing the elves' final momts of agony.

To have their souls disintegrate in boundless terror—that was the ultimate punishmt for them!

"Que Majesty, the traitors have all be executed." Amy said softly, standing beside Eve with a touch of warmth in her voice.

Eve nodded slightly, tidying her somewhat disheveled hair and gtly stroking her smooth chin with her fingers.

After a momt of contemplation, she asked Amy, "Amy, have you studied the soul-severing technique before?"

Amy hesitated for a momt before nodding, her tone uncertain. "Que Majesty, I have memories of using these techniques, but... I don't remember ever learning them."

The only thing she clearly remembered was that Eve in front of her was her que, an allegiance seemingly imprinted in her soul.

"Damn, what a waste of calling him 'Daddy'!" Eve muttered, massaging her forehead in frustration.

She was a girl, after all, and if it wasn't absolutely necessary, why would she resort to calling him 'Daddy' so casually?

Amy continued, "Que Majesty, although I don't know why I have these memories, I am certain that I am very familiar with soul techniques."

"Familiar ough that most soul-severing techniques feel instinctive once I see them..."


[Eve: Daddy! Can you give me a soul-severing technique? I'm willing to pay!]

Charles was speechless. Was she treating him like an ATM?

[Charles: No nude photos this time. I'm no longer interested in your body, you know.]

[Eve: Tch, I'm not that shameless. I'll trade resources with you. I have money!]

Charles chuckled in disbelief, th proceeded to trade the surplus soul-severing technique items from his warehouse at market value.

After all... the soul techniques possessed by Medusa were far more advanced. A mere flick of her sleeve could unleash soul attacks.

His fiancée, connected by marriage in the real world and here as well.

After the exchange, the scre wt dark.

Charles was a bit surprised. Could it be that she wt to practice?

Wasn't Eve a nature elv que? This didn't seem like her specialty.

He shook his head, deciding not to dwell on it.

His fiancée wasn't foolish, she wouldn't do anything meaningless.

What could it be?

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

Suddly, the parchmt grew hot, like burning paper.

Charles didn't hesitate and immediately oped it.

It was a reply from Rose!

[Rose: The situation you're describing… it's something ev the Succubus Clan hasn't countered, or perhaps the long years have made the Succubus Clan forget about the Land of the Dead.]

[Rose: I'm currtly on my way to the clan's library. I remember it supposedly has the most detailed records about the Land of the Dead.]

[Rose: Damn it! It's so hard to find. I have to turn the tire library upside down. Those damn clan members don't value knowledge at all!]

[Rose: Actually, my mother would be the most familiar with such matters, and I heard she once wt to the Land of the Dead alone for some business. But she's no longer in the realm, and I can't reach her.]

Charles meticulously recorded these messages, his face grave.

In the Contint of Overlord, there's an unwritt rule: the older something is, the more powerful it tds to be.

The Land of the Dead is considered a catastrophic evt of monumtal scale across the Contint of Overlord, rowned for its formidable power.

"It doesn't make sse. The Succubus Clan has such long lifespans, ev over thousands of years, they shouldn't have forgott so completely." Charles muttered, frowning.

He forgot that Succubus are esstially a bunch of beings obsessed with carnal pleasures.

As Rose mtioned, the clan members don't value knowledge.

The elders, having expericed such evts, could adapt to any changes within the clan, making the younger Succubus synonymous with ignorance.

In other words, the fact that Rose, a Succubus, was willing to scour non-sexual books for him showed considerable dedication.

[Charles: This region has already started expericing the phomon of the undead returning. I believe this is definitely the handiwork of the Land of the Dead.]

[Charles: Thank you, Princess Rose. I understand the effort you've put into searching through those ancit s. I, Charles, will repay this kindness.]

Charles took a deep breath, contemplating a decision.

He was considering using one of his Overlord aliases to contact the Serpt Emperor Yggdrasil.

The matter of the Land of the Dead was significant ough to pottially destabilize the tire realm.

The Succubus Clan had members spread across the Contint of Overlord, allowing them to relocate if necessary.

But the Serpt Empire was differt. Its territory, nestled in mountains and water, made mass migration exceedingly difficult.

In other words, regarding the Land of the Dead, he and the Serpt Emperor Yggdrasil shared a mutual depdcy—they would either thrive or perish together.

After all, no one wants to see their millnia-old legacy destroyed in their geration.

However… the main challge was how to anonymously communicate directly with Yggdrasil.

Charles rubbed his temples.

Besides that, he also had to sure his and Medusa's safety.

After all, the Serpt Emperor Yggdrasil had reached the tth tier, and it was rumored that beings of such a level possessed various formidable abilities.

Charles feared that as soon as he contacted her, Yggdrasil might sd an avatar in the next momt.

One minor skill could flatt the tire Sere Forest, rdering the Land of the Dead irrelevant.

Fortunately, Rose's quick response interrupted his thoughts, saving him from a momt of existtial dread.

[Rose: Well, technically, necromancers could also cause the resurrection of the dead. Their reputation is just terrible here, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.]

[Rose: And by the way, within the Succubus Clan, I'm actually considered a poor studt.]

[Rose: I'm still a virgin, damn it!]

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